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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 300x349, smoke weed ev'ry day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3741519 No.3741519 [Reply] [Original]

So how's the drug culture in Japan?

I've only seen Western-themed shows really feature any glorified drug use (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo) and maybe that one h-game I forget the name. I also recall a story of a foreigner getting 10 years for possession.

>> No.3741530
File: 14 KB, 300x352, snoop dog marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to 六本木

>> No.3741544

As far as I know, they frown on drug use far more than most other nations.

>> No.3741548

Japan gets drunk, not high.

>> No.3741552

I'm interested in this as well OP. From what I hear, drugs aren't big at all, but I'd love a first-hand opinion (or perhaps some facts?).

>> No.3741563

Winners Don't Do Drugs

>> No.3741571

Oh look its this thread again.

>> No.3741576

Sorry this isn't another Touhou thread, brother.

>> No.3741578

NHK manga had drug use in it. I haven't read it myself.

>> No.3741582

Incidence of drug abuse is minuscule, compared with other industrialized nations and limited mainly to stimulants.

>> No.3741589
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Japanese are more into steroids than street drugs.

>> No.3741603

Japanfag here. It's impossible to get anything here. You WILL get raped if you're found with drugs, especially if you're a fellow gaijin. There was a big thing here a while back about some random japanese celebrity bitch getting caught doing drugs. NO ONE would stfu about it.

>> No.3741608

Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3741619


You're taking that statement out of context. Now if OP asked for help in procuring drugs while in Japan, then you'd be justified.

>> No.3741634


Just ignore the little bitch and move on.

>> No.3741640

>implying speech about drugs constitutes a violation of U.S. law

I don't think you know how law works, bro.

>> No.3741647

Nah, he's using it correctly.
It's just that, under as strict an interpretation of it as he's using, it's also against the rules to talk about pretty much every VN we discuss here, since everyone pirates 'em.

>> No.3741656

>Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law.
>Do not discuss.... anything that violates local or US law
The wording is unclear, but certainly arguable.

>> No.3741657

What kind of rape?

>> No.3741662

please take the drugs of your country if you pray for the world peace :-)

>> No.3741668

Considering the loli laws, that's exactly how the lay works.

>> No.3741682

/jp/ - United States Law

>> No.3741685


Expect to go to jail. We're talking YEARS. They are probably worse than America when it comes to drugs. And when you get out you're deported and ban-hammered like fucking crazy.

TL;DR Drugs are bad in Japan. Drink yourself silly.

>> No.3741701

I smoke weed alone in my room. Being proud over using an intoxicant is very immature.

>> No.3741708

Or fuck schoolchildren.

It's basically a drug.

>> No.3741725


Ironically that's probably safer and less likely to cause a big deal in this country.

>> No.3741743

I will never understand why the law makers care what someone does with their own body, or in their own mind. It's a victimless crime, it's pointless to ruin other people's life based on the choices of what they ingest. The only problem with any drugs, including legal ones like Alchohol, is when someone uses them while driving or working heavy machinery or doing something that may endanger someone else's life, but in that case they are damn well responsible if they harm someone, and they should know better.

>> No.3741750

It's easier to find illegal people than illegal substances. Also like the other guy here said, doing schoolchildren is safer than doing drugs.

>> No.3741757

I don't know what is it with japan. They have the most twisted porn and views towards women, so much so that I can't stand watching Japanese porn with that annoying "OMG you're hurting me!!" attitude that women have, but you can't see a penis or genitalia. A tentacle can rape a "18 year old" with the body of a 12 year old, as long as a ridiculous bar covers the penis. You can drink yourself into a stupor -- and it's expected of you -- but other drugs can get you life in jail. Literally.


>> No.3741759

Japan views its citizens as its assets. Therefore, culture discourages anything that doesn't contribute to making your body an efficient machine of work.

>> No.3741776

drugfag butthurt much?

>> No.3741781


I've never done a drug a day in my life, so go eat a dick. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy. The country is just annoying at times.

>> No.3741857

OP here, anyone have a legitimate answer or are you going to bitch?

>> No.3741882

/jp/ already had this thread many times. The conclusion is always that Japan's drug culture is very small, and drugs are expensive and hard to get, and that if you want weed, you're probably better off growing your own.

>> No.3741891

There is no real drug culture in Japan. If you get caught with ANY amount of weed they will jail your ass for years. Needless to say, hardly anyone there does do drugs, so whenever some celebrity or college student gets caught with possession, it makes headlines causing the media and politicians to panic about an epidemic.

No worries about booze though. Every salaryman gets drunk and passes out en mass on the train rides home.

>> No.3741895

>Therefore, culture discourages anything that doesn't contribute to making your body an efficient machine of work.
What about the rampant use of alcohol in Japanese culture?
What about NEETs?

Don't make stupid arguments that aren't consistent

>> No.3741904

Alchohol is way worse than Marijuana.

>> No.3741936

NEETs are seen as scum.
The culture of alcoholism also involves a massive level of restraint; acting drunk while drunk is heavily frowned upon.

>> No.3741939


>> No.3741944

>missing the point
They're still very prevalent, and neither contributes to an efficient (read: zombielike) workforce. And neither are banned

>> No.3741949
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>> No.3741950

Look up fatality rates due to alcohol. Or crime attributed in part to inebriation.

>> No.3741977

I read an article a while back saying that the Japanese were more tolerant of public drunkenness because its the only thing that get get most of them to open up in social situations.

>> No.3742006

>weed causes less deaths than alcohol, therefore we should legalise weed

Murder causes less deaths than horse-riding. Should we legalise murder?

>> No.3742018

False analogy is false.

>> No.3742020

But he has the right point.

>> No.3742029

>Murder causes less deaths than


>> No.3742031

No, actually the analogy is false up and down

Murder is guaranteed death at the hands of someone else by definition. Horse-back riding is a fun activity that carries some risk.

Alcohol is a fun activity (to some) that carries great risk not only to the "rider" (the one drinking) but to everyone around him. Whereas marijuana is an extremely safe alternative that carries very little risk, and the only risk (keep in mind that this risk is practically negligible) that's carried is really to the individual who is smoking, not everyone around him.

Comparing marijuana to murder is some kind of asymmetric idiocy that I'll never understand, and you should feel stupid for even beginning to have that thought.

>> No.3742032


>> No.3742041

No, he doesn't. At all.

Murder is not a sport (by common understanding of the act of committing murder), it is the sole act of killing someone. Horse riding is a sport. It is the sole act of riding horses. The fact that you are riding a horse carries a risk of bodily harm, which is a side effect of the actual purpose of horse riding.

Alcohol and marijuana are both drugs. They are solely designed to alter your state of consciousness. Both have side effects in addition to their purpose. Marijuana has significantly less side effects than alcohol. Alcohol is legal. Marijuana is not.

Because marijuana is safer than alcohol, which is legal, marijuana should also be legal. Or, they should both be illegal.

>> No.3742046

Horse riding is something a person chooses for themselves, and the only victim is oneself. Alcohol kills others in car crashes and acts of violence.

Weed is harmless, and the only potential danger is smoke damaging one's lungs (and second hand smoke, but we deal with those same things with cigarettes). Why should we criminalize it?

>> No.3742056

Obvious falacy there.
> horse-riding
an activity which involves a person and a trained horse, it does not usually harm anyone in normal circumstances, there's no reason it should be illegal
> Murder
causes irreparable harm to human beings other than yourself. There is a victim here, and the activity is far different from horse riding, unless you actually rode a horse over someone intending to kill him in the process.

> alcohol
drug, may cause harm to oneself, and when used without consideration may cause harm to others (such as drunk driving). Does not cause victims when used correctly.
> weed
drug, unlikely to cause harm by itself, but a person many harm himself while being high, as well as the person may harm others if he is doing some action which may put other people's lives in danger if not done correctly(such as driving). There are no victims here, unless someone does something wrong, which is the case with about anything, be it horse riding, alcohol, talking on a phone while driving, and many other things.

Thus your analogy is invalid.

>> No.3742064

Technically, alcohol doesn't make you do something you wouldn't already do if your inhibitions weren't lowered. Therefore, you're doing it because it's something you would do, anyway, if you just felt like it.

Which is also why "peer pressure" is not a valid excuse for criminal misconduct.

Remember, alcohol doesn't kill other people: you kill other people, because you are an irresponsible douchebag.

>> No.3742072

You must have never heard of or experienced a contact high.

>> No.3742074

Marijuana is also a medicinal herb. It can help many physical pains, and with less side effects than mainstream medicine.


>Rosenfeld smokes the marijuana to relieve chronic pain and muscle spasms caused by a rare bone disease.
>Every 25 days Rosenfeld goes to a pharmacy and picks up a tin of 300 federally grown and rolled cigarettes that have been sent there for him by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), acting with approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nothing else can help this man relieve his constant pain as well as marijuana. Hence why the USA government supplies him, and 13 others, with marijuana.

>> No.3742076

You choose to be around people that smoke marijuana, just as you choose to be around people that smoke cigarettes (second-hand smoke) or drink alcohol (possible bodily harm from assholes).

Stop hanging around those people if you don't like it so much.

>> No.3742084

>Remember, alcohol doesn't kill other people: you kill other people, because you are an irresponsible douchebag.
Well said, Alabama.

>> No.3742090

Is there anyone left that actually believes weed is illegal because it's dangerous? It's just a history of economics and political agenda that's made weed illegal.

>> No.3742095


>> No.3742096

Uh, no. Alcohol doesn't work by merely "lowering your inhibitions"

Sure, that's part of it, but come on, alcohol is chemically a poison. Your reflexes are reduced to shit, your hand-eye coordination goes out the window, your ability to make judgments fails, etc.

Seriously though, when's the last time you heard of someone getting in a fatal car accident while high or killing someone else because of "REEFER MADNESS"?
While I'd prefer to get in a car with neither, i'd prefer to get in a car with someone who has had three or four tokes of marijuana to someone who has had 2 or 3 beers. High people usually drive excrutiatingly slow.

>> No.3742110

The ingestion of tobacco in liquid form can kill a person.

Alcohol is another poison that can kill someone.

You can't overdose on weed.

>> No.3742113


As someone that's driven fine regularly after 15 shots of vodka or the beer-equivalent, I'm insulted.

>> No.3742116

Yes, you can.

Of course, given it's low toxicity (lower than Vitamin C) and how fast it's metabolized, you'd have to be a World speed-smoking champion and have enough money to spend on weed to bankrupt several nations.

>> No.3742121

>Your reflexes are reduced to shit,

"Dude... you totally just bumped me... like, right then."

>your hand-eye coordination goes out the window

"Like, my hand is totally in front of my face, right?"

>your ability to make judgments fails

"We should go to Taco Bell, like, right after we finish this off... roll another for the ride, too."

>> No.3742126

>when's the last time you heard of someone getting in a fatal car accident while high

This guy I knew drove off a curve and drowned in a lake. Shit was so not cash.

>> No.3742127

With that logic, you can overdose on absolutely anything.

>> No.3742130

I think you're confusing marijuana with LSD, brah.

>> No.3742131

You can overdose on any drug. weed takes an unrealistic amount though. I dunno why you chose to make tobacco deadly in a liquid form and not weed.

>> No.3742133


Theoretically you absolutely can, durr

>> No.3742134

But it's true

>> No.3742135

Well, you can, my point was that for anyone that's can't smoke seventeen joints at once, it's a physical impossibility, and for anyone that isn't Bill Gates, it's a financial impossibility

>> No.3742136

That's actually true. If you drink too much water, you'll die. The same can't be said for similar quantities of weed.

>> No.3742140

Obviously, you have not been baked enough before. The stupidest thing you could ever think to say becomes fucking hilarious after a certain point, even if you know it's stupid.

Also, Taco Bell is golden.

>> No.3742141

You can't drive after taking many prescription medicines, either. You have to wait a few hours.

>> No.3742147

I wish the only Taco Bell in my country would not be on some US military estate so I could eat there once ;_;

>> No.3742150

You sound like someone who smoked once or twice in high school.

>> No.3742160

You shouldn't confuse me with yourself, brah.

>> No.3742168

>>3742160 I know you are, but what am I response

Reinforces my previous statement beautifully. Thank you.

>> No.3742175

/jp/ sure is full of STRAIGHT EDGE D.A.R.E fanboys.

Look, kids. We adults become miserable and do things like drugs to cope with the fact that we're eternal failures.

>> No.3742183


More like enhance whatever entertainment we have available.

>> No.3742184

Not really.
We do drugs because they are fun.
We know that we shoul'd not touch crak and the likes so we don't mess up our lives completely though.
Yes, some people get hooked. So what?

>> No.3742202

Not really. I could go on my entire life without using any drugs whatsoever (legal or not), but I don't mind using them to enhance some aspect of my life as a form of entertainment or for purposes of meditation and furthering one's understanding of certain issues. You shouldn't use a drug to "cope with your failure", you should either overcome your failure, or if that is not possible, accept your failure for what it is and live on happily.

>> No.3742221

>when's the last time you heard of someone getting in a fatal car accident while high

Not that I care about you, personally, smoking, but my uncle was paralyzed by a stoned driver.

>> No.3742242

Really, because my cousin was killed by a stone-sober driver.

>> No.3742251

Good for you....?

>> No.3742255

Cars kill more people than weed ever has or ever could. We don't outlaw cars, do we? But driving while baked is a bad thing, anyway.

More like it points out that I don't really care what the original statement was even about, considering I posted that and took a shower.

Felt good, man.

>> No.3742264

>We don't outlaw cars, do we?
No, because cars are a vital tool to the functioning of society....

>> No.3742267

So is marijuana.

>> No.3742268

Hahaha, okay. Do you need to smoke a blunt to get to work everyday?

You know what, don't even answer that.

>> No.3742272

Blunt rides are pretty fun, even if you just own a shitty Hyundai that can't go very fast anyway.

>> No.3742275
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask that one drug-focused 4chan clone.

>> No.3742279

>>3742255 More like it points out that I don't really care what the original statement was even about, considering I posted that and took a shower.

But then you saged.

>> No.3742287

>86 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
What the fuck /jp/? Have you really hit that low?

>> No.3742292

I think you mean "ask that one drug-focuses 2chan clone clone"

>> No.3742300

Hit the low of having a conversation that doesn't boil down to "SHIKI CAN KILL (x)" "TOUHOU TOUHOU TOUHOU xD" "LOOK AT THIS BAKA"?

If that's low, then I'd prefer to stay low forever.

>> No.3742310

Two fags at most in this whole thing plus some driver by posts.

>> No.3742325

Drugs are retarded anyway.

>> No.3742336

This enitre thread is drive by posts.

Only an outsider/gaijin from /b/ would post DMX as an OP pic.

>> No.3742340
File: 43 KB, 300x400, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ZUN!Bar's DMX enjoying food.

>> No.3742347

so i was playin the touhou
and fiddy cent comes up to me and is like
"dmx why you play that dodgan bullet loli animu gaem"
and i said
"because fiddy i like ta dodge them bullets. unlike u."
"why you gotta do it with a loli"
"i dunno"

>> No.3742360

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to bump this. If I ever become one of the richest and more powerful men in the world, I'm going to hire 50 Cent and DMX to reenact this scene and post it on YouTube.

>> No.3742387

sage is not an insult. It's used when you don't want to bump with a useless post.

>> No.3742388

Ask mugen to do it.

>> No.3742404

I mean, the entire concept of it is just hilarious. Two rappers discussing Touhou. A rapper pronouncing the word "loli." The joke involving 50 Cent not being able to dodge bullets (ZING!).

It's brilliant. Whoever wrote that is a genius.

It would be a perfect Touhou Super Bowl commercial.

>> No.3742479

>You shouldn't cope with your problems, you should either cope with your problems or cope with your problems

>> No.3742484

One way is fixing the problem, the other is just not giving a fuck about it anymore. Both are ways to cope with a problem.

>> No.3742499

That's what I just said!

>> No.3742507 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 781x589, 1258433054885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot, gb2 420chan.

>> No.3742519
File: 10 KB, 247x260, 1238992726100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He caught AIDS by sharing used marijuana.

>> No.3742522

stimulants > depressants > hallucinogens

nippon has legal(?) mail order amphetamine, but alcohol and cigarettes are mainstream.

>> No.3742533


Get things backwards much?

>> No.3742542

hey please stop spamming anonRalk dot com except with a `t` instead of `R` thanx
