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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3784131 No.3784131 [Reply] [Original]

Otaku in America are nothing like otaku in Japan. Because anime and manga is mainstream in Japan normalfags can fall into the world of otaku by just spending more time than normal on anime, video games, and manga. Otaku in America are people who can't find a normal place in society where they fit so they latch onto sub cultures that they find will accept them despite their social problems and physical unattractiveness. Due to the underground spread of anime and manga in the 80s and the small internet following anime and manga have today compared to mainstream culture like Hollywood films, pup culture icons, and Halo those people who latch onto anime and manga in the US are those who are otherwise ugly and unpopular.

Granted this isn't always the case, some beautiful people are bound to latch onto anime and manga in the US it is nonetheless a larger portion of the otaku population that are socially retarded trolls in comparison to the average population of Japan.

This accounts for cosplay and conventions that we see between the US and Japan. American cosplayers are the ugly social rejects with a rare occasional beauty while Japan has plenty of beautiful people affiliated with conventions and cosplay.

This just further alienates anime and manga in mainstream US who see those who try to become the American variant of otaku as ugly retards that leads America into a perpetual cycle that will never accept the anime and manga culture into the mainstream.

>> No.3784148
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This, specifically, is why


>> No.3784151

It's amazing to see just how diluted some people get, isn't it?

>> No.3784176

And your point is?

As far as I know, quite a few of the posters here hide their power-levels. I know I'll never join an anime club, and I usually avoid mongoloid otakus like the plague by default. There is no consensus needed for enjoyment.

>> No.3784188

i didnt read past the first line but i still hit that shinku op

>> No.3784282

>Because anime and manga is mainstream in Japan

Stopped reading there

Stop fantasizing.

>> No.3785149

