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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3806330 No.3806330 [Reply] [Original]

Where would you go if moot deleted /jp/?

>> No.3806333


>> No.3806332

inside moot's anus

>> No.3806334

Hang on the other boards of 4chan I visit regularly.

>> No.3806340

dunno.. gaia?

>> No.3806345


>> No.3806346

/jp/'s shitty anyway, who cares?

>> No.3806347

spam /a/ with figs, vns and touhou until he got sick of it and created a new board for /a/ rejects.

this sounds familiar.

>> No.3806349

Back to /tg/ i guess.

>> No.3806353


>> No.3806364

Kill myself

>> No.3806370

Back to /tg/ until I find an alternative to /jp/.

>> No.3806386

Return to /a/,chase out the shounen fags and spammer and reclaimed it for touhou, VNs and mature anime for mature people only.

>> No.3806396

/a/, /v/, /tg/, /d/, and a bit of /u/

You know, the boards I go to anyways.

>> No.3806409

Go back to /tg/, /a/, /v/ and /bun/

>> No.3806413

A better question would be :
Where would you go if moot deleted /hc/?

>> No.3806422

/sp/, /v/ and more time over on 2ch. /jp/ would be no big loss really.

>> No.3806423

somewhere that I will not post on /jp/

>> No.3806437

Sorry, but we don't even want you back.

>> No.3807771
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>> No.3807786

/g/, it's pretty much /jp/ with computers

>> No.3807794


>> No.3807796

why did he delete /hc/? too much spam?

>> No.3807800

I think you mean "when Moot deletes /jp/".

>> No.3807814

Probably back to /a/ since it's the closest thing, or that's what I'd like to say if /a/ wasn't just /b/ with shounen.

>> No.3807827

Moot would never delete /jp/. This is our containment cell. If we already make touhou and VN threads on /a/, /tg/ or even /co/, when /jp/ breaks we will claim all of 4chan for us.

>> No.3807828


>> No.3807840

To find Moot and end this once and for all.

>> No.3807845

No wonder /jp/ is shit.

>> No.3807849


I'd probably be really butthurt and give up on the image board thing for quite a few months. After the butthurt subsided a bit, I would likely find one of the many alternative /jp/ boards out there on the net. Perhaps I would even venture back to boards like /a/ and /o/ on 4chan, until the rage set in of course.

>> No.3807851

Too much spam. Too many requests. Too many idiots.

Think like if /jp/ had a child with /r/, /h/, /a/ and /s/, and the child was retarded and beaten on the head with a mace.

>> No.3807852

If /jp/ was deleted, I'd go to where every other /jp/er would go, /bun/.

>> No.3807860

i'd become a shitty triptroll and turn the most popular boards into living hells

>> No.3807870

To /a/. That's why he never would.

>> No.3807865



>> No.3807869


And that's different from now how?

>> No.3807871

/tg/ obviously

>> No.3807872

>Where would you go if moot deleted /jp/?
A better question would be what I'd do.

An answer to that is: spam Captain Planet pictures on /a/ via tor.

>> No.3807878

Hey, me too

>> No.3807879

It's pretty much the only other place I go to anyway.

Fuck yeah, room threads every day.

>> No.3807881

I think I've never opened that board. I get all my fap material in doujinshi/fan art/VN form and /hc/ doesnt really help me with those..

>> No.3807888

I'd post /jp/ stuff in /a/ and visit /g/ just like I do nowadays.
And is it only me or does /g/ share a big portion of its userbase with /jp/?

>> No.3807892

i dont troll and the only popular board I visit is /a/

>> No.3807898


I'm still butthurt over the loss of /l/ and that was ages ago.

>> No.3807907


>> No.3807909
File: 567 KB, 1600x1200, currykart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go on another Magical Curry Tour through the US, Mexico, and Canada.

>> No.3807915

Back to /a/ because moot would turn it into the old /a/ again.

>> No.3807917

No curry in Mexico, but you might want to taste Mole, it is kinda similar.

>> No.3807921

You're confused - I am not the customer.

>> No.3807925

The other boards I visit - /tg/, /bun/

>> No.3807928

SF first.

>> No.3807947

to /co/ for a change of pace.

>> No.3807950


>> No.3807956


>> No.3807960


>> No.3807972


Reported for ban evasion. AGAIN.

>> No.3807977


>> No.3807980

> Where would you go if moot deleted /b/?
Fixed to more accurately reflect the majority of posters ITT.
Protip: /a/, /v/, and /g/ are just themed /b/ boards. Fuck, so is /jp/ ;_;

>> No.3807985


>Anonymous Jones

You're the SHiN of /jp/. Faggot.

>> No.3807994

wouldn' t that be Miles?
with the whole "SATORI IS MY WAIFU <333" threads

>> No.3807997

Jones is the Jonesy of /jp/. And (unfortunately) he's correct about the other boards. /g/ is not as obvious as the others, but once you go to it, you'll see why it's /b/ with computers. The only board on par with /jp/ is /tg/. But their board's topic is not to my liking.

>> No.3808000

I don't get that reference because I'm not a faggot, so yeah!

>> No.3808007

SHiN is a guy who acts like a girl on /a/ and makes a fuckton of "Kagamin is my waifu <3333" threads
he likes lucky star unironically thats the only thing you have in common

>> No.3808011

/jp/ and /tg/ is almost alike except that one is lawful good and the other is chaotic/neutral evil

>> No.3808012
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who doesn't like lucky star unironically? fantastic show.

>> No.3808017

If you like shit art, poor writing, and stolen jokes, sure maybe.

>> No.3808021


>Implying both aren't neutral evil.

>> No.3808024

You just tsundere for it.

>> No.3808041


Retarded fag.
