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File: 409 KB, 1400x986, sumika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3776294 No.3776294 [Reply] [Original]

Last time: TakaJun picked up Swan Song (50% translated), the VN community is full of plot twists and some guys try to rally RuiTomo.

>> No.3776296

Also, reposting this because it's worth it:

<~Nagato> Yuyucow !izhBpjwbEg 11/22/09(Sun)19:08 No.3776173
<~Nagato> File1258934887.jpg-(73 KB, 500x387, muvluv4hijack.jpg)
<~Nagato> 73 KB
<~Nagato> >>3776163
<~Nagato> Narcissu is really likely to be in the final poll, if TinFoil agrees OsaDai will be taken out and N2-3 will get in (though as a side project it would probably be just N2).
<~Nagato> it won't happen
<Uguu> Izmos, you did?
<~Nagato> tinfoil went to the hospital yesterday and hasn't come back yet
<+Masat01|kinniku> Wait, what? TinFoil talked not too long ago, didn't he?
<~Nagato> he did?
<Uguu> you're stil me?
<Moogy> nagato, he's back from the hospital
<Moogy> just still sick
<~Nagato> oh
<~Nagato> he did
<~Nagato> [13:55] <@TinFoil|Sick> anyway, what the hospital staff thought was fever + high blood pressure escalated into a full blown infection
<~Nagato> [13:56] <@TinFoil|Sick> SO COOL, I ALMOST DIED THERE
<~Nagato> so yeah uh
<Moogy> tinfoil is dying
<kViN> the hospital staff confirmed for NNL trolls
<Moogy> lol
<kViN> they are trying to kill tinfoil so osadai can't be taken out
<masato_mo_kinniku> lol


>> No.3776302

Would lol again.

>> No.3776303

reposting for laughs

<~Nagato> Yuyucow !izhBpjwbEg 11/22/09(Sun)19:08 No.3776173
<~Nagato> File1258934887.jpg-(73 KB, 500x387, muvluv4hijack.jpg)
<~Nagato> 73 KB
<~Nagato> >>3776163
<~Nagato> Narcissu is really likely to be in the final poll, if TinFoil agrees OsaDai will be taken out and N2-3 will get in (though as a side project it would probably be just N2).
<~Nagato> it won't happen
<Uguu> Izmos, you did?
<~Nagato> tinfoil went to the hospital yesterday and hasn't come back yet
<+Masat01|kinniku> Wait, what? TinFoil talked not too long ago, didn't he?
<~Nagato> he did?
<Uguu> you're stil me?
<Moogy> nagato, he's back from the hospital
<Moogy> just still sick
<~Nagato> oh
<~Nagato> he did
<~Nagato> [13:55] <@TinFoil|Sick> anyway, what the hospital staff thought was fever + high blood pressure escalated into a full blown infection
<~Nagato> [13:56] <@TinFoil|Sick> SO COOL, I ALMOST DIED THERE
<~Nagato> so yeah uh
<Moogy> tinfoil is dying
<kViN> the hospital staff confirmed for NNL trolls
<Moogy> lol
<kViN> they are trying to kill tinfoil so osadai can't be taken out
<masato_mo_kinniku> lol

>> No.3776304

Also, the doctors at the hospital are trying to assassinate the guy heading the Osadai project.

>> No.3776305

bah beaten to it.

>> No.3776310


I'm not full of twists, just full of awesome.

>> No.3776313

Oh yeah: to that huy who was saying rally's don't work.
Neko of #Ammy did it and got SnI too win. He went to various Furry boards to do it.

>> No.3776318

He said it would be much harder now due to the scale of this poll compared to last time.

>> No.3776319
File: 212 KB, 780x750, wakutsu_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<LoSs> really mediocre trap
<LoSs> best trap
<LoSs> I've met so far
<LoSs> is Tomo
<Erotaku12493> Tomo?
<LoSs> and he isn't just best trap
<LoSs> he is best protag I've ever met
<Ice_Rabbit> tomo is cute
<LoSs> he topped popularity polls with 80% of votes
<Vodka> Tomo seems awesome.
<Erotaku12493> ahh, okay
<LoSs> far superior than all of heroines
<Vodka> Romances lesbians and doesn't afraid of anything.

<LoSs> ruitomo is pure 10/10 tier
<Moogy> LoSs, which is better, ruitomo or comyu
<LoSs> they are different
<LoSs> hard to compare
<LoSs> I like heroines in comyu more but ruitomo is better story-wise
<LoSs> I didn't really liked hanaoto or otoboku
<LoSs> they just tried to stand out because of traop protag
<LoSs> only ruitomo actually have awesome story and writing to fight back

>> No.3776322


>> No.3776324

LoSs is a faggot, who care about his opinion?

>> No.3776326

Tinfoil has a Tief Blau infection.

>> No.3776327

Yeah, last time rallying 20 people made all the difference. This time you'd need to rally waaaay more.

>> No.3776332

This shit is like watching a goddamn soap opera. What the hell's next? Ixrec pregnant with Takajun's child?

>> No.3776333

Yeah, now it would be. But seriously Ixrec actually stated 5 or 6 votes came from an /f/ for SnI; Baldr would have won.

>> No.3776334
File: 98 KB, 802x602, fuoooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the people not voting for Muvluv, what awaits you is Tama's anger.

>> No.3776336

Implying anyone's opinion other than yours matter.

>> No.3776337
File: 65 KB, 720x540, snapshot20091122213326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote Kiminozo! No wait, vote Kimi ga ita Kisetsu!

>> No.3776338
File: 13 KB, 386x330, 1234770696979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Re: Nominations for Project #3 Selection Poll
>« Reply #611 on: Today at 07:16:28 pm »
>Anyone want to work with me in starting a Baldr >Sky project, preferably sometime in the next 24 >hours? =P

>> No.3776341

If all of RuiTomo voters from /jp/ got five other guys to vote too, then it might have chance.
But then again, there's also gg going for Baldr and stuff.

>> No.3776342

Nominations and polls are faggots.

>> No.3776344

I fucking knew it.

About rallying: Yes, of course it works. But as >>3776327 said, this time you'd have to rally half of the internet to make sure whatever you want wins.

>> No.3776346

>TakaJun picked up Swan Song

What? Proof where and what's with the Majikoi game?

>> No.3776348

Still being hacked.
>Proof where
He messaged Ixrec or something.

>> No.3776349


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.3776352

Proof is IRC. I don't have logs, but it should be enough for you. Ixrec himself confirmed it. Do you think he'd remove it if a random TL popped out of nowhere and said "hi I has translated gaem lol remove plz kthx"?

>> No.3776355

[00:54:30] <shikiller|atwork> who's the SS translator, really
[00:54:40] <Masat01> not me
[00:54:46] <Vodka> TakaJun, I imagine.
[00:54:52] <~Nagato> a human
[00:54:53] <+VDZ> TakaJun, 99% confirmed.
[00:54:55] <TakaJun> >_>
[00:55:22] <Ixrec|SnI> meh, may as well 100% it

Dunno about MajiKoi though, probably he started translating SS because the former wasn't hacked yet.

>> No.3776356

Ixrec said it in channel. TakaJun started it while he was halfway through Sengoku Rance.

>> No.3776359

<Ixrec|SnI> [14:45:48] <TakaJun> we started working on it aftter Sengoku Rance it's like 50% translated right now
<TakaJun> Damnit, I thought I had concealed it better
<TakaJun> how did you all figure it out?

>> No.3776360


>> No.3776361

Completely wrong. Look up how many had voted for disney furry shit, though nobody seemed to care about it on 4chan. And now the /jp/ crowd is divided up on several games which makes the pollriggin much easier

>> No.3776362
File: 258 KB, 495x361, 122219204010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.3776363
File: 197 KB, 800x600, ruitomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking to someone who actually believed Ruitomo was a trap-fetish moegame.

I was frustrated.

>> No.3776368

Hey gg, why the fuck are you doing this? You won't even read it.

>> No.3776383 [DELETED] 

<masato_mo_kinniku> iis there a loli?
<Raide> skater loli moe who will protect Tomo from every potential enemy
<Raide> http://www.akatsukiworks.com/product/ruitomo/narutaki.html

>> No.3776375

Trap games are the worst after furry and disney. Don't vote for shitty games like that.

>> No.3776380


>> No.3776384

Remember all the hate about Chris from Princess Waltz? Do you really want another game like that?

>> No.3776385

You didn't know? gg secretely loves eroge/VNs. I mean, we all played Chaos;HEAd when it came out and had a good time with it on the staff room.

>> No.3776387
File: 109 KB, 1485x768, 17c7732d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tama is too cute, she's the only girl I cleared besides the 2 main ones.

>> No.3776388

>good time with it
Enjoy your shit taste.

>> No.3776392

What, you mean a single-heroine game?

But nobody's voting for 11eyes.

>> No.3776396
File: 294 KB, 780x750, narutaki_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<masato_mo_kinniku> iis there a loli?
<Raide> yes
<Nagato> i'm interested in what tomorrow will look like with gg's new rallying campaign
<masato_mo_kinniku> if so, I'm okay with this
<Then00bAvenger> RuiTomo's going to need a lot more than that to stand a chance
<Then00bAvenger> maybe if 10 other fansub groups support it
<Raide> skater loli moe who will protect Tomo from every potential enemy
<Raide> http://www.akatsukiworks.com/product/ruitomo/narutaki.html

>> No.3776397

This pool has been the greatest thing ever since mankind invented the wheel.

>> No.3776403
File: 29 KB, 385x540, Noname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3776405

We will, bro. Also remember that gg subs Umineko, and we spoiled the fucking thing on the first episode as TL notes. Hint: we also read Umineko and srsfknbiz theories in staff.

>> No.3776407
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 2926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Oh wow. This is awesome.

>> No.3776408

>we’re offering to sub both Durarara!! (from the same author of Baccano) and Dance in the Vampire Bund (new SHAFT show) next season in there[sic] entirety without dropping or ragequitting either if Rui wins
RuiTomo's got my vote.

>> No.3776412

The RuiTomo fanbase has shown its true colors. I'm so motivated, I just might rally for it.

>> No.3776413
File: 13 KB, 158x266, 1235459306925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is going to happen every time Amaterasu has their poll... Fuck yes.

>> No.3776415

I didn't play Ruitomo.
But if he can't decide whether this or Comyu is better, then I fear for the quality of this eroge.
Comyu was strickly average and the heroines themselves were nothing great, except for Mayu-mayu but her route fucking sucked.

Though Tomo seems to be a great protagonist.

>> No.3776419
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 1249086244146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3776424

Decided. Rallying as much as I can for MLA.

>> No.3776430

I can already see it, you guys will never see Alt translated, NEVER.

>> No.3776435
File: 99 KB, 320x455, c660712package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's work together, Ruitomo supporters.

But unlike the rest of the /jp/ VNfags, despite other title being the winner let's just stop complaining and play those game. All this bitchfest can make you sick.

Hurray for Tomo.

>> No.3776443

No Swan Song means vote Muv Luv, guys! Best chance to see it translated yet. Baldr can be the side project.

>> No.3776446

I knew it.

Kids nowadays will pass up an old masterpiece like MLA just to vote for the new shiny eroge.
I am dissapoint.

>> No.3776447

I'm not one to rage or whatever, but I'll be slightly upset if we lose our chance to get MuvLuv translated because of some fansub trolls and their followers who don't actually care about VNs.

>> No.3776450

Well, with Swan Song out, I find myself struggling to care about this poll. I voted I/O into the finals, but I don't really intend to push it into the win.

The only other thing that catches my eye is RuiTomo, and that's mostly due to the major rallying around it I see going on.

Still, I'm disappointed that Parfait didn't rank well enough to get bumped into the finals due to all these changes. Oh well.

>> No.3776452

Yeah, even though I'm voting RuiTomo, most of the other games on the poll look pretty good so I'll probably play and enjoy whatever wins.

Unless it's 11eyes.

>> No.3776456

>Baldr can be the side project.
The sad thing is that I'm afraid some people might actually believe that if you post it enough.

>> No.3776461


And thank you, but I'd rather cast my vote on a game that won't take 3 years to finish and probably cause the group working on it to splinter apart.

>> No.3776468

I'm fine with 90% of the candidates, but RuiTomo is what I would like the most of them.

>> No.3776469

This. Swan Song stuck out in the pack, but now that TakaJun has it I don't know what to vote for. Some of these VNs look like they might be good, but eh.

>> No.3776475

<Ixrec|SnI> 1.5 years is reasonable counting all my breaks and Swan Song

And you know what would be funny, I wouldn't be surprised that the same group of people will want ALT to be translated later after the anime air and they will know that they passed up this chance.

>> No.3776477

It'll take over a year, you get 3+ games out of it. Not only that, a bunch of the ammy staff are voting MLA too.

What's even sadder is that gullible faggots like you believe known internet trolls like gg to actually fulfill whatever "promises" they make and sold out your vote to them.

>> No.3776479

Have fun with your bad taste disease

>> No.3776481

>But unlike the rest of the /jp/ VNfags, despite other title being the winner let's just stop complaining and play those game.
What makes you think the people supporting other games won't be happy with some of the other titles? Get off your high horse and stop making baseless assumptions about others.

>> No.3776482

What anime are you referring to?

>> No.3776487
File: 101 KB, 600x600, sumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If MLA wins, we wont have these shitty dramas for more than a year

>> No.3776488

<Ixrec|irl> I almost wonder what moot thinks about this
<masato_mo_kinniku> Actually, ixrec, i DO HAPPEN TO KNOW moot.
<Ririko> You're now a furry faggot, Ixrec|irl
<Ixrec|irl> lol
<Ririko> how do you feel.
<masato_mo_kinniku> and I have asked him about the poll stuff before
<Ixrec|irl> I am unsure
<Ixrec|irl> and he said?
<masato_mo_kinniku> in one of my emails with him, he told me that whenever some poll drama pops up, he sits and reads the threads until auto sage because of it's hilarity
* Vodka is now known as Vodkazzz
<Ixrec|irl> yay
<Ixrec|irl> he's on the same page as me


>> No.3776489

But how else will we make shitstorms and troll each other then?

>> No.3776491


>> No.3776492

Another reason to vote MLA. DO IT FAGGOTS.

>> No.3776494

Is this your first time in one of these threads? They've mostly been full of "WHATEVER YOU LIKE IS SATAN, IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR WHAT I LIKE THE APOCALYPSE IS NIGH."

>> No.3776497
File: 237 KB, 1280x960, 1178084640615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I like Ruitomo but the Muv-Luv series as a whole is an experience that every eroge lovers should do.
This experience is really unique among all other eroge, there's a reason why it gets so much love from those who played it.

>> No.3776499

But this drama is fun.

>> No.3776504

I'd be happy with most of the things on the final poll, save a few, winning so I think it will be a pretty good poll this time.

>> No.3776508

What? Ruitomo? Generic trap gaem for closest homos? Best be kidding me.

>> No.3776514


>> No.3776515

I don't take trolls seriously enough to believe they represent the average voter. The ones in these threads are especially obvious.

>> No.3776516

Ruitomo isn't quite like that.

>> No.3776517


>> No.3776519
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, 1192988543259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3776523

But then we'll infect the rest of /jp/.

>> No.3776525

I do the same. It's fun to watch (read) people rallying and trolling.

>> No.3776526

That would imply the rest of /jp/ isn't already infected.

>> No.3776533

>What? Ruitomo? Generic trap gaem for closest homos? Best be kidding me.
Tomo and the heroines have cursed mark on their bodies, and if they ignore the curse, head explodes. And those kids with same fate decided to band together and support each other.

Part of Tomo's curse is that he has to live as woman. Delicious plot device yeah.

>> No.3776539
File: 503 KB, 1411x1944, 544f21295a4b345ee34c71e32cb91f9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3776544

<+VDZ> Ririko; yes
<+VDZ> That's why it's so awesome
<masato_mo_kinniku> http://www.thejot.wordpress.com <---quality reviews of visual novels no one gives a shit about and other stuff too. Come here for all your visual novel needs
<+VDZ> Just wait until Osanadai gets taken off
<+VDZ> Narcissu is still hugely

Just for you...my favorite troll

>> No.3776545

generic shit

>> No.3776546


Sounds kinda REAL DAEL

>> No.3776548
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 1200801860629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3776553

>Twilight New Moon: Fucking Awesome

>> No.3776558

This is one corrupted poll.
Enjoy your corrupted elected game guys.
I am not gonna participate in this poll faggotry.

>> No.3776561

Not really, it focuses more on characterization more than anything else.

>> No.3776562
File: 287 KB, 800x600, ab_cg0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>TakaJun picked up Swan Song

Voting for French Girl then.

>> No.3776566

Sorry, masato, I will not be able to take this page seriously. Ever.

>> No.3776575

the title was a bait to get twitards to come and rage at the post. Read it.

hey thanks

>> No.3776596
File: 24 KB, 246x350, 451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Angel Bullet. Straight western fix. Nitroplus' Django is in space so it doesn't count.

Trivia: Hikaru Sakurai who write WAB series including Sekien no Inganock, also participated in Sagara's Family.


>> No.3776599


>> No.3776613
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voting Baldr for SURPRISE LOLI END

>> No.3776617

Yeah right... Just like the G-Senjou project eh Asceai?

>> No.3776620

Vote for Nukenin: http://www.erogereview.com/2008/12/09/nukenin/

>> No.3776633

So, Naruto: The VN?

>> No.3776644

Ruitomo looks fucking awesome, even though I generally hate heterosexual trap shit.

>> No.3776649

Hey, that looks pretty cool. Far from shounen JUMP shit.

>> No.3776653

>read about this in /a/
>come to /jp/ to see what they are voting
>/jp/ is voting generic moeshit and traps
>they actually believe they're better than /a/

>> No.3776654

You announce that you visit /a/ and think anyone is actually going to take your opinion seriously after that? Wow.

>> No.3776656

[18:22] * ChanServ changes topic to 'Hi fags, welcome to #gg || Recent: Thriller Restaurant 5, Boobsmith 8, Mewwuv 8, Kampfags 8, Hetalia 44 || -----> XDCC List: http://gg.is-fabulo.us/ <----- || http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/ -- Vote for Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu in the Amaterasu poll! If it wins, gg will sub both Durarara and Dance in the Vampire Bund.'

[18:27] <masato_mo_kinniku> http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/poll/
[18:27] <masato_mo_kinniku> real link, you messed up
[18:28] <freya> ( -v-);
[18:28] <masato_mo_kinniku> i didn't tell you this
[18:28] <masato_mo_kinniku> kay?

>> No.3776659

Since when did /a/ start to care about VNs?

>> No.3776662

Go back to your Bleach thread.

>> No.3776666

Now remember, Ixrec has to rate the candidate 8/10 for him to translate it.

>> No.3776668

Oh no you le didn't

>> No.3776671

of course...they just HAD TO POST IT

>> No.3776674

Ok so I've almost decided to vote MLA, quick question though
It's long right? From the way people talk about MLA I get the feeling it's a long story.

>> No.3776679

( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

>> No.3776680

yes, especially long (and boring) if you include EX and UL.

>> No.3776685

They say that Alternative has 3Mb of script.

>> No.3776686

11eyes is the worst game out of those 10 and you should feel bad about voting for it.

>> No.3776687

MLA itself is ~3 MB worth of script, so figure ~75% of F/SN. However, if it wins that should be atleast ~2.5 MB of script from EX/UL included as well, so that should come out to at least 60 hours of reading.

>> No.3776689

Yeah the combined script is huge. 60+ hours long game.

Ruitomo and MLA will easily cap 9+/10 score from Ixrec. Dive1 and Narci2 are already guaranteed. 11Eyes, KGNE, I/O, Katahane and Eden* are yet to be decided. France Shoujo is just a waste of time.

>> No.3776690

MuvLuv Alternative is part of the MuvLuv series, which consists of three games: MuvLuv Extra, MuvLuv Unlimited, and MuvLuv Alternative.

MuvLuv Extra and MuvLuv Unlimited are generic high school moemoe stuff, and it will take roughly a year to translate both of them. Only then will MuvLuv Alternative, which is supposed to be pretty good, start being translated.

>> No.3776696

Ixrec polls/General

>> No.3776697

So this is the reason /jp/ still exists despite "lacking direction and being full of pedophiles"?

Seriously, I just don't care about that poll anymore, the 2 games that interested me the most are gone now.
Might as well vote for Muvluv, at least then the /m/ faggotry will finally stop.
until Baldr Sky Dive 2 which somehow exceeds all expectations and becomes together with Dive 1 the greatest experience ever, blah blah

>> No.3776698

I am agree

>> No.3776705

And here we have a tripfag doing as expected, talking about things that he doesn't know jack shit about.

>> No.3776707
File: 29 KB, 252x400, ab07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished it today, and I loved it. Then again I love anything Wild Western-related.

Brosceai, so moe.

>> No.3776709

Play the game before you spout bullshit. There's no highschool moemoe in Unlimited.

>> No.3776710

Well, I don't care what anyone thinks, I am voting for france shoujo so you can all suck my elongated penile shaft.

>> No.3776715

>Unlimited is high school moemoe stuff
What are you, retarded? Why do you even have a right to vote?

>> No.3776716

Okay Ixrec, I know you are reading this: I am starting a Baldr Sky and Muv Luv project right now, so please remove them from the poll. Thank you very much in advance.

>> No.3776718

Shut the fuck up masat0, and go back to talking to Shampoo about large-revenue porn sites.

>> No.3776720

High school moemoe with random xD mechs is still high school moemoe.

See: Code Geass.

>> No.3776724

why do I have a vague idea of what you're talking about? Please refresh my memory. I'm being serious here.

>> No.3776725

Well since Ayakashibito didn't make it, I'm still kind of undecided on what to vote for. Anyone wanna try to influence me?

>> No.3776726

Except that's not Unlimited at all.

>> No.3776728

Wait, you're saying that Unlimited is as good as Code Geass? Downloading at the speed of light.

>> No.3776730

As long as someone picks up Reika's Bitch Training I don't care what happens with the poll.

>> No.3776731

Assign each candidate a value between one and ten and use one of the various RNG's on the internet to cast your fate for you.

>> No.3776732

Code Geass is good now?

Okay, I give up. Vote what you want to vote.

>> No.3776741

Too bad there is no school nor moemoe in UL, just some comedy and GRIMDARK. But besides that you're right.

>> No.3776744

>Vote what you want to vote
A novel idea!

It'll never catch on.

>> No.3776747
File: 1.78 MB, 350x156, 1256018228882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads
>this poll
>all the drama that this has started and will continue to fuel

>> No.3776748

Muv Luv Ultimate: Is a reguler highschool VN except they're in a highschool that teaches people how to pilot mechs to fight aliens without a SINGLE ALIEN OR MECH appearing in the game.

>> No.3776750

>Vote what you want to vote.

Excuse me, sir... Next time I'll vote for what you tell me to vote, I promise.

>> No.3776752

It doesn't have to take place in a physical high school to be high school-type stuff.

>> No.3776754

Oh god your posts are hilarious, keep'em coming please.

>> No.3776762

That sounds stupid.

>> No.3776764

We talked about tax evasion

>> No.3776767

oh yeah!

>> No.3776773

[20:58] <wakaranai> freya ur an ever bigger faggot than me
[20:58] <wakaranai> so y dont u shut up
[20:58] * Kyon_Geass (~diegoconi@37FC7FE1.8FB23861.FA8FCD13.IP) has joined #ammy
[20:58] <freya> no you shut up faggot ^^;
[20:58] <wakaranai> fuck u
[20:58] <Mango-chan> lol
[20:58] <wakaranai> who do you think you are
[20:58] <Mango-chan> this is funny
[20:58] * Kefit (~geoff42@Rizon-6EF76D6.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has left #ammy
[20:58] <freya> who the hell do you think i am, faggot ^^;

>> No.3776776

haha oh wow.

>> No.3776779


Way to go Nagato.

>> No.3776781

But why would you have taxes if you are a NEET?!

>> No.3776785

Well I've decided to vote for Eden*. Of course, I'll probably be the only one to vote for it, and get all disappointed when it loses ;_;

>> No.3776786

Good, Nagato, you look kind of cool.

>> No.3776791

Well, at least you can get all the free stuff then.

>> No.3776797

[21:03] * wakaranai was kicked by Nagato (shut the fuck up ^^;)

>> No.3776808

Nagato, my respect for you has gone up.

>> No.3776821

lol, looks like the furry devs bit off more than they than chew with the gg trolls. It's a match made in the deepest of hells

>> No.3776831

I thought it was bad enough that these threads were flooded with /a/, but now it's /b/, too?

>> No.3776842

Fuck yeah I hope I win ef.

>> No.3776853

[21:15] <Ixrec> I'm gonna do something utterly mindless for an hour or two
[21:15] * Ixrec is now known as Ixrec|MLU


>> No.3776860

So you don't need a mind to play MLU?

>> No.3776864

Technically, you don't need a mind to play most VN's as clicking repeatedly is quite simple.

>> No.3776877

Enjoy getting Wind instead.

>> No.3776880

stfu newfag

>> No.3776885

[21:17:18] <Raide> <Moogy> I really hope RuiTomo doesn't win
[21:17:19] <Raide> <Moogy> there isn't really a translator competent enough to do it
[21:17:25] <Raide> *3*
[21:17:30] <Mango-chan> Ixrec|MLU
[21:17:32] <Mango-chan> you going to take that?
[21:17:34] <Ixrec|MLU> odds are I'll conclude the same thing when i play it
[21:17:38] <Ixrec|MLU> or I'll disagree
[21:17:40] <Ririko> in other news
[21:17:48] <Ririko> off to bed
[21:17:49] <Ririko> good night.
[21:17:55] <Ixrec|MLU> though it's almost certain I'll do it at a crawl if I think I can at all

Don't think RuiTomo will be a quick translation.

>> No.3776886

At least he'll finally be able to break his support disc.

>> No.3776887

As I happened to enjoy Wind, I will, thank you.

>> No.3776890

Good things take time.

>> No.3776892

RuiTomo's use of language is complex? All the more reason to vote for it.

>> No.3776893

Not really complex, more so awkward, and a lot of things wouldn't really carry over well.

>> No.3776895

Pretentious faggot spotted.

>> No.3776896

Ixrec wished for something easier for 4th project. But since we hate him for shitting the internet with this nasty poll, let's give him a hard time.

France Shoujo is uber long and utter punishment, but it's a lose-lose for most of us. Better give him Ruitomo which is guaranteed to be great and among the hardest to translate (like CC and Saihate no Ima).

If Moogy and his kins keeps complaining, they better join as TLC.

>> No.3776900

Listen tripfag, first grow up and second just shut the fuck up

>> No.3776901

Oh no, not falling for this.

>> No.3776906

Voting for Hoshizora no Memoria. I don't care if it's not in the poll I'm voting for it.

>> No.3776909

Don't make me vote for something else.

>> No.3776913

You're dedicated.

>> No.3776919

Fight the powah?

>> No.3776922

I'm definitely voting for KGNE. It has lolis and tsundere!

>> No.3776925

Oh hey it's samefag crazy KGNE guy again.

>> No.3776926

There's loli routes in KGNE? I'm looking forward to Akane.

>> No.3776930
File: 10 KB, 260x288, 1244847594297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3776931

Just suggestion. Please vote on whatever you want to vote. Ruitomo supporters aren't as pushy and annoying compared to France Shoujo. Until the troll begins of course.

>> No.3776935
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I like this better.

>> No.3776936

>Ruitomo supporters aren't as pushy and annoying compared to France Shoujo.
They're mostly the same people.

>> No.3776944
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>> No.3776960

>pushy and annoying
Sounds like the mechafags, calling everyone faggots and speaking in ALL CAPS.

>> No.3776965

Why isn't everyone voting for Eden*?

>> No.3776966

The next poll will be so huge that Artifact will write a whole blog entry about it.

>> No.3776967
File: 214 KB, 400x581, john-kerry_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for The Real Deal. Vote John Kerry.

>> No.3776972

Cause minori is shit and you should be ashamed to enjoy anything from them.

>> No.3776976


Hamakawa. (loli nurse)

>> No.3776979


Kerry would have been just as bad as Bush, just not in the same ways.

>> No.3776981

Fucking stupid poll is stupid.

>> No.3776983

Both cousins and members of Skull & Bones. Do I have to tell even one bit more about them buddies? But 4chan actually believes the R's teh pure evil and teh D's are teh god's given angels

>> No.3776988

Isn't it Amakawa? Only loli body though, that's a bit disappointing.

>> No.3776991

Let me guess. Ron Paul supporter?

>> No.3776995

It could be worse.

>> No.3776999

It can always be worse.

>> No.3777000

Don't give him anything too hard, he'll fuck up.

>> No.3777009

That's the whole point. To get him off his high and mighty horse.

>> No.3777024

Not amerikkan and political atheist. RP would be the lesser problem to them all but in fact nobody is able to prevent what is going to happen. The west had it's share of the cake in the last 50-60 years, but times change and most fags haven't realized it yet.

>> No.3777025

Yeah, that's what I meant. Mayu is also slightly loli-ish, but not a complete loli.

>> No.3777026

I'd like for Eden* to get more voters, but the less voters it has, the more chances of me winning free stuff.

>> No.3777035

And so the scheme backfires.

>> No.3777041

><Ixrec> ok, I have played and/or ctrl-tapped through the entirety of MuvLuv now
Seriously, guys. Is this the kind of person you want translating such a precious series?

>> No.3777046

I'm not a Dem, just making reference to the fact that the Kerry/Edwards 2004 ticket billed itself as "The Real Deal". Too bad they were all talk, no action as far as good campaigning went.

>> No.3777049

I bet you are one of thos french viral marketers amirite?


>> No.3777071

So you rather support the corrupted government that import foreign votes and screwed the local?
Enjoy your inferior games then.

>> No.3777072


>> No.3777075

Ok, not stopping you. But don't get buttmad when you lose.

>> No.3777076

I'm surprised to read that KGNE characters are actually in MuvLuv, I thought people were just joking before.

>> No.3777077

>precious series
Go back to /m/.

>> No.3777089


I'm an independent. Whatever the hell that means.

>> No.3777093

Hipster shit who can't have a solid opinion on anything.

>> No.3777101
File: 261 KB, 1001x1507, 1258538050868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote MuvLuv

>> No.3777102

Just so you know, independent never win.

It is a noble cause to support the independent that you want but sometimes supporting the lesser of the evil between the two main party make more sense.

>> No.3777121

Independent means I'm not registered with either party and I vote for the candidate who seems less shitty, whether it's a Democrat or a Republican. Lots of people are independents. You don't have to be in college and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon and listen to the Strokes or whatever shit music is popular these days to be one.

>> No.3777134

/jp/ - American Politics

>> No.3777141

MuvLuvAlternative. You get three game, it's a total experience, Alt has AMAZING moments and music, and you get a side project. It's been out for a long time, it's one of the highest rated VNs out there, and it requires someone AMAZING to work on it.

It has tits, it has action, it has gore, it has baww, it has mindfuck, it has foreshadowing, it has everything you could ever want.

Other VN fags. Proclaim why your side should win.

>> No.3777152

does it have rape?

>> No.3777162

Yes, and not the good sort either.

>> No.3777163

life's been pretty busy for me. I don't want mindrape/gore/rape if it's not compensated later with happiness and moe.

>> No.3777168

Sorry, you lost me. What's the bad kind of rape?

>> No.3777169

muvluv sounds like mewwuv(nyankoi), ergo, muvluv is furry shit

yiff in hell /m/fags

>> No.3777172

yeah, just what kind of rape occurs?

>> No.3777173 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 800x600, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr has a lot of Noi rape scenes.

>> No.3777174

Tentacle rape.

>> No.3777178

whoa, is that a strap on?

>> No.3777182

Oh, that shit doesn't count.

>> No.3777183

KimiNozo has reverse rape by sexy yandere nurses. Oh, and a Mitsuki sex slave ending.

>> No.3777186

>227 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3777187

The kind where your supposed bro rapes your love interest due to some stupid plot device. Feels bad man unless you are an NTR fag.

>> No.3777194
File: 72 KB, 950x713, Alternative_440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending to your game

>> No.3777195


Naw, Noi only gets raped once.

>> No.3777201

is that avoidable?

>> No.3777203

Do you get to stab him to death later on or anything like that? NTR is shit unless there's some kind of payback.

>> No.3777208

hey guys I just heard katahane got back to the final 10.
too bad no one is rallying for it. it's a sweet and heat warming and manly story that none will regret reading.

>> No.3777215

Not really, unless you don't want to get onto that route. Them silly lol drama devs.

>> No.3777223

I meant as in she rapes everyone else.

>> No.3777232

MLA is supposed to be Linear..... Right?

>> No.3777235

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.3777239

From UL, actually.

>> No.3777245

Ah, 'cause you were saying all that stuff about routes I got confused.

>> No.3777249
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Oh, well naturally.

>> No.3777260
File: 12 KB, 300x300, the-real-deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3777276

RAGE FAP is the best FAP.

>> No.3777283

Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.3777291

There's pretty much no reason to vote for anything other than MLA. There's few chances to get all the muv luv games translated at once, and supposedly they're pretty good. If you don't vote for MLA, you're just going to get swarmed by anime leechers which were rallied by gg to vote for RuiTomo, unless that's what you really want. I'd like to play RuiTomo sometime, but getting MLA is of greater imporance.

>> No.3777297

Supposed bro? I don't even remember the game having one of those

>> No.3777301

New thread >>3777262

>> No.3777306

But I don't care about MLA. It's not my type of game. As for half of the Baldrfags, you'l have a hard time convincing them because MLA will prevent Sky from being translated for a long time.

>> No.3777309

It's been said: if we ask more MLA we won't get a new game in a while. Fuck that.

>> No.3777311

>There's pretty much no reason to vote for anything other than MLA
How about because you want something else? And/or just dislike the premise of the MuvLuv games altogether?
>you're just going to get swarmed by anime leechers which were rallied by gg to vote for RuiTomo
I'm ok with this, since I just ignore fail-level /a/mmigrants who post here. But that's really a buttmad reason not to vote for something.

>> No.3777405

There are other games that interest me, like Katahane, and I'm also slightly curious about 11eyes, but they don't really stand a chance of winning. It would be best to use one's vote for those games which have a chance of winning that might interest you, as that will increase the chances of it being translated.

>> No.3777484

All of the games have a chance of winning if you're determined enough.

>> No.3777484,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ok, I admit it, I was just trying to troll some votes away.
