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3765863 No.3765863 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3765873

Bamboo as a grave marker? I think I'd be insulted.

>> No.3765871

"Those barbecued spare ribs sure were delicious, eh, Mokou?"

"Mmmm. Yeah."

>> No.3765880

Hakutaku live for quite a long time

>> No.3765881

I'd be happy if I even got a grave marker.

>> No.3765882


Cook easy, too.

>> No.3765888

Guess who lives longer.

>> No.3765920
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The rump is the best slice.

>> No.3765926
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The memories are all that is left but those will be gone too in 100 or 200 years.

>> No.3765933
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Mokou should get with one of the old ladies instead. Shit Kanako even lives on that one Important Mountain from her backstory. She gets one believer for eternity, Mokou gets to munch purple carpet forever. Good deal.

>> No.3765946

yes, but can they tolerate each other's ego.

>> No.3765956

No, but Koishi could.

>> No.3765983

I was scanning through a story thread on another Touhou board and it had a short story about Kaguya and Mokou floating through the Universe in Eientei as the last star went out. Just before it got eternally dark they combined their power of the Phoenix and Eternity which created a new universe with life in exchange for their lives.

Pretty DEEP bro.

>> No.3765996


My god, that's retarded.

I am so glad I don't frequent other Touhou boards.

>> No.3766017

But that was posted here too.

>> No.3766013

so they're spiral beings?

>> No.3766030


Anonymous also posts pictures of shit in toilets here.

Your point?

>> No.3766036


>> No.3766050 [SPOILER] 
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that would be me.

>> No.3766052


I agree that it was stupid, but it was still a cute story.

>> No.3766061

Eh that one sucks.
I perfer either the hatesex one or the one where Kaguya tries to rape an unconcious Mokou, only to get a vagina full of fire.

>> No.3766073

Link or post now.

>> No.3766082


While you're at it, post the one in which Mokou is turned into a mobile piss cannon by Kaguya.

>> No.3766083

>a vagina full of fire
I would like to see said story, please.

>> No.3766084

If I had them I would have posted them.

>> No.3766086
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>> No.3766100

Cautiously, you step into the clearing and greet the person in the middle.

"Rumia, why did you call me all the way out here?" You glance around surreptitiously. There's nothing but trees for miles around.

She doesn't turn, keeping her back to you as she speaks.

"I want a rematch." Her voice is steady, emotionless. "Here, now. Same terms, same rules."

"What? Rumia, that was over a year-" You begin, your mind reeling. What happened? You thought she'd gotten over it already!

"I said I want a rematch!" She practically screams, prompting a rustle of leaves as startled birds flee their roost. She turns angrily, pointing at you with a claw-like nail. "The rules say I can. The same conditions as before. If I win, I get to eat you. If you win, you can exterminate me." Her voice returns to it's former flat tone.

"But I thought we'd already settled this! I don't want to fight you!"

"So you forfeit?"

"No! I-"

"Then prepare yourself." With a wave of her hand she creates a half-dozen black spheres that float in mid-air. "It doesn't matter if you decide to fight or not, I won't lose this time." She smiles wickedly, drawing out a spellcard.

"Moon Sign「Moonlight Ray」!"

A pale-silver shell form around her, and a bright white lance extends from each arm. She swings faster than you can move, severing you escape route as the first ripples of her attack fly out.

>> No.3766102


>> No.3766109

One day, Mokou was out shopping with the neet. They drank a lot of lemonade and had to piss, so they went to the bathroom together. While Mokou was doing her business, the neet stuck her head under the stall divider.

"So what do you think of that new dress? Shit is so cash, right?"

"Kaguya, you can't do that!" Mokou screamed. "Get out!"

Mokou started kicking the neet in the face, but the neet braved the pain and slithered under the divider and into the spacious stall. The neet carefully squirmed her arm under Mokou's leg and began to finger her. This caused Mokou's piss stream to intensify, a golden torrent rivaling a fire hydrant. The piss was powerful enough to knock down the stall door, sending it crashing into the far wall. Picking Mokou up by her underarms, the neet carried her around as a mobile piss cannon, blasting holes in walls and ripping apart innocent shoppers in a wall of hot urine. When Mokou was finally exhausted, the pair stood in the ruins of the mall, knee--deep in a golden lake. Piss mixed with shoppers' blood rained down from what was left of the ceiling. Too embarrassed to even move, she offered no resistance as the neet shoved her head underwater and drowned Mokou in her own piss. The neet whipped out her cell phone and called Cirno, informing the fairy of a whole new lake that just formed that she can play in.

>> No.3766111
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