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377988 No.377988 [Reply] [Original]

quick question /jp/, although your answer might be longer.
what is japan's view on religion? mainly shinto and buddhist. what i heard from my tutor is that they view it more as a cultural thing rather than a deep spiritual thing like for Christians. how correct is this?

>> No.378002

Most elevens believe in ghosts/supernatural/etc.
but they could care less about it.
They don't care about religion.
They just don't care.
So, yeah it's more a culture thing than a DEEP spiritual thing.

>> No.378003

Pretty correct, next question

>> No.378005

In general, Japan is far less religious, but still partakes in religious traditions and ceremonies for important events. Now please let this die before it turns into a 200+ post shitstorm.

>> No.378014

thank you
thank you
thank you

>> No.378019

Beats me, man

>> No.378020

fuck you
I need you

>> No.378023

look at this polite-ass motherfucker

you a'int in japan bitch, that respect shit dont fly over here

>> No.378032

The Japanese believe values are completely contextual to group one is a member of. In other words, they are all moral relativists. Thus none of them really take religion seriously, and usually only appreciate it aesthetically. This is not to say that they are some sort of high minded rationalists-- it only means they believe only in the group harmony, which requires one to have little or no conviction in their morals or belief systems.

>> No.378044
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oh fuck you
its just rare that you ask a question actually related to japan that gets answered so quickly.
again, soo...fuck you.

>> No.378050

Yes that's much better. Good man.

>> No.378058

Japanese are superstitious but not religious. Superstitious mofos like most Asians.

>> No.378112


>> No.378160


>> No.378204

"If you sleep with the the fan blowing on you, you will die." Silly ass Koreans. I have a fan next to me bed I am not dead yet!

>> No.378206

So they all have little faith, but call themselves faithful to identify with a group. Pretty much what >>378032 said.

>> No.378215

>deep spiritual thing like for Christians.
Most Christians are retarded hypocrites that wouldn't know spirituality if it pooped in their oatmeal. Priests may know, but most Christians don't.

>> No.378238


>> No.378251

Unlucky year 43.8%

Buddhism 77.2%

Shinto shelf (?altar) 44.1%
Buddhist Altar 49.8%

>> No.378288

PROTIP: There's no such thing anyway, faggot.

>> No.378300


Where are you getting at?

>> No.378302

>Nothing Supernatural Exists 27.0%
More than 25%. That is so awesome.

>> No.378325

Existence of a white male Christian god != spirituality.
Supernatural != spirituality.
Spirituality includes trying to understand your own mind deeply. This is where priests, despite believing in magical fairies, usually get it right.

>> No.378356

If you are to completely reduce spirituality to enlightened self-consciousness, call it that, instead of making excuses for vague mysticism.

>> No.378364
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>> No.378368

OP here. when i said spirituality i wasn't trying to be philosophical. i just meant the jackass in hickville that thinks you need to go to church every Sunday or god is going to make a personal trip to your house and sodomize you until you like his ideas. they dont necessarily get it right but they have a strong conviction to it. in japan's case it seems they dont give to much of a fuck
>are you in a religious group?
>yes 8.8%
>no 91.2%

>> No.378384

Buddhism 77.2% means that 77.2% identify as Buddhsits however.

>> No.378401

7x% of 8% is not so large a number.

>> No.378419

77.2% of those in the survey which also gives the 8% figure. They just don't practice it.

>> No.378475

>enlightened self-consciousness
I like letting idiots shit up useful words.

>> No.378512

Buddhism is pretty easygoing though, as far as religions go.

>> No.378513

>enlightened self-consciousness
I don't like letting idiots shit up useful words, so I ignore their definitions and assign my own.

>> No.378715

Just wait till the emperor converts to Islam.

>> No.378721


Japan is not Britain.

>> No.378750

It's fully cultural. Buddhism and Shintoism isn't Christianity. Quit trying to view the world through your western eyes.

Both Shinto and Buddhism complement each other. Hell, even the Christian god is part of the whole pantheon of gods in Buddhism in Japan.

This is modern religion in Japan. Right until the end of WW2, Japanese people REALLY thought the emperor was a living god. But now it's more about doing things ue to tradition rather than because the truly believe in ancestral pagan worship. Same thing with the Chinese.

>> No.378780

and this is preferable in what way?

you do realize that it's not all that uncommon for one person to have buddhist AND shinto observances (or however you wish to call them)? for example, a shinto wedding, but a buddhist funeral. so identifying strictly with either may not even occur to many of them. fewer fundies of any stripe is just fine by me.

>> No.378791

Buddhism has a pantheon?

>> No.378805

They have thousands of gods. In Shintoism they have a god for every fucking tree and stone, in addition to their ancestors being gods.

Shinto and Buddhism is a dual-religion in Japan. If you're Shinto, you're also a Buddhist, and vice versa. Go to any Buddhist temple in Japan and you will find a Shinto shrine in every single one. In Buddhist ceremonies, the monks recite the names of their gods in addition to all Shinto gods.

There are so many other ways how Shinto and Buddhism coexist in Japan. They're all one religion in Japan.

>> No.378809

Mankind made religion and atheism to stroke his own cock and tell himself what a free sweet little boy he is, despite how horribly wrong he is. Find me a belief (or disbelief) that emphasizes not being a pretentious faggot, and I'll likely accept it posthaste.

Really? I thought it involved freeing oneself from materialistic want to obtain full spirituality via one's good works and attempted justification of righteousness influencing karma? These days, at least in the western world, not being materialistic is the last thing I expect out of people.

>> No.378812


Not really. It's just that Asians tend to incorporate many religions instead of following just one. Grab this monk, grab that general, grab this guy, grab this girl and together you have whatever it is that they want to call it.

In Vietnam, there's some religion (I forget) that includes Jesus in their trio(?) of gods.

>> No.378826


I just see them as guidelines. Obtaining enlightenment is like climbing to the top of the mountain. There are several ways of doing it, but some are easier than others. You won't get anywhere fast if you're drunk and chasing women all the time.

>> No.378865

A: If God doesn't exist, prove it!

B: Fine. Can God create a stone even he cannot lift? If you can't answer the paradox, I have disproved the possibility of omnipotence, a requirement for the existence of God.

A: ...

B: Does my proof suffice?

A: Stop being pretentious!

>> No.378873

Then, out of curiosity, what is the purpose of HARD MODO? I can understand having stairs and an elevator in a building, but when it comes to the tower of life, wouldn't it be better to have the latter? Is there a greater prize for adhering to a stricter set of guidelines, like Nirvana or a better reincarnated form?

>> No.378914

That is a logical fallacy. A god has no obligation to create that which is not logically possible. That's like saying, CAN UR GOD MAKE A CIRCLE WITH THREE SIDES? I THINK NOT, THEREFORE YOUR GOD DOES NOT EXIST

A circle with three sides is an impossibbility beyond the realm of logic. That's like asking god to create something so heavy he cannot lift to prove his omnipotence.

A: God is omnipotent.
B: Can god create a a triangle with 4 sides?
A: It can be done, but then it wouldn't be called a triangle anymore would it? Herein lies the logical fallcy.

>> No.378934

Note I included both religion and atheism, nobody escapes unscathed, unless they can prove something that shows mankind for what it really is.
Religion: Look how good I am. My works are so great. I am holier than thou. Don't you dare question my high position in our organization lest you wish to be excommunicated. My interpretation of our sacred scribbles is the only valid one, anyone else is a heretic. Law? With my frivolous titles and "true connection" with the powers that be, I am the law.

Atheism: There is no God, and no accountability in life. We are as close as to gods as we can get. I make the rules and am the standard of morality. I entrust the true definition of good in the hands of the people who fuck it up daily, mine and my brethren. So what if that's wrong, to me it's right and right it shall be.

>> No.378963

Things don't exist unless they are proven to. Fags.

>> No.378973

Go check out the Vikings, Gods don't have to be omnipotent.

>> No.378975


I kinda think that Buddhism is some variation of EASY MODO since it tries to keep you away from distractions. Well, it kinda does. Logically, it makes some sense.

To answer your question though, yes it would be better to have ladders. The only problem is that ladders don't grow from the ground. If you want ladders, then you'll have to build them or find someone who has one. Then again, you might be a horrible carpenter so your ladder will break the moment you use it. You can try your neighbor's ladder, but you can't be certain of its quality either. So where does Buddhism fall into all of this? Well, supposedly this Buddha built a pretty darn good ladder that leads all the way to the top. The only problem is that it's made of razer blades and bad tofu.

Some people are perfectly fine at the bottom of the mountain though.

>> No.378978

I love it when religiousfags get their panties in a knot.

Christianity was never a religion for Japan, and never will be. You Christians in Japan should just be happy that you aren't tortured and crucified on the spot, as ALL Christians were in Japan only a few hundred years ago.

That's what you get for trying to shove religions down other people's throats.

>> No.378982

The point of the paradox is that God, by definition of his omnipotence, is not subject to the rules of logic. Thus, within the closed system of the evaluation of arguments we call logic, the existence of God is impossible, and my point still stands.

>> No.378983


God is omnipotent by definition. Gods (I'd lowercase it, but it's at the beginning of the sentence) can be whatever they want to be.

>> No.378989

Religions are treated more as a way of life rather than something to fear and stand in awe of. All the Shinto, Confucianist, and Buddhist stuff is integrated into their lives smoothly like how secular Americans treat Christmas.

>> No.378990

/jp/ - Bible Fight

>> No.378993

We don't get morality from scripture. We get it from culture, and it is available to everyone in civilized society, whether you are religious or not. Religions just cherry pick from their scripture the things that conform with the standard societal values in that area. Are you saying Atheists can't be good people?

>We are as close as to gods as we can get.

I don't think I need to point out what is wrong with this statement. Maybe you should re look up what the word "atheism" means.

>> No.378995

If God is beyond the rules of logic, then God can, in fact, make something so heavy that he cannot lift, yet he can still lift it at the same time.

You're only proving God's omnipotence even more.

And if you've studied logic, you should know by now all arguments for the existence and not of a god. Your arguments are trash. Could you at least pull out the "Christian God does not exist" one?

>> No.379002

declaring god beyond logic is just a retarded way to sidestep questioning religion.

>> No.379008

Seriously, I don't know why people think omnipotence = not logical. They're fucking idiots. That's not how logic works.

>> No.379006

>Could you at least pull out the "Christian God does not exist" one?

can you please pull out
"the flying spaghetti monster or the celestial teapot does not exist" one?

>> No.379009

Ah I see. So it's like saying if I just want to 1cc the regular game or try my hand at Extra Mode and try to take on Suwako unfocused without losing a single life like Buddha did. The whole mountain thing got the metaphor gears turning.

>> No.379010


Trying to disprove something that is beyond the realms of the universe is just a retarded way to spend time. Real sciencefags do something with their lives. They don't try to preach to deaf.

>> No.379013
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>Christianity was never a religion for Japan, and never will be.


>> No.379014

So you have no idea which argument I'm talking about, huh?

Get the fuck out, you filthy philistine. Goddam pseudo-intellectuals that think they can throw around the word "logic" and then not be able to step up.

>> No.379016


I have no idea what you've just said, but I'll approve anyways.

>> No.379022


Is there a video clip of this? Looks interesting.

>> No.379027

they've just been brainwashed, and japan has been bullied into accepting Christianity by countries that have strong ties with Christianity.

>> No.379033

You're missing the point. If God is outside the realm of logic, arguments for his existence are impossible to evaluate. Thus, within the closed system of logic God cannot exist. I've studied logic and I'm a philosophy major. I don't need to take any shit from you.

>> No.379041

>The Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan (日本二十六聖人 Nihon Nijūroku Seijin) refers to a group of Christians who were executed by crucifixion on February 5, 1597 at Nagasaki.

The Japanese brutally murdered all Christians in Japan one time. European and Japanese Christians in Japan were crucified, burned alive, had all their blood sucked dry, and even thrown off cliffs. No mercy for women or children.

>> No.379046


Japan was trying to stop the evil foreigners though. You know how it works. Europeans send in priests and once the people are pacified, they move in for the kill. Just look at Africa.

>> No.379058

> I've studied logic and I'm a philosophy major.


If you're going to argue with logic, then argue WITH logic. None of this side-stepping bullshit. God has been and always is argued within the realms of logic. Don't give me none of this "god is not logical" bullshit. Philosophers have been arguing for and against the existance of God with logic for ages.

>> No.379059

No, I'm saying nobody can be good, regardless of beliefs. Not you, nor me, nor the people next to us. If we let society determine what is good, then we throw morals to the dogs called men themselves. My stance is this, if it feels good nobody said it was right. Ergo, it is not wise to rewrite sacred texts for the umpteenth time to reflect that nor is it wise to deem something righteous and do what "feels good" when the meek voice of guilt chimes in later. The whole "we're as close as to gods" thing was a bit of over-dramatization on my part. Not that man is God, but hell, it's not like dolphins are going to outdo us in civilization or some other stupid shit.

>> No.379060

not to mention ALL japanese had to either spit or step on an image of the virgin mary or jesus to prove they were not christians

thanks dutch, you guys are geniuses

>> No.379063

can't find one. have this instead -

>> No.379066

then, by the same degree, you cannot logically say that the thousands of other gods out there for the thousands of other religions do not exist

according to the bullshit you are trying to say

>> No.379074

it was usually spit and step on, not one or the other

>> No.379078



>> No.379086


Evidence please.

>> No.379084

Zeus is a pretty cool guy. eh has babies everywhere and doesn't afraid of anything.

Except his wife.

>> No.379090

Oh hey, I like how you just changed the subject from the logical validity of discussing God to how I must be wrong about other religions' gods. Real smooth there buddy. Maybe you should also accuse me of being pro-Chinese while you're at it and how Naking never happened even though it has nothing to do with this.

>lol u say god exists therefore the gods of others don't exist
That's what you just said. For all your supposed "I studied Philosophy" you're not very good at hiding the part where you only took intro Philosophy in community college.

>> No.379094

that guy kinda reminded me of Dustin Hoffman, and for some reason i thought of this:

>> No.379105


Chinese sympathizer! I bet you approve of the Tibet situation too.

>> No.379116

Philosophy major here, >>379066 wasn't me. My point was that things that can't be evaluated with logic can't be proven to exist, and are thus necessarily disproved. I don't understand what your point is, or even where all the vitriol is coming from.

>> No.379118

Reminds me how in so many J-Dramas, I've seen people cross themselves and pray as if they were catholic, go to a Christian Church, or get married in one.

>> No.379122

not same person

>> No.379140
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>> No.379174

Also a clear point I forgot. Then who or what does humanity turn to for a clear distinguishing of right and wrong? You cannot let evil humankind decide for itself what is right and gods are simply the marionettes of men to justify their heinous acts. Truly a paradox of sorts. If anyone found anything to break this, it probably is the truth.

>> No.379194

>Also a clear point I forgot. Then who or what does humanity turn to for a clear distinguishing of right and wrong? You cannot let evil humankind decide for itself what is right and gods are simply the marionettes of men to justify their heinous acts. Truly a paradox of sorts. If anyone found anything to break this, it probably is the truth.

If people get their morals from the bible, then they should have stoned me to death for working this past sunday. Or they should kill all gays (oh wait... they still want to do that). I also love it when people say that "well that applied back then, but god changed his mind, and it isn't appropriate to stone people to death who work on sundays anymore".

What made it acceptable 2000 years ago then? Hmm?
I can't respect a god that gives out INFINITE pain to people who do not believe in him. No matter what your crime on earth is, infinite pain and suffering as a result for eternity is so disproportional it is disgusting.

>> No.379231

Then be sure to get them to arrange my stoning as well, considering things I've done.
Still, I have no answer to my original question. I seek a faith or lack thereof that embodies modesty rather than pride. I'm sick of seeing people proclaim their self-righteousness via religion or non-religion. Anyone got one?

>> No.379241

Who else loves throwing fireballs and huge stones at people and their houses in Black&White? Of course you also have to sacrifice some people for the 'mana'.

>> No.379258


It gets boring after a while. There needs to be a way to instigate a war between the citizens. That'd be great.

>> No.379259

Then be sure to get them to arrange my stoning as well, considering things I've done.

Still, past all the straw men and bullshit I've and others' setup, I have no answer to my original question. I seek a faith or lack thereof that embodies modesty rather than pride. I'm sick of seeing people proclaim their self-righteousness via religion and non-religion. Defend religion all you want society. Defend atheism all you want society. When all is said and done, both routes are mental masturbation. The former with a poorly crafted deity doll and the latter alone. Both pathetic and both sickening. So, anyone got one?

>> No.379275

Oh yeah,commanding your people to go on a crusade would be a good feature. With your creature at the front line.

>> No.379281


I've often thought that if Christianity had never arose we would have some kind of western 'buddhism' based around Stoicism and the ideals of Zeno, Seneca, Aurelius et al... That would have been a pretty cool religion.

'Everything in moderation' seems to be the only universal dictum that rings true in life.

>> No.379290

Does the cross have its own meaning in Japan, or is it merely a fashion accessory, because a lot of people [citation needed] wear them and I doubt it is because of any Christian influences.

>> No.379293

Just gotta point out here that three-sided circles and four-sided triangles are impossible by definition, but a stone doesn't stop being a stone no matter how much it weighs. There is no definitional contradiction in a stone that weighs so much that an omnipotent being can't lift it.

What you get here are infinities. An infinitely powerful being, an infinitely heavy stone and presumably another infinitely massive object to "lift" the stone up from. Infinity > infinity, I see no problem here.

>> No.379297

I don't know really. Wouldn't proclaiming moderation be some way of side-stepping one's vices? "I need the evil with the good to balance the natural scales of my 'mostly' virtuous life, so let me get away with this time." Of course, then there is too much of a good thing as they say, but if something can be bad in mass quantity, it's not completely 100% "good" to begin with. This is amongst my quandaries, I don't want an excuse I can use to half vindicate myself when someone charges me for some offense I know I've committed because then I feel guilty of exerting some kind of arrogance.

>> No.379298

Just put your faith in something other than yourself, how bout existence?

>> No.379300

We would all be Jews or Muslims.

>> No.379336


I think Seneca expanded more on what Cleobolos said, specifically what he meant by moderation. Remember that that's a rough translation of <<παν μετρον αριστον>>, it could be better translated as 'the moderate way is best' in a more poetic and less literal sense. Specifically though, moderation has been hammered down by many philosophers, generally it pertains towards was is considered gratifying but unproductive I suppose. But it can also refer to work, as Seneca said.

>> No.379363

In existence? How so?

>> No.379375

Existence, time, and all the things we take for granted. Technically you could also call the universe a god and that would be the same thing imo.

>> No.379390

I see where you're coming from. That takes care of belief, and then the determination of right and wrong is done by what method?

>> No.379411

Right and wrong? We are insignificant compared to the universe, but if you have to have something I suppose I can make something up lol

>> No.379414

im glad this thread turned into the shitstorm that it was predicted to be

religion and 4chan are like oil and water

>> No.379416

As a percentage of all the matter in the entire universe, do you realize how infinitely insignificant everything that you call "you" is? Your body, your mind, the arrangement of atoms that is YOU statistically shouldn't have happened. You could be a dust cloud in space, or a drop of frozen water on a comet. But you, among ALL of the matter in the universe cobbled together something called sentience. Do you realize how lucky you are? You won the greatest lottery in the entire history of EXISTENCE. That alone is cause for celebration. And you, feeling what I'm sure you think is a cruel and unfair punishment would cut that up after only 20-30 short years? Madness. You're alive, that's more than the rocks, the dirt, the dust cloud, the ice cubes, and all the other atoms floating around get. You're more lucky than you know.

Enjoy it, whatever it happens to be, while you can; because that's all there is and ever will be.

>> No.379432

religion and rational thinking are like oil and water


>> No.379449

does that mean trolls are religious?

wouldn't that mean 4chan would mix with religion?

>> No.379442


>> No.379499

There is one good thing about Christianity that people often ignore, and I think highlights exactly what makes the West superior to the East. What's important isn't the moral codes it has created, but the fact that it has inculcated the belief in universal values into western thought. In the west, it matters whether or not you believe in God, because these beliefs indicate universal values. If you are a Christian, wherever you go, God shall rule. If you are an Atheist, wherever you go, Reason shall rule. In the East, however, what is right, or even what is true, is based on what group you are member of. Men no longer hold their fate, and are merely the subject of the absurd forces that dominate them. Philosophy is no longer concerned with "What should I be?", but instead "How should I cope?" >>379259 ironically insists that atheists are doomed to complacency, weakly hoping that the philosophies of the East may save us, not knowing that they are far more complacent than atheists will ever be.

>> No.379505

A sound view of our place in the cosmos.
This life is an experience you may never get again.
Live it up, however you choose. No path is less valid than the others, so long as YOU choose it. If you want to worship sticks and stones, we'll think you're fucking stupid, but in the grand scheme of things, it's your choice. That's enough for a valid existence.

Validity among your peers is a separate issue...

>> No.379509

Why would anyone admit to being religious on 4chan?

It's like being openly gay in real life.

>> No.379520


Society in the west is drastically different. We're all about individualism (which leads to unnecessary confrontations and stand-offs when two people of conflicting sides encounter), but in the east, it's all hivemind in a way. Everyone is a cog in some machine. You play your role, do your part, and learn to accept your place. If you haven't grown up with that, it can be difficult to accept.

Weeaboos seeking to flee to Japan, be warned of that very truth. The gaijin that cause the most trouble fail to understand this principle. Japan is like FFXI, you can't gain significant experience unless you get into a party and dedicate yourself to one role. America is like World of Warcraft. You can basically solo to 70.

>> No.379535


>> No.379543


I actually played with a few JP players. I understand it well enough but we're all nice enough to use the translator when needed.

>> No.379555

When Aht Urgan first came out, the JP players were the only ones that would party with my PUP, so I can't completely hate them.

>> No.379559

>>If you are an Atheist, wherever you go, Reason shall rule

Go crack a dictionary and look up Atheist.

>> No.379575

I'm talking about the atheism as an identity, which for the most part consists of rationalists. Obviously a better term to use would have been rationalist, but everybody knew what I meant right?

>> No.379638

no fat head they didn't since you are wrong.

>> No.379652

Christfags are nothing but a bunch of self-centered fucks. Basically, ITT:
>People working for the Devil, Satan are trying to test my faith again. I must show everyone that my faith in God is steadfast and firm as well as try to exorcise them of their disbelief so that I can secure a place by His side in Heaven.

>> No.379654

>>BAWWWWW I failed at distracting the argument with semantics

>> No.379661

>which for the most part
You just lost the game.

>> No.379665

Actually for the most part, the Christfags were subdued quite easily, though I'm sure they're still lurking.

>> No.379678
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>> No.379705

Actually the Rulers in power in Japan always depended on Religion to maintain their political hold on the people. State Shintoism brought about WWII. It's no small wonder the Japanese reject it now. Even at that Buddhism, Shintoism and Confucianism shaped Japan and it's philosophy for over 1000 years and the culture is still dominated by it.

>> No.379705,1 [INTERNAL] 

>No path is less valid than the others
you talk like a criminal; just became a hobo and get drunk then

>it's your choice. That's enough for a valid existence.

most people suck at making decisions; that's why having a time machine is so much desirable; the majority of people just wake up in the morning and follow the usual daily routine; I can't even remember what I ate yesterday kek; people follow the flow of what happens; you do something as a consequence of everything else around you / before you. Even making big decisions, like getting married, sometime it's just the inevitable/obvious choice everyone expect from you since they sow you getting along that well with your fiancé, and so on and on.

>> No.379705,2 [INTERNAL] 

Being a nihilist doesn't mean acting in a way that is harmful to others.

>> No.379705,3 [INTERNAL] 

tfw no gf to travel though time with
