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3747881 No.3747881 [Reply] [Original]

...and with that, Anon fell in love.

>> No.3747895

I'll fall in love when she lets me fuck her.

>> No.3747910

I'll fall in love when she lets me hold her hand.


>> No.3747912

Rin is unbearable.

>> No.3747919

bare legs

>> No.3747929

Rin never really bares her feelings, you know? It bears repeating that she can be a bit ferocious, too. She might maul someone at the drop of the hat. Still, she's sweet as honey sometimes.

>> No.3747931
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...and with that, Anon fell in love.

>> No.3747926

Nope she bore some kids in HF normal.

>> No.3747937


>> No.3747941
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...and with that, Anon fell in love.

>> No.3747945

I'll fall in love when I watch her jump over a pole.

>> No.3747948
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And with that, Anon fell in love.

>> No.3747952
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...and with that, Anon went INSANE.

>> No.3747954
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...and with that, Anon fell in love.

>> No.3747957

Fucking THIS.

>> No.3747960
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and with that anon had a goal in life.

>> No.3747961
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And with that, Anon unlocked his true being.

>> No.3747968
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And with that, Anon's life ended.

>> No.3747977

> Chris
> love

Haha yeah right

>> No.3747989

She had me at the very beginning when you say hello to her in a friendly way and she completely brushes you off without a word. What a charming girl.

>> No.3747999

You're not worth her time. She's better than you and she knows it.

>> No.3748000

She is the only one that does not actually cause direct physical harm to Shirou in the whole VN.
Of all the females.
Even in her bad ends, she mind wipes you or puts you out of your test tube misery.
Keep that in mind when Ilya turns you in a doll, Sakura blows an arm or Saber beats you up because of food.

>> No.3748006

Desperate Rinfag must desperately defend his waifu's honor. Even when it's not under attack.

>> No.3748009 [DELETED] 

>does not actually cause direct physical harm to Shirou in the whole VN.
No, she just orders Berserker to smash your body and rip the head off as a souvenir.

Did you skip the bad ends or something?

>> No.3748017

HAHA oh wow.

Way to miss the horrible puns, overdefensive Rinfag.

>> No.3748015

>Sakura blows

>> No.3748013

It's a fact that this happens regardless. It can be mentioned regardless if she is 'attacked' or not, or if you like her or not. You are very eager to assume that everything is done because 'DO NOT DISS MY WAIFU'
...Rin. Not Ilya.

>> No.3748024

I did not miss them. They are pretty obvious. I just took the chance to mention this. I was surprised in the VN she while RIn is the one who always threatens you and reminds you 'we are enemies', she never acts upon that. Why must idiots always bring 'Waifu wars' on shit that happens in the VN?

>> No.3748032
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And with that, anon discovered what hell would taste like if it was incarnated into a culinary dish.

>> No.3748036
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What the fuck was Saber supposed to do? Just die? It's Shirou's fault for being a shitty host with no mana. She's a Saber class, she needs an absurd amount of mana just to continue existing.

>> No.3748040


She nails you with an eraser to the face in Heaven's Feel and in UBM she starts shooting at you. That said, I am a Rinfag.

>> No.3748041

>She nails you

>> No.3748043

no you're a slut

>> No.3748058

It can't be worse than a plate of foulmuadammas I tried once. That stuff is like eating vomit with bread.

>> No.3748070

Then you get foul mudammas made with plum.

Lots of plum...

>> No.3748071
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>> No.3748078

I can feel the bile rising in my throat already, thanks.

>> No.3748085

You're welcome.

>> No.3748091

Explain how Rin ISN'T a slut.

>> No.3748167

I thought Shirou wasn't able to share mana with Saber mostly because she wasn't dead yet (and thus not a true heroic spirit or some such, which was also why she wasn't able to become invisible like Archer could). Or was it just different in other routes?

>> No.3748174

God fucking dammit, mention Rin at all and it devolves into a bunch of butthurt "I HATE WOMEN WHO POINT OUT PEOPLE'S FLAWS" idiots and a bunch of asspained "RIN IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS" faggots

>> No.3748178


Improper summoning. That is all.

>> No.3748180

All her other masters fueled her just fine.

>> No.3748183

That, and his own circuits weren't specialized with the capability to form outgoing contracts. He's a fucked up magus.

>> No.3748192

Do we actually know that? That is, did Fate/Zero or whatever the book was called actually go into the details of how she was fueled in past summonings, or are we just assuming this was the case because nothing was ever mentioned to the contrary?

>> No.3748193


She seemed to do okay with Shirou's dad in the previous war.

Shirou is just a big ball of shitsux.

>> No.3748195

Rin isn't flawless, but that's what makes her so lovable.

>> No.3748227

There's nothing to assume.

Even Rin makes a contract with Shirou to provide him with mana in UBW.

Saber's summoning in F/sn was just fucked.

>> No.3748241 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming Bnontalk dotz cum except with "a" insted of "B" thanks

>> No.3748237

Goddamnit Shirou, you're the most annoying typical Japanese high school protagonist ever.

hurf durf gotta protect everyone, if someone gets hurt it's my fault, bawww

>> No.3748244


She's fueled with leaded gasoline, that's why Shirou has so much trouble with her.

>> No.3748248

Except F/SN is better than that because Shirou's ideal amounts to shit. There's an entire route devoted to basically going "You can't protect everyone."

>> No.3748252

Err, that's to provide him with enough to fight, not to keep Saber around. Saber is her servant at that point.

>> No.3748257

That's an incoming flow. Rin is just forcing energy into Shirou. Shirou is incapable of forming an outgoing flow, apparently.

>> No.3748260

does anyone else enjoy getting taken home by ilya and want to stay her prisoner forever?

cause, like, i totally do

>> No.3748267

That was a counter to the assertion that Saber can't be provided mana because she's not a full spirit.

>> No.3748298

...Oh dear.

>> No.3750181


>> No.3750210

I wouldn't love her even if she offered herself to me right now.

>> No.3750233
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Picking Ilya is the right thing to do.

>> No.3750255

>>3747929 Rin never really bares her feelings, you know? It bears repeating that she can be a bit ferocious, too. She might maul someone at the drop of the hat.

>> No.3750291

Rin is a good girl, even if she can't express her emotions well. Consider: No matter what route Shirou chooses, whoever he falls in love with, or what the situation is, Rin will always, ALWAYS have his back. If she is more aggressive than most in pointing out his flaws (and do note, she only does this to him) then hell, I'd say she's earned it. And if she didn't keep Shirou in line and teach him how not to be a retard, who would? Saber? She's too much like Shirou to be able to reign him in without sounding like a hypocrite, which is why the Fate path ends the way it does (Saber returns to her own time and dies, Shirou becomes Archer). Sakura? Honestly, she's so caught up in her own problems she doesn't have any attention to spare Shirou. Hell, Shirou has to pretty much reinvent himself just to be with her.

Regardless though, Rin always backs him up, even when her logical sense as a mage tells her not to. She's a true bro.

>> No.3750299

>Shirou becomes Archer
While Fate Shirou may have the greatest chance of the 3 Shirou's we see, it is still a one in ten chance.
Also Last Episode says "Hi".

>> No.3750300

I like to believe that Shirou and Rin get together after Fate route, since they remain friends and Saber is gone forever.

>> No.3750309


>one in ten chance
Where the hell does this statistic come from?

>Also Last Episode says "Hi".
Um, Hi. And?

>> No.3750311

Give me a moment to find it.

>> No.3750317

What? Rin is love. Even tough she's not as tough as a servant she still constantly trying to save your life . Thus she's the bestest TM heroine of all.

>> No.3750330

>Where the hell does this statistic come from?
I believe it is from the last tiger dojo, or one of the things on fuyuki wiki.

>> No.3750338

I disagree. Ilya is the best.

>> No.3750355


I almost positive that wasn't in a tiger dojo at the very least. I don't know how seriously I'd take something said in one of those anyway.

I'll just modify my statement: Shirou -probably- becomes Archer. Let that end this pointless debate and return to discussing Rin.

>> No.3750349

Agreed. Ilya is the strongest side-character


>> No.3750356

I support this post completely. Rin criticizes Shirou because she loves him. People who hate her take it personally.

>> No.3750371

I should also point out that Rin loves Shirou enough not to try to force him to love her back. She never tries to create some awkward love triangle situation, she accepts Shirou's choice and stays his friend anyway.

>> No.3750387

Fags here don't understand what bitching really is. If one wants to brighten his understanding he should play ch01 of Sharin no Kuni because of Touka's bitching. That is real annoying bitching.

>> No.3750394

And this is why she'll be alone forever in 2 routes. She still loves him no matter what, even if she can't have him.

>> No.3750402

She probably finds someone else like in Cherry Blossom's Dream, in those two routes, after all need to continue the line.

>> No.3750418

Well, as pointed out before, she could hook up with Shirou at some point after Fate. Unless he decides to spend the rest of his life listening to Linkin Park or something, he'll eventually move on with his life.

>> No.3750425

In that end, he's gone. She can just act like he doesn't exist.

She can't pretend that he's not there in the other ends.

>> No.3750428

She could, but somehow, I don't see her doing it, atleast not right away because quite frankly it would be in poor taste.

>Unless he decides to spend the rest of his life listening to Linkin Park or something, he'll eventually move on with his life.
Shirou seemed quite fine in Continuation of the Dream, unless he has a sudden mental breakdown sometime after that.

>> No.3750431

One of the conditions Merlin laid out for the miracle in Last Episode to happen was that Shirou would need to endlessly chase after Saber. I wouldn't think that would include hooking up with Rin.

>> No.3750481

Somehow I don't see Shirou moving on quite so easily after Fate, give me a moment to post a collage of screencaps.

>> No.3750486

I really hate all the fluff material Type Moon tends to spawn. Every TM thread has some neckbearded knowitall quoting some vague or obscure information that in some cases DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the canon information in the game.

I played Last Episode and enjoyed it, but even so, I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.3750492

It's too bad that isn't canon. It's just something for the Saber fans who got pissed that she didn't have a good end.

>> No.3750514
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Says who?

>> No.3750521

Why wasn't it in the original game but instead tacked onto the PS2 release?

>> No.3750530

That would be like saying any changes in the new Tsukihime aren't canon because they weren't in the original release.

>> No.3750539

I don't work for Type-Moon, so I can't say. But that's not a concrete reason to claim it's not canon.

>> No.3750589
File: 331 KB, 811x3036, continuationofthedream1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirou contradicts himself here. He says he has moved on, but his inner monologue says otherwise.

>> No.3750594
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>> No.3750600
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>> No.3751417


BAWWWWW'd again :|

Even though I'm a Rinfag

>> No.3751429

The whole point of these, was really to point out how Shirou doesn't really seem to be ready to truly move on anytime soon.

>> No.3751430
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That's a whole lot of words to say "I miss her, but we should get on with our lives."

Maybe that's why Nasu's a writing superstar and not me.
