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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3770427 No.3770427 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Bunbunmaru so shitty?

>> No.3770429

Because it got invaded by pooshlmer

>> No.3770433

Hey Dawson, do you ever just wake up and think "Why even bother?"

>> No.3770435

Because of you.

>> No.3770436

i wish somebody would DDoS these fuckers so they stop spamming their site here

>> No.3770437

IRC is where the real action happens.

>> No.3770443
File: 40 KB, 640x480, frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3770449

Yet you bump the thread. Stop trying to fool us, OP. We're not going to "raid" bunbunmaru for you.

>> No.3770451

Note the lack of sage.

>> No.3770454

/bun/ is better than /jp/

>> No.3770458
File: 132 KB, 640x480, baww-cirno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3770458,1 [INTERNAL] 

You have been permanently banned from all boards for the following reason:

New Board Spam

Your ban was filed on November 21st, 2009. This ban will not expire.

According to our server, your IP is: xx.xx.xxx.xxx. The name you were posting with was .

Please check back in 2 days when you may appeal your ban.

>> No.3770458,2 [INTERNAL] 

This is why A-san is awesome.

>> No.3770458,3 [INTERNAL] 

Firing up my proxies, let me know when he's AFK.

>> No.3770458,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you so shitty?

>> No.3770458,5 [INTERNAL] 

Because I am a bored 24 year old virgin NEET and your anger amuses me.

>> No.3770458,6 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't anger me at all, I don't even go to /jp/ much. It just leaves me dumbfounded, wondering how could doing something like this be any amusing to you.

>> No.3770458,7 [INTERNAL] 

What else should I do? I've already gotten bored of mostly everything I used to enjoy. So yeah, I'll keep spamming /jp/.

>> No.3770458,8 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like a pretty boring thing to do with your time, if you ask me.

>> No.3770458,9 [INTERNAL] 

I think he's AFK now, Dawson Anon.

>> No.3770458,10 [INTERNAL] 

If you had nothing else to do you would probably resort to lowly and depraved means like this to pass the time.

>> No.3770458,11 [INTERNAL] 

Go read a book or find a hobby.

I wish I didn't have so much stuff to do, yet I keep wasting my time on the Internet. Dropping out of college, here I come.

>> No.3770458,12 [INTERNAL] 

You will get tired of being a NEET after about two years, if not sooner. Anime, manga, video games, visual novels, movies, Touhou, etc get boring when you invest too much time in them.

>> No.3770458,13 [INTERNAL] 

I can't afford being a NEET and I'm too smart to be happy with a shitty job. I'll just end myself if I end up dropping out due to laziness. No point on staying alive if I'm too lazy to do anything with my own life.

>> No.3770458,14 [INTERNAL] 

Poor Dawson Anon. Unfortunately I cannot feel sorry for you because you are a complete douchebag.

>> No.3770458,15 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have a mental disability? There's a lot of us bored people on /jp/, but very few of us resort to spamming the board with garbage day in and out.

>> No.3770458,16 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you post in /bun/?
They could use the activity that you promote.

>> No.3770458,17 [INTERNAL] 

Suicide is pointless, no matter how shitty your life gets. If you would be happy with being a worthless NEET then I don't see the problem.

Hedonism, bro. It's the best way to live.

>> No.3770458,18 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't be happy with being a NEET (my family wouldn't support me either) and I wouldn't be happy with a mediocre job below my mental capabilities either.

If I can't enjoy life, what's the point of it?

>> No.3770458,19 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you have a mental disability?
I'd like to think that I am just a very bored and antagonistic individual.

But hey, everything is a disorder these days. Who knows.

I see that you are trying to direct me to /bun/ to keep the spam out of /jp/ and it's not going to happen.

Besides, even if I were to post on /bun/ normally, it's too slow for me. Also, it's not weeaboo enough. I don't really care for black metal and politics or whatever you guys talk about these days.

>> No.3770458,20 [INTERNAL] 

Wait what, so now /bun/ is a bannable offense?

I told you to be more subtle.

>> No.3771081

Whoa now... Ddos is low and below the belt...

/bun/ is decent. Only thing preventing it from becoming an awesome board is the lack of namefield.

>> No.3771081,1 [INTERNAL] 

>If I can't enjoy life, what's the point of it?
Personally I believe that a dull, apathetic life is better than no life at all. As long as you aren't in constant pain or something, then why not live it out?

>> No.3771103 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3771101

>Only thing preventing it from becoming an awesome board is the lack of namefield.
More like that's the only thing it's got going for it.

>> No.3771081,2 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt I got banned for this thread.
It was most likely the AnonTalk copy shit that I spammed all over the board.


>> No.3771081,3 [INTERNAL] 

>Only thing preventing it from becoming an awesome board is the lack of namefield.


>> No.3771103,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not really, I would probably start looking for something interesting to do. That in and of itself is a pretty interesting. Isn't being out of sight and not an annoyance to anyone the very foundation of being a NEET?

>> No.3771103,2 [INTERNAL] 

Like what? When you're talentless, there aren't many options.

>> No.3771103,3 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you do that anyways?

>> No.3771103,4 [INTERNAL] 

Most of /jp/ hates /bun/, so it's a good target. Why not?

>> No.3771103,5 [INTERNAL] 

At least the bawson spammer(s) aren't like kogs. I haven't seen that much bawson threads in the last couple of months, I think the bawson spammers know when it's time to bow out gracefully. KoGs on the other hand, not so much.

>> No.3771103,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm constantly depressed. Hell, I've been skipping classes for like two weeks because I don't have the will to get out of the bed. My options at this point are attempting to pull myself together or go to a shrink and get him to prescribe me happy pills.

>> No.3771103,7 [INTERNAL] 

-Head down to the library, find something interesting and take it out.

-Using google/blogs, try to find an interesting video game. If you want to follow the straight and narrow, try to look for free games.

-The above, only with a media other than video games.

-Just wander around town. Do it at midnight to 6 AM if you hate other people since they won't be anyone out at that time.

>> No.3771103,8 [INTERNAL] 

I think KoG would be better at trolling if he went further than GETs and Cirno shit. You can't troll very well if you just stick to one or two things, since people stop caring after a while and start ignoring.

And that is exactly why I don't post Bawson as much anymore. It doesn't get much of a response unless I make a dozen of them and samefag bump them to annoy the people browsing /jp/. Same with the /bun/ hate threads, they are old news and people need new things to get angry about.

I'm always here being a retard, but anonymity is a great thing.

>> No.3771191

I think bunbun is pretty good.

>> No.3771191,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Most of /jp/ hates /bun/

lol, no. /jp/ isn't stupid enough to hate its own clone.

>> No.3771191,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think most of /jp/ either doesn't care about /bun/ or thinks it's too slow to be a valid alternative. But I don't believe that many people hate it.

>> No.3771191,3 [INTERNAL] 

Look at this and try and tell me that /bun/ has a positive reception in /jp/.

Just disregard my own posts and the AnonTalk copy spam.


>> No.3771191,4 [INTERNAL] 

Read from here on.


>> No.3771191,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Just disregard my own posts and the AnonTalk copy spam.

But all the talk of /bun/ on /jp/ is just you and you responding to yourself.

>> No.3771191,6 [INTERNAL] 

There's nothing I hate more than drive by moderation. This isn't real moderation, a mod just happened to be doing his daily sweep of the ban request list.

Mods should not be global, if they're not interested in the board they moderate then they serve no purpose. It be like me trying to moderate a board like /o/. I don't know /o/, never cared about /o/, and if someone was trolling/spamming /o/ I wouldn't be aware of it.

Is it just a coincidence that we, the non-members of team4chan are always at the scene of the crime, minutes (and sometimes days) before the mods arrive? The janitors are almost as useless, not being able to ban shitposters, serves little purpose.

>> No.3771191,7 [INTERNAL] 

I bet 80% of those posts are yours.

>> No.3771191,8 [INTERNAL] 

You do realize that without global moderators the smaller boards would never get any moderation at all, right?

>> No.3771191,9 [INTERNAL] 

It's all just a same person.

>> No.3771191,10 [INTERNAL] 

>This isn't real moderation, a mod just happened to be doing his daily sweep of the ban request list.
What happened here is that we were on IRC and asked a mod to deal with it.

>> No.3771191,11 [INTERNAL] 

Not the sage posts. Guaranteed if I were trolling /bun/ I would be bumping the thread.


>> No.3771191,12 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't you tell them to ban me last night? I was doing this for hours and woke up to find no ban at all.

>> No.3771191,13 [INTERNAL] 

We generally don't give a shit, but the fact that the only thread on /jp/'s main page that wasn't offtopic was a fucking idol thread was mentioned and that made someone actually go bother a mod.

>> No.3771191,14 [INTERNAL] 

What's worse, no mods like on /jp/ or /bun/ type moderation?

>> No.3771191,15 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know what /bun/ type moderation is because it's too slow to notice anything.

>> No.3771191,16 [INTERNAL] 

Make any post that isn't A+++++ quality and it will get deleted in two minutes. Also, any criticism gets deleted. Seriously.

>> No.3771191,17 [INTERNAL] 

Dawson, can I ask why you stalk tripfags? You actually scare me sometimes.

>> No.3771191,18 [INTERNAL] 

Criticism should go on IRC or over email, anyway.

>> No.3771191,19 [INTERNAL] 

>or /bun/ type moderation

I never got banned for anything on /bun/, and I always see shitty threads being deleted quickly.

Unless you're a shitposter like Dawson, there is no reason to worry about having your posts deleted on /bun/.

>> No.3771191,20 [INTERNAL] 

I just went to bun and saw "this thread sucks" post that's been there for over two hours.

>> No.3771191,21 [INTERNAL] 

They kind of deserve it for leaving a paper trail.

>> No.3771191,22 [INTERNAL] 

Not all of us are comfortable voicing our complaints in front of 30 users and five mods on IRC. Most likely I'd just get bitched out by like four people, anyways.

It's not like my posts are telling people to fuck off and die or something, but just normal posts with criticism get deleted. The moderation in /bun/ is really overbearing.

>> No.3771191,23 [INTERNAL] 

IRC has a PM system. And I'm curious to see what you said that got modded, I've never seen overbearing moderation on /bun/ yet.

>> No.3771191,24 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, any criticism gets deleted. Seriously.

"Why is Bun so shitty?" is not proper criticism.

>> No.3771404

bun sucks. It might as well die since it is a waste of bandwidth. Nothing there interests me.

>> No.3771415

Sup, OP.

>> No.3771418

So everything you don't like or that's of no use to you should just die? Nice.

>> No.3771404,1 [INTERNAL] 

All he was using it before was "click on the slut for a surprise."

>> No.3771404,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think you guys are exaggerating. I don't actually stalk people. Sure, I follow their posts and engage in circlejerks or sometimes imitate them (like with White Ren and Taiko), but that's about it.

>> No.3771421


>> No.3771421,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think you guys are exaggerating. I don't actually stalk people. Sure, I follow them around and talk about them or sometimes dress up in their clothes and pretend I'm them, but that's about it.

>> No.3771421,2 [INTERNAL] 

What did you post anyways?

>> No.3771421,3 [INTERNAL] 

I cant believe I actually agree with bawson.

>> No.3771421,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to dress up in Jonesy's clothes. I wonder what he wears. I've got a boner just thinking about it.

>> No.3771421,5 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong guy.

>> No.3771470
File: 325 KB, 1000x822, 64a8f14adfba08571649026de7e5424f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna join with Nue for a cigarette?

It will soothe you down~

>> No.3771480

Take your board wars elsewhere, please.

>> No.3771498


But where?

>> No.3771519

I want to stick it in Jones because he's a sugoi /bun/ mod.

>> No.3771480,1 [INTERNAL] 

Navy blue t-shirt, black shorts. Don't forget the glasses.

>> No.3771519,1 [INTERNAL] 

Gah, I'm actually wearing the same shirt today as I was on that day (or at least one the same color).
It's too cold for shorts, though.

>> No.3771519,2 [INTERNAL] 

I want to knife anyone that even mentions bun on /jp/

>> No.3771519,3 [INTERNAL] 

No Sion.

>> No.3771519,4 [INTERNAL] 

sorry I am not Jones or one of his many bots

>> No.3771519,5 [INTERNAL] 

This just in, Jones finally admits defeat and agrees with ZUN!bar.

<Eksi> the op's image is one of the worst cybersex I've read
<Eksi> /v/ emoticons in MSN, what the hell
<Jones> >implying /v/ and msn aren't one and the same
<Eksi> >implying IRC is any better than MSN conversations with people that aren't normalfags
<Radical> >Finally, implication time
<Bomb_Spammer> >greentext
<Jones> >stooping to my level
<Exclamator> > Implying japanese birds can't cook spaghetti
<Eksi> See, this is my point exactly
<Jones> Ok guys, I think we've proven that IRC is for faggots

>> No.3771519,6 [INTERNAL] 

Eksi, you were ZUN all along?
I trusted you!

>> No.3771519,8 [INTERNAL] 

Scurrilous lies. I'm ZUN!bar, after all.

I like playing both sides with Jones.

>> No.3771519,9 [INTERNAL] 

I am actually Jones parodying Sion.

>> No.3771519,10 [INTERNAL] 

But IRC has XDCC bots while MSN doesn't, so it's more useful.

>> No.3771519,11 [INTERNAL] 

I am Jones, ZUN, Eksopl, Sion, and Dawson, and KoG.
You are all nothing but impostors.

>> No.3771519,12 [INTERNAL] 

This 'scapegoating' is a new trend on /jp/. I wonder which ghost was the one that started it. (It was most likely Jones.) Back in my days we used to accuse others of being trolls when we were about to lose an argument. But you kids these days can use Bawson, KoGs, Sion, Arc, and Taiko as substitutes for your actual arguments.

Hi Arc.

And just with those words, your entire post can no longer be taken seriously. Truth is, I didn't even think you were Arc or Sion. I just said it to disparage your post.

>> No.3771519,13 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Jones, it's time to fire up your bots.

>> No.3771519,14 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't Jones ever use his bots on the ghost board?

I want to see what they're capable of.

>> No.3771519,15 [INTERNAL] 

Considering the poor grammar, nobody could take it seriously from the moment it was first posted.

>> No.3771519,16 [INTERNAL] 

What? Why?
What would I want to do that for? What's wrong with the ghost board?

>> No.3771519,17 [INTERNAL] 

Surely you have a strong aversion to Eksy-kun for making that Twitter page.

>> No.3771519,19 [INTERNAL] 

>me and Jones are friends

Normalfag, get out.

>> No.3771519,20 [INTERNAL] 

Sometimes, the feeling is right
You fall in love for the first time
Heartbeat, and kisses so sweet
Summertime love in the moonlight


Now the summer is gone
You had to go back home
Please come and see me again
I never felt more alone

Baby, I am missing you
I want you by my side
And I hope you'll miss me too
Come back and stay
I think about you every day
I really want you too
You swept my feet right off the ground, you're the love I found

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Get up now (Wake up now)

Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones
Doctor Jones, Doctor Jones, Wake up now (Wake up now)

>> No.3771519,21 [INTERNAL] 

>Doctor Jones, Jones, Calling Doctor Jones

I was reminded of a certain TMBG song.

>> No.3771519,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3771519,23 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you have this song hosted, Eskopl?
