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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 600x800, rl trap51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3754753 No.3754753 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel like to know that so many people want your cock?

>> No.3754758

nobody wants mine, and i dont care

>> No.3754760



>> No.3754763

Oh boy, do I have news for you.

>> No.3754786

Chisame get in here.

>> No.3754791

I don't want his cock, I want his nicely cleaned, waxed butthole.

>> No.3754790

shitty thread
Need more face showing

>> No.3754798

But I don't own a rooster.

>> No.3754800

Is that the Shuffle uniform?
And sauce, she's hot.

>> No.3754802

you chicken.

she? oh dear..

>> No.3754804

I wish I could pass as a woman but unfortunately I'm super masculine in every way.

Aside from my desire to be a trap.

>> No.3754805

does that make you gay?

>> No.3754809

No, it makes him the neighbor dad from American Beauty.

>> No.3754812
File: 139 KB, 960x1280, rl trap52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3754813

> Intel
It's a guy, women cannot handle complicated technology.

>> No.3754814

Just answer the question, sauce please.

>> No.3754815


>> No.3754824

remind me again, why did he shoot the protagonist? i know he thought he was gay but i forgot what the misunderstanding that lead him to that conclusion was.

>> No.3754825

No, I do not lust after the cock.
Not at any point did I mention being attracted to men.

>> No.3754826




>> No.3754832

He kissed him in the garage and was rejected. I'm guessing that it was the conflicting feelings he had towards a man and his ideals he had as a masculine role model and ex-military that fucked his mind. He also had easy access to guns.

>> No.3754839

ah right, yeah does fit better.

>> No.3754843

Sauce is in Taiwan.
You can travel there to bang OP.

>> No.3754845

Being an attractive,young Asian man is a requisite to becoming a trap.

>> No.3754851

where the fuck is chisame?

>> No.3754900

i have a raging boner now

>> No.3754908

... I finally get home and I see my picture on the front page.

>> No.3754935

a balloon is hardly complicated technology

at age 24 I'm not really young anymore

I'm here....

ok so I got in here, what next? Please don't say rape.

>> No.3754944

I'm not OP, I don't name my pictures rl trapxx.jpg or do I start threads with old pics

>> No.3754945

>at age 24 I'm not really young anymore

>> No.3754972
File: 10 KB, 190x190, Churuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Chisame-kun! Chisame-kun! Is there any panties left for me?

>> No.3754975

no, you can ask danbo for some though

>> No.3754982

How does it feel making threads about yourself because you want attention that badly?

>> No.3754984

Old is like, 30, you know...

>> No.3754988

Taiwan isn't that far bro.
If I am not wrong there are some pics of his university in his blog.
Buy a ticket to taiwan, stalk his university, get some chloroform and then just rape him.

>> No.3754990

But I kind of know what he means...

I feel old sometimes at 19 because I can't trap as well as I used to...

>> No.3754997

I've not started a thread since september. I didn't start this one either.

I didn't say I was old, I'm not exactly young either.

it's a college. and please don't do that.

>> No.3755002


>> No.3755005
File: 27 KB, 160x314, 1236140284437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! At least have the decency to use ruffies!

>> No.3755010

how does it feel to masturbate while wearing that? i'd imagine that i'd get a raging hardon just from dressing like that.

>> No.3755017

I've never done that. They are just like normal clothes to me.

>> No.3755020

do it and take pictures!

>> No.3755023

Most Crossdressers are straight.
Most MTF transsexuals tend to be about a 1/3 split between Straight, Homosexual, and 'People don't give a fuck about what's in my pants, why should I care about what's in theirs?'.

So my response to OP's question in general is 'pretty lol.'.

>> No.3755026

>Old is like, 30, you know

>> No.3755028

Are you trans, or do you just enjoy cding?

>> No.3755034

Attention Whoring / General

>> No.3755039

Things that don't really fit well under other boards but suck to discuss on /b/ or /r9k/ / General

>> No.3755043

What is a ruffies?
From all the movies that I have watched, chloroform are what they use the most.

>> No.3755046

no I'm not trans, I just like wearing nice things.

>> No.3755048

I think he meant roofies? The 'knock someone out but don't really knock them out' drug that you can drop in people's drinks.

>> No.3755047

date drug.

>> No.3755052

Watch "The Hangover"

>> No.3755059
File: 39 KB, 600x450, vomit-195..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3755061

Mmkay, was just curious.
Do you cd in public? Or just privately?

>> No.3755063

where can i find gallery of chisame pics? need a wholesome fap.

>> No.3755069

it's for my private enjoyment

>> No.3755073

jesus christ /jp/ sure got shitty

>> No.3755075

Crossdressers do it in private and post pictures in the internet.

>> No.3755074

Figured. Cool though.

>> No.3755076

private enjoyment, eh? how about i enjoy your privates...OH YUUUH.

>> No.3755080

Some do it publically, but aren't trans. So, I figured I'd ask.

>> No.3755081

You should've kept it a seecret that you are a smelly dumb chink. Maybe I'd still like you.

>> No.3755084

that's racist.

>> No.3755085

How do you fap with those clothes on?
Aren't you worried about getting stain on those expensive clothing?

>> No.3755088

Jealous fat white gaijin can't cross dress?
Are you frustrated?

>> No.3755095

They're not transvestites, they're just homosexual.

Somebody's quite new here.

>> No.3755098

I don't do that with my clothes on, it's hard enough to have to hand wash it all the time already.

>> No.3755112

Kind of like a paralysis drug really.

>> No.3755156

Clothes don't tell you whether you like dicks or not. They are in clothes attributed to the opposite gender. Ergo, they are transvestites by definition, and they are not necessarily homosexual.

>> No.3755166

By definition no but 90+% of crossdressers aren't straight males, please stop trying to say otherwise.

>> No.3755172

I got used to it.

>> No.3755177

Actually, the majority of crossdressers, both those who do so publically and privately tend to favor the sex opposite of their birth sex. This goes for both genders.

>> No.3755203


>> No.3755224

>Jealous fat white gaijin can't cross dress?
I am indeed white.

>> No.3755231

Don't argue with trannies bro, they're fucking crazy.

>> No.3755267

Hi MANkoto-kun, why don't you post as much anymore?

>> No.3755290

hey chisame, have you unpacked anything yet?

>> No.3755327

link to chisame's blog?

>> No.3755332

And fat.

>> No.3755354

Bullshit, most gay men are annoyed by crossdressers and won't date them.

>> No.3755363

is it true?

>> No.3755387


Fact. Because traps know how to look better than gay men.

>> No.3755406

i cannot fap enough to these videos

this guy used to have hundreds of clips on youtube, he purges the account now and then.

these new ones are higher quality though, great fap and its inspiring me to crossdress better.

>> No.3755417

>The not interested person please do not watch my video.

>> No.3755420

Doesn´t anyone notes that there´s a kawai gril next to the mirror?, maybe...
this could be....

>> No.3755426

mono is much better than this one.

>> No.3755430

Hard to say whether they like or dislike crossdressers, but sexually, most gay men are attracted towards... you know, masculinity. Those that like very feminine boys are more in the minority.

>> No.3755431

Fucking camwhores and wannabe sluts/attention whores.

>> No.3755435

I can't believe I have to see this shit at this time.

I'm going back to sleep.

>> No.3755457

What was mono's blog address again?

>> No.3755465


>> No.3755471

Thanks. You saved me all the trouble!
