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37596958 No.37596958 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.37597393

Are the Dostoevsky anons still around? Which novels were your favourites?

>> No.37598487

Anybody a member of otomedream? What are your thoughts on that site? Yes, I'm aware of the shitfest that happened surrounding the admin of the site. I just want to know if it's worth joining for the community if I'm fluent in Chinese.

>> No.37598607

>Nanatsumori isn't blushing
Truly best boy and 100% straight and dedicated to Mary.
Kazama has failed as an obsessed osananajimi.

>> No.37599562

Ain't worth shit.

>> No.37600903
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Here blog your husband

>> No.37600934
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Kinda cute, the funeral director as well.

>> No.37600993

yes I want to fuck the shit out of him

>> No.37601240

Only if he doesn't suck as a character, like a majority of UltraC cast

>> No.37602120

Cute, I'll do my reps for him.

>> No.37604023

It's worth of if you are actively commenting on their posts to suck their dicks, and if you can contribute time to time with original content for them. Your own scans, CD rips, etc.
You can get a lot of stuff from there. Just be persuasive enough when writing your reason to join.

>> No.37605852

Does any local oldfag here know what happened to the otome group that formed once Chinkdream kicked non-chinks from their forum? I know there was a hidden group on LJ and in other platfom called pbworks (the group was called DLF or Cherry something) where they kept sharing their stuff chink-free. I never knew what happened to them wheter is they kept growing to a bigger site nowadays or if they got dissolved.

>> No.37605953

>want to do himuro and get his school trip event
>do nothing, date no one and reject every single character for a whole year
>for some ungodly reason, Kazama's affection went up and we became friends

>> No.37606044

I'm going for the monk and servant

>> No.37606142

It's so weird to see some 20+ hrs vns(Chou no Doku) being "localized" and "ported" to mobile, stripping them off of their best qualities. I'm 99% sure if Paradise KS went through it would turn out to be another shitty mobile port.
Why do those retarded companies snag the rights and fuck everything up?

>> No.37606316

Spoilering because this isn't directly /blog/ related:

The Brothers Karamazov is the one that I started with and my personal favorite, though I recommend you save it for last since it's both Dostoevsky's final novel and the culmination of all the ideas he explores in his earlier works. I had never read anything like it before, so I immediately fell in love with all the emotionally fragile characters in the book. Everyone's on the verge of a mental breakdown from having their beliefs questioned.

Notes from Underground is only about 100 pages long, but it's thoroughly excellent and one I recommend starting with. Some people get filtered by the narrator's ramblings (everything there is a direct reference to the commie ideas that were popular in Russia at the time) in the first part, but I think it's worth it to just figure out whatever the hell he's referring to first, it's important for the second part. I can't believe how well Dostoevsky can portray a neurotic sperg. It's equal parts funny and painful, the latter being because it hits close to home. I read the Norton Critical Edition translated by Michael Katz, has great footnotes.

Crime and Punishment is his most recommended work, and I loved this one as well. Definitely recommend this one to people starting with Dostoevsky as well, there's plenty written about it if you get tripped up on some of the ideas presented. There's some excellent tense scenes in it. Coupled with the nightmare sequences, it never gets boring, unlike some of his other novels. Oh yeah, there's a yandere ossan rapist in this one. Dostoevsky truly was a pioneer! I read the translation by Michael McDuff, smooth reading and has plenty of notes in the back.

I didn't finish reading The Idiot and never started on Demons, so I can't really comment on those fully. His short stories, like Dream of a Ridiculous Man and White Nights, are definitely worth going through as well. You can do it in a single sitting, so why not?

>> No.37606457

Thank you!

>> No.37606678

I know that feel, except I'm trying to get his birthday present in year one.
I think I'm going to have to savescum a extracurricular class every month or something because I have speedrun year one like five fucking times and he's still at :| no matter what stats I grind.

>> No.37606828
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Sorry for the delay.

>> No.37607034

>I think I'm going to have to savescum a extracurricular class every month
I hate this so much, some commands make some characters appear more but the character you want just never appears.

>> No.37607103

>>want to do himuro and get his school trip event
What? I had no idea about this. Gonna try it now.

>> No.37607288

Hope you like savescumming.

>> No.37607329

Wait...himuro has a route on tmgs4?
Hold on a fuckin minute.
>himuro and I back in 2000s
>have happily ever after ending
>2020s himuro is single and can date 2020s me
Does this count as cucking my older self or what-

>> No.37607502

My post was talking about 1.

>> No.37607525

>Wait...himuro has a route on tmgs4?
kek, they mean Inori, his relative (to be honest I >>37607103 also thought they meant Reiichi but then I realized that they were talking about Inori's school trip CG which I have actually been trying to get too)
>Does this count as cucking my older self or what-
I don't think so because in this timeline you two never got together (or broke up or are divorced)

>> No.37607544

>they mean Inori
fuck, nevermind
>My post was talking about 1.
You talking about Himuro and Kazama in the same post sounded like you were talking about 4

>> No.37607564

I was this one (>>37606678) sorry, I should've clarified.
I honestly thought the first person was talking about Reiichi too, lmao.

>> No.37608427

>for some ungodly reason, Kazama's affection went up and we became friends
That’s hilarious. He obviously he thought you were saving yourself for him because you rejected everyone.

>> No.37608836

It would be doable if the game just randomly decide to reduce his affection points for literally no reason at all before the summer holidays and I don't even know why.
It keeps happening and there's basically no trigger and I wish I knew why it even happens.

>> No.37608993

That's funny because in 1 (at least in the DS version) he always starts with higher affection (love, not friendship) than Hazuki for some reason.

>> No.37609443
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It may have been a 1 minute scene that took me a shitton of redoing the same couple of months over and over, but it was worth it.
Fuck you so much game though, the time limit was way too strict, but at least got both this scene and like 5 different double dates with best twin featuring Kazama as the cuck in three of them (he deserves it).

>> No.37609743

I used to be part of that hidden group. I don't have further details, but it seems it went inactive as the users stopped frequenting it. And then, it became absolutely private. Not even members who used to have access were able to see games and stuff. It seems like there was some kind of death match between the mods. I'm not sure, I used to be quite busy with my studies back then and just stopped visiting it regularly. It did start as Durch Leiden Freude and then it changed to the other name you mention (I can't recall it either). I never knew what happened at all, but I can say that last time I checked I wasn't able to see some content they used to have available for members.

>> No.37609813

Not her but dankeschön, I needed this too.

>> No.37610534

any good otome/bl with an "enemies to lovers" vibe or even a "lovers to enemies", just something with hatesex

>> No.37610588

Not sure if we’re talking about the same group, but I was part of a secret club too that was focused mainly on drama CDs. They had a public blog first, then went semi-secret club on Google Groups, and when Google Groups ceased existing they moved to Discord and became completely secret.
With each change, their rules became stricter. To join the Google Group, you had to ‘apply’ on their blog or get an invitation from a member. On Discord, you could only join if you’re a member of the previous Google Group or were close friends with the mods. Eventually, they forced people to become active on the server, either through contributing (which was hard if you had to wait weeks/months for your stuff to arrive while other members uploaded on Day 1) or frequently interacting with others. The mods seriously kept track of all 200+ members and would send out warnings if you’re inactive too long or kick you if they somehow figure out you’re uploading their stuff somewhere else. It sure felt like a more secret OD server.
End of the story, real life became busy and I got kicked for not sucking their dicks often enough. Not sure if the group is still around though.

>> No.37611448

Well, Sachi no Tenbin is about the MC getting revenge on the fiancé who left her for a rich woman.

Spoilers, anon, what the fuck. I'll pretend I didn't see that CG.

>> No.37611528

Thanks for the laugh anon.
People be insane.

>> No.37611620

>The mods seriously kept track of all 200+ members and would send out warnings if you’re inactive too long or kick you if they somehow figure out you’re uploading their stuff somewhere else
What the hell??
Mods have no irl activities?

>> No.37612031

The kind of people who want to be mods have no lives.

>> No.37612495

Sorry for this being unrelated to vns, but this LiveJournal autist talk, reminded me of these oldhag fujos who translate bl manga on their sekrit LiveJournal group and don't accept any new member. They remove inactive members (1 week limit was it?) or those who don't thank them every time they upload something.
I don't give a shit about this type of autism bc it's your fault for accepting this kind of thing, but what is infuriating is that they update on baka updates that they picked up and translated these bl series, so other scanlation teams won't pick them up, you know that retarded rule scanlation teams have, I picked it up you can't take it now.
But no one else has access to it, apart from their sekrid fujogroup, still they do that shit and update it there.
Fuck off them, if I wasn't a poorfag I'd buy all the raws from series they pick up, and spread them on /y/ or fujodiscords so people can fantranslate them and spread them everywhere.

>> No.37612567

>Sachi no Tenbin
This for the hatesex on your former lover’s route.

>> No.37612742

Ippolit in The Idiot is a pretty good source of pathetic moe, but the secondhand embarrassment gets pretty strong.
NTA, but I'm interested in book recs from /blog/. Doesn't have to be romance, but It'd be happy if it featured some kimoe.
Wuthering Heights is my favorite rollercoaster ride of bad decisions and BPD and I like how absolutely miserable and unpleasant a read it is, so if anyone knows something similar I'd be interested, specially if it's a tragedy.

>> No.37615452

Cage (Close especially)

>> No.37616264

I'm not a huge otome-fag so I have to ask: Why is the art for TMGS4 look so amateurish?

>> No.37616338

>bad decisions
>absolutely miserable and unpleasant
Keigo Higashino's Salvation of a Saint especially when the culprit and victim's past backgrounds are revealed. It's set up that the more you learn about them, the more contemptible they become.

I also recommend Sachi no Tenbin. One route has a lovers to enemies type of romance. The story tends to be more of a soap opera on the extreme side featuring two yanderes. Meanwhile The Second Reproduction's on a sweeter side of the enemies to lovers type. The main guy Gardis regards the MC Christina more of a pitiful amusement piece because he's a powerful demon lord and she's just a human swordswoman who fails at repeatedly killing him despite her constant threats. Jin as the other LI is more suspicious and distrustful of Christina's motives. Since he's the second in command, his protectiveness of his lord and their people is understandable.

>> No.37616944

Any anon here that tried the vampire knight otome game?
I didn't know it had a game even. They just released an English patch.

>> No.37617270

Konami stopped giving a shit about quality ages ago

>> No.37617287

has anyone ever played any of the angelique games? i like stat raising sims and farming games so i wonder how major an element it is in angelique

>> No.37618451

I never got access to that secret group on pbWorks because they asked people to have a LJ account in order to have the list of members so they could filter them. However, I had a friend there and she did have access. She said they had tons of stuff you can't find anywhere today. One of the mods was a huge Cordafag an had everything from that series, all CDs, all games, the patch, tokuten, everything. Even some artbooks and scans you couldn't find anywhere. Not even chinks have them. It was a hard to find or limited item. But in the same line as that mod, there were others who were die-hard fans of other series. I guess OD never knew they kicked quality fags fromtheir forum. I'd like to know what happened to all those people who once shared all that.
If it's the same, that means that, maybe, only the dramafags survived the so called death-match the anon from below mentions (?).
The filtering method you describe sounds quite accurate for them. Those people followed every member quite close. As I mentioned, having a LJ acc was a must, aside from sharing your e-mail and being there to contribute with something exclusive. Yeah, it was like a western OD which became as retarded as chinks.

>> No.37618483

I play Neo Angelique some times.
I still don't get how much I suck during lunch and diner time. Making Rayne increse his affection for you is hard no matter how many years have passed since the game was released.

>> No.37618494

I haven't played the original or the patched Vampire Knight, but I remember reading from somewhere that that game was hard to encode which is why it probably took that long. Speaking of ye olde ds games, Fushigi Yuugi also had one based on the Genbu Kaiden and Suzaku Ibun version. I never got far because of the garish UI and pixelated squished font.

>> No.37618586

>whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth
That is so damn wild to hear about those secret sharing groups. I'm impressed by their tenacity. It makes sense they're still kicking due to the rigorous filtering. What filesharing site/s did they use for their stuff?

>> No.37618622

We're talking about agroup that existed 11 or 12 years ago. They used to upload stuff to MegaUpload and MediaFire. And the most paranoid mods added a password to their rar and zip files to prevent not invited members from getting their stuff.

>> No.37618791

One thing is being a secret group and another is being a piece of shit. Why do people do that? Claiming a title and not openly sharing it? What the fuck is their idea of "sharing" at all? Some faggots deserve having their shit shared everywhere. What's the point of working on something if you're not going to spread it later? Are they doing it just for them? Then they should never let others know they've picked up a title.

>> No.37618937

I don't get it either. Especially with something niche like otome/BL it should be a crime.

>> No.37618952

Understandable. They chose well since those sites are still here. I also joined an LJ group back then with all of the rar and zip stuff locked behind a couple of posts. You have to write a long introduction post if you want to get a chance of being accepted, keep posting on your LJ and on that group or else you'd get kicked out after a week. I don't remember the name or how they're doing now, but that group was more focused on doujin drama cds. There was also an old file sharing site that had loads of files uploaded. An app was needed to upload or download from it. The drama cds were a small part of the whole thing, but you'd need to follow someone, and hope they didn't password their stuff to access it because you can only know once a file is downloaded since there's a download limit per day. I think the whole site got wiped after a year or so.

>> No.37619009

What series are they working on? Is it worth the secrecy and isolationism?

>> No.37619460

LJ groups were a gold mine back then. They didn't use to be so restrictive in terms of membresy in the beginning, but after some time making them utra secret, it became a shitty tendency.
I recall having used Baidu app in some groups to download some otome games.

I wasn't in many BL groups on LJ, but I recall the Nitro+ one was great. There were based members who didn't give a fuck about hidding their files and just shared Chayamachi's artbook as soon as they got it.

>> No.37619814

What's not to get? You get a smaller group of strangers worshipping you and sucking your dick. Just them to fight that other person who wronged you by telling you you're a schizo, and they'll harass them immediately.
Everything is for attention and being treated like a god

>> No.37620278

Has there ever been a talking animal mascot character that has not been incredibly annoying and actually improved one of these games

>> No.37620359
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>> No.37621052

I remember unironically thinking pic related was a good sidekick. Too bad his subplot about being a half of Dumboba and then taking over the twin brother's body was too stupid and convoluted. Would've liked it better if he was just an outdated mahine who turned into a human with a help of technology.

>> No.37621188

I liked the rabbits from Sweet Clown.

>> No.37621385

Game Center CX did an episode on an Angelique game. It's worth a watch if you're curious.

>> No.37621482
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Kan'u and Kakouton from Juuzaengi

>> No.37621575

That frog with the childish voice from Hashihime and Gotou from Devil Summoner Raidou.

>outdated mahine who turned into a human with a help of technology.
That would've been a better way it could've been written.

Majima's route promises to give you a good time in Chou no Doku while Junichi comes in to a close second.

>> No.37621661

>so other scanlation teams won't pick them up, you know that retarded rule scanlation teams have, I picked it up you can't take it now
I fucking hate this retard shit. And then they have the gall to be all "support the authors guyz!!" You fucking idiot, you're already illegally sharing the manga and translating it without permission, who the fuck are you to stop other people from doing the same? The manga isn't yours but you act as if it were

>> No.37621731

It was probably made with a smaller budget this time around and it seems that it was only made due to fan demand. Almost every thread someone comments on the art.

>> No.37621927

>I picked it up you can't take it now
But that’s like, their opinion, man. I’ll only accept it if the translation quality’s better for readability or duwang tier for the laughs. My JP comprehension’s gotten better so I can enjoy reading untranslated doujins and lewd drama cds, but even a babby can beat me in Chinese and my Russian knowledge only consists of yes and no.

>> No.37622023

Translating isn't easy, that's why either very passionate nice fans or absolutely retarded attention whores do it for free. Just look at Chinese homo fandom. Two people have been blocking one of the most popular novel from being translated for fucking years. They either don't have the time or are "too emotionally stressed" to update the novel, yet everyone who picks it up has to deal with these people their Canadian mob of translator friends. The said mob not only sends their thousands of followers after them because they're "stealing their project for clout", but they also absolutely humiliate them by "quality checking" their work and laughing at it on their popular blogs. It's fucking insane.

>> No.37622041


>> No.37622103

what series/lj groups are you talking about?

>> No.37622928

>That would've been a better way it could've been written.
Yeah, but if this happened people would have wanted it for best boy clear instead.

>> No.37623936

>absolutely humiliate them by "quality checking" their work and laughing at it on their popular blogs
Who are those shit subhumans?

>> No.37624444

Meatbun novel translators: 2ha, yuwu, case file compendium. Some of them got hired by seven seas for official localizations.
Not even muh cds and manga secret club schizos reach such level of insanity and narcissism. Yet people keep sucking their dicks

>> No.37624540

>What filesharing site/s did they use for their stuff?
Google Groups/Discord anon here. They started with MediaFire, and later changed to Google Drive and Mega. Some files were password-protected, but the password was always written in the upload post.
Forgot to mention earlier that on Discord they slowly started restricting channels depending on your ‘status’. You couldn’t view their sharing channels anymore if you’re too inactive which made it even harder to suck their dicks. Eventually your only options were a) constantly chatting with them, b) translate stuff, or c) share things through one of the mods.
The latter option was dumb as fuck, because you couldn’t check beforehand if the CD you want to share isn’t already up on the server, and you’d have to hope that you’re actually given credits (since you still couldn’t view the sharing channels) and the other mods would take notice of your meager attempts.
Things were so much easier back in the Google Groups days.

>> No.37624556

Harudaki. Thankfully, recent years some scanlation groups, I'm sure they lurk on /y/, started to just not give a single shit about them and just pick up the series if it's good.
Some individuals started to follow that example, but still most do hesitate.
In worst case, series ends up getting picked up by some mangagofag who just stole the raws from a Spanish, Russian or Chinese scanlator, Google translated the already MTL translations and then uploaded that abomination there. Imagine this blasphemy being done to some wholesome bl series.

That group picks up shit, but mostly niche ones, which is why it makes me go reeeee.
And yet, these motherfuckers still upload what they translate on baka and not on their fujo cult alone. You can't join, as they do not accept any new member, yet they do this shit.

>> No.37624962

Well, that speaks quite bad of Seven Seas. We agree that learning Japanese isn't easy, not even reaching a fluent level, but how can they be such pieces of shit and just laugh about others like that... There was a time where there were total illiterates in Japanese as well. Fuck them. Imagine having such a sad life even if you got an otaku dream job. Holy shit, they need meds, literally.

>> No.37625147

>So many doujins, VNs, CDs and random shit like concerts or music CDs are locked away in 10+ year old groups or completely lost to time because of several filehosting sites dying
Truly horrifying.

>> No.37625164

I saw Dairoku: Ayakashimori released
art looks good but how is the story?

>> No.37625262

I managed to archive all the pages of a TMGS art book (I forgot which one) on archive.is that I found on an old-ass TMGS Livejournal group and is hosted on Photobucket. The problem is that I always forget the name of the blog and it's a pain in the ass trying to re-guess the URL for the actual files.
Maybe the book is available somewhere else but I still archived it just in case.

>> No.37625274

I know that one of the mods left the group before the shitfest started. This mod was the one who sent me an invitation to join, in fact. I never knew why she left, but it seems to me that she's been "active" on dumblr (she posts like once in a blue moon). If it's the same person (I think she really is) nowadays scans BL RAWs and/or buys digital magazines and offers them to a certain scanlation group that does it for free and without asking having their dicks sucked.

>> No.37625375
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It's really boring, I played the latest game but once you reach items you basically stream roll the game and eventually switch to auto-mode. Compared to tokimeki the random encounters aren't nearly as interesting and your objectives are easily reached/readable. But at least it's nice to see your lover get flustered when they get caught cheating on you with Reina and vice versa. Tdlr game too easy and items OP.

>> No.37625717

>Some of them got hired by seven seas
Good to know. If I ever want a title they have I'll buy it in Japanese instead.
I don't want my money going to those troonslator's pockets. I prefer breaking my head reading moons with the level I have rather than giving them a single cent to feed their egos.

>> No.37626904

>Dairoku: Ayakashimori
It's shit. The plot and characters are clearly secondary to the art. MC is brain dead and guys are walking cliches

>> No.37626982

They could both have that. Ren could've had the "I was nothing but a pet dog my whole life but I feel like I'm a human" and Clear could've get "I'm stuck in a robot body, but I want to have a real human body". Just focus on the difference between them and voila!

>> No.37627794
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Kinda interested in this. https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ231433.html

>Arden Island, the legendary land where myths are born...

There, the Church of the 7 Gospels' Holy Deablade Knights is locked in a struggle with an ever-increasing surge of vicious monsters. One day, amidst all the chaos, a lone swordsman appears. Our story begins with a chance meeting...

A boys love RPG where defeat for our hot-blooded uke hero means utter violation!

>> No.37628427

Speaking of BL RPGs, any other suggestions? I know Angel Feather is a thing, but anything else?

>> No.37628782

new halo in a few weeks

>> No.37629552

Since Vita has been dead for a few years and emulators for it barely work, does it mean all Vita otomes are destined to die for good?

>> No.37631028

Its just weird to me bc plenty of projects with smaller budgets or outright indie ones have better artstyles

>> No.37631059

98% of vita otome are leaked. If you have a hacked vita it's poorfag paradise.
If an EOP and extremely desperate, you can stream your hacked vita on pc and use the deepl OCR to play them.
But yeah, better give up on an emulator. They made sure persona runs, then stopped, they don't give a shit about otome.

>> No.37631831

Teikoku Sensenki is a pretty great RPG, if you don't mind slighty aged games. I didn't even like the characters that much, but the gameplay was fun!

>> No.37631852

Forgot to mention, if you're a seiyuufag, PS2 and PC have different voice casts. Look them up, if you care(I liked PC ver more)

>> No.37632677

Chad midorikawa in both ps2 and 18+ pc one. I miss him.

>> No.37632725

I legit hate these games where most of the porn is locked behind playing poorly.
Just have the scene unlocked after I beat whatever.

>> No.37633046

I never understood that gameplay thing either. You'd think the devs want you to complete game, not get a bad end with your favorite fetish and quit the game(that's legit how most people play those H RPGs)

>> No.37633159

Fukai ni Nemuru Oujo no Abaddon, kinda. Yes, it has het and GL too, but those can be avoided. BL content is good in terms of sex, but all male charcaters were practicly chanting the "no homo" mantra until the very ending where they finally admitted they're into men.
If you hate those types of BL, better avoid it. But if love SNES horror RPG style, give it a shot.

>> No.37633418
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What game has the best comedy, no matter intentional or unintentional?

>> No.37634523
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Steam Prison and Hashihime sent my sides into orbit. I went in blind playing those two so I didn't expect that the further I learned about the whole story, the more ridiculous it became especially with Steam Prison's bizarre worldbuilding.

>> No.37634592

Huh. I recognize that bulg-- I mean main character's voice. Wasn't he the VA for that Kaede-kun doujin drama cd? How interesting.

>> No.37634706

But not only the world building was bizarre, every fucking character was acting like a mental hospital resident. Nothing they ever did made sense, and the main character was a very annoying retard who deserved to suffer

>> No.37634761

That was the beauty of it. Everyone was acting too seriously as it followed the flawed logic of that world that it unintentionally became a comedy. It was a perfect whirlpool of madness and reason.

>> No.37635570

How difficult is it to set up a vita to pirate games on it? I've been thinking about getting one for that purpose for a while but if you need to be some hacker wizard or it's really hit or miss I'd rather not waste my money.

>> No.37636021

I got mine already hacked with emulators and everything, but it is very very easy to do everything by yourself too.
The games can be downloaded directly into your vita with pkgj homebrew. It has all the eng translated otome, plus a lot of jp ones, even hashihime noma is there lol.
If a game doesn't exist there though, you can just download the game and easily send it to your device by multiple programs, most use Filezilla. You do need a pc for that, but some managed to use their phone too.
For all these stuff, very detailed tutorials exist on github and YouTube, I'm sure you won't have any trouble, I'm very retarded myself but easily managed to do everything I needed without any trouble. And people on vita piracy plebbit are very helpful desu. Can help you with anything. Be it looking for roms, patches, tutorials, plug-ins.

>> No.37636441

Most PSP and PS2 games they shared bacame available in other sites years later. However, I think most otome games that were for PC simply got lostand nowadays are extremely hard to find.

>> No.37636554

Yes anon, we know. Komatsubara's style has been degenerating in the past couple of years. The art in the first 3 games was a lot more consistent, the characters rarely were off-model, and the style looked more professional than it does now, despite not being as fancy as the artstyle in other otomege (in my opinion).

>> No.37636646

A large part of it is the coloring. Reminds me of Takeuchi from Type Moon and how, while he definitely suffers from same face and more rigid posing, the work of the colorist can enhance his work much more

>> No.37637219

Man, the only thing that could've redeemed steam prison was if they gave that purple haired guy a route, just so I could see how bad it got.

>> No.37637430

Sachsen? I agree. His story with his old commanding officer was way more interesting than whatever the fuck was happening in the game. Of course, the guys in the game seem cool and worth aiming for until you’re in their route where they act in a way that will make you regret choosing them. I was really excited to get Yune’s route, but was such a disappointment that the only bright side of it was how much I nearly died laughing during the reveal of his mysterious power source.

>> No.37637532

Rune Factory 4 Special has just come out on pc. Has anyone played it? Who is best boy?

>> No.37637604

>Of course, the guys in the game seem cool and worth aiming for until you’re in their route where they act in a way that will make you regret choosing them
I plan on playing it but I wanna know just how bad it is

>> No.37638205

>main character was a very annoying retard who deserved to suffer
She’s like one of those dumbass characters in horror movies that you’re desperately rooting for them to get killed in the worst drawn out way possible. The only good point in that was her how strong her dumbass personality was so it must’ve sucked for those who like to selfinsert when they played it. It was a shame since the whodunnit murder intro was interesting.

>> No.37638522

Every single one of Neoromance's best boys are hard to get. Rayne route is the hardest to unlock. It took me a while unlocking all the scenarios. Neo Angelique is my fav from the series, btw.

>> No.37639594
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x1200, neo-angelique-op-game-tenshi-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Rayne, sis.
It would have been great if the manga had been focused on his route instead of the shitty friendship ed. Why can'twe have nice things?

>> No.37639816

Is there an H-Otoge that's not focused on the heroine's boobs but on her harem's perfect bodies? Extra points if voiced. Even more if the art is nice.

I know I'm asking for too much, perhaps. But it's okay if the game, at least, meets one of the conditions. Thanks.

>> No.37639916

Sis, not to be rude but are you new here?

>> No.37639945

I think she is sis I don't recognize that comma usage

>> No.37640171 [DELETED] 

Horsecock tsundere fishing husbando is best boi. Getting him to crack and blush for the first time was so good. I've heard lots of good things about Arthur though, from other anons. Leon is for ntrsisters. And Doug eternally a shitttt.

I can't believe it's been 8 years since the initial threads and the 3DS era. Time flies.

>> No.37640176
File: 1.20 MB, 1380x1467, 1569528932610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Among those, they had HaruToki and Corda for PC, right? I have never been successful finding the former, but I managed to get Corda. Bad news is that I never could make it run due to muh Win version. It frustrated me that even changing the language options and activating the compatibility mode, the game doesn't run.

>> No.37640281

Horsecock tsundere fishing husbando is best boi. Getting him to crack and blush for the first time was so good. I've heard lots of good things about Arthur though, from other anons. Leon is for ntrsisters. And Doug eternally a shitttt.

I can't believe it's been 8 years since the initial threads. Time flies.

>> No.37640827

Ok, since you haven't replied I guess I'll just answer your questions.
>Is there an H-Otoge that's not focused on the heroine's boobs but on her harem's perfect bodies?
As far as I know, there isn't a single adult otome game where all or most of the ero CGs are POV or otherwise exclusively focus on the guys. Most CGs in these games are focused on both the protagonist and the love interest's body (to varying degrees), with the rare POV CG.
>Extra points if voiced.
Most commercial (non-doujin) R18 otome games are voiced.
>Even more if the art is nice.
It depends on your definition of "nice art". I'm fine with the artstyle in Onedari Sharemate, for example, but the art in Ai wa, Nikushimi ni Yoku Niteiru is gorgeous, in my opinion.
I'd link you VNDB pages but the site seems to be down right now.

>> No.37640945 [DELETED] 

Sisters, be honest, if Shingakkou got a localized "no voice" ver, would you buy it?
I honestly can't see it voiced edition getting a tl

>> No.37640978 [DELETED] 

I don't think most people are interested in buying a VN where voice work was cut for localisation. Any surveys I've seen put out by companies tend to be the same.

>> No.37641865 [DELETED] 

If they made it very easy to patch the voices in maybe.

>> No.37642499 [DELETED] 

Thing is. Is someone willing to make an unofficial voice patch afterwards? They usually do voice patches for eroge muv luv for example or kara no shoujo.

>> No.37642783 [DELETED] 

I know there are some hardcore Shingakkoufags still around on aarins, maybe one of them will do it

>> No.37645866 [DELETED] 

Well in worst case go full autist mode
>open old shingakko and eop one
>put eop one on full screen and turn off all sounds and bgm
>adjust in both the text to run medium speed and press in both auto
>can listen to the voices while playing the eop one

>> No.37648498

I finally downloaded tokimemo girl’s side 1 and a DS emulator to play /blog/‘s favorite game. i don’t know if it’s the emulator, the rom, or my cheap laptop but the sound is a bit canned even after adjusting sound settings

>> No.37648769

Anon a quick look says sound issues are common if your pc is weak. Also often games work better on a particular emulator with particular version of said emulator and particular settings so you might need to dig a lot.

>> No.37649420

>emulating DS games with a sound
never a good idea

>> No.37649589

Use anything that isn't No$GBA (even then audio may be a bit fucky)
It might also be your laptop

>> No.37650090

i used 2 different versions of desmume and checked the forum where another person playing GS1 had the same problem as me. if i still have the same issue i’ll just live with it since i can’t afford a gaming laptop

>> No.37650163

I don't know if you have a good phone but draStic emulates the game perfectly on Android. It rarely makes weird sounds. If it does I just close it and then reload it. It cost 4 or 5 buckaroos but you can find it for free.

>> No.37650281

I don’t have an android. i’ve considered switching since apple keeps making dumbass decisions like removing earphone jacks. i only ever emulate gameboy games so my laptop struggling with a ds emulator is motivation enough to get a gaming laptop in the future

>> No.37650342

Yeah. They had all Neoromance's classics for PC. All limited editions. And also recently released games back then, like Bloody Call (abslutely memeable in 2009 because it was an evident alternative version of Vampire Knight), among others. They weren't really that much otome games for PC, but a lot of players don't know that titles that became popular with either PS2 or PSP had a PC version.

>> No.37650528

Fortunately I downloaded some of their novel TLS before they took them down, don't have to give them a cent to read TGCF

>> No.37651190

You can choose one console/all ages game to get an R18 version, what are you picking?

>> No.37651246

club suicide, the artist draws nice looking dicks and i wanna fuck meiyou so he turns straight

>> No.37651278

I want to fuck Tokiya so hard that Miyano will have to voice R18 once for all.

>> No.37651829

I only really played the snes one, I remember being impressed with some of the options and found some of the dating choices difficult since a wrong answer ruined things right away, but I was also younger. It was fun at least and if you like snes games Id say try it.
I was really into Clavis, his theme still comes to me as an earworm every once in a while.

>> No.37651943


>> No.37652071

Uesugi likes big cocks too much I don't want to see Ringo-chan ripped in half by monster dongs. I'd only accept it if she pegs them.

>> No.37652290
File: 160 KB, 804x812, Blush himuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally fucking him. After sexually harassing him in front of the whole class, he finally gave in and invited me on a date. I can't take the bag tho, I shouldn't have self inserted and just not add my real birthday. Getting in his pants it's so difficult. Waka let me to fuck him much sooner.

>> No.37652308

Twats like that remind me that psychopaths do exists. Sucks they got rewarded by being validated.
I'm sure pirate chads will deliver. The heroes will be shamed to hell and back by twittertards but they will fulfill their duty.

>> No.37653154

I very much enjoyed The Idiot, though just as much for the setting and glimpse into the high-life of Russian/Prussian society as the characters and plot.

I've read also NftU and C&P, but either from time or lack of hold I don't have strong opinions of the works anymore.

>> No.37653287

>What filesharing site/s[...]
Over the years I've experienced so many DDL sites come and go that if I ever share anything to others here or elsewhere, I make a torrent/magnet link and put it on my seedbox.
Sure my seedbox isn't going to last forever, but I can still get a new one or seed it with local data if need be to save the torrent, and DHT means they'll last even if the public trackers fail.

Coincidentally some of those may still be available on jpopsuki, animebytes, Redacted, and other private trackers.

>> No.37653436

Himuro is so boring, even sexually assaulting him puts me to sleep

>> No.37654205

Just find a secondhand 3DS and use the bootstrapper. It's worked for me perfectly.

>> No.37655282

nice, i bought an old 3ds earlier this year to hack for great ace attorney but the localization got announced the week my package came

>> No.37655460

TMGS3 is the best out of the DS games btw, you should play them all on your 3DS

>> No.37655517

Wouldn't the psp version be better?

>> No.37655684

Yes, but they're still quite different, imo. For example, the PSP version only has one pose for all the characters all the time due to the sprites being Live2D animated.
I played the PSP version first, but later I finished a few routes in the DS version as well and I liked both. If it weren't for the extra content in the PSP version I'd say the DS one is better (it's also much more polished than the previous two games). I'm just saying if you liked the Premium one, it's still fun to try the original, especially if you have a hacked 3DS.

>> No.37655701

Honestly, I wish they got remasters or whatever for the switch because the low quality of the ds screen is so shit and everything looks so pixelated even in a 3ds.
2 and 3 are fun (1 really shows that it was the first) but they could look better. I'm sure they'd actually sell pretty decently.

>> No.37656571

The PSP version have worse skinskip.

>> No.37658639
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x2572, E3wFjmLUUAQkQ4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they like Guilty Gear, based

>> No.37661444

It's pretty much a ryonage anyway, might as well go all the way.

>> No.37662000

Speaking of Guilty Gear, Nanatsumori's theme reminds me a lot of GG, and Hiiragi's vaguely reminds me of Touhou.

In general, I think TMGS4 music is pretty good. I love Inori's theme. Although sometimes I feel like the character themes are way too intense for what's supposed to be a school SoL game.

>> No.37664173

Good choice considering that UtaPri does have potential to be an R18 games. Haruka makes out with every one of the guys or it's at least hinted at with Tokiya and other routes.

>> No.37665656

I'm down bad for anyone Matthew Mercer voices.

>> No.37665814

>everything looks so pixelated even in a 3ds.
But that's part the appeal.
Although I do admit that sprites in the first two games looked pretty shitty. They look pretty nice in 3.

>> No.37665856

this is the same artist, right?

>> No.37666150

I was also a fan of the horse and, he was really cute, I also have a weakness for butlers so I also like Vishnal though he is nothing new or special at all.
Arthur was fun and if you like shota Kiel does have a few moments but he is overshadowed by Dylas and Arthur.
I still want to marry Kross from frontier more than anything.

>> No.37666315


>> No.37666888

Hopefully, RF5 does well so I can get spitroasted by Danny and Erik in Frontier Redux.

>> No.37667357

That's exactly why I want an R18 ver. It sucks that Miyano always moans offscreen. I hate it.

>> No.37667381
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, Princess_Britania~ミューズの宝剣~PrincessBritania (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promises MC he'll love her forever and asks her to marry him
>takes her virginity
>dips while she's sleeping and leaves a note saying "sorry I'm busy got stuff to do"
>abandons MC to losing her position as a noble and being exiled because he doesn't want to waste his time on a lost cause
Wow, the bad end in this kinda makes Orlando a sociopath, huh.

>> No.37667451

>"sorry I'm busy got stuff to do"
Sounds like your regular douchebag lmao

>> No.37667458

I'm saying based.

>> No.37667481

UtaPri always felt like a pseudo-BL because gys seem to like each other more than MC. If R18 ver was real, there would only be gay sex

>> No.37667514

It would also work as BL. I just want R18 and hear Tokiya moaning. I'm being quite honest.
Fuck parenthood, Miyano will always argue he's a dad and he will forever refuse voice R18 because of that.

>> No.37667567

Indeed, he's dumb. Majority of vn seiyuu had worked for r18 works, and most of them have kids too. He's plain disrespectful to his coworkers.

>> No.37667680

I've read that it took him a lot daring to voice otome since "he felt too embarrassed to do it." He said that himself if I'm not mistaken. Now, he won't ever stop saying "I'm a dad." If that's his problem, then he should use a pen name just like Toriumi did once. But he just doesn't want to admit that he either dislikes voicing dirty stuff or that he's full into a religion or something.

>> No.37667697

Wouldn't be surprised if he was a religious nut. Or maybe the mother of his child is

>> No.37667715

>Fuck parenthood, Miyano will always argue he's a dad and he will forever refuse voice R18 because of that.
Kadowaki Mai (Illya's VA) is 40something and did a game where she voices an explicitly 11 year old loli prostitute despite simultaneously having a daughter almost the exact same age a few years ago. Just don't let your kid watch it if you think it's age inappropriate for them.

>> No.37667721

>Or maybe the mother of his child is
It may be. Didn't he marry a childhood friend or a girl he used to like in high school? I think he also had trouble talking to her. Maybe he really is shy, but that doesn't make sense at all if you see what a clown he is irl. So... I'd go for option 2 and bet that he doesn't do anything that would bother his wife... Truly sad.

>> No.37667737

Most seiyuu do that. Toriumi did the same, Hirakawa too, a lot more do the same even if they have kids. And even so you have extreme cases like Miyano's. The guy would be like 10 times richer than he already is if he just dared to voice R18.

>> No.37667740

>Most seiyuu do that.
Voice an 11 year old loli prostitute?

>> No.37667754

No, this: >Just don't let your kid watch it if you think it's age inappropriate for them.
But there might be more seiyuu that do voice loli sluts and still have kids. You never know.

>> No.37667774

In vn world, yes/ Most lolis are underaged and behave like sluts

>> No.37667914

>Didn't he marry a childhood friend or a girl he used to like in high school?
S2G, that's the only way retards like him can have sex with women.
Virgin seiyuus who marry dumb women vs chad seiyuus who marry r18 voice actresses

>> No.37667952

I thought the reason he didn't do R18 stuff was because of the agency he's with

>> No.37667992

The agency is an excuse. He has been offered roles and he just rejects them because "muh I blush when I talk to a girl" or "I'm a daddy, sorry."
He excuses in the agency to say: My agency says no seiyuu that works for them should be allowed to make lewd sounds.

>> No.37668131

It's funny because I noticed "big" otome companies who produce non-r18 titles become lazier every year. That leads to shittier sales and less merch. Soon, if he still wants to be in the industry he'll have to pick at least a few r18 auditions

>> No.37668232

On topic of voice acting
Strong voice direction>>>big names
Prove me wrong

>> No.37668566

I wish to never hear Yuki Kaji in anything again

>> No.37669330

If the man is a prude let him be. You can't force him to do something he doesn't like.

>> No.37669332

I wish VN companies would hire promising literally whos instead of spending all their budget in attempts to lure in koebutas.

>> No.37670178

Hosoya hasn't voiced anything lewd either, has he? What a slut

>> No.37670262

Why is he so hated again? Just over saturation?

>> No.37670269

He's legit not a particularly good VA that gets pushed a lot, he can only sound like a faggot, in two different ways and neither are hot.

>> No.37670399

He had a period of being cast for every other screeching shonen lead and that put people off him. Otherwise he has a very generic ikebo and the hate for him is overblown.

>> No.37670519

/blog/'s seiyuu opinions are just contrarian trash. I will never respect people who think Hirarin sounds good.

>> No.37671862

He voiced a slut potential one at kamigami no asobi.

>> No.37671956

Unpopular opinion, I would rather have Kenjiro Tsuda doing R18 than Miyano. His deep and manly voice..imagine him moaning while he fucks you hard(or while you fuck him hard). I fell in love with him sincs Nightshade and I am playing Ikemen Vampire just to have a regular dose of him.

>> No.37671972

Tsuda Kenjiro never did porn too. Ishikawa kaito as well. The company is indeed an excuse. All the uta no pri fags have done porn at least once, in the past and some still do now.

>> No.37672030

Thinking of Suwabe whispering and moaning into my ear
I hope to never hear this

>> No.37672047

Fun fact both of them are in the new Spade No Kuni No Alice

>> No.37672219 [DELETED] 

yeah I don't know where that shit about Miyano saying he doesn't do BL is because of his kid. ost a legit source. Everyone in his agency doesn't do R18, such as Uchiyama Koki, Kimura Ryohei, Uemura Yuto and others who have left like Irino Myu and Ono Kensho also don't do any.

>> No.37672234

I want Saitou Souma to do r18 oneeshota situation voices/drama cds.

>> No.37672240

Yeah I don't know where that shit about Miyano saying he doesn't do BL is because of his kid came from. Post a legit source. Everyone in his agency doesn't do R18, such as Uchiyama Koki, Kimura Ryohei, Uemura Yuto and others who have left like Irino Myu and Ono Kensho also don't do any.

>> No.37672296

Once they reach a bread shortage they will be forced to moan and pretend to slurp udon in front of a microphone for brain damaged yumes. That's if they want to stay on business. New seiyuufags pop up everyday.
Old ones that survive, it's thank to porn. See Hirarin, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Tachibana Shinnosuke, Ono Yuki and Okitsu Kazuyuki. Even Kakihara Tetsuya does porn. The sooner they accept it the better.

>> No.37672400

I will never understand why some seiyuus refuse to do R18 so vehemently . It is not like they put their faces on it, they simply. Have to moan and do dirty talk. I guess it is a Japanese thing

>> No.37672669

tokimemo GS1 anon, I’m almost at the end of year 1 and decided to go for Morimura since he’s voiced by Ishida Akira. The skinship is fun, seeing Morimura go from being shy to tickling the protag + walking home together is hot. Its neat that some characters say (your) name, makes me want to put in my own name next time for maximum yume experience.

>> No.37673636

I love how Ono Yuki keeps accepting any roles regardless of how degenerate they're and remains looking enthusiastic as fuck while doing them. As if he's always dreamed to voice a giant with a huge dick who impregnates his tiny human twink

>> No.37674257

Kek, true totally agree. Him, Sato Takuya, Hatano Wataru, Furukawa Makoto and Saito Soma are all based chads. Have made respect for them.

>> No.37674278

Forgot sawa manaka

>> No.37674290
File: 201 KB, 770x550, cb220a46-ebcb-49c9-a712-746c54776212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people actually paid to get that Saburo tapestry
Holy kek. Based.

>> No.37674323

All that crowdfunding for an artbook? Really?

>> No.37674334

Uemura and Koki legit have never participated in a single R18 product of any kind.
Kimura has participated in BLCDs before, but not as any of the CP characters. Irino has one CD, not CP either. I don't know if these two have always worked for the same agency or changed at some point.

>> No.37674357

Let's have a Tsuda x Miyano BLCD.
Imagine the sales.

>> No.37674372

All I want for Christmas is for this to reach the second stretch goal so I don't have to buy all the console tokuten stories separately.

>> No.37674374

Why not crowdfund their upcoming game instead...

>> No.37674384

I hope I die before Midorikawa retires

>> No.37674398

They're all from the same agency since they were kids but Ono and Irino left. Kimura voiced the jap dub of MDZS but as it's known it's censored and not BL like the source material.

>> No.37674429

pretty sure some of the money there will be used for their upcoming game. Their final goal 3.5 million yen, honestly sounds too much for a reproduction of an existing fanbook. It's only the first fanbook that's getting added illustration and SS if they reach 2.4 million yen.

>> No.37674722 [DELETED] 

>Seiyuu talk
How will Suzukifags ever recover?
How does it affect otome and BL? Will he keep voicing the characters that are already his?
He may be a shit person irl, but I like him as Ranmaru.

>> No.37674753

>Seiyuu talk
How will Suzukifags ever recover?
How does it affect otome and BL? Will he keep voicing the characters that are already his?
He may be a shit person irl, but I like him as Ranmaru.

>> No.37674765

fu I hovered over that and now I can never listen to his voice again without knowing what he looks like. Ruined.

>> No.37674810

For some reason, he's (or was kek) desired by Jap women, anon. I guess his voice is powerful.

>> No.37674824

Most seiyuu aren't handsome or are just plainly ugly. I was disappointed when I learned how Suwabe looks irl.

>> No.37674864
File: 273 KB, 489x353, Eiichi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe bakarina game got delayed so they can swipe him with another fag kek.
But desu I don't give a shit, I just want fucking Broccoli to hurry the fuck up with dolce vita so I can fuck Eiichi who is voiced by chad Midorin.

>> No.37674953

>Broccoli to hurry the fuck up with dolce vita
I hate them for have changing the game from Vita to Switch. That delayed the release in almost 2 years.
I'm also looking forward playing Heaven's routes. Midorikawa never fails to deliver.
I also want to listen to OnoD as Kira.

>> No.37674954
File: 83 KB, 596x1024, 1633204216052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TsudaKen is the only seiyuu I've ever found attractive desu

>> No.37675126

Something tells me Dolce Vita is vaporware

>> No.37675523

I don't even want to know what they look like even if they are attractive, totally ruins it either way. Listening to dialogue in this hobby only works if I can suspend my disbelief that a real person actually read this stuff out loud.

>> No.37676038

Few years ago I listened to some seiyuu explaining how he records gay sex scenes. Since then the image never leaves my mind when I play BLVN or listen to drama CDs.
Yes, I regret everything.

>> No.37676080

Some years ago I watched a video where a seiyuu was talking and almost kissing a microphone he customized. Based or based?

>> No.37676229

The guy sounds like a based loner. Good for him.

>> No.37676414
File: 374 KB, 1618x1080, Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing rich drawfags route now. Talking about seiyuus, I really like his seiyuu, Miki Shinichiro. Heard he is in break or something? I remember he was at Luckydog1 as well, and voiced the guy with the pee fetish. Based.
Anyways, Shiki is fun, but kinda hard to get in his pants, already dated him 10 times he still at :|
Maybe bc I am a poorfag and just own 2 tops and 1 bottom? He wears different outfits everytime we date. Sucks to be a poorfag even in a freaking game.

>> No.37676452

Murase Ayumu boldly explaining that he eats a candy everytime he records a blowjob scene and it's good when the candy sticks on the back of his throat because it sounds more realistic, like you do choke when sucking dick. Kek based.

>> No.37676480

What's the name of that mobile joseimuke kusoge that got a lot of well-known VAs, and the main theme (sung by all of them) sounded like utter shit?

>> No.37676672
File: 210 KB, 1056x594, hypcringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be wrong, but sound like HypMic.

>> No.37676676

That's why you go crazy at the flea market. Save and reload if there's not much selection.

>> No.37676757

>maximum yume experience
That would be the original PS1 version where you can literally have them say your actual name, albeit with a Japanese pronunciation, thanks to the EVS. Results vary depending on character though.

I never did Morimura (tried once, when I did my first playthrough and didn't know shit about the mechanics of the game) because he just didn't seem as appealing as Himuro, plus rival mode put me off. But now I'm considering it.

>> No.37676829

It wasn't HypMic, it was some 3D RPG that was like a joseimuke version of some other mobage for moids that was actually pretty well made (by the same company). The game I'm talking about was full of bugs as well.

>> No.37677511
File: 22 KB, 650x366, DEy23YVU0AAkMZk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimi to Kiri no labyrinth

I remember square enix canning this for two other joseimuke mobile games that had the same shit idle gameplay and got shut down as well

>> No.37678004
File: 208 KB, 770x1080, Elegant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from the best combos but poorfags can't complain. Thanks anon for the tip.

>> No.37678036

From joseimuke gatcha I remember the one where one of the idols got into drugs because his boss fucked his ass and made him suck his dick in order to become a successful idol. It was kinda deep.

>> No.37678900

>Kimi to Kiri no labyrinth
Yeah, that was the game, thanks. I remember reading this whole Twitter archive documenting all the bugs and other weird shit.
But the relevant tweet (the one with the main theme song) is this one: https://twitter.com/otomebunny/status/898822837665800193
I guess bad voice direction isn't the only culprit here, since this was also terribly mixed.

>> No.37679192

You don’t have a part time job? making money in tokimemo is pretty easy

>> No.37679305

Does mtl'ing games help in any way if you're an N5 dekinai? I already do anki, read grammar books and watch japanese shows daily so would it be a waste of time?

>> No.37680140

I think it helps a bit just to get your feet in the water. Also helps even more if you actually try to read the original text first before reading the MTL. Though if you're already that far in with that many activities you might just want to try with a text hooker first to look up kanji instead of MTLing.

>> No.37680185

If you mean as a learning tool then no. You'll retain information a lot better by looking up individual words or phrases you don't know as you come across them. Instant TLs can easily become a crutch and hurt your learning more than help it.

>> No.37680446

Your main language is a Romance language, isn't it

Which one was that?

>> No.37680495

https://twitter.com/otomebunny/status/885370858205728768<this made me laugh, thanks anon

>> No.37680518

https://twitter.com/otomebunny/status/887352176347013120<this one too, oh god

>> No.37681511

What's the worst game you all have played? And by 'worst', I mean a game that's so shitty that it needs to be played just to absorb the shittiness.

>> No.37681662

Besides OELVNS and Russian games made by people who hate Japan?
https://vndb.org/v3448, for a such simply premise it didn't deliver on anything. Sex scenes were cringe, romance was fleeting, ui was stiff(even for 2004), the writing was pure garbo. Timed choices had no effect on anything, wtf was the point??
Honorable mentions goes to Absolute Obedience and Animamundi ENG versions for shitty old localisations. Obedience had terrible tl text and godawful font, Animamundi had several chapter untraslated and bugged out. Had to play JP version, and turned out the game was 7/10 in my book.

>> No.37681884

What the hell happened to this btw, I got a video recommended out of the blue as I forgot I was subbed to the channel and suddenly there's women rapping (really, really fucking badly)

>> No.37681894

Dead project?

>> No.37682075

>6.95 (decent)

>> No.37682112

How hard can it be to make a stable, fun mobile RPG and make all the characters cute anime boys instead of cute anime girls?

>> No.37682249

Afak half of those positives scores are from friends of the person who tlted the game. The bias is obvious.
Very hard because all AAA companies think those will fail because "women only play Candy Crush"/"women are breeders and too poor to buy in-game shit"

>> No.37682298

God, I hope not.

>> No.37682367
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, Princess_Britania~ミューズの宝剣~PrincessBritania (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw him interacting with another girl!
>I bet I'm just he's mistress and he's actually in love with her
>The clear solution to this problem is to get engaged to some rando and avoid him whenever he tries to confront me about it, and
>when I do confront him with the fact that I think he's cheating *based solely on seeing him talk with another girl from a distance) and he says "what the fuck are you talking about there's clearly some kind of misunderstanding here let's sit down and talk this through like adults" I'll just run away instead
why can't they ever just talk and resolve this shit in two minutes instead of two hours

>> No.37682463

>Princess Britania
hy are you getting mad at stupid melodrama being stupid melodrama by a no-name C-tier writer?

>> No.37682479
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, Princess_Britania~ミューズの宝剣~PrincessBritania (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't say I wasn't enjoying it

>> No.37682803

Chou no Doku's Shiba route had the exact same tiresome shit, down to the "MC ran off to get engaged to some rando" part
To be fair her fears were somewhat founded.

>> No.37683221
File: 381 KB, 621x326, カタルシス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iirc that one. Each had his own issue and felt more like a group therapy than an idol group instead.
I wish I could read his story again.

>> No.37683322

That didn't have a good end tho.
She suffered from some sort of brain damage and became blind after a failed sudoku. He locked her at his basement and made her his sex slave. He also impregnated her?
I hope they fund their other game.

>> No.37683528

After looking up their vaporware title:
>game doesn't pretend to be a steretypical melodrama, goes straight to shitfest
>it's just brother
>MC is braindead from the get-go
50/50 this game could be as good as Chou, but it also can be entertaining kusoge. I'm down either way

>> No.37683563

there are several ends, sis. that one wasn't even the worst end.

>> No.37683908
File: 661 KB, 988x662, Vaporware1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can read ant size

>> No.37683925
File: 1.06 MB, 1028x1259, Vaporware2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the ones from that mafia priest vaporware one if interested

>> No.37683941

Umehara is also fairly cute

>> No.37684005

Please share priest game info pages, I want to feel alive again

>> No.37684254
File: 139 KB, 640x804, priestslut1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were posted here back in 2015 or 16 by a based anon who always shared their coolb scans.

>> No.37684266
File: 131 KB, 640x788, Priestslut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37684288 [DELETED] 


>> No.37684311
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>> No.37684342
File: 109 KB, 640x790, Priestslut4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe 2022 revival

>> No.37684390

I remember getting confused when I saw some of the descriptions a while back and thinking it was irish troubles themed.
Kind of want that instead to be honest.

>> No.37684752

Stop giving me hope.
On the other hand, if Toho could finally revive his vaporware and LoveDelivery will soon release their 24ku Switch port, maybe we'll hear news about this again.

>> No.37684929

>she doesn't know
He has a good ending too. All guys do unless they're Majima. If they're Majima it means they're crying in their ending but it's fucking great too

>> No.37685253

In Shibas good ending Yuriko didn't accept to marry that guy that was never shown iirc. He canceled his proposal before she had a chance to reply, because his brother found out Majima working as her gardener and knew he was dangerous. When she accepted the marriage proposal, it was then that shit happened and she tried to sudoku and left retarded and blind. If she didn't chose sudoku, she would poison Shiba, slowly killing him instead.
Overall Shiba cuck sucks. Worse than the cuck butler even.

Majima had the best endings. I still laugh at slut brothers bad ending tho, where he watched Yurika and slut brother fuck inside the storage, then lock them inside and burn them to death. It's more hilarious because he probably first fapped to that, then burned them to death, out of disgust for both them and himself.

>> No.37685462

can himuro take you to the beach or the pool?

>> No.37686523

Anon, it's not a good ending. Replay the game

>> No.37686644

I already played it, good one they marry right? Sorry for the confusion, what I tried to say, is that unlike Britannia, in Chou doku, if she chooses to marry the rando dude, it doesn't go well.

>> No.37686974

I read the novel of this out of curiosity
>brother manipulates the MC to be his sex slave when she's like 13, says that what they're doing is how people show their love for each other
>brother has a friend who looks like him, suggests the MC marries his friend so no one would suspect if they were to have a child together
>brother is a straight up psychopath who knew how naive the MC is, thinks that he has the duty "guide" her because she's dumb
>novel ends with the brother using a kid to kill the MC's first love, then proceeds to fuck her in front of his corpse. to add cherry on top she's actually feeling good from it.
I don't think ChouDoku even went this crazy. The writer loves writing fucked up brother/sister stories that's for sure.

>> No.37687078
File: 381 KB, 800x600, majima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best part of him. What makes it even more delicious is when he was forced to swallow the fact that he became what he hated most, then completely accepted it because it makes him happy.

>> No.37687088

Sounds kamige. Do you have the novel as digital or physical form anon? If it's digital do you mind sharing here?

>> No.37687130

Sasuga from /blogs husband. What was even more delicious, was having threesome with heroine and her brother, throwing insults at them, calling them disgusting for engaging in incest. All this while pounding hard on his own sister himself.

>> No.37688746

I shouldn't judge R18 CDs based on their cover art but I do. If I don't see dick bulge, it's a no-buy.

>> No.37688768

> If I don't see dick bulge, it's a no-buy.
Does the size of the dick matter that much for a voice work? Can't you just use your ~imagination~? So you're just refusing all shota/younger guy/regular guy but with a smaller dick stuff?

>> No.37688775

I can't stand the pregnancy themed works that keep popping up these days on dlsite. Makes me want to throw up.

>> No.37688860
File: 239 KB, 560x315, RJ362271_img_smp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me check to see what you were talking about, and I while I couldn't find it I did find picrel, which has got to be the least appealing cover I've ever seen on one of these things.

>> No.37688862

Just block the tag then you can immediately see which works to avoid. It’s dumb that they still show up on the front page but at least they’re easier to identify.

>> No.37688884

KZ Entertainment has been the one putting them out iirc.

I don't really mind the "lets get pregnant" ones. It's the cover art with the woman already heavily pregnant that bothers me kek.

>> No.37688933

>KZ Entertainment
Oh, that's the one with the covers where the guy is always shoving a foot long monster cock into the girl.

>> No.37688945

Yes, that too.

>> No.37688950

this is a hundred times more cursed than all the """cursed""" meme pics I've seen this year, may God smite you for posting it.

>> No.37688958

>only a foot
When are we going to get the demonbane monster cocks that are bigger than the dude's leg finally represented? Like https://exhentai.org/s/2582f229ac/1000000-231

>> No.37688965
File: 259 KB, 1000x563, FBA97634-66EF-43A5-9D89-B4748C6557C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it’s one of those many ASMRtist that have been clogging up the new release front page lately. They usually don’t even bother splitting up the tracks. Pic related is another one of that VAs covers. kek
It’s especially cringe when they act as an already existing anime character but sound nothing alike. Really wish they’d stick to YT or wherever they come from.

>> No.37689003

>1210 yen
>26 minutes

>> No.37689033

The agency is the main reason. However, on Chil-Chil and Chiebukutro you'll find that nips usually comment that people who belong that agency really don't want to voice BL, and that's where the arguments such as "I'm married and have a kid" come from. People from the agency may appear in BL works as an extra or friend, but never as leads. It's rumoured that Miyano and Irino have offered minor roles but they have rejected them.
On a side note: although not from the same agency, there are seiyuu such as Masaya Onosaka who have claimed he can't voice BL because he doesn't know how does it feel falling in love with a man kek
It's my guess, but maybe Himawari agency just represents their voice actors morals.

>> No.37689058

I didn't mean the one you posted, meant the pregnancy ones. https://www.dlsite.com/girls/work/=/product_id/RJ356752.html

>> No.37689093

I need the art to be at least lewd. AreaS got my cash with their covers.

>> No.37689147

This is amazing, it sounds exactly like an /a/ sings cover.

>> No.37689280
File: 117 KB, 202x229, Sunday Singing in the Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides. It sounds like people singing in a church in early Sunday.

>> No.37689511

Holy shit, it really does and is somehow much worse than the lowest effort ones. What a fucking disaster.

>> No.37689516

I believe that some of them simply don't want to voice any kind of porn. But it's okay, nothing lasts forever. Years from now, when they lose their popularity and looks completely they will take the dick

>> No.37690144

I'm sick of donkan heroines, what's something decent where the MC is smart or more perceptive?

>> No.37690584

yumes can't self insert into a smart character, please understand.

>> No.37693225

Being smart is MC's best friend's role, sis.

>> No.37693699


>> No.37693978

You would be shocked at how often the 'strong female protagonist' tag is used to mean 'heroine who wins a fight at one point' and not 'heroine who is smarter than a sack of bricks'
That's an impregnation fetish, not pregnancy sis. Totally different tags.

>> No.37694055

As far as I can tell, they're grouped together on dlsite.

>> No.37694066

Just don't make her too smart or I won't be able to self insert. Olympia level is enough

>> No.37694293

Half of those have normal, functional women. Can't call them strong, however

>> No.37694304

>You would be shocked at how often the 'strong female protagonist' tag is used to mean 'heroine who wins a fight at one point' and not 'heroine who is smarter than a sack of bricks'
It should've been named something different. It must be a pain in the ass to correct every single entry and then add the tag to other VNs that should have it but don't (of which I'm sure there must be quite a few).

>> No.37694326

"Female Protagonist with Personality"

>> No.37694394

I remember when Steam prison was advertised as a game with a strong heroine. Not only that retard is dumb as fuck but she can't win shit. Not even fat faceless men deserve to be subjected to her existence

>> No.37694643

The standards are so low, she's only considered strong because she doesn't cry or ask for cock every 5 minutes

>> No.37694708

>she doesn't cry or ask for cock every 5 minutes
wtf how am I supposed to self insert then?

>> No.37695316

I think he does take you to the beach but he still wears his normal suit kek.
Maybe I'm misremembering though.

>> No.37695351

Agree, he's my favorite seiyuu appearance wise. I think he and Masuda are cute desu

>> No.37695749

She doesn't ask for it because she takes it herself

>> No.37695762

That's how it happened in my version of that shit game

>> No.37695810

Any good SoL games that wont make me want to kill myself?

>> No.37696066

BL or otome?

>> No.37696566

Either is fine just no utsuge please

>> No.37697250

It's an ambiguous term, you could take it to mean 'strong characterisation' (as in the heroine is a distinct, well written character), 'strong personality' (as in she's assertive and stands up for herself) or literally physically strong. I think the vndb tag is meant to indicate the second, people often use it to tag the third or the first based on questionable standards.

>> No.37698382

She doesn't cry because she is too retarded to realize what's happening. The dense bitch literally made a prostitute feed her and contributed to her and her child having been murdered. She loses every fight despite being cocky and starting them herself, she can't survive without relying on a dick either

>> No.37699135
File: 176 KB, 818x1080, Shiki nyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His confession was hilarious, or maybe it's my fault for giving him that nickname and ruined the whole mood. I have a feeling, that if you reject him, by "traveling to heal his broken heart" he actually means going to gensokyo.
I know he is dramatic, but I felt that he'd sudoku right on the spot if you dump him.
Overall his route was not bad. He had both his cute and dramatically retarded moments.
I will try to get in Kei's pants now. The stats in order to get him look hell, so I will try to trigger best friend endings with Himuro as well, to save me from the trouble.

>> No.37702249

I'm so pissed now I want a Hosoya Tsuda Miyano Uchiyama orgy

>> No.37702796

sorry I can't fuck him because I don't want to cheat on best girl Mizuki

>> No.37702905

What's a game you like even though everyone else thinks it sucks?

>> No.37702925

>started the game with Mizuki as my first friend
>ended up having to tell her to fuck off while gunning for Shiki
It still hurts. Why did it have to be that way?

>> No.37702970

As far as /blog/ opinions go, Togainu no Chi.

>> No.37703084

some western game that I won't name because I don't want /blog/ to bomb my house

>> No.37703140

Do it

>> No.37703715

You can't just say that anon I have to know now

>> No.37703778

Code Realize is ok actually.

>> No.37703889

Every oldfag secretly likes TnC. People loved when it was released and I recall how all players were willing to suck Shiki's dick.

>> No.37704036

I don't hate it, and it was amazing back when there like 5 BL games in existence but it's aged badly and I always thought the writing was kind of crap.

>> No.37704239

I love TnC for its premise.War-ridden hellscape, human experimentation, bloodsports - the only thing it lacks is guns and then it'd be tailor made for me. But the story is eh, and the characters kinda blow, unfortunately.

>> No.37704552

You're not alone sis, me too.

>> No.37704582

I like Akira and like seeing him get beaten up, simple as that.

>> No.37704597

TnC was my first ever BL, and for that alone it's above Dmmd and even Sweet Pool(omegaverse makes me cringe, sorry). But it's a 6/10 game by today's standards. Yet I can't help but like majority of the main cast besides Shiki, they deserved a better game with better writing.

>> No.37704606

>Sweet Pool
Great, now you ruined it for me.

>> No.37704624

I play OELVNs too, sometimes they're fine. Nothing amazing, but good to waste time.

>> No.37704625

"Assertive female protagonist" sounds good.

>> No.37704659

Absolute Obedience


>> No.37704735

I've seen sisters who hate the genre but still liked SP. But for me it had too much genre-typical cliches.

>> No.37704778

Good luck, at least cafe alucard raises all stats.

>> No.37704807

Sweet Pool was the first known omegaverse. After it happened all the ABOshit you see nowadays happened. I can't blame people for have liked SP since it was something "different." However, the genre is abosulte garbage and I personally hate it with passion because it ruined the sales of other BL magazines that I enjoyed reading.

>> No.37704834

I liked the canon couple's dynamic, too bad I had to sit through terrible characters and their fetishes to get to that point.
In a sense, it's better than Enzai, but Enzai felt mercifully shorter.

>> No.37704979

Yeah, liked some aspects of it more than TnC(and I consider myself TnCfag). Art was far more consistant, color palette was more appealing. Secondary characters weren't ass, the whole brother-sister relationship was sweet. OST was better overall(but STILL>Miracles May for me). It really made the atmosphere stand out.
Couldn't give a shit about the main LI or the story, however. Youji deserved a better man.

>> No.37705149

Pretty sure it's Sex Pistols (that BL with spirit animals or whatever) that popularized omegaverse-style garbage.

>> No.37705257

The fuck, I'm never reading sweet pool now.

>> No.37705405

Surprised people are only finding this out now. I thought SP was only known as "Saya no Uta but omegaverse".

>> No.37705575

It's superior to omegaverse. Anyway
>hasn't read it now
Pathetic newfag

>> No.37705586

We can all agree Tetsuo was a boring, dead fish.

>> No.37705657

It had nothing to do with popularizing the genre, it sold like shit even for a BL VN. It came out before omegaverse became a thing.
You can thank westernshit for subjecting all us to omegaverse and popularizing it among manga artists.

>> No.37705844

If you told be he was made by Parade/ClockUp, I would've believed you.
I wish this game had proper routes for most major characters. Makoto, Zen'ya, Kitani and even megane teacher had more chemistry with Youji.

>> No.37705989

I'm assuming that people hate Omegaverse shit because it's full of cliches. I wouldn't know, because I've never read any of that, so it doesn't sound so bad to me, and it's certainly not gonna stop me from reading Sweet Pool.

If I'm wrong, then what's so bad about it?

>> No.37706015

Tired of sifting through so many omegaverse and/or furry-titles when browsing BL/doujinshi. I'm so disappointed whenever I find something interesting and the omegaverse infographic comes up..

>> No.37706123

Besides meat babies, dull fucking and meh plot?
The game was really pretentious to me. It tried to be "deep", but came off as corny. "It's more than a love story" lol. Literally less than that. If only this game had proper romance and conslusive finale instead of a total "happy" cop out.
Spoilers for one of the bad ends the child of Youji and Tetsuo looked like an inbread, I couldn't take it seriously at all.

>> No.37706270

I liked the endings where he raises his meat boyfriend. Imagine his breakdown and inevitable suicide when he returns home and finds out his invisible lover has escaped to meat heaven.
The concept of a dead cold fish loving something to the point where he would be willing to die, live through a literal nightmare or become his own meat bishounen son is hot

>> No.37706296

Anyone who unironically uses "lol" in a sentence is not to be trusted, she probably frequents those other sites and has shit taste (confirmed) >>37706123
As long as you don't go into it solely for romance and if you're are okay with Saya no uta, you'll enjoy it.

>> No.37706321

Isn't that that shit with like wolves and boys getting pregnant or something? I never looked into it but I've seen it mentioned a lot, I thought it was some weird furry thing.

>> No.37706337

>mpreg and asshole wombs
I'd rather just read otome...

>> No.37706475

I hate pregnancy endings. Even just a timeskip to babies is too much. Doesn't matter if they come out of an asspussy or a pussypussy I don't want to see them.

>> No.37706486

>Anyone who unironically uses "lol" in a sentence is not to be trusted
Opinion discarded. Besides, I asked why people hate omegaverse shit in general. I'm still reading Sweet Pool regardless of the answers because I already know more or less what it's about.

>> No.37706507

Mpreg is already disgusting, adding a pseudo furry element makes it even worse.

>> No.37706770

>pseudo furry
You mean the "being in heat" thing?

>> No.37706831

>You can thank westernshit for subjecting all us to omegaverse
It's so niche that if it depended on western sales the genre would have died already. And for good. But you see it out there bringing over and over again the same type of stories and nip fujos still buying it. It should have died with Sachimo's works.

>> No.37706838

>pregancy endings
Pregancy is not everyone's tea. Not even in any kind of heterosexual piece of work.

>> No.37706839

pheromones, alpha/omega, bitch/stud, the heats, breeding, it's all animalistic

>> No.37706980

I mean, when you get down to it, isn't the very act of sex itself kinda animalistic?

>> No.37707008

Yes but with all that it's just cringe

>> No.37707010

Anon, its rise literally started due to teen wolf and supernatural omegaverse fics. Then it spread to japanese BL fandom like fire and it never stopped since then. Not because western sales are carrying the genre and not due to an unpopular horror BL game that shares some elements with omegaverse

>> No.37707013

ok, so if we've established what cringe sex is, is there based sex?

>> No.37707067
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1467149976711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's basically popular beause of dumblr, then?

>> No.37707114
File: 47 KB, 800x450, 075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37707120

Because the worst representatives of omegaverse usually include the shittiest straight romance tropes, if you changed the main character's gender to female nothing would've changed. Most of the main characters are your typical shoujo manga doormat heroines who lose their ability to think and stand up for themselves the moment they see their fated big dick. The love interests in such cases are your shitty possessive CEO types who treat them like shit.
Or it's your slutty salary man who is treated like an office bicycle until he meets his good boyfriend who teaches him not to be a slut, and they spend 2 volumes on pointless shitty melodrama.

There's good omegaverse but it's rare. I like when proud men become lewd sluts when they see a dick and when they aren't idiotic gender switched smut shoujo manga heroines. In that case I can accept even mpreg

>> No.37707154

I hate omegaverse and dislike asshole wombs, but I love mpreg.
My preferred form of mpreg is to just have what /d/ would call a full package futa, except he's a boy. Like this:

>> No.37707163

>Most of the main characters are your typical shoujo manga doormat heroines who lose their ability to think and stand up for themselves the moment they see their fated big dick.
I laughed hard. It's legit like that and worse.
Omega sluts are so thirsty for a dick when they're in mating season that instead of being hot it's cringe as shit. They're like cheap porstitutes crying to be penetrated before they die because of too much fap.
I hate the collar thing, it's like it makes it extra cringe. Like alphas would fuck omegas until their dick disintegrates.
It's a cheap genre, even a doujin has more class and taste for sex.

>> No.37707181

It was one of the places where it spread but it started on Livejournal.

>> No.37707207

>So it's basically popular beause of dumblr, then?
>tumblr BAD!
I swear you malebrained pickmes are just retarded on purpose. Also have you never heard of Livejournal? Fucking newfag.
That anon explicitly said that it was a niche thing even in western slash fandoms, but when one Japanese BL author saw it and started to create their own omegaverse works, it became super popular with Japs. It's not the west's fault that Nip women have such horrendous taste.

>> No.37707217

>omegaverse got so popular with nips there are people who now think japan started it
What a time to be alive.

>> No.37707228

Old tumblr was full of trannies, you can't blame anyone for the bad fame that platform has.
LiveJournal had cringe people, but they were well locked in their sekrit groups. And they should have stayed there.

>> No.37707229

>malebrained pickmes
Please don't use retarded /r9k/ terms here kudasai

>> No.37707236

I'm more surprised at how bad Japanese taste can be.

>> No.37707260

>smut shoujo manga
That's called Teen's Love manga. "Shoujo" can't be smut because the main audience is underage girls. Even just calling it "josei smut" would be more accurate.

Funny how almost no one likes seeing vaginas on men, it's always about the dick, so you have both men and women with penises, but only women with vaginas.
I think if mpreg was more like this reverse futa thing, I would be ok with it.

>> No.37707283

That's all you are. You want to fit in with the 4chan circlejerk so bad that it's fucking embarrassing.
>Old tumblr was full of trannies
I only remember old Tumblr being full of biological women. This "tranny this, tranny that" shit only outs you as a newfag.

>> No.37707295

>"Shoujo" can't be smut because the main audience is underage girls.
Tell that to Mayu Shinjo.

>> No.37707298

>"Shoujo" can't be smut because the main audience is underage girls.
This is wrong. Shoujo is just a magazine demographic and can target younger girls or older teens and still call itself shoujo. A lot of Mayu Shinjo's works got published in shoujo mags for example.

>> No.37707302

what the fuck is a malebrained pickme?

>> No.37707316

>I only remember old Tumblr being full of biological women.
Anon, you were living in a parallel world.

>> No.37707328

Not them, but I remember tumblr being full of biological women who pretended to be deerkin or moonkin or some other stupid shit

>> No.37707329

Alright, now I understand. Those are all things that I despise in romance manga. The omegaverse shit must make it even worse.

>> No.37707331
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>> No.37707339

dumblirinas should get the rope.

>> No.37707340

What's your damage, sis?
Tumblr was full of they/them xe/xer 13 year olds. I don't know what part of Tumblr you were on, but I assume the other poster was referring to those people.

>> No.37707342

First sweet pool making omegaverse popular, now false information about shoujo? Sho-Comi had its fair number of shitty shoujo smut if you're secretly asking for recommendations.

>> No.37707345
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>two anons immediately think of mayu shinjo
Something heartwarming about knowing a bunch of us have the same trauma.

>> No.37707351

Feel free to leave anytime, schizo.

>> No.37707353

And you are a newfag who fell for the "trannies are everywhere" meme. You may say that Tumblr has been full of MtF and FtM trannies in the last 5 years or so, you may also say that old Tumblr had a lot of FtM trannies. But Tumblr has always been where majority female fandoms got together in the west. So either you're just a newfag or despite having been on 4chan forever you never actually used Tumblr and believed everything the moids told you about it.

>> No.37707369

Fanartists, normal people and otome blogs, old Tumblr was full of mentally ill. That includes animal kin and other schizoids. That site also responsible for anime social justice which got worse when the retards migrated to another shithole called twitter.

>> No.37707371
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>> No.37707380

*And otome, anime blogs aside

>> No.37707383

Sis, it's obviously an enraged tranny. Midol won't work.

>> No.37707391
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>> No.37707397

It's because of things like this that I can't leave these threads no matter how derailed they get.

>> No.37707560

worst thread yet thank god it's page 10

>> No.37707568

Too many tourists from other boards.

>> No.37707677

This always happens when the lowercase tourist shows up

>> No.37707749

you're starting to get shittier than /v/

>> No.37707813

Too thirsty for (You)s

>> No.37707863

Is it worth reading Dostoevsky translated into Japanese instead of Russian? I don't know Russian that well.

>> No.37707864

Oh, I tried that place for a while but it was too depressing so I came back here.

>> No.37708006
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I remember it too.
Her MCs were dumber than average, which is an accomplisment

>> No.37708063
File: 179 KB, 746x599, 1611938721153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading something about the latest japanese translation being very easy to read. Unfortunately my moon is still very weak so I can't really tell, but I can tell you that his works are absolutely worth reading

>> No.37708181

I'll take your word for it Japanese Bird, domo arigato.
