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3798260 No.3798260 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about it? Does a novel need it to be good, or does it get in the way of the story? My apologies for bringing up a subject you've probably already discussed before, but I'm curious since I'm starting to write one.

>> No.3798274

It gets in the way if its oddly out of place or poorly written in relation to the rest of the novel. If its not a sex romp, then usually that sex would have to have some sort of meaning behind it in relation to the novel else it does nothing but detract from the plot.

>> No.3798273
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>I'm starting to write one

>> No.3798281

If you can't figure out how to keep the readers' attention, it sure helps. It changes the selling point, but it helps.

>I'm starting to write one
Good luck with that.

>> No.3798287
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>since I'm starting to write one.

>> No.3798292

Depends. If I'm reading for story, or even just romancing girls, then I prefer no ero content. If I'm playing an eroge for fapping, then I don't care about a good story, I just want great H scenes.

>> No.3798298

An ero scene never hurt a game. Sure some visual novels work without them but it's better to have them.

>> No.3798307

For instance, if you have a contract killer who abstains from sex because it leads to a personal relationship, which is dangerous to a professional, and then ends up having to associate with a client/woman for an extended time period, to the point where he ends up feeling physical attraction, and then he finally gives up and has his way with her, then ends up getting shot in order to save her, but then he smiles as he's dying and thinks "She was worth it, yeah?".

It works, because the moral of the story relates to the act of sex.

The moral of the story is, obviously, that women will get you killed, especially if you get into a relationship with them.

>> No.3798312

I'll agree with this. A bad sex scene in a good VN does nothing but make it look cheap and bad.

>> No.3798318

> An ero scene never hurt a game

Not true

>> No.3798322

What will it be about?

>> No.3798316
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Yeah, I'll take my time since I'm not sure how I'd sell it, but I just personally don't read visual novels for sex regardless of whether it's in there or not. I suppose what I meant to ask was what people look for when reading a visual novel.

>> No.3798324

Yes, they are the sole reason I play them. I don't give a crap about all that story and characters bullshit.

>> No.3798337

Novels always have implied sexual relations, I guess that's one way to go. The trick is to not leave your readers blueballed. Close/emotional scenes work too.

>> No.3798340


>> No.3798355

Well, if you are going add them, at least try to make them a bit more of the short and sweet variety, or perhaps more metaphorical than physical) - and definitely do no try to model the Japanese style. If you are looking for a pretty nice way to write porn somewhat seriously and sensibly into a serious story, check out some of Tom Wolfe's stuff.

>> No.3798372

It gets in the way like in some leaf games.

>> No.3798394
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Short version is: Completely forgettable man ends up in the Moriya Shrine in Gensokyo from the outside world, where someone has been sabotaging the preparations for the summer festival.

I have plans for 5 heroines (one might be cut because I'm not sure about her personality yet - poor kappa) and about 25 endings; some require sex and some don't. So far I have an outline and rough drafts of about 5 scenes written, so I'm not very far in.

I honestly don't expect to get very far this winter, but I'll take a break from classes in either spring or summer and I'll probably write the music and work out the bulk of the scenes then.

>> No.3798402
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>another fucking touhou fan VN

>> No.3798397

This. Games like Tears and Untawaremono throw them at you out of nowhere.

>> No.3798409

I'm not that guy, but for me, and example would be in LB!EX (I know I've mentioned the VN numerous times).

After I finally finished Refrain, I wanted to do Sasasegawa's route because I really like her, but basically what happens is, "I love you." "Hey I love you too." "Ok let's have sex." and then they do, and it has pretty much no impact on the ending, and seemed really out of place. (Not to mention the sex scenes in LB are pretty bad.)

>> No.3798438
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The idea is to make it good enough to stand on its own merits, whether or not you care about touhou. It might not be ORIGINAL CONTENT DON'T STEAL but I think the story will turn out well if I polish it up.

>> No.3798441

H content is the only reason to play VN's.

>> No.3798446
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>Moriya Shrine
Good man.

>> No.3798458

Kanon. I really wished I had played the all ages version. The ero scenes were horrible and the CG was even uglier than the rest of the VN and overall they just made me feel bad.

Some VNs like YMK just have too many ero scenes that usually contribute nothing to the plot or character relations.

If it fits the story, go ahead.

>> No.3798470
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It makes the absolute most sense of any of the locations I could think of, considering reimu is a terrible heroine (in VN terms) and Marisa would also make a bad main heroine (but an amazing secondary heroine). Eientei is also a good location but it's not really a good one to start at for an outsider.

>> No.3798482

I'd feel a lot better about touhou fan vns if one actually fucking finished.

>> No.3798504


I'd feel better about them if they weren't the same fucking shit over and over again. Faceless protag ends up in x part of gensokyou and has to solve x mystery before going home, shenanigans ensue along the way. They couldn't be more of an author self-insert if they tried. They're all such garbage, in a universe that's so rich with shit to work with.

>> No.3798549
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I'm not surprised a lot of visual novels don't get finished, honestly. It's a lot of work and I doubt a fan-made one would ever see much of a profit. It would probably be easiest to write a comic or story instead.

>> No.3798580

The only good narrative Touhou fangame is Touhou Mother, the end, don't even try.

>> No.3798590
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Once you're in Gensokyo, it makes no sense for you to go home. Even if you want to, there's no place for you to return to anymore. Also, "solving a problem" is the basic format of any non-fapfest VNs I've seen.

... If I were to write a fapfest, it would probably be something along the lines of "Tewi goes on a journey after stealing some of Eirin's medicine" and it would probably be mostly linear.

Plus, Bad Ends are so much easier for me to come up with for a 'normal' ending up in Gensokyo that, well, I

>> No.3798593


Gets in the way of the story.


Once the girl gets fucked, do they care that she's a virgin or lesbian in another route?

Nope. SLUT Rin is a top example that once you go down that route she is ruined forever.

>> No.3798651
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... hm. Accidentally hit Submit.

But it just seems like you'd see her a lot even though you'll never meet her alive.
