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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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380480 No.380480 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/? Wanna hang out? Tomorrow at Round ONE in Umeda, Osaka. I'll be wearing a gray hood which is not common there. 'm Not japanese.

>> No.380481

Get the fuck out Gaiafag

>> No.380482

possibility of sex?

>> No.380485


>> No.380497

Same gaiafag

>> No.380498

I'd go if I were in Osaka

>> No.380505

Well, where are you then?

>> No.380512

Denmark, Europe

about as far from Japan as you can get, I think.

>> No.380517

you guys dont even know eachothers gender yet.... I'm forced to draw the same conclusion as this man >>380497

>> No.380529

Umeda is awesome. I stayed at a pretty nice hotel in what I'm pretty sure is some kind of red light district there.

Took me a while to find the Toranoana near there because I'm not used to FUCKING UNDERGROUND CITIES like Whity, but nice store. Go there if someone actually comes to hang out with you.

>> No.380540



not extremely far

>> No.380565
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>> No.380598

and topic dies

>> No.380606

yo hvad så.

>> No.380612
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>> No.380643

ikke så meget ._.

sage to prevent people RAGE over non-English/Japanese language

>> No.380660

hmm der er sku da endelig mange dansker her på /jp/ : S

Also sage.

>> No.380663

I'd be wary of meeting channers, even if they post on /jp/

tokyofag here

>> No.380666

anti sage, 1 post destroyed your efforts

>> No.380671

fordi "mange" = "2-3 stykker"?

det er måske flere end man skulle tro.

>> No.380672


why afraid of we saying hello to you in an approperiate japanese manner?

>> No.380674

Well now this thread is about /jp/, so you are sort of belonging here.

>> No.380678

Tror sku der er flere end 2-3. Hvem ved det er anonymt.

>> No.380681

sort of.

the only "possibility of sex" is getting raped in the ass by some smelly overweight expat. no girls on the interbutts, etc.

>> No.380699

>det er anonymt
= noget af det bedste ved det hele

my first thought was "it's a trap", but you could always just go away if you're able to see the gray hood from a distance

>> No.380707


Fucking Danefags and your silly language made me read English with a Danish accent.

>> No.380720

oh lawd! Fucking hate that accent!

nemlig ; P og det ser ud til at vi er 3 stykker i den her tråd nu.

>> No.380728

How do I got from Kyushu to Osaka

>> No.380730


>> No.380738

ehhh.... how many polish are there even on the internet?

>> No.380740

Ander Fogh er det bedste eksempel på dansk accent.

>> No.380745

Apparently virtually every young Polish person uses the internets

>> No.380747

Han er det danske billed, der vender ud mod verden.... og forhelvede hvor er jeg flov over ham.

>> No.380748

but do they go to /jp/?

>> No.380753

Listen to this man!

>> No.380775

Probably not.

Although I have met one Polish weeaboo.

She was a girl at that.

>> No.380788

I hope you got good surprise secks out of that encounter.
Otherwise you are a failure of an anon... unless she was 3d pig disgusting.

>> No.380796

Yeah, most real girls are 3D.

>> No.380793


But they usually lurk on myspace-like sites (polish equalivments, our youngsters don`t know shit about english). I know only one polish 4channer.

But touhouVN forum has at least 3 polish tripfags (Hong Meiling, YandereAliceFag and one anonymous).

>> No.380808

suddenly this thread was hijacked by polish and danish people.

>> No.380809


Have you ever met a 2D real girl?
Oh, wait... in b4 car accident guro

>> No.380850

What an interesting thread.
