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3771970 No.3771970 [Reply] [Original]

What games does /jp/ like to play besides VNs and touhou?

>> No.3771981

why do they all have glasses?

>> No.3771982

Civ IV
heavily modified

>> No.3771984

The How many times can I poop on the floor game.

>> No.3771987


>> No.3771991

That bedtop sport for indoor types

>> No.3771992

Random rpgs on the DS

Castlevainia titles

elder scrolls, fallout, diablo, broderlands.

Also I love hockey IRL.

>> No.3771996

The new Wolfenstein wasn't bad
Fallout 3

>> No.3772002

Ace Combat

>> No.3772005

I've been playing super robot taisen W a lot lately.
Why does SRW K suck so much...

>> No.3772021 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3772027


>> No.3772028

CoD MW 2
o u!

>> No.3772030

Counter Strike
Team Fortress

>> No.3772033

Company of Heroes
Gran Turismo
Hearts of Iron

>> No.3772061
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Rugby, football, and soccer outside.

Also like playing various RPGs like Persona, Fallout, Oblivion and some RTS games like WiC and SC when inside. TF2 and L4D is quite nice as well.

A CIV IV is fine too. Though no one ever seems to get through a whole game online.

>> No.3772069

I am a huge JRPGfag.

Playing some Disgaea 2 while waiting for P3P.

>> No.3772072

Random RPGs
Professor Layton

>> No.3772082

I still play Ultima Online free servers.

Last console game I actually beat was Persona 4 about 9 months ago. I haven't touched my 360 in 3 months.

>> No.3772087

what's up with the 5 o'clock shadows?

>> No.3772093

>games to play besides VNs and touhou


This, of course, being said considering that every good game has a Touhou remake or will have one in the future.

>> No.3772107

Mangekko moe

>> No.3772109

Company of Heroes
Navy Field
Ragnarok Online
Supreme Commander
somethings FPS like L4D, Killing Floor, CoD6, etc

>> No.3772112

Mafia Wars

yeah i'm bored most of the time.

>> No.3772114


modified how?

>> No.3772125 [DELETED] 

currently playing a T2A era server

>> No.3772134

chess / chinese chess

>> No.3772138

Usually played: Soku
Bored:Hangaroo, O2Mania, Counter Strike
Haven't played for months since the Brown Knight showed up;forgot the version: DotA.

>> No.3772143


>> No.3772148
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I've played every shump/STG, JRPG, and 2D fighter ever made. I'm finally out of games to play on the PS2 so I'll be getting my Xbox/PS3 soon.

Generally I just like games with good music, good story/characters, or games with actual difficulty/learning curve. Any of the combination of the above is fine with me. The only thing I don't play anymore are first-person shooters.

Oh and I really love city-building games. I wish there were more out there.

>> No.3772165

>Though no one ever seems to get through a whole game online

I've played a few, they can get pretty long though depending on the settings and we had to resume the game on another day, which always led to confusion as to who had the save games.
Although everyone taking their turn at once can lead to some pretty lulzy situations, like when I captured a town after a friend knocked out its defenses before he could move his own unit onto it.

>> No.3772174

EU 3
Most wRPGs.

>> No.3772184

Card fighters: snk vs. capcom
I'm not playing any other games right now.

>> No.3772210

Like this, for example: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=171398

>> No.3772220


Wow, I have to try this. Thanks for the link.

>> No.3772253

Japanese 360 stuff mostly. Just beat Bayonetta today.

>> No.3772341

I'm surprised at how popular this is in Japan.

So was it any good?

>> No.3772345


I dunno, I was too busy fapping to it.

>> No.3772364

I see. That does explain why Bayonetta has so much fanart and porn already.

>> No.3772374

Red orchestra and flight simulators.

realistic man games.

>> No.3772390

Nihonjin rike boobs, after all.

>> No.3772404
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(pic is not me, but possibly /jp/ related.)

Sins of a Solar Empire
Vertically Challenged Stronghold
DS stuff

Call me when there's a Touhou Total War or GensyokoCraft.

>> No.3772411

ZUN why are you so gay for me

>> No.3772416

Disgaea series
Shitty fightan' games (terribly)
im@s, if it doesn't count as a VN

>> No.3772417


Gross, you play on Ruairi.

>> No.3772423
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The worse something originally looks, the more correcting porn it needs. Touhou agreed, don't bother her about it.

>> No.3772429

>can tell servers by guild/character name

>> No.3772433

Me? Currently playing LoL

>> No.3772436


Wait, there's more than one server?

>> No.3772454


Marifag detected

>> No.3772458

Go back to bed, Dawson.

>> No.3772462

Actively, I play TF2 and occasionally L4D with some friends (in b4 no friends, etc).

These days I and said group of buddies have been playing Rise of Nations and Sins of a Solar Empire together, mostly to dick around as opposed to actually trying.

Recently I went back to playing Navyfield with my old clan, after an absence of two years.

>> No.3772482

I wish I could play online games. I've gotten to the point where interacting with people is uncomfortable even online, unless I'm posting anonymously.

I'm the kind of guy who never responds to whispers in WoW, is always either /afk or /dnd and has never been in an instance. Also solo grinded to 99 in Diablo 2 instead of playing on b.net even though I had actually bought the game.

The games I've been playing alone lately include Torchlight, Borderlands, Jets'n'Guns gold and Titan Quest.

>> No.3772485


>> No.3772520

Dawson Anon, there is no point in stalking my unused Youtube account. Anyways, I'm waiting for the semester to finish up before I upload my remixes and eroge reviews.

I really hope there is an option to turn off Bayonetta's glasses or something. It sort of ruins her for me.

>> No.3772538

>Also solo grinded to 99 in Diablo 2 instead of playing on b.net even though I had actually bought the game.

Isn't this easier due to being able to make the exp 8x without having anyone else to eat it up?

>> No.3772550

>Bayonetta's glasses
>sort of ruins her for me.
Not her tiny head?
Not her legs which are as long as a normal human's entire body?
Not that ugly hairstyle that single-handedly makes her ugly?
Not the fact that she looks like they gave the Baroness some Stretch Armstrong juice then tortured her for a bit?

>> No.3772552

How is it unused when you just posted in my video TODAY with it

>> No.3772566
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>> No.3772577

Fire Emblem
Advance Wars
Melty Blood
Halo (because of the story no, really)
Dwarf Fortress

The uncanny valley hits me pretty hard, I can't look at 3D games anymore. Fucking disgusting

>> No.3772579

Oh, you're Taiko? It's because someone linked to your cooking video today.

I honestly forgot that I made that account half a year ago.

>> No.3772581

Requesting hdoujin of said character please.

>> No.3772590
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>> No.3772607


Fuck yeah, Advance Wars!

>> No.3772610

Why the hell didn't you say it's you then.

And I saw that video before when you linked to it over and over here on /jp/.

>> No.3772622

I wouldn't know since I never played online. I probably had much shittier items at least because I couldn't trade with others. I had level 50-80s of the other classes just so I could put all the wrong stuff that dropped to some use.

With /players 8 stuff died really, really slowly if at all. IIRC /players 4 was mostly manageable including bosses.

>> No.3772626

ZUNbar got caught cheating on Sion with Taiko.

>> No.3772629
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>Diablo 2
>never played online

>> No.3772631

Forgot to say that getting to 99 did take forever and then some.

>> No.3772645

Old school SNES, NES and PC games and Arma 2.

>> No.3772647

Why so gay, Sion. I only have eyes for one anyways:


>> No.3772685

cs 1.6
call of cthulhu:dcote

>> No.3772703

I like adventure games such as /jp/ related ones like Snatcher or Policenauts. Machinarium was the last one I really enjoyed, with surreal and delicious 2d graphics.

Playing The Marionette now.

>> No.3772719

Counter Strike: Source
Some occasional ROMs

Not too much.

>> No.3772722

Got Beyond the Sword recently. Trying to get good at civ.

>> No.3772784

Wow, did Civ4 suddenly get popular or something?

I got it ages ago and didn't really like it, preferred Civ3's serious art and complex interface. Now all of a sudden my friends and random people I met are talking about it, and even /jp/ anons play it?

>> No.3772808

All and any games.

I have a serious backlog of PS1/PS2/SNES/GBA/PC/PSP/NDS games to play and even though I don't have a job/school or do anything productive I can't seem to finish everything I want. When I get around to getting a PS3 and Wii it's going to be worse.

Not to mention the fact that eroges get translated so often now I can't keep up at all. I might have to drop a hobby. If only I could stop time. Or not sleep. Drugs might be the answer.

>> No.3772814
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>> No.3772818


Sounds to me like you need Speed.

>> No.3772827

UT3. It's not bad, really. if you don't look at the chat

>> No.3772841

not five o' clock shadows, right hand, shadow, ten o' clock direction

>> No.3772849
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Doom 2
Pinball Fantasies

>> No.3772873 [DELETED] 

yeah im lonely too i submitted an add on http://www.iwantapal.com/ tho maybe itll work out for me

>> No.3772888

so true

>> No.3772895

>Doom 2
I used to play that a lot as a kid. Then I tried replaying it recently and found my self having dizziness from the gameplay. The grime colored backgrounds don't help much either.

>> No.3772911
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CPU and GPU are dying on me due to crappy replacement XP driver that didn't turn on the fans when it got hot, so I've switched to console while I get a new logic board.
Can't play Touhou. Feels bad, man ;_;
Feels even worse since I have a copy of Suguri sitting on my shelf ;_;

Working on getting better with Tao on BlazBlue.
MBAA is still sitting on my HD waiting to be burned to a disk, although I head on over to Arcade Infinity when it's dark.
I really should make Miyako's outfit... It's dead easy and good for whenever AI decides to have a MB tourney.
Their RanBats start during daylight hours, so I'm hoping it will also be cloudy

Advance Wars DS is what I carry around with me, although I've been mainly working on the Combat since Money Survival kicks my ass by the 5th stage.


Oddly enough, I've never had a problem. Everyone has always been a good sport and eager to start the next match.
Then again, I've only played on the No Mod Deathmatch servers.

>> No.3772922

Stalker: SoC
Brothers in arms: hell highway
Company of heroes
Red orchestra
Rainbow six: vegas
Baldur's gate 2
S4 league (casual people with casual gameplay with the worst community and development team)

>> No.3772945

Yeah, it doesn't help that Doomguy walks pretty fast and basically you feel like you're gliding through the levels. Still, lots of fun.

>S4 league (worst community and development team)

I take it you haven't played GunZ.

>> No.3772961

TF2 and fighting games, mostly, though lately I've been playing Borderlands and L4D2 a lot.

>> No.3772966

Disgusting Glasses.

>> No.3772984

Dragon Age
Dragon Pass, King of
EVE ONLINE fuck yeah edition
Empire Total War

>> No.3772989

GunZ is fucking worst, i tried, i hated

>> No.3774304

I like Western and Japanese rpgs.

>> No.3774309

SNES GBA NES N64 games
Cave Story
mostly doujin or 2D games

>> No.3774313

Castlevania... just replayed SotN on my PS3.

Might be getting a new PC system soon, and I'll get back into some FPS gaming.

>> No.3774828

Fuck yeah EVE!

>> No.3774832

Red Orchestra

>> No.3774838

Does anyone on /jp/ have a PS3 and play Blazblue? I need some friends ;_;

>> No.3774839
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Persona 4 reference

I play P4 and TF2

>> No.3774840

Pathfinder, various rpgs, 16bit gen games, MTG.

>> No.3774890

Disgaea 2: DHD
Monster Hunter
Persona Portable

PS3: Valkyria Chronicles (Edy's special missions)

>> No.3774899

TW series
Dragon Age
Whatever generic fps is good online obviously not MW2.

>> No.3774914

Which UO Shard?

>> No.3774938

World of Warcraft...

>> No.3774994

Oh my, where is that lovely Ricchan from? I don't remember seeing that anywhere in the anime.

>> No.3775070

It was, during the episode when she was sick. Go rewatch.

>> No.3775114

Dragon Age
Warcraft 3: TFT

>> No.3775125
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warcaraft 3
some counter-strike
Burnout paradise

>> No.3775184

Console shooters from G.Rev, Cave, and Treasure.
J-RPGs from Compile Heart, Gust, Namco Bandai, and Square when I'm feeling especially generic, etc.
The occasional FPS on the PC, but it's rare.

>> No.3775340

Age of Empires 2
Team Fortress 2
Silent Hunter 3

In no particular order.

>> No.3775380

CoH and Man of War.
Then fightans with bro and occasional dota with more bros.

>> No.3775390


I play only games from or pub'd by ATLUS or NIS. Pure Awesome I call this

>> No.3775400

Shin Megami Tensei
Harvest Moon
Kingdom Hearts
Animal Crossing
Harry Potter (Surprisingly good for a movie game)
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Arcana Heart
Devil May Cry
Tales of ___
Bujingai (Made by Taito hurr)
Odin Sphere
Ar Tonelico
Mana Khemia
Legend of Legaia
Zone of the enders
Ape Escape
Phantom Brave
Atelier Iris
La Pucelle Tactics
Wild Arms
Grim Grimoire
Shadow of the Colossus
Phantasy Star 0
Bust a Move
Devil Survivor
Super Robot Taisen
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga
Phoenix Wright
Chibi Robo

And much much more.

>> No.3775404

Games I've finished this year:

Resistance 2 (PS3)
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (PS3)
The Last Remnant (360)
Saints Row 2 (360)
Persona 4 (PS2)
Killzone (PS2)
Siren: New Translation (PS3)
Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner (PS2)
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad (360)
X-blades (360)
Noby Noby Boy (PS3)
Street Fighter IV (PS3)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope (360)
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3)
Killzone 2 (PS3)
Retro Game Challenge (DS)
Soma Bringer (DS)
Suikoden Tierkreis (DS)
Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal (360)
Demon's Souls (PS3)
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)
Earth Defense Force 2017 (360)
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (DS)
Radiata Stories (PS2)
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 (PS3)

>> No.3775406

Ninja Blade (360)
inFamous (PS3)
Bionic Commando (PS3)
Berserk (PS2)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)
The Legendary Starfy (DS)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)
Chaos;Head (PC)
Ever17 -the out of infinity- (PC)
Fate/stay night (PC)
Kanon (PC)
Kazoku Keikaku (PC)
Kira☆Kira (PC)
Narcissu (PC)
Saya no Uta (PC)
True Remembrance (PC)
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1 (PC)
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2 (PC)
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3 (PC)
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4 (PC)
Yume Miru Kusuri (PC)
Princess Waltz (PC)
ONE ~To the Radiant Season~ (PC)
Suika (PC)

>> No.3775410

How do you people afford to buy that many games? How do you have time to play them all?

I now await being called a "poorfag" and being chided for having a job/responsibilities.

>> No.3775411

Call of Duty: World at War (PS3)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)
God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (PSP)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (PSP)
Shadow Complex (360)
Policenauts (PSX)
Cross†Channel (PC)
Crescendo (PC)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
Edelweiss (PC)
Scribblenauts (DS)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)
Wanko to Kurasou (PC)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
Aoishiro (PC)
Brutal Legend (PS3)
Borderlands (PS3)
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3)
Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (PC)
Tekken 6 (PS3)
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
Persona (PSP)
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (PSP)
Assassin's Creed 2 (PS3)

>> No.3775429


I pirate my DS and rent my console games.

Also, I hardly leave the house.

>> No.3775430

NEETs + game rental service, I assume.

>> No.3775433 [DELETED] 

yeah im lonely too i submitted an add on http://www.iwantapal.com/ tho maybe itll work out for me

>> No.3775434

I'm replaying iwd2 just for the goddamn targos theme. Why can't jrpg music be this good /jp/ ?


>> No.3775442

I pirate my PSP and DS games. I've purchased probably 15 PS3/360 games this year with my mother's money, as I'm a NEET. The other console games I GameFly.

>> No.3775455

Professor Layton

>> No.3775460

should hurry up and flash your 360 before you spend more money

>> No.3775462

What rental service do you use? Is it good?

>> No.3775472


Gamefly and its really good.

>> No.3775473

Using Tao, shit tier, probably only on once a week.
I'll probably jump on tonight depending if I can finish ripping the seams since I'm remaking the top for ALA.

>> No.3775475

The last 360 game I bought was Star Ocean 4, and I probably won't buy another one since it has no upcoming exclusives I'm interested in. I buy/rent all multiplatform games on PS3 since I prefer the controller and XMB; also, free online. I've been meaning to mod my 360 and just play multiplats on that, but I'm lazy and afraid I'll somehow fuck it up when I try to open it.

>> No.3775476

DAO and Borderland for now.

>> No.3775483

Heroes of Newerth

>> No.3775487

No one plays DJ Hero? I started playing today it's pretty good. Experts a decent challenge for once.

>> No.3775492

15.95 for one game out at a time, monthly? Do you feel you get your money's worth?

>> No.3775500

I don't know what his shit is on there, but for 20 bucks a month me and my bro get 2 games out at any given time for as long as we want, and it's by far better than paying 60-70 dollars for a game you can beat in 4 hours.

Killzone 2 for example, took me 4 hours to beat my first time through with no help - paying full price for this would be complete shit. This also is how MOST ps3 games are right now, very short.

So paying a monthly fee of 20 bucks or so isn't bad when you get to play a lot of shit instead of paying 70 bucks for something you finish in a day.

>> No.3775541

That's very true. I guess the rent and own feature is nice for something with actual replay.

... I feel dirty for agreeing with you on something.

>> No.3775709

I'm still saving up for a IIDX controller and Rockband so DJ Hero isn't an option at the moment.

>... I feel dirty for agreeing with you on something.
It's the truth though. That's what I did with movies.
Sadly, I can't get GameFly, it's not worth it to me considering how often my consoles get play time.

>> No.3775725

interactive fiction
turn-based tactics games like advance wars
paradox interactive's serieses of grand strategy games
adventure games
some jrpgs

>> No.3775961

>interactive fiction

How strange...I play IF too.

Outside of the obvious /jp/ stuff, my gaming is mostly:
- Magic: the Gathering, other CCGs
- Riichi Mahjong
- Other tabletop games
- Indie PC games (Braid, TIGsource stuff, etc)

>> No.3776609

ninja gaiden black and ng2

i'm better than everyone on this site at either game. guaranteed.

>> No.3776682

Look at my pic >>3772911
Ninja Gaiden Black is on there. One of my favorites.

>i'm better than everyone on this site at either game. guaranteed.
I'm not too fond of NG2. I feel that they decided to aim for a less mature demographic.


Actually, I'm just bothered by the cut scenes for opening the chests. I don't want no fancy angle. It throws everything off.

>> No.3776722
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Wow, you're probably one of the few people on 4chan who has played icewind dale 2.

>> No.3776736


Because ID is ruined by Drizzt.

>> No.3776755

I played Icewind Dale 2. Leveling was seriously easy in that game, especially once you have the ability to buy that tome of 50k xp. Buy it, save your character data, hand it off to someone else, re-import your character, hand the next book off to another character, and then repeat this until you have a character full of tomes of xp.

Cheating aside, Monks were brutal in the game.

>> No.3776763


Doesn't ID2 have the command line like BG? If so, you could have just found the item key for the tome of XP and just given yourself as many of them as you wanted.

>> No.3776770

Icewind Dale 2 isn't obscure in any way. Tons of people have played it, yes, even on /jp/.

>> No.3776772

Oh derp, I didn't even think of that. Of course, I've never played Baldur's Gate (I got IWD:2 randomly as a gift, installed it, and loved it), but I've been meaning to get around to it. I have Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast waiting to be installed, if that's any good.

>> No.3776789


You may as well try to get BG1, BG2 and BG2:ToB. Without resorting to command line abuse, you can get a full-set of power armor a la Fallout 1/2.

>> No.3776799

fuck yah Magic is awesome
i currently play
Dragon Age
Civ IV
and Fansubbing: the MMO even though i don't watch much anime anymore

>> No.3776861
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Last December I started playing Persona 3: FES. I finished it about a week ago, at 400 hours, Journey and Answer combined. Now I'm going back to get all of the social links done and finish the Persona compendium. I bought Persona 4 in June and haven't taken the packaging off yet.

In between, I managed to play MGS 4, Deus Ex, Katamari Damacy, Chrono Trigger, Soul Calibur 4 (shit sucks except for character creation), Age of Empires 2, and Symphony of the Night. The highlights of this year were Deus Ex and MGS4. I haven't felt that way about games in years. Delicious immersion.

I have a backlog of PS2 games. Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Disgaea, SMT: Nocturne, Lament of Innocence, Grandia 3, FF IV, Silent Hill 2, and some other stuff. Looking at all of your lists, it feels like I need to increase that backlog significantly.

>> No.3776882

Downloading King's Bounty: Armored Princess, you get to play a skimpy little girl on a pony that later grows wings!

>> No.3776894

dota, or any WC3 custom map that seems interesting
Stuff on SNES or DS emulators
Oblivion/Morrowind/Fallout 3
Total War series
Dwarf Fortress
Besides all this, I try anything I can get for free really.

my video card's busted now though, so I can't play anything recent with fancy shaders, bloom and brown textures.

>> No.3776908

Pokemon, Mabinogi, Team Fortress 2, some JRPGs (right now I'm really hooked on the Phantom Brave wii remake).

I'm a CASUAL GAMER. ;_; Don't be rough with me, /jp/. It's my first time.

>> No.3776910

RPGs, MMORPGs, fightan, mahjong.

That's about it.

Lately I've been playing Dragon Age. And Aion, but I haven't turned it on in about a month.

>> No.3776911

Which one grows wings? This is critical to know.

>> No.3776915

Don't forget both Persona 2 games, Digital Devil Saga, the second Summoner Atlus games, Xenosaga series. Btw anybody here who played the Arc the Lad series? Read it's pretty hard and that one should play the relative bad first installment to carry over the saves for a smoother start into the second game ..

>> No.3776950


I have the 3 Xenosaga games. Don't tell anyone, but I loved them. What I need to play is Xenogears.

The earlier Personas, Devil Summoner, and DDS games are always something I want to buy, but never get around to.

>> No.3776952


That's about it.

>> No.3776955

I've been playing some Dragon Age and L4D2. Also some DS games, I'm still working on idolm@ster DS.

>> No.3776997

Freelancer. Discovery mod.
S4 League.
Combat Arms.
Ragnarok online.
Princess maker 4.
Red Alert 2. Mental Omega mod.

Yeah, im a baka gaijin faggot., hooray.-

>> No.3777031

I like King's Bounty and I must know this as well.

>> No.3777042

How does it feel to be a generic /v/igger?

>> No.3779570

anything /v/ hails and bitches about. More or less

>> No.3779709

ng2 cut out all the shit i hate about ng:b. open world? gone. puzzles? gone. vastly superior combat? check. i have only two problems with ng2: the scoring system is completely fucking worthless unless you are playing survivals, and the framerate (of course).

then they made sigma 2 which is basically ng2: ninja dog edition.


other than that i primarily play fighting games. street fighter 4 is my mainstay these days. i even did all those completely impractical combos in the hard training to get 1000 gs in it.

>> No.3780501

Non-VNs I'm playing on and off at the moment:
Uncharted 2
Demon's Souls
Valkyria Chronicles
Disgaea 2 (PSP) & Disgaea 3
DJ Max Portable (2/Black Square)
Modern Warfare 2
Atelier Annie
Mario & Luigi 3
Knights in the Nightmare
SMT: Devil Survivor
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Muramasa The Demon Blade
MLB Power Pros 08

>> No.3780502

mawwaw two

>> No.3780509
File: 344 KB, 1680x1050, backtokitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Dragon Age a VN?

>> No.3780513

No, it's just shit.

>> No.3780518

It's pretty fun I say.

>> No.3780524
File: 91 KB, 440x550, 886627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fightan gaemz
Card Games
Phantasy Star Online/Universe/Portable/Zero


>> No.3780525

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3780527

I recently beat assassin's creed 2 in one sitting. Pretty fucking dope game.

>> No.3780535
File: 81 KB, 520x1088, Yellow Comet CO Kanbei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advance Wars

But not Days of Ruin, that one sucked

>> No.3780550

Just because you could not deploy A MOUNTAIN OF TROOPS, does not mean it was bad.

>> No.3780552

Imagine Online
valkyrie sky

>> No.3780556
File: 27 KB, 256x175, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished this a few weeks ago, waiting for the new one

>> No.3780566

god tier: PSO: Blue Burst
shit tier: everything else
potentially god tier: Phantasy Star Portable 2

>> No.3780570

BF2, ArmA, BF1942...

>> No.3780589

Serious Sam 2 right now

I may reinstall TF2 in the near future, but I'm thinking about starting WoW again, I haven't played for 2,5 years and I'm curious how the game changed since then. Such a shame I don't have anyone to play with but... oh well, at least I have the talent to befriend with almost anyone online

>> No.3780608
File: 17 KB, 268x190, u67564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking about starting WoW again

>> No.3780620

>Implying I can understand you reasoning by posting a single reaction image

Hurr durr

>> No.3780662

Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst
Melty Blood
Guilty Gear
Cave and Treasure Shmups
Persona 3-4
Tekken 6

>> No.3780680

Medieval 2: Total War + Kingdoms (With Stainless Steel mod).
Dragon Age: Origins.
STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl (Modded).
Mount and Blade.
Sins of a Solar Empire.
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Grenade of Grenade: Grenade Grenade 2.

>> No.3780718

Finished Dragon Age, marathoned it again as feMC for the other possible ends and finally did a solo arcane warrior / blood mage run on nightmare. Never felt so good since soloing heavily modded throne of bhaal with ascension as a Blade. Midterms soon though, I might not have time for another game. Maybe I'll start working on UFO lunatic. Sis will be returning from the states with shitload of games for my ps3 though which will shut me up for a good 1 month at the very least

>> No.3780730

How the fuck do you solo Dragon Age.

I am dying frequently on Nightmare with full party.

>> No.3780735

I meant on normal.

>> No.3780744

get dlc items, get force tree, get that corpse explosion skill, get storm of the century, get buff tree, abuse los, pot a lot

>> No.3780750

oh then problem lies elsewhere. what is your mc ? what other characters do you want to party with ?

>> No.3780757

>How the fuck do you solo Dragon Age.
Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage

>> No.3780759

But my character is a warrior.

>> No.3780763

How is the King's Quest series? I've been interested in starting up something similar to the Might and Magic games (not the TBS games) without resorting back to M&M.

>> No.3781101

I've only played the sixth one but it was fun.

>> No.3781115

King's Quest doesn't really have much in common with Might&Magic, one is a classic point&click adventure and the other's an RPG.
