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3777007 No.3777007 [Reply] [Original]

Good old SNES touhou RPG. Brings back memories.

>> No.3777011

Is that some best game ever?

>> No.3777013

Reimu: Marisa! I've finally found you..... And you're with Alice alone in this secret room...

>> No.3777016

Secret of Mana 3

>> No.3777017


>> No.3777021

I couldn't agree more with you Anonymous.

>> No.3777022

Even the PC-98 games weren't around in the age of the SNES.

HRtP was released in 96-97, which was the year of the Nintendo 64.

>> No.3777030

Final Fantasy Tactics?

>> No.3777034

Tactics Ogre

>> No.3777038

Touhou TRPG?


>> No.3777045


Beginning line of 8,109,238 Doujins and counting...

>> No.3777050

No, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, the game that MADE Final Fantasy Tactics what it was.

Know your roots, bitch.

>> No.3777051
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>> No.3777055

fuck you for shopping the best fucking game that ever existed on the snes console

>> No.3777067

No, fuck.. YOU.

>> No.3777078


I wish. I would pay ungodly sums of money for a Disgaea clone TRPG involving Touhou... I actually thought about it and you could make some pretty sweet special abilities and whatnot, ie:

Yuuka being able to spawn sunflowers on grid squares to block other characters movement- the sunflowers would have 1 HP and be easily killed but at the cost of buffing the shit out of Yuuka's attack power.

Cirno having an "I am the strongest!" attack that has the potential to do 99,999 damage, but more often than not fizzles and only does 9 damage.

Tewi setting traps, marisa stealing items, patchouli being asthma moe and only being able to move one grid square per turn, and so on...

>> No.3777082
File: 55 KB, 450x314, supergandg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't a huge rpg fan when I had my super Nintendo.

>> No.3777100

your ideas are terrible, I'm glad you will never be in a position to make them real

>> No.3777106

You really missed out

>> No.3777117

"Escort Patchouli to the goal!"
Argh, I can feel the frustration.

>> No.3777126

No I've gone back and played them, I enjoyed the portable re-releases of almost everything.

Especially Tales of Phantasia.

Also I beat super ghost and ghouls when I was younger which is more satisfying then almost anything in retrospect (At the time I about shit myself with rage, people familiar with the end will get it).

>> No.3777135


This is where the disgaea "pick up" and "throw" mechanic would be a lifesaver.

Patchy moving too slow? Get Yuugi to toss her ass across the map.

>> No.3777138
File: 125 KB, 1062x720, 1258830341750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lufia 2 is getting a remake and they turned Maxim and company into metrosexuals

>> No.3777140

Tactics Ogre is a Tactical RPG. One of the few ones on the SNES apart from Fire Emblem and Bahamut Lagoon.

There's no excuse to have not imported and played it.

>> No.3777143

M-m-musst... ...

... can't... hold... on any...

>implying any of your ideas would be better

>> No.3777147

all remakes and re imaginings japan does involve that. Castlevainia Judgement.

>> No.3777150

Why, god, why?

>> No.3777151

Jesus fuck! I think we're actually getting somewhere. What say you that /jp/ come together and make a Touhou TRPG

>> No.3777153

yes but...Lufia 2 ;_;

>> No.3777159


All I see is Gay Knight to Gay Biker.

Which in my book is an improvement.

>> No.3777160
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>> No.3777164
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>> No.3777165

I can't stand the ugly 3D designs that plague every DS RPG

>> No.3777167

I dunno. Replacing sprites in games sounds easier. I would love to play some Secret of Mana with touhou characters and effects.

>> No.3777170
File: 401 KB, 1200x1427, 1258826197821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3777171


people would just whine about other peoples ideas sucking, inevitably yukkuris would be involved, someone would insist on an H-scene...

end result = a title screen and then assorted gif animations of yukkuris fucking.

>> No.3777177

Grazing Daos' magic attacks? sounds good.

>> No.3777175

Tactics Ogre is one of my favorites series ever.

That being said, it somewhat saddens me to see it mixed with Touhou shit.

>> No.3777179
File: 242 KB, 468x600, 1258825473954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody know the source of this?
Dekar is my favorite rpg character ever.

>> No.3777184
File: 230 KB, 705x480, title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.3777189

To think there will probably never be another Ogre Battle game...

It makes me very sad, especially considering the Wii is perfect for an Ogre Battle game, since you can control the cursor by pointing.

Fuck you all, god damn it. Where's my new Ogre Battle game!

>> No.3777193

I am going to buy the fuck out of this.

>> No.3777196

An authoritarian core team should be more than enough.
But /jp/ is too damn lazy, so no.

>> No.3777197

ever done rpgmaker or spriting

they're boring and unrewarding.

>> No.3777198


is this a shoop or does such a wondrous product actually exist?

>> No.3777202

I heard the original team is on board. They can handle it... I hope.

>> No.3777209

That's the C75 version. It also has a forgotten brother from C74

>> No.3777217

Maybe they'll actually shed some light on who the hell Arek is.

>> No.3777227

I'll just leave this repost here

>> No.3777229


>Lufia 2 is getting a remake and they turned Maxim and company into metrosexuals


>> No.3777238

as long as they don't turn Dekar into Sephiroth I'm ok

>> No.3777243

Speaking of SNES and touhou, does anyone know what became of that touhou SNES project? Last I heard they'd made a snes rom with a SNES version of some of EoSD.

>> No.3777247

Gades looks like he's gonna sport a chubby for Maxim at any moment.

>> No.3777251

Isn't that him with the pink hair and white jacket in >>3777170

>> No.3777253
File: 32 KB, 330x357, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After watching a preview vid for it, I'm way less enthused about the whole thing.

>> No.3777252

There was always some pretty heavy sexual tension between them.

>> No.3777256

I really hope that's Lexis

>> No.3777259

Wait what. Link plz, even if it's disappointing. I want to know if it's real or not.

>> No.3777264

I'm saddened to learn that "Gades" is pronounced "gah dehss" and not "Gaydss" or "Gay-deez" like I pronounced in my childhood.

>> No.3777269

Same here, anon. Same here.

>> No.3777270



You can even DL it there too, if the links are still working.

>> No.3777323

It DOES look a bit lame... the video is all about SPECIAL ATTACKS and nothing about the actual gameplay.

>> No.3777376

This is why Square turned from a fantastic company to nothing but a boring shitfest.

>> No.3777384

Squaresoft is the Metallica of the videogame industry.

>> No.3777401

Whatever happened to that Touhou Fire Emblem-esque game being made?

>> No.3777445

Demo comes out next Comiket, supposedly

>> No.3777460

What exactly are you implying here?

>> No.3777467

Thank you fine Anon.

>> No.3777474

He's implying that he liked shitty music when he was younger.

>> No.3777570

does it look any good?

>> No.3777596

Replace metrosexual with Battler.

>> No.3777602

Can't unsee. Fuck you.

>> No.3777604

Sinistrals? I don't believe in that crap.

>> No.3777638


Wow, I'm a huge Lufia fag and I'm not sure how to feel about this. Selan looks like a street dancer instead of a general. I mean, she did wear a dress in the original but it didn't look that goofy. Guy looks like Hulk Hogan. I always imagined him as being close to Maxim in size, not like a bodybuilder. If Guy is that big then Dekar must be fucking huge.
