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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3807895 No.3807895 [Reply] [Original]


Ever wanted to see what your favorite /bun/ dev says to his normalfag buddies but were to afraid to ask? Now you, too, can know all there is to know about the mating habits of /jp/ trips!

>> No.3807901
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Why do you do this?

>> No.3807903


>> No.3807895,1 [INTERNAL] 

bampu pantsu

>> No.3807906

I used to think Eksopl was cool...

>> No.3807908
File: 20 KB, 336x188, 1257487345021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Anonymous2007 stupid or just asking too many questions?

>> No.3807916


>> No.3807919

Bonus points if you can guess which is which, since most of them go by different names on /jp/.

>> No.3807922

They're all faggots, anyway.

>> No.3807934

Tell us.

>> No.3807946

what the goddamn fuck?

>> No.3807949

The board is pretty slow/pointless, but the channel is actually amusing most of the times.

Still, reported.

>> No.3807954

<Lain_> white ren is so tsun

>> No.3807954,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not everyone on #bun is a tripfag on /jp/, right?

Anyway, even though I use IRC myself, I cannot understand why you guys would want to lurk on something like #bun, much less post often on it like Jones.

>> No.3807970

VDZ always lets us know what he/she's doing: 37 actions!
For example, like this:
* VDZ reads Naruto

>> No.3808033

I see that Azurite is a regular visitor of that chatroom. I remember that name as being of a faggot, but I forgot exactly why he was considered one.

>> No.3808042

He's the nazi mod who doesn't ban enough.

>> No.3808060

>"lolis on the other hand, have the benefit of 2D"

>> No.3808067

>The loudest one was godzilla, who yelled 9.0% of the time!


>> No.3808069

Why are /bun/devs so shitty?

>> No.3808076

Fucking bot

>> No.3808090

>50 Cent: Blood on the Sand"

Who the fuck played that shit game?

>> No.3808115

I want Eksopl to fuck me in the ass then write statistics about said rape on the easymodo archive.

>> No.3808128

Hi, Dawson.

>> No.3808136
File: 40 KB, 500x500, new japanese cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3808144

My brother had the first 50 Cent game on xbox and a family friend got pissed and called him a race traitor when he found out he bought it.

Good times.

>> No.3808144,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't particularly like or speak in the IRC channel, but I just keep it open in case somebody needs to message me. I'll skim through it a couple times a day, but I don't think I've spoken a word in a month or two.

It's not an awful place, but the people there are too chatty and familiar with eachother for me and things get a bit too randum[/b] for my tastes. I guess IRC is not my thing.

>> No.3808144,2 [INTERNAL] 

Also, I fail at BBCode. What else is new?

>> No.3808144,3 [INTERNAL] 

>but the people there are too chatty and familiar with eachother for me

I'm not sure I understand this complaint, unless you're they same shy moe guy who said he was too afraid of jumping into the conversation. It seems to me having a friendly channel is preferable to everyone calling each other faggots all day.

>> No.3808144,5 [INTERNAL] 

To be fair, #bunbunmaru is a pretty decent channel, compared to the humongous faggotry that goes on in other 4chan related Rizon channels (#/jp/, #/a/, etc).

>> No.3808144,4 [INTERNAL] 

I post in it sometimes, but I mostly lurk and spy.

Why are Eskopl and Jonesy so shitty?

>> No.3808144,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a bad thing for those that actively speak in it, but it makes it hard for people like myself to jump in. Most people are friends with eachother while everybody besides the tripfriends are strangers to me.
Go away, /b/awson.
I refuse to set foot on any 4chan channels.

>> No.3808144,7 [INTERNAL] 

I jumped in just a few days ago and I'm friends with tons of people in there already.

Who am I kidding, everyone hates me. But it's still somewhat fun.

>> No.3808144,8 [INTERNAL] 

All of the non tripfriends became friendly to each other by talking. I don't think anyone came into the channel already friends.

>> No.3808144,9 [INTERNAL] 

#bunbunmaru is Jonesy's circlejerk paradise.

>> No.3808144,10 [INTERNAL] 

People always mess with me whenever I go on an IRC channel.

>> No.3808144,11 [INTERNAL] 

Which is probably why I shouldn't have stopped speaking after the first month. Now I am just a silent lurker while everybody is acquainted with eachother.

But yeah, I feel uncomfortable in chat rooms. How people can speak in front of 40 people without anxiety is beyond me.

Hey, you, get out of here.

>> No.3808144,12 [INTERNAL] 

No Sion.

>> No.3808144,13 [INTERNAL] 

/bun/ dev confirmed for faggot.

>> No.3808144,14 [INTERNAL] 

I was since of feeling panicked all the time while there, so I just stopped talking.

>> No.3808144,15 [INTERNAL] 

Ouch, /b/awson. Why do you have to be so mean?

>> No.3808144,16 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off Eksopl.

>> No.3808144,19 [INTERNAL] 

Woman detected.

>> No.3808144,21 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have a distinct posting style unless I talk about how I want Jonesy to shit on me and take my anal virginity, which I did not in that post.

So either you're lying or the /bun/ dev is just assuming everybody who posts inflammatory or disagreeable comments is me.

>> No.3808144,22 [INTERNAL] 

I thought we were under the agreement that Bawson was just an urban-myth.

>> No.3808144,24 [INTERNAL] 

You're speaking to unknown numbers of people right now. It's not like IRC is much less anonymous anyway. If you embarrass yourself, you can always just change your name.

>> No.3808144,25 [INTERNAL] 

Imageboards feel different, since I don't have a name and can spend a while thinking out my posts. I'm much more prone to embarrassment on IRC.

>> No.3808144,26 [INTERNAL] 

He's real, there are other bawsons though
Some trolls/Annoying posters have their little imitators (KoG, Lanced Jack, etc)

>> No.3808144,27 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, you can now chat anonymously on #bunbunmaru. There's a bot named JapaneseBird, and if you send him any message, he will send that message to #bunbunmaru without your name.
Only I can see who's sending which message.
To PM JapaneseBird, double-click him and send messages through the query window, or type /msg JapaneseBird MESSAGE.

>> No.3808144,28 [INTERNAL] 

Swear to never look at the list of message to JapaneseBird and you got yourself a great bot.

>> No.3808144,29 [INTERNAL] 

Terrible bot, unless you block out everyone expect the people who never talk in a usual situation.

>> No.3808144,30 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see why it matters.

>> No.3808144,31 [INTERNAL] 

How so?

How would that make the bot work rather than letting anyone use it?

>> No.3808144,32 [INTERNAL] 

Because of the obvious abuse that it's getting. Instead of a tool for shy-moe lurkers it's a way to be lol so randum without consequence.

>> No.3808144,33 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus Christ, I'm glad I stayed away from this IRC faggotry.

>> No.3808144,34 [INTERNAL] 

Unless our shy-moe lurkers are really like this at heart, in which case go back to being shy.

>> No.3808144,35 [INTERNAL] 

It's new so it'll get used that way for today. Eventually, everything will go back to normal. However, I don't see how it'll affect the shymoe population. They'll still be hindered by the "40 people" syndrome.

>> No.3808144,36 [INTERNAL] 

Nice. Now I actually might start going to bun's IRC. Does #/jp/ have anything similar to the JB bot?

>> No.3808144,37 [INTERNAL] 

I can't swear that for the simple reason that I need to be able to ban people who abuse it (for example by simply spamming stuff) from using the bot. However, I won't look at the messages unless it's necessary.

>> No.3808144,38 [INTERNAL] 

Bots are terrible. People are only using them to harass and make really bad ero dialogue.

>> No.3808144,39 [INTERNAL] 

Um, you're terrible.

>> No.3808144,40 [INTERNAL] 

Momiji is a terrible girl... ( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.3808144,41 [INTERNAL] 

>>3808144,32 >>3808144,38
This is sad, but true.

* Momiji grabs dick
* Momiji puts on his robe and wizard hat
<+JapaneseBird> *touches Momiji's breasts*

I guess I should have anticipated this.
However, >>3808144,37 contradicts the entire purpose of the bot.

>> No.3808144,42 [INTERNAL] 

Momiji smells like dog crotch.

>> No.3808144,43 [INTERNAL] 

Here's what I learned from playing Mafia on IRC: check probable suspects' idle time right after bot posts a message, and you will 99% have the culprit.

>> No.3808144,44 [INTERNAL] 

Why is #bunbunmaru so shit?

>> No.3808144,45 [INTERNAL] 

>Momiji smells like Aya crotch.

>> No.3808144,46 [INTERNAL] 

The Ghostboard sucks. Its so slow.

>> No.3808144,47 [INTERNAL] 

Then go post in /a/.

>> No.3808144,48 [INTERNAL] 

The ghostboard would be better if Eksopl didn't stalk the users. I think he likes me.

>> No.3808144,49 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry to say, but nobody likes you, /b/awson-chan.

>> No.3808144,50 [INTERNAL] 

>Jonesy posting without his trip again

>> No.3808144,51 [INTERNAL] 

Nice novelty trip, you're no longer allowed to post without it.
Also, quit mis-identifying posts.

>> No.3808144,52 [INTERNAL] 

It's sad that the only place Dawson can go to get his e-penis stroked is the ghost board.

>> No.3808144,53 [INTERNAL] 

If by stroked you mean run over repeatedly with a lawnmower.

>> No.3808144,54 [INTERNAL] 

That's a lie, I get attention all the time on /jp/. I even have people posting Dawson threads for me, so I can spend my time shitting up /jp/ with other things.

>> No.3808144,55 [INTERNAL] 

How do you even live with being such a loathsome degenerate? If I were you I would have ended myself ages ago for the better of the world.

>> No.3808144,56 [INTERNAL] 

But you're Jonesy or a /bun/ dev, you're not one to speak about loathsome.

>> No.3808144,57 [INTERNAL] 

At least they don't try to make people hate them.

>> No.3808144,58 [INTERNAL] 

Trolls back in my days used to be more versatile. They didn't just rely on gimmicks like this Bawson guy, KoGs, or Taiko. A true troll can get people frustrated in any situation. I hate to say this, but in terms of quality, Arc is god tier compared to bawson. You never know when Arc is going to shit up an entire thread with his blatant stupidity. But all this bawson guy can do is rely on his gimmick. Dawson's flow chart:

Attempt a troll -> did troll fail? -> repost bawson image -> did the bawson image fail? -> start a meta thread about bawson.

>> No.3808144,59 [INTERNAL] 

they aren't trolls, they are just eyesores with gimmicks

>> No.3808144,60 [INTERNAL] 

Even if you do said gimmicks because you openly hate the board?

>> No.3808144,61 [INTERNAL] 

A troll isn't a malicious poster, a troll is an attempt to get as many replies as quickly as possible with little regard to the method.

>> No.3808144,62 [INTERNAL] 

actually it just tries to enrage people

>> No.3808144,63 [INTERNAL] 

Serious replies. Replies calling you a troll and telling you to shove off don't count.

>> No.3808144,64 [INTERNAL] 

Of course they count. Any attention is good attention.

>> No.3808144,65 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't say that. Bad trolls only try to enrage people. Trolls try to incite a reaction, and simple rage becomes boring pretty quickly.

>> No.3808144,66 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't call /b/awson a troll. As suigin said, he's just an eyesore with a gimmick.

>> No.3808144,67 [INTERNAL] 

> Implying Bawson isn't every /jp/ user.

>> No.3808144,68 [INTERNAL] 

Go away, you and every one of these annoying creatures.


>> No.3808144,69 [INTERNAL] 

You're not a troll, Katsu-kun, you're a shitposter.
There is a difference.

>> No.3808144,70 [INTERNAL] 

Best meme, EVER.

>> No.3808144,71 [INTERNAL] 

>>3808144,69 Katsu-kun, you're a shitposter.

>> No.3808144,72 [INTERNAL] 

/v/ memes have no place on /jp/.

>> No.3808144,73 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, it's epic lulz.

>> No.3808144,74 [INTERNAL] 

Don't insult Dawson, he's my boyfriend.

>> No.3808144,75 [INTERNAL] 

>You're not a troll, Katsu-kun, you're a shitposter.

>> No.3808144,76 [INTERNAL] 

I tried to stop people from saying that, I really did, but there was just too many of them.

>> No.3808144,77 [INTERNAL] 

It's impossible at this point, anyways. /jp/ has been infected with the /v/ virus for a while now.

>> No.3808144,78 [INTERNAL] 


Why you do this, Eksopl

>> No.3808144,79 [INTERNAL] 

Because #bunbunmaru is the new #raspberryheaven in his mind?

>> No.3808144,80 [INTERNAL] 

But #rh was good.

>> No.3808144,81 [INTERNAL] 

[16:33] <Sanakan> I wonder if a vegan feels a moral dilemma when eating semen

#bun is the home of classy conversation.

>> No.3808144,82 [INTERNAL] 

Too much randum for me.

>> No.3808144,83 [INTERNAL] 

You know you love me~

>> No.3808144,84 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you think I stalk you in IRC?

>> No.3808144,85 [INTERNAL] 

Even when you realize nobody loves you, you can take comfort in the fact that I'll always be there for you, Jonesy~ ♥

>> No.3808144,86 [INTERNAL] 

There are no funny quotes in the funny quotes but the mugen one and the anonymous2007 one. Kill yourselves.

>> No.3808144,87 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man, this takes me back.
I miss VDZ, he was great entertainment.

>> No.3808144,88 [INTERNAL] 

Why is #bun so shitty?

>> No.3808144,89 [INTERNAL] 

Because ZUN!bar doesn't go there.

>> No.3808144,90 [INTERNAL] 

>Because nobody goes there.
there you go
