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37805398 No.37805398 [Reply] [Original]

Did you read it? What did you like about? What did you dislike about it?

>> No.37807094
File: 121 KB, 551x551, 426c38df20453175832db54b450cb188[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it about 10 years ago when I was still pretty new to 2hu. I don't remember much at this point except that Rinnosuke liked to talk out of his ass, and that the translation I had was kinda stilted. I've been meaning to reread it along with the more recent chapters now that I've gotten deeper into lorefaggotry, but I have the attention span of a fairy and 50 other things that I also want to do.

>> No.37807449

I've read it here and there out of order; chapter 4 for the regular series and about up to the Laika chapter for the new one. So I can only really comment more so for the latter.
The new one really just should have been Sumirekos own book. She's obnoxious as hell and not in the cute Touhou way. We already know Rinnosuke is a fedora tipper mentally so complaining about him doesn't do much. Funnily enough I do like him more than Sumireko.

>> No.37816379

It was meh, meh, meh most of the time, but was a good read, it really depend on your taste.

>> No.37817247

I think for the lore it presents. Also, it's fun to read about the characters interactions and Rinnosuke taking out of his ass when it comes to Ouside Technology.

>> No.37819319

It was alright. I read it up til the original ending then stopped. Havent read the continuation yet. Kinda wish ZUN hadnt reopened it and just started something new in its place, but I guess there certain stories he wanted to tell.

>> No.37819677

The chapter where Rinnosuke manages to logically yet fallaciously argue Reimu and Marisa into believing dinosaur fossils are dragon deities instead was funny to me.

>> No.37823278

I love the part when Kasen kiss to Reimu

>> No.37833630

I enjoyed what I read of it so far. The Sakuya and Youmu chapters stick out to me for some reason.
Good reading material for long train rides.

>> No.37833903

Do you have a link where I could download it and other similar Touhou Works as PDFs?

>> No.37833978
File: 22 KB, 250x356, 250px-AFiEUcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went so wrong?

>> No.37834001

Too current year feeling even if some of it was in jest

>> No.37835214

Aya getting ripped apart by Hecatia was fun to read.

>> No.37839401

I liked it. It had some nice characters interactions and gave us plenty of information regarding Gensokyou and it's residents.

>> No.37840306

nothing fallacious about it in gensokyo

>> No.37844949

Aya became a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.37846717

I like the part where Rinnosuke was scared with a game boy, like: "nitendo is creating weapons of mass destruction!!!!"
Also, Marisa is quite adorable, although I can't understand a shit about what she says

>> No.37846828

Hecatia threatening to invade Gensokyo if they ever closed their borders was a weird flex

>> No.37847134

> Alpha Goddesses dominating the Beta Bird.
It's not like anyone is Gensokyou could ever touch her.

>> No.37847265
File: 959 KB, 1406x670, th12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine surely has got to be UFO.

>> No.37847352
File: 281 KB, 1024x768, rinnosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an HTML version of CoLA but can't quite remember where I got it from, maybe Moriya Shrine. Only goes up to chapter 23 although the rest is on the wiki.
I did a quick and dirty PDF conversion of the chapters and put them in a separate folder. Things like hyperlinks won't work of course cause lazy.

>> No.37847472

I loved Marisas Chapter hearing her thoughts, getting her back story (kinda) and understanding her relationship with Rinnosuke was very interesting and fun to read.

>> No.37847479


>> No.37848826

I remember finding these and adding my own files for the newer chapters with translations from the wiki, but wasn't sure if the original guy would be annoyed with it because he has some profiles online still

>> No.37852254

I know common sense is a meme, but even that's a stretch.
