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3749888 No.3749888 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing touhou and oh god Keine is fucking my ass. I get pas the first two parts alright (without losing a life or bombing) then I get to Keine and she fucks me long and hard and by the time I'm done I have only one or two lives left and no stamina or will power to take on Marisa let alone Reisen. Are there any tips from people who beat the game?

>> No.3749891

Practice, practice, practice.

>> No.3749890

dont get hit, use bombs

>> No.3749903

Literally. Use the practice mode goddamn.
and dont play only one try a day then go bawww

>> No.3750021

is that so

>> No.3750041


>> No.3750057

Move to the Human Village. Attend Keine's school and get to know her. Invite her to dinner, drinks, etc. Then when she has her guard and panties down BAM RIGHT IN THE HITBOX.

>> No.3750059

>Keine is fucking my ass
If you're losing now, Reisen is going to skullfuck you.
Go to a lower difficulty or something.

>> No.3750124

What difficulty are you playing on?

Also, shoot her familiars.

>> No.3750167

Normal. Ive been practicing since I made this thread and Ive noticed that her slaves are really hard to kill, they last longer and prolong the fight, but if I bomb or use ran the damage gets done more quickly.

I'd rather get buttfucked by angry feminists.

>> No.3750186

60% (I think) of the damage the familiars take gets transferred to the owner.

From what I remember, it's smart to shoot them between spellcards on Keine, because they move around and shit on the spellcard-attacks.

>> No.3750188

play lunatic for a week or 2, and not just IN, the other games too. normal will feel like nothing afterwards.
try to notice similar patterns in the different spells and eventually it'll just click in your eyes.
don't feel bad about using bombs or focused movement, they're in the game to be used.
if you need a confidence booster, play mountain of faith with marisa b and exploit her level 3 power to get your first 1cc

>> No.3750203

Are you sure you aren't holding shift?

>> No.3750211

Don't focus on the bullets, focus on the pathways between them.

>> No.3750215

Be better at it.

>> No.3750219

Thanks, as for playing lunatic, that was the first thing I did when I installed the game. It's frustrating.

>> No.3750251

if you're having real trouble you wont get better in a few days. i'm terrible and it took me months before i could beat any of them. just grind through it.

on a side note, don't be a fag by getting into the fan crap before you can play the games please, there's already enough of those people.

>> No.3750305

>, Reisen is going to skullfuck you.

What are you talking about? Reisen's patterns are so easy, even Tewi, Wriggle, and Mystia are harder than her.

>> No.3750320

It's easy OP: hold shift for focused movement!

>> No.3750325

once you realize how easy it is to counter bomb in IN you will never get a game over again

>> No.3750333

I am Suigin and IN is garbage, hurf durf

>> No.3750364

I am Suigin and my dick is five dorra foot rong.
True story.

>> No.3750430


hey you that guy over there. yeah you. you never heard of me? you never heard of me Suigin the little gurl? lurk the fuck more you queer hurf durf

*makes a retarded ironic comment*

>> No.3750895

i sneezed the fuck
