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File: 435 KB, 1276x965, mabinogi_2005_10_16_023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
379797 No.379797 [Reply] [Original]

so you need to pay to keep a guild going?

>> No.379813

I don't get it.

>> No.379817

I haven't played GRINDanogi since nexon still hasn't fixed any of the fuckton of bugs with the game keeping me from playing, but it also looks like there's quests that you need to pay real money to do or something.

Who the fuck pays to do quests?

>> No.379822

not me. i stopped playing. shit go boring fast.

>> No.379829

What bugs? I haven't come across any... then again I suppose I haven't really played that much.

>it also looks like there's quests that you need to pay real money to do or something.

Fuck that, why don't they just make it a pay2play game?

>> No.379832

mabinogi is the best MMO ever created.

>> No.379834


after Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine that is.

>> No.379837

too much MOON RUNES

>> No.379839
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does this count as a bug?

>> No.379841

because then they cant trick kids from maple story into playing another "free game"

>> No.379843

>Shin Megami Tensei
What the fuck? That game is shit. Mabinogi is one of the more decent titles to come out of Korea, but SMT is trash.

>> No.379846

Well, the problem that *I* have is that about every two seconds the game stutters.
Video and sound, both roughly every two seconds unless it's loading a different area, leading me to believe it's a video problem even though the sound does it too, since the music plays fine when loading areas.

This is just one of the fuckload of problems reported regularly on the mabinogi forums.

Oh, and I did try the wait for v-sync options.

>> No.379852

must pay 10$ a month to keep a guild or some shit.

>> No.379882


Mage in a tube

>> No.379884

only thing worth paying is the rebirth card

guild? just make a friend list scrub!

>> No.379889
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/v/ faggotry.

>> No.379896

$10? That's highway robbery!

>> No.379904

Hey faggot, how about you stop using words that you don't understand the meaning of?

>> No.379914

Does anyone here get the "Failed to load User Interface" error as well? Damn annoying, same for the "cultural ID" error everytime you connect, disconnect or want to take a screenshot.

>> No.379919

fuck yeah

>> No.379928

Lets raid Richard Nixon so we can get more free'ness!!!11Zomgone

>> No.381477
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I paid 8 dollars for my link to look like shit.

>> No.381510

Zephiris is leader of Hotglue and he is going to be paying for us

>> No.381509


wow, that's pretty awesome.

>> No.381518

Best part of the game is character creation.

>> No.381777

Zephiris is awesome.

>> No.381829

Game's getting boring for me. I have to grind another level just to get to rank D windmill. Since I'm age 10, I'll get 5 ap on Saturday, but I hate playing WAITAN GAEMS.

Can't join hotglue yet because they need to grind more guild points. I mean, wtf kind of game makes you grind to expand your guild? Apparently Mabinogi is KOREAN XTREME GRINDAN.

>> No.381876

actually lots of games make you grind to expand your guild. Otherwise there'd be way too many guilds because there are way too many n00bs.

Anyways, the only qualms I have with this game is that you actually have to pay to get any good. If you don't rebirth, you'll never get anywhere and end up sucking. That and characters with 1 or 2 rebirths will be twice or three times as strong as chars without rebirths. Imagine the people who're willing to rebirth like 10 times just for their rank 1 smash.

>> No.381900


its not nearly as imbalanced as you think. food grinding >>>>>> anything else in the long run. if you specialize your character you can be just as strong as someone who has rebirthed 10 times, it just might require much higher stats.

>> No.382024

And if the other person rebirths AND food grinds?

>> No.382052

well, you lose food boosts every time you rebirth

so they'd have to be mega grinders

>> No.382392

or they can just food grind after they're done rebirthing and have all their rank 1 skills

>> No.382435

>mabinogi is generic korean grindfest #37901.

>> No.382445

Wouldn't it be the other way around? If guilds have a player cap then noobs create multiple guilds because they can't fit everyone in one.

>> No.382460

No, they don’t give two shits abou
t noobs and guilds. They just wan
t your money.

>> No.382470

This game is pay-to-play subscription with free trial demo.

>> No.382484

Your playing a generic GRINDAN game, and the only reason your playing it is due to moe/loli factor.

You deserve to get screwed over.

>> No.382503

Every MMO is a grindan shithole, so people have to look into some other reason to play them, ie, loli.

>> No.382516

Could have picked one that isn't point-and-fucking-click though...

>> No.382523


>> No.382525


Maple Story.

>> No.382538

Phantasy Star Online

There are quite a few non-clickan MMO's you know...

>> No.382539

Using just that tactic will get you killed in Mabinogi.

>> No.382559

Yup, that's why I'm playing. I'm quite enjoying playing dress-up with my adorable loli. I finally saved up the 150k for Kirisnujan's (sp?) Half-Plate armor. Ah, she looks so sexy with her garters and zettai-ryouiki. And it's a lovely shade of purple that perfectly complements her hair. The interface being almost entirely mouse-driven is nice, since it makes playing one-handed that much easier.

>> No.382571


lol, instead of point and click it's arrow keys and hold control.

>> No.382574


Also, Maple Story is literally full of 5 year olds and gaiafags.

>> No.382576

Flysis is a point and click game. Just because you have to wiggle your mouse doesn't make it better.

Mabinogi is at least a rock-paperan sissors game.

>> No.382578

Soon your loli will grow up, and then Nexon has you where they want you.
You will pay

>> No.382584

You can only rebirth once every 3 weeks, and most rank 1 skills require over 150 ap. You'd have to be crazy specialized and a hardcore grinder to ever see rank 1 anything.

>> No.382677

Oh, I have no objections to paying. Hell, I played Everquest for 6.5 years and bought all 13 or whatever expansions along the way. I bought my premium character card as soon as the online store went live, and I'll be able to rebirth my loli for the first time tomorrow.

You'd get 14 from aging (assuming you rebirth to age 10, and rebirth every 21 days exactly) plus, let's say 30 from leveling (which is cake to achieve, even playing casually). That's 44 per cycle. Smash takes 183 AP, which is 4.159 cycles, or about 87 days.

To max Combat Mastery, Counterattack, Critical Hit, Defense, Smash, and Windmill is 1004 AP. That's 22.81 cycles, or about 479 days. So in about 16 months, you could go from new character to complete melee god.

If you add Final Hit into the mix, 414 additional AP are need. This brings the total to 32.227 cycles, or 676.772 days.

>> No.382905

Mmmm, do quests reset when you rebirth? If they do, then you'd get more from the quests that give AP...

>> No.382991

No, quests don't reset

>> No.383023

Unfortunately, no. So you can't redo the newbie quests for the 12 or 15 or whatever free AP you get. But you do get a few free AP here and there for upgrading certain skills. For example, when you hit rank D (or maybe it's C, I forget exactly) with Windmill, you get a quest to hit rank 9 with it. When you do, talk to Aranwen for 3 AP an some exp. Hooray, free stuff. I haven't gotten any similar quests for other skill, but almost all of my other skills are rank F still, so I dunno. orz.

>> No.383892


Why would you max defend and counter?

>> No.383921


music knowledge gets you 5 AP for reaching rank A, and its only 1 AP per rank (making it pretty much +30 int for 1 AP). only downside is that it requires EM to be open to get that far.

>> No.383960

Because the latter monsters and bosses deal FAR more damage than you ever will. Max counter will pwn them with their own damage.

Maxing defend also gives a hell lot more defense while defending, throw in the +35 defense with a kite shield, the bonus base defense that defend skill adds and you'll be taking almost no damage when you use defend (as opposed to still getting hit for like 80 damage while defending). Also, defense with shields is pretty much the only way to solo certain stuff (mainly the stuff that shoot things at you).

>> No.383961

It was for the sake of completeness while crunching the numbers. And if you've already maxed all the other stuff, then why not? Defend adds 15 base defense, which is a lot when you consider that a piece of armor fully upgraded can only reach 17 (and that comes at the expense of 1 protection and 5 durability). And rank 1 counter does some hardcore damage (200% of enemy's, +150% of yours, with a +10% critical). So once everything else is maxed, there's no reason not to.

>> No.384011

If guilds were free, imagine how many guildstones there would be everywhere!

>> No.384043

Guildstones are kind've a stupid idea anyway.

>> No.384124
File: 210 KB, 1016x674, 1207188395203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the reasons people should be playing for are the good story and the NON-GENERIC NPCS, FUCK!


>> No.384146

how do you get the lassar dilys quest?

dilys = best npc

>> No.384170
File: 164 KB, 1016x674, 1207188807911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Dilys' part-time job 51 times, and you get a new keyword you can talk to Lassar with.

Have fun.

>> No.384183

Way sexier than playing as a red spider.

>> No.384197

what, no faggot. Caitin is better.

>> No.384235
File: 9 KB, 128x256, 1207189461151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ronery without my mabinogi

>> No.384251

>Caitin is fatter.

>> No.384263


go work on your paper faggot

>> No.384274

Bitch needs to farm some berries

>> No.384285

Fucking archers.

>> No.384382
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, 1207190661919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else wanna go a lynchin' with me once unscheduled patch is over?

>> No.384387


>SMT is trash.

Tie yourself in a chair,ask a friend to put gasoline on you,then have him light you on fire. While the ropes are being burned fall out of the chair and shoot yourself and die with that bullet in you while dying from the fire.

And then never come back, you massive faggot.

>> No.384401

I agree

>> No.384624
File: 76 KB, 320x439, 1207192224916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMT IS trash. gb2 your weeaboo mmo, that's the only reason you play it

>> No.384663


>> No.384774

YES and YES I was at the brown golem in ciar basic for G1 it needed one freakin hit to die when it happened.

>> No.385085

yea, I was almost at the freaken end of first math G1 dungeon and... DC! *sigh* Oh wells, not like I would've gotten very far in the G1 quest since my Nao service expires tomorrow ;_;

>> No.385379


Fuck that, the game exploded when i had just received the boss room key of Fiodh.

>> No.385397

not like it matters you would have die a thousand deaths.

The boss is a fucking golem that knows unlimited blade works

>> No.385407


You best be kidding.

>> No.385412

Lols? Does that golem constantly summon flying swords or something?

>> No.385434

That golem's a weakling. I took off my glasses, equipped my knife, and cut its lines.

>> No.385433


>> No.385456

oh wait, does anyone get this bug in which monsters do not spawn for approx 1-9 minutes after killing everything in the damn room?

>> No.385462


That actually was two diffirent people you dumbass. Also,that was the worst use of saging I have ever seen.

I declare this man a troll in every sense of the word.

>> No.385624

Wow, I'd shit bricks. Is it possible to lure him out of the room? The flying swords were bad enough in Barri, I don't want to imagine an unlimited number of them

>> No.385634

... theres like 3
If you're having trouble with a golem or a flying sword, you're doing it wrong.

Both at once is understandable

>> No.385658

Hey, Mabinogi thread!

>> No.385684

Man I really suck, I'm lvl 20 and cant kill the golem in ciar beginner without dying 3 times.

Help? I can manage like 2 combat rounds untill he gigantasizes then i get raped repeatedly and die, then the process repeats with me getting a few hits in then dying.

>> No.385688

I've heard if you pull him out of the boss room he never levels up

>> No.385706

Unfortunately, I still have bad memories of trying to run through Barri, pulling mobs from the hall, someone opening the chest which spawned swords and trapped the mobs in that room for multi aggro AND after the swords died, MORE SWORDS SPAWNED. And those fucking swords level up fast.

>> No.385710


I lured him out and he went all HUUUEG and killed me from much farther away than I thought he could reach.

Killed him right after that without any problems, though. Firebolt kiting. Wouldn't have died at all if he wasn't demonically fast.

>> No.385711


hes a pretty standard mob. open with a firebolt (or smash if you dont have it, but you really should) and immediately defend. if he:

1. runs at you with no skill up, defend through it and attack him back
2. runs at you with a skill up, cancel defend and attack him through his smash
3. stands still with a skill up, start a smash and hit him through defend
4. starts a skill and raises his fist, cancel defend and run away, then as soon as he starts to slam his fist down hold shift to walk

repeat until dead. he will get bigger around 50% health, usually.

>> No.385742

Actually, if he's just standing there with a skill, theres a chance he's getting ready to windmill. I just fire or ice bolt him then go into counter. Icebolt usually takes him out of his skill and he'll charge at you immediately, like most mobs. Firebolt will knock him back, but he'll probably try another skill.

>> No.385772

I forgot to mention

After you do her part time job 51 times, you must talk to her about "Private Life"

Then you get the keyword.

Also, Golem is a haxing faggot

>> No.385777


I think 3 and 4 is where I lose it. I think hes doing defense but hes really using the earthquake thing.

>> No.385807
File: 289 KB, 500x757, 1207201545599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would /jp/nogi do if they knew there was private servers for Mabinogi?
Besides the ronery, you wouldn't have to deal with too much of the gigantic number of gaia / maple faggotry running around now currently.

>> No.385828

[x] fuck it

>> No.385829

Probably stay on the current Mabinogi since I've already put so much work into it. Also, the gaiafags aren't such a problem for me. Not all that bad actually. Might just be because I'm on Ruairi though.

>> No.385842

In all honesty, the gaiafags aren't that horrible. They're annoying pests, but those gaiafags are the ones running around amok everywhere and doing fucktons of dungeon runs and helping the economy along somehow.

Also, some of those gaiafags are atual decent people that can make good friends. Although it's like a needle in a goddamn haystack.

Nessecary evil I have to say.

>> No.385872

If this private server had composition above D, permalolis, and glasses that don't cost absurd amounts of jew golds, I'd consider it.

>> No.385952


Pro-tip: Swords don't level if you don't use Icebolt on them.

>> No.385964

Swords level up what?

>> No.385989


ive never once had the ciar beginner golem use windmill. im not sure about intermediate, either. normal and basic definitely do, though.

>> No.385998

It's rare but it will use it sometimes.

>> No.386009
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>> No.386011
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>> No.386014
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>> No.386078
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Isn't it sad, Ibbie? ;_;

>> No.386113


>> No.386133

needs more ibbie quest

>> No.386146

There are monsters called flying swords. And latter monsters can level up, which fully heals them (I know, uber gay when they're down to 5% hp and suddenly, they level and back at full health)

>> No.386162

Hey ANAL!...err Anons!

wait for RO2 shitloads of loli to play with

>> No.386164

Wierd. I've never had the later dungeon monsters level up on me.

>> No.386183

Rabbie Basic boss levels up.

>> No.386202
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Tarlach, that faggot ass ;_;

>> No.386209

Isn't that the metal skeleton bard thing that summons wolves but then goes all batshit angry when you kill the wolves?

>> No.386210

Wait, is that the church girl in Dunbarton?

>> No.386214
File: 185 KB, 850x637, 1207204930343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succubus are mai waifus

>> No.386215

Oh, how are the G1 quests? They worth playing through?

>> No.386216

Looks like a Succubus. Also, where are my Incubi?

>> No.386218

Yeah it is.

Druidic magic my ass, MabiWiki.

>> No.386221
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>> No.386226
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>> No.386230
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Beat me to love me?


>> No.386235

Tarlach likes it rough.

>> No.386238
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>> No.386241
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Nao likes it rough

>> No.386271


>> No.386273

Let's just say everyone, including Mari, likes it rough.

>> No.386276

Wondering if there's any good exp or items coming from the quests also.

>> No.386295

Takes a while but you get a good title at the end. +20 luck and will, +1 min and max damage, and +10 MP.

>> No.386301

Ibbie, Alissa, and Eiry?

>> No.386302

It has a pretty nice plot for a MMO, and it can be fun since you can play through various dungeons as SUPER HAX CHARACTERS (463 int Mage with rank 1 spells and chain casting for example).

Reward wise and all that though, you don't get too much, especially for those harder parts of G1. It can be good exp if you count the dungeon runs you do with your character.

>> No.386309

Also, you'll be running around A LOT

>> No.386320

I'm leaving out Alissa, Eiry (WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME ;_;), and Ibbie because well...

I don't know.

Goddammit Mabinogi. Why must you be an awesome MMO.

>> No.386354

>Why must you be an awesome MMO that lags so fucking much and yet penalises lag so much that it becomes completely unplayable?


>> No.386413

Doesn't lag for me.

Then again, I live in California, where apparently Nexon America is situated.

>> No.386437

I live all the way up in Fukken Ontario, Canada

It's your internet that decides whether you lag or not.

Not because your internet may suck or not, but because Mabinogi sends SHIT LOADS of packets, and some internet services don't like that shit.


At least, at my observation that is what I believe

>> No.386553

Server Location actually does have an impact on your internet speed.

It might not matter much when you live in the same country as the server host, but when you live in a whole 'nother continent, yes, it does matter a bit.

Internet speed is still a major factor though.
