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File: 324 KB, 934x1400, re-take4-143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3778479 No.3778479 [Reply] [Original]

You found yourself a loving waifu. Unfortunately she was involved in an accident and suffered massive head injuries. Her mental capacity have been reduced to that of a five year old, what do you do?

[ ] devoice her, move on with your life
[ ] take care of her for the rest of her life
[ ] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night
[ ] take care of her, but also keep a mistress

>> No.3778495


I'm bad at making hypothetical decisions about hypothetical loved ones.

>> No.3778500

[x] take care of her for the rest of her life

She's my waifu for a reason. I'll love her regardless of what happens.

>> No.3778505

My answer is the same as it was the last time this thread was posted.

>> No.3778512

>devoice her
Five year olds have annoying speech.

>> No.3778514

[x] Shoot lasers from my eyes


>> No.3778518

[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3778519

>devoice her

So wait, I can have a mute retarded waifu of my very own?

>> No.3778527

[x] take care of her for the rest of her life
Are you kidding? Damaged/broken goods are a fetish of mine.

>> No.3778560

You know those vows you take when you get married?
For better or for worse
In sickness and in health
I'm pretty sure these apply here.

>> No.3778562
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>> No.3778567
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>> No.3778568

[ x] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3778575

[ x] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3778576

[X] devoice her, move on with your life.

Intelligence is a priority as far as waifu material is concerned.

>> No.3778578
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>implying /jp/ is Christian

>> No.3778579

And put into closet

>> No.3778597

I'd find a way to fall in love with her all over again, and failing that, I'd have no regrets about marrying her, since she is the only waifu I will ever have ;_;

>> No.3778598

>Implying even Christians follow that shit

>> No.3778600

you forgot the right option:

[x]keep her as a pet, find another waifu.


>> No.3778608

[O] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3778613


>> No.3778616

[X] take care of her for the rest of her life, manipulate it so she falls in love with me again and love tenderly.

>> No.3778624

[x] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night
I wish there was a disorder like this.

>> No.3778631

>I wish there was a disorder like this.
fatal familial insomnia?

>> No.3778653

>he disease's genesis and the patient's progression into complete sleeplessness is untreatable, and ultimately fatal.

Holy fuck, this is almost fantastical.

>> No.3778658

> You found yourself a loving waifu. Unfortunately she was involved in an accident and suffered massive head injuries.


>Her mental capacity have been reduced to that of a five year old,
fuck yes, celebrate

>> No.3778660

But she was already five years old.

>> No.3778674


I sit on the bed, staring at the wall in front of me.
"So, how are you doing today?" I ask her, not moving my head one inch. The wallpaper is starting to fall apart...
"What do you mean how I'm doing?" she answers me with a question. I feel her standing on the bed.
"You know... how is your head doing..." I mutter the last part. It really is hard to accept that she is really getting worse every day.
A long silence.
"Well..." She finally answers "I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-kiri rock."
I turn to look at her. She has a big grin in her face, and her hand is slowly crawling towards a pillow.
"I need scissors!" she says with a smile, grabbing a pillow by the edge.
"Sixty-augh!" I don't let her finish, and attack her before she does. As I wallop her with the other pillow, she tries her best to defend herself while laughing histerically.
"Ok, ok, enough, I give up" She says, droping her weapon, and lying down in the mattress. I fall besides her.
We just look to the ceiling for a while, with only the sound of our gasping breathing.
"I'm on a good day" She finally says. I turn my head towards her, she's not moving her eyes from the ceiling, avoiding my gaze. "But it feels like it won't be long enough, you know?" She turns to look at me with fearful eyes.

>> No.3778685

oh re-take, why does my heart hurt every time I see you again? ;_;

>> No.3778687

[x] take care of her for the rest of her life

I wouldn't abandon my little sister for nothing.

>> No.3778701

Yet we crave for it and will re-read it countless times.

>> No.3778709

I- I don't know why I ever got rid of it... probably had to wipe a drive... but I'm re-downloading it again... I-I have too ;_;

>> No.3778714

I've never read it, is it good?

>> No.3778711 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3778719

Fakku has them, and i wiped my hard drive 5 hours ago, so im downloading them again.

>> No.3778728

It goes 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, and AFTER
But wich one is 1.5?

>> No.3778735
File: 1.36 MB, 1600x1200, eva asuka (re-take).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't the order go: 1,2,3,0,4?

>> No.3778745

you know, I don't ever remember reading after. I thought it ended at 4. I guess it wasn't translated or out when I read the rest of it...

>> No.3778750

I enjoyed after because I like happy ends.

>> No.3778766

No.. Sorry.. I just can't. Looking at her stupid face there, I just couldn't imagine living with someone like that.

>> No.3778774
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>Her mental capacity have been reduced to that of a five year old, what do you do?


>> No.3778784

[x] take care of her for the rest of her life

"For better or for worse" is a vow I'll take seriously.

>> No.3778799


>> No.3778802
File: 477 KB, 800x600, 551135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Repair her, returning her to her maximum capability.

>> No.3778806


Is this the one where he has to be there while she pees?

>> No.3779414

>Asking from Tsukihime sauce on /jp/


>> No.3779426



>> No.3779442

link, i want to see moe Akiha

>> No.3779450

wouldn't you be arrested for fucking her since she can't give consent anymore?

>> No.3779475

[]Keep her, get another waifu. Threesome every night with a hapless sex toy!

>> No.3779487

It'd be a legally murky area. While it's unlikely the authorities would seek to spy on you and make an example of you, particularly since as her husband you would be her primary legal guardian in case of loss of facilities, her relatives (if she has any) could attempt to have your marriage annulled and try to take custody of her away from you, if they thought you were abusing her.

Not to mention, of course, that it's a rather morally dark grey area to say the least, since, when it comes down to it, she would indeed be incapable of giving consent anymore, and therefore of giving consent to sex. If you really cared about her, you'd realize that yourself, and be conflicted in whether it'd be right to try and have sex with your wife anymore.

Needless to say, it's a pretty horrible situation. One that'd be as hard a test of one's marriage vows as you're likely to find in life.

>> No.3779506

>be conflicted in whether it'd be right to try and have sex with your wife anymore.
If she's that retarded: she's not making me any money, she's not helping my keep my house in shape, and she's not giving me any emotional fulfillment or support. She's either getting fucked or getting out; there's no conflict about it. It'd probably see if I could get her fixed so she wouldn't get pregnant though. Maybe get birth control so I wouldn't have to deal with her periods.

>> No.3779512

In my opinion, it doesn't count as a test of your marriage. The idea that you are the same person throughout your life just because there is some observable continuity is essentially absurd. In the event that the brain is damaged in some fashion, I do not think it is fair to anyone involved to act as if the victim is "the same person."

To be honest, the marriage should be canceled entirely in the event of such an accident because the victim is no longer the person who entered into that union or even capable of giving consent to "re"-affirm the union.

>> No.3779522

[X] take care of her for the rest of her life

If you really love her, you'll choose no other...

probably with the slight exception to
>[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3779523
File: 392 KB, 1024x768, yukiuta_huzimisetuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I just finished Setsuna route in Yukiuta ;_;

>> No.3779524

Actually, I often fantasize about being married to a five year old, so it would be pretty awesome for me.

>> No.3779528

And yet marriages continue when the one of the participants has Alzheimers to such a degree that they lose all ability to give consent, remember the marriage, or even identify their spouse. This situation is not entirely dissimilar, and in fact possibly less stressful, considering a five year old can be easier to deal with than a fullblown end-stage Alzheimers patient.

Of course, people with a spouse in the above situation have to make hard choices much like you point out, and decide whether they can handle continuing the marriage when it means devoting pretty much the rest of their life to caring for their partner. Surprisingly (to some), the vast majority choose the harder option, though the fact that almost all of them are elderly may suggest that a lifetime of experience and maturity may make such hard choices easier for them than a younger person would find it.

>> No.3779535
File: 40 KB, 512x385, nanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[x] take care of her for the rest of her life
She's my waifu after all, isn't it obvious?

Also, why does this kind of thread always remind me of Nanaka?

>> No.3779564

No it's because they are both going to die soon, so fuck it. It's not like some 80 year old is going to find a new wife.

Although Alzheimer's is fatal anyway, so even if you were young and your wife got it, it'd only be a few years before she died. Anyone can bear that much. Taking care of an otherwise healthy retard for her entire life is a bit much though.

>> No.3779586

Well, if she does not have some disease with progressing mental regression - this is the same as nothing. She will just relearn and regain all of her abilities in about half of a year. So no loli waifu in adult body for you.
Memory loss is memory loss though.

>> No.3779592

And yes, all diseases that lead to mental regression are fatal.

>> No.3779606 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3779629

Depends. Does she still like me?

>> No.3779635

She doesn't remember, but if you stick your cock in her, her body will.

>> No.3779637
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[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3779644

how is she a "hapless" sex toy then?

>> No.3779647

[X] take care of her for the rest of her life
-Though there still will be sex, just not "using her as a sex toy" or anything like that.

He who abandons his waifu shall be condemned and shunned from socity.

>> No.3779658

>And yes, all diseases that lead to mental regression are fatal.

Huh, I think you can get away with some. Say, multiple sclerosis, which conveniently manifests in young females most often.

>> No.3779967

>Her mental capacity have been reduced to that of a five year old, what do you do?

Thank my lucky stars. I don't want a wife that's my intellectual equal in the first place.

>> No.3780164

Source is Dream Moon First Lunar Month, and can be found at http://www.freewebs.com/aortic/tsukihime.htm

>> No.3780220
File: 157 KB, 660x850, 5a5496caab50cbef9eca0d01140ca45553bd250b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you still love your waifu if she recovers and no longer has the mental capacity of a five year old?

>> No.3780256
File: 165 KB, 500x638, 5373510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kill my waifu, safe in the knowledge that she will respawn with her original intelligence.

>> No.3780277

...that of a five year old.

>> No.3780281

Technically, she's probably closer to (I'm not joking here) a nine or ten year old.

>> No.3780302

If i were to judge by in-game dialogue, it's more like a pre-teen, around 12-13.
In the manual she wasn't mentioned to be mentally retarded, just an idiot.

>> No.3780628
File: 32 KB, 400x300, nanaka0703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem here.
The real question is, what if your waifu is 5 year old in the first place?

>> No.3780635

Oh lawd, is that Re-take?

>> No.3780646


>> No.3780785

Oh. Good job.

Re-take was awesome.

>> No.3780796

[X ] take care of her for the rest of her life
if someone could actually love a POS like me I would return that for as long as I lived.
so ronery ;_;

>> No.3780830
File: 332 KB, 837x1200, 00 - Front Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce is Dream Moon, it's up on Gaku Gaku. Also has delicious Satsuki appearance. One of the good Akiha stories. No porn.

Like this one, also check out A Profusion of Akiha. Akiha/Len for the mutherfucking HNNNNNNNNNNGH

... which I'll post now cause I'm bored and frustrated with livestream.

>> No.3780839
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>[x] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

To answer OP's question. But really, it's a sad kind of degeneration, so

>[x] take care of her, but also keep a mistress

is also a very valid answer.

>> No.3780846
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>> No.3780855
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>> No.3780856

[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night
[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at day
[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at morning
[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at evening

>> No.3780857
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>> No.3780863
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>> No.3780869
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>> No.3780877
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>> No.3780881
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>> No.3780884
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>> No.3780889
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>> No.3780892
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>> No.3780895
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>> No.3780903
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>> No.3780908
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break for food, brb

>> No.3780914

Son of a bitch.

>> No.3780920
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o rite, no chow in my house. Fuck thanksgiving week.

>> No.3780928
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aren't you fortunate?

>> No.3780934
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>> No.3780940
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>> No.3780941
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>> No.3780947
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There's a short gag reel of Akiha harassing Akira, should I skip?

>> No.3780954
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>> No.3780956
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Last page of this part of the story. I'll post the rest of it the way through

>> No.3780960
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25's missing from my files, don't bitch at me it ain't my fault. I think the numbering's just weird.

>> No.3780970
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>> No.3780976
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>> No.3780978

[x] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night

>> No.3780981
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>> No.3780990
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>> No.3780994
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>> No.3781002
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>> No.3781009
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>> No.3781016
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last page

>> No.3781025


only a single page story thing?

>> No.3782523

Just read re-take. It was pretty awesome.

>> No.3782977

Same here, bro. I baww'ed.

>> No.3783044
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>> No.3784447
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[X] Nothing changes, my waifu already has the mentality of a five-year-old.

Which doesn't stop me from loving her one bit.

>> No.3784493

[X] take care of her for the rest of her life

My wife is insane, but I love her anyways. I will likely always love her and take care of her, regardless of what she does. I don't see how this would be any different.

You don't get married and dump someone over something as inane as a reduction in mental capacity. You get divorced over something major that makes it so the two people can not get along ever and the love is completely gone. A lapse in mental capacity can be worked around.

>> No.3784588

[x] Used to it, because my waifu is a five year old

>> No.3785479

On the bus trip to the government registry for the divorce, you waifu falls asleep on your shoulder, her fingers entwined in yours. She’s totally oblivious to the situation and has completely trust in you still.

What do you do?

>> No.3786081


>> No.3786088

[x] take care of her for the rest of her life

I would be an ass if a tragic accident made me leave her.

>> No.3786099


Like he said. I'll never leave my waifu. <3

>> No.3786419

[X] Tell the doctor to pull the plug on the life support machine.

>> No.3786428

These three are not mutually exclusive.

[X] take care of her for the rest of her life
[X] take care of her, use her as a hapless sex toy at night
[X] take care of her, but also keep a mistress
