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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3768724 No.3768724 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever accidentally came on your keyboard while fapping?

>> No.3768740

No. If you know where to apply pressure there doesn't have to be a cleanup.

>> No.3768746

no, but one time i was fapping on webcam for some whore and i came all over my chair and floor.


>> No.3768754

Can you go into more detail about the situation?

>> No.3768761

No, but one day I came and it hit my cheek.

>> No.3768781


>> No.3768799

i dunno, i was talking to this woman through MSN and before long i was fapping for her on cam while she talked dirty to me over a mic. i tried to cum on my inner thigh but that didn't work out too well.

another time i was fapping for a ...younger... woman on cam but she kept telling me to cum before i could and eventually she signed off before i could finish. what a bitch.

>> No.3768805


If you come on your keyboard then you're doing it wrong.

Move back.

>i was fapping on webcam for some whore


>> No.3768807

Too fucking often.

>> No.3768808

Sometimes I feel like I missed a spot to clean up, but just can't seem to find it.

>> No.3768814

Imouto's turtle came buckets twice on my keyboard. Remember, never let a turtle on your keyboard .... had to fucking clean it for an hour or so

>> No.3768819

I always cum on myself.

>> No.3768821

nope, but i will keep that site for future reference.

>> No.3768839

No because I am not stupid.

>> No.3768840

Yes, then I sucked it up with mouth.

>> No.3768855

put a tissue on your stomach and just cum onto it. i use two tissues for more absorption.

>> No.3768858


Have fun. Oh and stay way from the "African American" chatroom unless you wanna talk to/troll niggers.

>> No.3768862

My shot is oftentimes rather powerful. I'd have to lay down tissues up to my face.

So I just put the tissue directly on and around my penis.

>> No.3768877
File: 133 KB, 540x299, tenga-egg-6-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to buy some Tenga eggs.

>> No.3768889

I use clothes that I've worn and need to be washed anyway.
tissue gets stuck on my dick.

>> No.3768886

Why do I now have the mental image of anonymous going into a teenchat room with a bunch of 14 year old girls and waiting till ejaculation, turning on the webcam, and watching their faces of shock and horror as he cums all over the place?

>> No.3768892


I'm sure this has been done before.

>> No.3768901

I'll wait until they're reusable

>> No.3768904

You guys are all amateurs. I have cumrag thats carefully selected both for its absorbant properties and the fact that its soft enough to use to wipe the excess cum dribbles from the head of my penis.

>> No.3768905

You've never been on /b/.

>> No.3768914

Does that happen frequently on /b/?

>> No.3768916


You're better off with the ona-holes. The cheapest sell on J-List for 4 bucks more than the Tenga eggs and, unlike them, they are built to be used multiple times.

>> No.3768918

My cum doesn't spread. It's nice and friendly, will follow them tissues like a little puppet

>> No.3768923

You aren't true NEETs if you use tissues. Tissues cost money.

>> No.3768931 [DELETED] 

It depends.

When I look some stuff up and instantly in like 2 mins then it doesn't get anywhere.

But when I take my time and it takes 15+ minutes while I'm watching stuff then it bursts out everywhere

;_; the latter feels much better though

>> No.3768936

It depends.

When I look some stuff up and fap on the go in like 2 mins then it doesn't get anywhere.

But when I take my time and it takes 15+ minutes while browisng stuff then it bursts out everywhere

;_; the latter feels much better though

>> No.3768937 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 800x600, 9a9e3a8c4d591964e43f1e7d3ba9867b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let her do it?

>> No.3768942

What a silly question.

>> No.3768950


you're not fapping long enough. I bet you fap for 2 to 5 minutes until ejaculation.

>> No.3768955

Is that a trick question?

>> No.3768958

Why do I feel like fapping again?

>> No.3768968

try pleasuring yourself for 20 minutes but do not get off yet. Just before the peak or so slow that you don't get near that point at all. After 20 minutes while browsing various hentai or whatever do it. A fountain is yours.

>> No.3768970

>2 to 5 minutes

That'd be a miracle for me. I'm horrible when it comes to edging.



>> No.3768982

I'd only do it if she could get blood and cum from my penis at the same time.

>> No.3768990

20 minutes? When I have time I almost always fap for 1 hour+. Sometimes I end up fapping for 3 hours, but thats around the time my balls start hurting like hell.

>> No.3768986

truth. i get pretty intense orgasms when i'm reading some hot doujin or something and fap for 20+ minutes. most of the time i can even hear the cum splashing onto the tissue through my headphones.

>> No.3769009

20m while not cumming at all

>> No.3769011

I just get to the point of climax over and over throughout the 20 minutes and then I can't take it any more and let it blow.

>> No.3769023

Yes, I'm speaking of 1 hours+ without ejaculation.
It just isn't as enjoyable if you don't stretch it out. You guys should try it. Feels good, man.

>> No.3769024

/jp/ - Masturbation

>> No.3769038
File: 235 KB, 763x1030, たかはし君のいる部屋.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3769041

fucking lies

>> No.3769042

Used to be
/jp/ - Anal Masturbation
in August.

>> No.3769047

How long do women go for a good fap? There's gotta be at least one woman here; tell us.

Guys pretending to be women need not apply.

>> No.3769049

As long as they don't talk about their little sisters catching them it's not against the rules!

>> No.3769057

my little sister once tried to suck my dick, but i stopped her and then told my mom.

does that count?

>> No.3769060

I usually do the same. If I'm playing eroge or something I can go a few hours.

>> No.3769064

Many years of training good sirs.
When I was a kid I heard about how people come instantly during their first time and I thought that would be embarrassing as hell. So, I started fapping for the longest time possible, preparing for the day I finally lost my virginity. It never happened, though.

>> No.3769067

How did that happen? How old was she? What did your mother say?

>> No.3769075

She got scared and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air.

>> No.3769092

My ejaculations tends to be more aimed towards myself, which means I'll get it on my chair and the floor behind me sometimes. But my worst habit is getting it in my eyes. One time, I even did both at once. Not particularly pleasant.

>> No.3769094

hmm, it was probably about 7 years ago, so she was like 8 and i would be 13. we were playing in our backyard for a while and then when we went back inside we both went to lye on the bed. then all of a sudden she started to unzip my pants so i got up and went and told my momma like any good boy would. she spoke to her in private so i don't know what she said.

my sister is a slut these days; hardly surprising.

>> No.3769097

Did it burn?

>> No.3769100

>my sister is a slut these days; hardly surprising.
That's too bad Anon. She could have been YOUR slut.

>> No.3769110

A slut doesn't belong to just one person.

>> No.3769119

But she might not have become a slut if she was getting her uterus pumped full of her loving brother's semen every night.

>> No.3769123

if only i were on 4chan back then. ;___;

>> No.3769133

I got some in my mouth by accident a few times.
I've done it on purpose a few times too.

>> No.3769135

see, this is what i mean. that just got my dick hard.

this is what you have done to me 4chan.

>> No.3769136

Kinda. It's mostly an unpleasant feeling, doesn't hurt that bad. Just pretty annoying when you're satisfied after a good fap and want to relax, but instead feel a need to go to the bathroom and wash your eyes.

>> No.3769162

>But my worst habit is getting it in my eyes.
As if any human could consistently "shoot" further than a view inches away from his dick.

>> No.3769187

My record is 1.2 m without losing altitude.

>> No.3769195

you can't be serious.

>> No.3769197

>60 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
God damn it.

>> No.3769210

i wish i could, unfortunately im one of those guys whose cum flows slowly without shoting

>> No.3769218

I have a fetish for leaking penises.

>> No.3769252

try the tipps mentioned above

>> No.3769253

I thought all guys kept a tissue real close or something.
Never going near the general area of another man's computer again.

>> No.3769272

Everything within a man's living space has a microthin layer of cum on every surface. Keep this in mind.

>> No.3769313

Every man dreams about his imouto being able to sleep peacefully with a fresh load of his sperm warming her insides. Don't worry about it.
