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37941442 No.37941442 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.37941615

First for more stuff like OP's pic

Femdomshitters stay out

>> No.37941862

Back into the cage mesubuta

>> No.37941947
File: 590 KB, 1080x1393, Anon teach Mugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long would it take a neet to know enough moon to play slow damage? I don't want to mtl the entire thing
If you insist

>> No.37942789

It's getting an English release eventually but it's by Jast so god knows how long it'll be til it sees the light of day

>> No.37943050
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Kotobukiya product survey.


>> No.37943198

JASTBLUE has no control over nip programmers who probably have to work overtime even without ENG release. The script and proofreading itself was completed for half a year already. I hate fatty too, but this time she really tried to release it quick. So blaming her is pointless.
Don't lern nip to play SD. Learn it to play other great games that nobody will actually tl(not even a fan)

>> No.37943414

If it's anything like luckydog1's kinds of eventually, I'd rather stop waisting time
I already played my target for learning the language - Taisho Mebiusline. What games do anons consider good enough to learn the moon for?

>> No.37943543

>luckydog1's kinds of eventually
LD1 may as well be 0% tled because MG never showed progression status, not even once. SD is fully tled. They're not comparable in the slightest.
All pre-Dustopia no Ou Pil/Slash titles(DysOu really sucks)

>> No.37944477

I'm so fucking mad about LD1, honestly. It's a great game and I really want to play it in English but MG fucking sucks as always.

Is there any actually good localization company, for that matter? They all seem to be full of empty promises, neverevers and SJW shit.

>> No.37944894

Unironically watung for Black World and Hannibal route

>> No.37944958

The new company who's partnered up with LoveDelivery seems nice. They're open about their tl process and don't delay shit for too long

>> No.37944975

Also, I honestly don't understand why MG was always so secretive about LD1 in particular. It's their only project that got such a shitty treatment

>> No.37947284

I can hardly count male tsundere I found annoying, especially if they are older dudes. Meanwhile annoying female ones are stock produced by hack LN writters.

>> No.37947298
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>More Minatama art incoming due to the switch port
As a proud vanilla enjoyer, I'm being feed.

>> No.37949593

I never liked soul mates trope stuff until I got into Hashihime. Its honestly based af. Please post more.

>> No.37950540

Just search tag on twitter or pixiv

>> No.37950542
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>Absolute unit (omnisexual)

>> No.37951097

>cries a lot
>enjoys: stalking master
>dislikes: halfassed sadists
>interests: being bossed around by people
Kimoe enthusiasts your guy is here

>> No.37951416

I refuse to believe "omnisexual" is being used in this game more than once

>> No.37951567

I was kind of hoping he'd be cute and vanilla but bullyable slut is fine too. And god damn the height of this cast is huge for nips.

>> No.37951911

They are doing this so the editor can milk attention on her personal twt acc since that's the only place where there are updates on the game & fans waiting for the game would swarm her shitty acc up, and MG can't be bothered.

>> No.37952801
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I put in Kyoichiro. Never gonna happen but I can dream.

>> No.37952937

But she never updated fans on anything before this year. Hell, I didn't know she was an editor until you told me she is. Not much attention, honestly.
Plus she never bothered to elaborate on the project outside of the vague "it's still being worked on, slowly". You can barely even call that an update.

>> No.37952968

I was about to say, this is my boy

>> No.37952977

i wish that was me in the middle.

>> No.37953012

Slow Damage FD when?

>> No.37953120

Did the twins have seperate routes/endings in the new one? It seemed like seperate ones from how it was advertised. From memory they really didn't have enough distinction in personality between each other to justify seperate ones but perhaps a full 3P route is just too degenerate for otomate, who knows. I don't care because they sucked anyway. Bratty shotas/manchildren are the worst.

>> No.37953465

Sibling fucking simulator is out sisters.

>> No.37953553


>> No.37953728

Slow Damage when?

>> No.37953739

Is there any kink or is it just generic, boring bro fucking?

>> No.37953862

It's cheap af and the samples sound lewd.
I feel like giving it a try.

>> No.37954000

>physical cheaper than the dl edition

>> No.37954018

>just a couple of hours tops

>> No.37955600

They didn't have separate endings. If they presented it like that then they totally misled people.

>> No.37955895

Just my assumption from them having seperate profiles on the site but I went and checked and they actually did on the original game sites too so my mistake, I think.

>> No.37956570

How many? Sounds like a let down.

>> No.37956828

プレイ時間   1~2時間
Playtime: 1 to 2 hours.

>> No.37957083

Well there goes any hype

>> No.37957401

I'm talking about the JAST director who occasionally gives updates to milk LD1 fans. https://twitter.com/sharpest_rose/status/1466589033803370498?t=8o_lqjPrrqrJCrjiPAk7BQ&s=19

>> No.37957822

I didn't expect much playtime for that price. The question is if it's worth of at all since there's no preview of the H scenes. Maybe it's up to the imagination while reading. But I need to see exactly what positions they make.

>> No.37957985

At least wait till all Drama CDs are out. I just hope they'll organize an anniversary stream and talk about future plans there

>> No.37958088

Prob just boring missionary with some choking

>> No.37958470

What is their CD output is usually like? One per month?

>> No.37964316

What's the point. I understand the amount of work that goes into a VN, but wouldn't make sense to at least shoot for a 5-10 hour one to fit in more H-scenes and flesh out the story more?

>> No.37965546

Indie VNs are hard to make, even 5-10hr ones. So it makes sense to settle for 1-2hr instead.
Which is why I'm not gonna bother with it

>> No.37967151

I would rather just make a self indulgant VN that takes forever to make than half ass it for such a short time
that's what I'm doing now anyway

>> No.37969769

Can't wait to play it, sis.

>> No.37969898

One day, anon... the pandemic has been a good time to just stop procrastinating on personal project ideas and git gud with art and writing

>> No.37970621

I hope you're making VN in Japanese. So done with indie OELVNs

>> No.37970960

What was the best game you played this year?

>> No.37971152

I could eventually translate it I suppose, but at least the first version is English. Aren't you using English now though, anon?

>> No.37971206

Gift has forsaken us.

>> No.37973110

Aw hell yeah, Succulent always makes great games

>> No.37974788

>azumas va
ok fine

>> No.37978980

Speaking in eng and playing games in eng are different things. I don't hate the language, but its users create one of the shittiest VNs I've ever red. Thankfully I stopped trying to "support OELVNs" two years ago and feel much better now.

>> No.37979318

Some OELVNs are not bad, or even good. Cinderella Phenomenon was pretty good, for instance. That being said I don't have many more good examples.

>> No.37979627

i will now play your game

>> No.37979655

you're on /blog/ so your taste can't be too shitty I guess
I mean, I believe in you sis! make us proud

>> No.37980269

It's literally impossible to write erotic dialogue in English

>> No.37981173

>Cinderella Phenomenon
kek, it put me to sleep. The production values are great for a free game, but characters and story were meh at best.
I do like OELVNs here and there, but western BL is full of shota and furry coming-of-age, I just can't take those devs seriously. EOPs love Mazjojo or Y Press stuff for some reason. Those games have ok art(highly debatable in case of Y Press, but standards are low), but everything else about them sucks ass.

>> No.37981952

>western BL is full of shota
what the FUCK are you talking about sis

>> No.37981989

Camp Buddy and its rip-offs

>> No.37982017

I mean...

>> No.37982031

I wish western VNs actually put effort in the porn.
Good number of scenes, retardedly short to the point it's basically impossible to do anything.

>> No.37982096

Just because the devs said all the characters are 18+ doesn't mean they stop looking and behaving like 10 y/o. I remember playing the demo years ago and everyone was so retarded it actually hurt. But look at the EOPs praising shotacon game as "good lgbt rep" and putting down JP BL for being "problematic"
Nah, it's easier to hire a semi-famous artist and that's it. Your game will sell now.

>> No.37982114

I don't know sis, I feel like muscle shotas are different. Attract the gachi crowd too. Also just stop reading EOP twitter haha, easy fix

>> No.37982162

It's not even Twitter, just generally see people recommending that game alot(even on fujo-oriented websites). It clearly sold very well and devs making a spin-off(thankfully with all-adult cast).

>> No.37984959

>looks up DysOu writer
>she'll be the one behind vndb.org/v28679
Kek, was not feeling optimistic about that game already, but now I'm ever more pessimistic.
Paradise wasn't 10/10 or anything, but it was still very enjoyable. What happened?

>> No.37986899

Sisters, I need help.
I was tracking down all rus tled BLVN(both full and demo-only), but I can't find Shingakkou tl. All the search result led to dead links. No other sites seem to reuploaded the file.
Does anyone still have it or know where to find it?

>> No.37989206

I think DysOu's problem was an unrapeable genki MC. CC MC looks like a more typical L&D protagonist though so I think it should be safe.

>> No.37989563

Yeah camp buddy is clearly targeted towards homos

>> No.37989734

I'm curious as to how the fuck Joker's route will work. Weren't they tulpas or something?

>> No.37991016

Be honest, sisters.
Should I play Taisho Alice?
I've been skipping it for a long time, undecide. What's /blog/'s veredict?
Normalfags' comments regarding Red Ridding Hood route makes me smirk since they hate it. I guess it counts as a good sign, isn't it? Or are they right?

>> No.37992058

I tried playing the first part, didn't even get to the start of Red Riding Hood's route. The dialogue was so fucking cringeworthy. I'd rather read 1000 Wattpad stories than try to finish reading Taisho Alice's English translation.

>> No.37992871

Any non-EOP anons have an relevant opinion?

>> No.37993523

Just play it yourself but in japanese. It's not like spending 30 minutes to try it out would kill you

>> No.37993577

MC was the best part of that game but ok. The plot and strange writing was the actual problem.

>> No.37993632

It's fine. I don't understand why it's being called "one of the best otomes", however. Yes, MC isn't self-insert/boring bitch, but all guys are very cartoony and not that interesting.
If you don't have anything else to play, go for it.

>> No.37996520 [DELETED] 

I'm saving this image and you will not stop me

>> No.37996893

Please don't, it's mine

>> No.37999328

I've been wondering for a while: lots of galges have two female characters groping each other on the cover art. Now, imagine if it was two guys doing the same. Do you think that'd work for otomes or would it made some otomefags super mad?

>> No.37999389

Otomesisters would definitely be mad. Just look at Hugo.

>> No.37999496

t. has never read a book in their life
sure most evn's are shit but that doesn't make their jvn porn equivalents any better, unless you get off to ridiculous seafood analogies and enjoy reading about hips moving on their own and hearing 'not there' 'no' 'stop' and 'that place is dirty' x 1000. Japanese attitudes to sex and how they write their porn in general regardless of genre - it's just all so tiring.

>> No.38000882 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 1028x622, 1641143083937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russians have succesfully added extra content from Hashihime's Vita version to PC
Keyed, also the translation seems to be almost complete

>> No.38002174

What is the most confusing outfit in /blog/ character designs?

>> No.38002366

Yeah, mad.

>> No.38002960

upload where?

>> No.38003635

Those kinds of otomefags are total snowflakes

>> No.38005613
File: 46 KB, 265x196, 1476029388945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Hashiime's author definitely has a cum inside fetish, all her guy finish inside and then she has a line about how you can hear the cum moving inside a the same goes for second round.

>> No.38005621

Most of those LN are made for coomers. As long tsundere-chan has boobs, readers will love her. No personality needed.

>> No.38005684

It would work for me.

>> No.38006293

Man I hope 3REX is alive, sisters.

>> No.38006418

she also has a fetish for cleaning up afterward

>> No.38006533

What happened, have they just not been active in a while?
Reminds me I need to play the games of theirs I've had sitting downloaded for a while. I played some of Snow Eagle but got frustrated and quit because I kept getting the same endings.

>> No.38007168

Been like a year since they've posted anything and with corona...

>> No.38008067

Aoba with his piss yellow socks.

>> No.38009051

I was going to mention the same fucking design. I hate it.

>> No.38009168

Kent from Amnesia, to this day I find his whole outfit fucking hilarious

>> No.38009897

I'm not attracted to men unless they're fucking each other

>> No.38010239

Why did you remind me of that.
I also hate Minku's design
I can't believe people take him seriously with that design

>> No.38013853

>don't love belts

>> No.38013872

Only as a meme.

>> No.38016301

I like Mink's design, pretty fucked they gave him the worst route though

>> No.38019678

Mink looks like a prostitute that has been doing meth for years

>> No.38020501
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never ever ever ever

>> No.38020570

That's hot

>> No.38020657

I remember finding Amnesia's outfits distractingly ridiculous when I first played it but now they hardly register at all to me, I think I've been desensitised by all the games where everyone is decked out like glam rockers on every occasion.

>> No.38021249
File: 1.22 MB, 1423x3072, Ooe monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she save bl this year?
I wanna fuck the ojisan while he chants sutras.

>> No.38021275

>too many characters
>coming from the incoherent mess that was ultra c
But this looks more like her thing at least. It's hard to fuck up a closed island murder mystery after all! (unless you are obsessed with mentally ill trannies).

>> No.38022453


>> No.38023000

Everyone from Dramatical Murder looks like they smell like dirty diapers.

>> No.38023889

Trips of truth. This is the most accurate description you can ever be told.

>> No.38025861

With how things are with Adelta those days, all those guys turn out to be hetero tranny. Not a single gay/bi guy in sight.
But I hope the plot would at least deliver. I'll never forgive her after she turned Super Sentai premise into such a boring mess.

>> No.38026297

I like how Kojaku looks(I have a fetish for male kimonos)

>> No.38027263
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>With how things are with Adelta those days, all those guys turn out to be hetero tranny.

>> No.38027287

Don't worry, that anon should start charging rent.

>> No.38027413

As someone who liked both UC and Hashihime, my expectations are high.

>> No.38029483

Ok, if that's what you believe I can't change your opinion. I don't agree. But go off , I guess.

>> No.38029495

Daisuke Ishiwatari and Tetsuya Nomura would be proud

>> No.38029509

So if I'm not mistaken, MC is exclusively top? Could be fun.

>> No.38029566

I can change your opinion too. Look at his photo and post about him again

>> No.38029587

I get triggered by hetero sex in my gay porn games

>> No.38029966

Yeah, he's going to top everybody because the rest of the cast is straight

>> No.38032375

I don't really care enough to. DMMD is extremely mediocre as a whole.

>> No.38033535

That's barely anything. If the same post was made by MG account, it'd get around 200.
And still, despite being an editor, she has no actual numbers. What a joke.

>> No.38035084 [DELETED] 

I still wish I could laugh in Rahm-Umbra's face and tell him about the acorn when he comes to steal my cube.

>> No.38035560
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>Mafia stories are always weird for me, being 1/4 Sicilian and all
Why are all Italians like this?

>> No.38035692
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More like italian-americans in that case I think. Americans aren't really used to seeing exoticized foreign representations of their own culture.
Also somewhat weird tangent but this made me look up blog games set in the US and I totally forgot that there was an officially licensed Gossip Girl otome game that Chinatsu did the art for. I guess it was popular in Japan?

>> No.38035885

>1/4 Sicilian
Is she 1/8 Japanese too???
Her art became so shit in recent years. Only Captive Prince looks decent, the rest of her works looks awkward

>> No.38035904
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>kike ancestry dna test says to burger that they are 00,1% Italian
>burger thinks that is Italian now, and goes on Twitter to shit on yumejos and fujos who get off gangster rape fantasies

Eops don't deserve otome and bl. They should stick to their overpriced itch eop alphabet soups with quasimodo art.
Piofiore's Henry and Ldk1 series are too good for them.

>> No.38036180

>being 1/4 Sicilian and all
wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.38036504

While I think LD1 will sell much better than NTY(ridiculous pricetag) and Hadaka(already fully tled before; had a bad rep in community), I can't imagine it reviewing well.
Every LI rapes Gian to a certain degree, Gian himself rapes megane guy during prison arc. Bad endings are full rape and blood too.
Not to mention the rest of the gang making fun of Ivan and America in general.
How will EOPs even like this game, I don't know.

>> No.38036897

I guess Twitterkeks are the problem.

>> No.38036945

Mafia rape is so hot. I want to play omerta just to see the main character getting raped by mafia bosses

>> No.38037497

>Why are all Italians like this?
>Posts an american larping as italian

>> No.38037891

I can't be too harsh on EOPs because I used to be one.
I actually used to be one of those really really obnoxious EOPs who refused to even try to watch anime with subtitles even once.
Even before that I was one of those fuckers who thought all Japanese culture sucked as a rule.
Now I'm bilingual, and it was in part reading some really good VNs that had been translated that inspired me to seriously knuckle down and start learning the language.
So if there's any consolation to be had, every translated VN probably causes a couple more people like me to exist.
It might only be like 0.01%, but at least when I see a VN I really really like get a shit translation and shit reception, I can tell myself it will probably make one or two people take up the language someday.

>> No.38038358

The problem with EOPs, is not that they don't know the language.
The real problem is that localizations attract EOPs like that 1/40 self proclaimed Italian twitterfag, who gets butthurt about problematic fictional scenarios. The likes on that fags tweet can tell.
Although I'm glad the market spread to overseas and companies can sell more copies and earn some extra bucks, instead of dying or going gacha like most of them, it's like a double edged sword.
You get to see reviews written by fags like that retard, shitting on everything and causing drama, sometimes getting out of hand. Many go on to harass mangaka or companies on Twitter, for their "problematic" scenarios.
Imagine your favorite nip creator minding their own business and getting death threats in English or Google translated Japanese every single day, by fags who have no life and can't distinguish reality from fiction.
I'm not talking about 1-3 random retarded fags. Nowadays they are a lot of them.
I do feel sympathy for EOPs, who have good taste and for whatever reasons can't learn or don't want to learn moon, but I'd sacrifice them in order to avoid this kind of autism.
Nips are retarded as well, but will cause drama about seiyuus being a cheating whores or shit on reviews for having homo in otome or straight sex in bl.

>> No.38040675

>straight sex in bl
Not a fan of that desu. Straight main characters who stay straight all the way through are fine though, the storytelling would probably even improve if there were more of them.

>> No.38041075

>homo in otome or straight sex in bl
Both are stupid.

>> No.38044066

Homo in otome is acceptable, it's miles better than cuck friendship routes where you help your friend to get together with your love interest

>> No.38044292

It's worse getting two side characters together where the boy is kinda cute.

>> No.38044595

I think overwhelming majority of us here are ex-EOPs, even if some deny that.
Problem is, EOPs have weird understanding about JPVN(talking only about BL now).
They expect the JVNs to be progressive, innovative and full of "good rep", but also call Japan a regressive 3rd world county.
They'd rather play "choose your gender" game where all interactions are the same no matter who you play as instead of any JVN with actually good plot.
I'm not even going to mention furry and horrible 3d games that I often see in BL vndb tag. I'd rather play Shiki route for the rest of my life than any of that.

>> No.38045443
File: 150 KB, 160x523, tneent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: If you use MTL you are an EOP. If you can theoretically read a little jp but you still wait around for the TL you are an EOP. If you are bilingual but the other language is russian or some shit, you are still, in the way that the term is actually meant, an EOP.
I've seen the term get thrown around a lot recently with fairly questionable uses (like calling translators EOPs?) by anons who seem overinvested in the translation scene for people who ought to just be able to play the JP version and ignore everything on the western side.

>> No.38045785

homo in otome is only acceptable if the homos are female. if i wanted to see gay men in my straight romance game, i would just play bl

>> No.38045799

Correct. I just assume that anyone obsessively complaining about EOP drama must be an EOP themselves and ignore their posts with disdain.

>> No.38046070
File: 43 KB, 555x169, huutis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But english is my 3rd language

>> No.38046583

In a way we're all EOPs, because we waste time in dead /blog/ instead of talking to nips or nip-knowing friends

>> No.38047287

Most people I talk to, who are proficient in Japanese, have Chinese for mother tongue or are half Japanese. It's not that difficult/foreign to them to study or learn it desu. Most can get the meaning through the kanji even.
As a yurop, getting into Japanese was hell. Totally foreign to us, the kanji, the grammar structure.
Many at the school I used to go, gave up after N4.
If you don't like the language or Japanese culture in general, it's difficult to learn it just for otaku purposes.

>> No.38047313

Who the fuck wants to talk to nips? They are good for many things, but being good discussion partners is not one of them.

>> No.38047374

Language school or regular school?

>> No.38047378

EOP is a retarded mutt term. Burgers don't understand it's normal to learn 2-3 languages in the civilized world. But it's become so synonymous with "someone who doesn't speak Japanese" that I've started unconsciously using it myself.

>> No.38047465
File: 263 KB, 415x510, 1628835661447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Totally foreign to us, the kanji, the grammar structure.
Completely opposite for me as a euro too. Hardest has been vocabulary.

>> No.38047557

Language one. You had to pay beforehand too for the whole year, no returns. Many still gave up after 2 months.
The ones that kept going were some old retired folks 50-60 who already spoke 7+ languages, those who just wanted to get the JLPT degrees for resume (they were weebs too), and really dedicated weeb ones who dreamt of reading and watching anime without subs or dreamt of living in Japan one day (most of them were the ones that gave up after N5 tho).
I started for similar reasons, but I liked the language and kanji was fun, so I kept going.

>> No.38047639

Really? I never had trouble with the vocabulary. Kanji I just memorized them 3 months before taking the exam, but thanks to vns I never forget them. I got into calligraphy latest years too, so I liked them in general.
Grammar has been the hardest for me, barely passed the first level exams. I once failed a JLPT exam just for 1 point less in grammar, while I had A and barely any mistakes in everything else.

>> No.38048159

Rus is my native, I tried learning jp before eng. It was such a draconian experience. Couldn't even get through Duo intro course. But after I learned eng and fr, things went better.
I still suck at jp, but at least I can read and hear most of the common words. But no way I could learn it as my first foreign language

>> No.38048218

Unless you are a retard who needs the characters to sign a written agreement about consent before sex, there's no way you can think there was rape between the captains except Giulio's route. The bad endings have only two rape scenes, LD1 is quite tame with the shit bad endings compared to dmmd for example.

>> No.38049199
File: 66 KB, 559x475, 1504549483820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real problem is that localizations attract EOPs like that 1/40 self proclaimed Italian twitterfag, who gets butthurt about problematic fictional scenarios. The likes on that fags tweet can tell.
My favorite is the twitter use who complains about "fujoshi" and then you check their profile and it's a straight girl larping as non binary or asexual and she retweets BL

I'm thankful we get some much stuff today, getting official localization of stuff like Hashihim eor Ultra C or even more famous stuff like NC works would have felt impossible in 2021, but I do miss the cozy atmosphere of livejournal and waiting for unofficial translations.

>They expect the JVNs to be progressive, innovative and full of "good rep", but also call Japan a regressive 3rd world county.
A lot of them don't understand the concept of genres, that's why you get people asking for more "diverse" BL or Otome with male protagonists or lesbian options.

>> No.38049528

This, I'm just not involved in the english-speaking community at all outside of this god-forsaken website

>> No.38049943

>this made me look up blog games set in the US
recommend me some

>> No.38049974

Cupid Parasite, bustafellows and the game that came before it

>> No.38050004


>> No.38050110

There are a lot of EOP ``translators”’ though. Just look at crunchyroll who just use slightly edited MTL and that one shitty higurashi translator.

>> No.38050171

This is JSL cope

>> No.38050441

There is a fan Cyberpunk2077 R18 visual in the making where you can choose gender of the MC. I immiedately lost interest(especially because it is market mostly as an otome meaning there are hig chances the Male MC will be an effeminate bottom)

>> No.38050481


>> No.38050532

I am a full blood italian and I was never botherted by otome or BL with mafia setting so why a 1/4 should be weirded by it? That said, I find cops(and men in uniform in general) way more attractive than mafia men so I have zero interest for them

>> No.38050758

I doubt that fag was Italian even. Nips should go reee with all the yakuza shit you see in manga, vns etc, because they have serious problems with yakuzas abducting, threatening, killing and raping people irl, especially in some areas in Tokyo, yet they just swallow them and love them.
Never saw anyone going on Twitter to cry about it.
Men in suits and tattoos are my kink so.

>> No.38050870

Carabinieri uniforms are very hot so I understand
My first thought too.

>> No.38050980

If I had talent I would make a BL with a carabiniere in unfiorm as one of the LiS

>> No.38051457

E' il tipico americano cacazzi che vuole mettere becco su roba che non sa.

>> No.38051518

>that one shitty higurashi translator.
Linguistics majors are insane in general, especially if they become anime translators

>> No.38051547

Sure would be nice if Nipland opened its borders so I can get back to studying abroad. But alas, I'm stuck at a N2 plateau

>> No.38051570

>Linguistics major
>Still doesn't know english or japanese
Honestly just impressed at this point

>> No.38051624

Didn't the higurashi translator work on 13 sentinels? How's the translation?

>> No.38051674

Because americans love getting offended on the behalf of others. Muh cultural appropriation.

>> No.38052129

What was /blog/'s first game in Japanese?
She tried to force a non existent gender identity on the crossdresser which gets people screeching at you when you attempt to discuss the game and call him a guy on other sites. But other than that it's readable. The gender localization issue with gay crossdressers seems to be an American trend which isn't anything new.

>> No.38052636

They translated the OG VN or anime/later stuff?

>> No.38052646

Hadaka shitsuji prequel

>> No.38052655

It's ok anon, you can admit that it's mainly super left white people getting offended for others

>> No.38052702

The recent anime

>> No.38052731 [DELETED] 

Some years ago I met a girl who formed part of a fansub. One day she asked me if I could receive some money to Paypal for her group since a Japanese company had bought all their subs.
So, there you have your translators. That explains a lot, I guess.
She was studying to be a vet, I need to add. And yes, she was in charge of the subs.

>> No.38052741

Some years ago I met a girl who formed part of a fansub. One day she asked me if I could receive some money via Paypal for her group since a Japanese company had bought all their subs.
So, there you have your translators. That explains a lot, I guess.
She was studying to be a vet, I need to add. And yes, she was in charge of the subs.

>> No.38052940

Have yet to play it and it's free. Who was more fun the megane, or the smoking dude?

>> No.38053439

Any hairy guys but in otome?

>> No.38053883

Depends on your fetishes
I've never seen hairy guys in otomes kek. I know ojisan-oriented otomes, I've seen one with bodybuiders, but nothing overly hairy.
Just play Parade BL for that

>> No.38054284

Well, I'm welcome to everything, but I just love bullying meganes or over confident ones. If overconfident ones also happen to wear glasses and be a sluts, that's my fetish, I'll start it tmr.

>> No.38054547

You'll love this megane

>> No.38055403

Some of kinshiiku's more recent games give the guy leg hair (also armpit hair on the girl?)

>> No.38055773

Holy based

>> No.38058818

Smoking guy is more my type, so I'm biased.

>> No.38058833

Oh, then can I get some background? I'm only now really getting into the series with the VN now.

>> No.38058846

This has got to be some Asian thing right? Why do they think women would only want super smooth guys?

>> No.38059164

I'd like to say no, but westerners made quite a few games like vndb.org/v30561, so you're in luck!

>> No.38059214

I think it has to do with Asians barely being able to grow body or facial hair

>> No.38059431

This would mean all the 2D men (and women) should have hairy bodies and glorious beards, for the same reason they're all blonde/red-haired and blue/green-eyed and have big dicks/boobs.

>> No.38060425

Hairy assholes belong in geikomi and not joseimuke stuff.

>> No.38060476

Not all men are super hairy. They're just saying its weird that body hair is near non-existant in this case

>> No.38061083

Agreed. Big otome releases most likely will never have hairy men either. Just look into geikomi stuff instead

>> No.38061096

>Just look into geikomi stuff instead
I do

>> No.38063495

I completely forgot but what happened to Slow Damage? Did it get delayed forever? I thought the snag was over

>> No.38063920

It's just super slow.

>> No.38065001

It's troublesome to draw the hair.

>> No.38065452

Apparently its because JAST has a contract where they have to let Nitro Plus do the programming so its much slower

>> No.38067111

it's pretty good. at least buy chapter 2 for Gretel and Kaguya at least

>> No.38070710

Probably because JAST was too lazy and cheap to hire more programmers themselves.
I hope >>38063495 anon will stop asking for updates here and would annoy fatty or 1/4 Sicilian instead

>> No.38074182

Surprised none of tthe BL incestfags talk about vndb.org/v27495

>> No.38074960

>no sexual content

>> No.38075531

The Monster of Memory didn't have it either. Your point?

>> No.38077215

It had sex

>> No.38077594

Between actual brothers? Nope.
It's not like BL incestfags have much to choose from

>> No.38079620

Call me a coombrain but what's the point of making a doujin BL game that you're going to sell and not include at least some ero scenes.

>> No.38079973

I'd rather no sex than terrible sex, coombrain

>> No.38080006

This. Also amazing sex won't save a terrible game imo.

>> No.38080081
File: 145 KB, 807x1075, Teru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a break from tmgs1 after I completed the normal ends.
I didn't know green haired gnome's situation. It explains a lot now. Getting beaten by your cuck dad on a daily base is no fun desu.

So I started tmgs2. I hate the design it's worse than the first one. I don't know what went wrong. Seems more complicated.
I also hate the skinship so complicated. I have to rape my shota neighbor everyday to get it.
LIs and girls suffer from same face syndrome. But they look cute and seem to have actual personalities.
I liked them so far, posterboy is awesome, of course I'm gonna rape him first. The teacher is fun too, easier to fuck than himuro. But I kinda liked the aspiefag, hikami. Bullying these types is my fetish.

>> No.38080407
File: 187 KB, 740x1038, 1635107331664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are ojisans so fucking niche? japanese girls don't wanna fuck old men?

>> No.38080481

Japanese girls have no taste. I want old guy on old guy action.

>> No.38080511

this, I am tired of effeminate bishonen, I want manly silver foxes fuckimnsjjng each other

>> No.38080750
File: 182 KB, 859x1200, i627Ngb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not translated
It didn't. I did whack myself to the manga extra content and some CG, however.

>> No.38080757

He's 30, most likely younger than most anons in this thread.

>> No.38080808

anons here aren't japanese girls too.

>> No.38081031
File: 449 KB, 639x360, 654324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average /blog/ anon

>> No.38081042

You joke, but blog is fairly old now as well I suspect a lot of anons are /a/oldfags by the stuff they write.

>> No.38081268

I am 23. I always prefered older men, since late childhood

>> No.38081386
File: 69 KB, 750x733, Eqw0qf8XYAE_yRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heroines were almost always older than me when I first got into the genre
>now they are almost always younger

>> No.38081417
File: 47 KB, 94x90, lh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38081451

Not all old men have to be gay you idiots

>> No.38081612

They legitimately all look the same

>> No.38081624

Based. Would love to see it, but Nip taste continues to be shit.

>> No.38081642

Didn't ask for your mental disorders, slut

>> No.38081774

>school setting

>> No.38081859

Hey, I'm still 29

>> No.38081872

Old men exist for young men

>> No.38081879

shotaoji game when

>> No.38081972

>I hope >>38063495 (You) anon will stop asking for updates here
This is the first time I've come into the thread in 6 months... I don't ask every time, it just popped into my mind that slow damage happened but it supposedly was going to come out last year and JAST twitter is busy posting cringe dmmd memes

>> No.38082111

Give me two more years

>> No.38082170

>animate manga bl publisher censors "problematic" releases now
It could be your chinese VN gay pixels next. Stop being a dekinai chan and become a respectable fujogod who can read slow damage now!

>> No.38082221

Sis, you've had a year. If you really wanted to read SD you would've learned nip by now.

>> No.38082307


>> No.38082317

Can you learn enough nip for SD in just a year? I want to graduate from n4 already

>> No.38082375

I personally studied for 6 months in preparation for SD before it came out and was ready to read it with some lookups, so yes definitely.

>> No.38083972


>> No.38084252

Get help for your sickness

>> No.38084269

why are shotacons like this? just let people like what they like

>> No.38084394

I'm not a shotacon, I'm a respectable and functional member of society who is against ojisan rapes. Leave all the grandpas to me, predator

>> No.38084436

fuck off bitch there's plenty to go around

>> No.38084614
File: 200 KB, 599x1000, pakosun-1479459446271414272-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare Pako

>> No.38084909

We know you'll like younger men when you're 40.

>> No.38085195

There's some 50 year old men who still look good.

>> No.38085295

I want to see a shotajijii in any joseimuke stuff at all

>> No.38085369

no not shotajijii, sis...

>> No.38085828

I hope you realize you're not the only EOP waiting for SD, this question gets asked every two weeks.
Fat cow promised simurelease, you know? So technically it could've been released almost a year ago. But you're clearly too lazy to even check her twt despite wanting to play the game that much. Worst kind of EOP

>> No.38086215
File: 225 KB, 720x720, 6e2b8dd6dec080da5dd36f4c86929123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome game in which you tease and bully a moe ojisan like pic related would be nice

>> No.38086277

god if only

>> No.38086430

Weird projection on your post. I don't really care about the game that much nor reading it and much less it's translator drama. Have you never had thoughts like "oh yeah whatever happened to that thing?" It's like that, like how I sometimes remember vaporware like NewWorldOrder. I don't keep up with any social media whatsoever so I'm not a tourist either, the days just pass me by.

>> No.38087418

Even based pako can't make his shit hair look decent.

>> No.38087707

Huh. There’s something odd about how his face and ear is drawn.

>> No.38089593

Does it mean there are no JoJo dojins with this Joseph as a LI? Sad.

>> No.38090057
File: 14 KB, 387x235, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And EOPs are still waiting for the og PC release.
But I'm hyped for this and 24ku ports

>> No.38091206

I'm just waiting for a miracle to happen, slut priests and aromarie games will get revived and release.
For now, waiting for ooe and odalisque.
Yandere Town dev not fucking off too.

>> No.38091714

I hate old guys, but Joseph is an exception.

>> No.38091909

Oh yeah that 12k thing coming out soon. Kalmia8 never had great stories or non-retarded MCs, hoping they'll improve this time.

>> No.38093333

odalisque is 100% vaporware

>> No.38093874
File: 270 KB, 1112x1597, FHehfYcaIAAl-A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does getting tentacle raped count, that's basically all I've seen.
Or that one where Steely Dan is molesting Jotaro, so Joseph feels it 10x pleasurable through his stand

>> No.38093905

It's a shame 7th stand user doesn't have one, to be honest.

>> No.38093987

It's releasing in april, sis. vndb.org/r47135
Ehhh, I'll take that as a win

>> No.38095189

I personally enjoyed this but I don't think it would be /blog/'s thing. There actually isn't any incest, although I can see why it got tagged as such.

>> No.38095311

How many hours per day? In any case it should be faster than its English release

>> No.38095629

They seem to be going for a totally different genre this time so who knows how it'll turn out.
I think palace drama stuff can be really samey though. Prince X's mother was evil and killed Prince Y's mother out of jealousy and now Y hates X and they're fighting over the same girl, it's all the same shit.

>> No.38095688

At least in this one they are officially not fighting for the same girl, which is nice.

>> No.38095922

I hope they reach their goal and save some bucks for their vaporware game.
Just be stingy with the voice acting and hire newfags, kurasudo and adeltas voice actors would do.

>> No.38095950
File: 850 KB, 1080x2025, Cndk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38098350

FFXIV fags, are the rumors about the female writer being a fujo/otome chad true?

>> No.38101206

Anon, their vaporware is dead. They're just funding another Chou thing

>> No.38102197

I don't know in an objective sense but off the top of my head I can think of at least four, maybe five, male characters in this game who are fixated on you, though some of those were already fixated before she took over as head writer, and one in particular has an optional scene in endwalker where I personally got the vibes as if he was trying to confess but chickened out. I don't think waifufags get a lot out of this game unless they're into the sassy catgirl who hasn't had character growth ever.

>> No.38102772

Retards say that because they think she wrote out some major female characters in past expansions while it was a different writer.
Also there were staff jokes about Aymeric or someone being written like a shoujo manga lead.

>> No.38104042 [SPOILER] 
File: 99 KB, 628x900, FIkxiRtaQAQofFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She definitely likes her pretty boys, there were rumors she wrote Code Geass fanfics in college, but I don't know if it was just people being annoyed by the lack of prominent waifus. But after EW I definitely gets the fujo and otome vibes.

>> No.38106606

Has anyone here tried emulating the DiaLovers switch port? None of the art assets show up for me.

>> No.38106961

>She definitely likes her pretty boys
Its FF, what do you expect?

>> No.38107066

True, but Emet getting a waifu (male) he's tsundere for was definitely unexpected.

>> No.38108446

I really like how they used incest to wreck the lives of the characters in all endings. But when are they going release a new series? I’ve been waiting forever for that novel based sibling incest game. Can anybody share the book instead?

>> No.38109265
File: 186 KB, 857x600, 義兄.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone shares the novel. It's very good. In general, that writer writes fucked up shit and includes fetishes blog loves. Shame she isn't hired to write for bl/otome vns.

Btw 13dl has most of her novels, but not that one, unfortunately. I recommended the twincest bl, mother and narikawari.
I'd love to share Mangekyo, but I lost it when I did format to my old toaster. And I was kicked out by otomechink, bc I'm filthy gaijin. I had gotten it from there iirc.
If some anon has, it please share it.

>> No.38113656

So uh any games with a stepmom x son/dad love triangle? Asking for myself.

>> No.38115457

Sadly this premise is too advanced for most nips and too "problematic" for EOPs, so there's not much of it, if any. But I hope somebody will give you a good rec

>> No.38115668

wait how would that even work? you marry your LI and his son makes a move on you? Never in a million years.
on the other hand your LI's little brother, that's more plausible. i've seen some CDs where your BF's lil bro has the hots for you

>> No.38118452

If the scenario that anon was after were to exist CDs are probably the most likely, you can get some wild scenarios, like www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ301354.html, though the stepmom thing is something I haven't come across.

>> No.38119891

Some other CDs that come to mind are these ones from GOLD, though it's more NTR than a triangle so...
Son cucks dad w/ dad's girlfriend: https://www.dlsite.com/girls-drama/work/=/product_id/BJ280906.html
The other one in this series is dad cucks son w/ son's girlfriend.

>> No.38121399

I feel like that set up is fairly common in (male-oriented) het porn, but non existent for joesei-muke works

>> No.38122307

is there vndb but for cds?

>> No.38122509

There's blcdwiki for its own stuff

>> No.38122664

Otomestacies losing again, but thanks. It's exactly what I'm looking for.

>> No.38122803

>It doesn't exist
Fuck, well at least I have my own game idea now. Thank you for the recs though.

>> No.38122815

There's 女性向けシチュエーションCD Wiki though I'm not sure if it's got doujin stuff.
There's also 女攻め作品まとめ Wiki which is a somewhat autistic wiki of joseimuke femdom works and has a section for CDs and voice dramas if that's a niche you're into.

>> No.38123068


>> No.38123324

Found my hardcopy of Enzai. Fuck, I feel old

>> No.38129160


>> No.38129919

As a kid I was gifted Elàn, by an aunt who visited Japan. She had no idea about games, just bought it randomly. I didn't speak English back then even, but still didnt give a shit, just played them like that.
I don't remember much about the game, but you could choose between male or female mc.
I always chose the male one and flirted with the male LIs kek. I was like 6 or 7.
Another thing, I was crushing hard on Ishida Akira and Chiba Susumu.
Oldfags rejoice

>> No.38129933

lawyer best boy when he stops being a drunk
evan best boy overall

>> No.38130727

You could romance male LIs as M!MC in that game? Neat!
I loved Evan too, but Shion had my favorite ending(because all LIs got out of prison)

>> No.38134082

Laito's mom -> Laito
-> Laito's dad
-> Laito's uncle

>> No.38135693

lame, I can't find any cds that featured a seiyuu that I like in dlsite. I don't want to use Amazon

>> No.38135826

Honestly the entirety of Shion's route was so light-hearted, intensely romantic/sweet that I have to wonder if he was just the writers favourite or they felt like giving you one pure, vanilla route in a game filled with rapists. His ending was indeed the most fun, even Io gets out of prison in it. It's been years and it still bugs me that they never mention what he did to get inside besides ONE scene where he freaks out at the library implying he brutally murdered a guy.

>> No.38136563

Yes you could romance both female and male LIs as both genders! There were 5 girls and 7 boys I think? You had conversations with them, and depending on your answer their emotions and reactions varied.
They could get angry, excited or sad at you.
The plot was somewhat a mix of terra e and bokutama. You had to train too.
Agh, the nostalgia.

>> No.38137118

Io deserved his own route. I still feel like the devs intentionally cucked him and give his screentime to fat bastard. This boy isn't innocent, but he suffered so much.
>Terra e mentioned
Picked the fuck up

>> No.38137916

sisters I had a dream I was dating/doing the route of one of those really boring 'sports is my only personality trait' types and when I missed one of his games I said I'd go to because I came down with a cold, he came to my room and beat me. More proof sports boys are the worst

>> No.38138325

I'd play that desu. Tmgs1 Kazuma but made by rejet or hineybee

>> No.38138528

>tokimeki boy bursts into your house, accuses you of missing your date because you were busy cheating on him/hanging out with other guys then proceeds to rape you
>they'll get violent during the rape cutscene if you don't get the skinship right, resulting in bruises that makes your beauty stat go down
sounds based to me

>> No.38138689

Who/what are you looking for?

>> No.38138744

>didn't cripple and lock him in the cage
More proof that 25 fitness chans don't deserve good universities

>> No.38139178

>brother NTRs MC from dad
i've actually seen this in a shota doujin too

>> No.38139255


>> No.38139406

>[関サバト (作)] 放課後のおしゃべり
technically I guess it's the dad who does the NTRing? well either way

>> No.38139519

>dad cucks son w/ son's girlfriend.
any material for this feel? I wanna be seduced astray by a handsome oji-san

>> No.38139973

I can't believe I was baited like this

>> No.38143211

Yoshiki Nakajima

>> No.38143218

That's like an entire genre of NTR porn. But usually, the dads are ugly.

>> No.38143386

He has stuff on there under 二枚貝ほっき, unless you're looking for something specific that isn't on dlsite.

>> No.38143498

Yeah but usually they're aimed at coomer men, so they suck. And like you say, the dads are ugly since the gf is the focus. I want the reverse, where the focus is on the (hot) dad.

>> No.38145191

Thanks. Very helpful but it seems like there's not a lot on DLsite. Too bad, I wanna see if he uses his Jiro voice.

>> No.38150588

Was Paradigm Paradox any good?

>> No.38150666

No, it's not even fun

>> No.38150774

Thanks, Satan. I guess it's too much to hope for a decent mahou shounen game.

>> No.38151394

It's one of the worst otomes for Switch.
The game didn't even have a proper common route and half of the guys didn't get actual romantic scenes.
It was a total memege

>> No.38151419

Worse than all the shovelware mobile ports?

>> No.38151932

It even looks like shit.

>> No.38153759

Depeends on what you hate about mobile ports?
At least mobile games have route structure and you're guaranteed at least a kiss CG.
No such thing in Paradigm

>> No.38154727

does bl/otome with 'made in abyss' vibes exist

>> No.38154740

the mia game you can talk to mcs and stuff as an oc though so..

>> No.38155406

you mean the vibes of a dark fantasy with light-hearted moments, orphans, evil adults, excessive focus on children and a veneer of a story to mask the authors thinly veiled fetishes?
https://vndb.org/v1076 fits that bill
