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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 992x736, bgfrdbrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3739143 No.3739143 [Reply] [Original]

NEET Pride thread.

>> No.3739150

I wonder what the camerman felt like when he snapped that picture.

>> No.3739159

camera on a timer

>> No.3739169


>> No.3739163

the cameraman is his father.

>> No.3739178

Fuck I need a haircut.

>> No.3739194

He has a fat mother.

>> No.3739216


>> No.3739225
File: 284 KB, 1632x1232, synttäri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3739227

ZUN!bar posting anonymously.

>> No.3739231

I will never again let my mother take pictures on my birthday.

>> No.3739244

He looks like a pretty nice dude. When I was 12 I would have hung out with a fellow like him unless he acted like an asshole. As this image is as old as the internet, he is probably a college student or modestly successful professional by now.

>> No.3739322
File: 53 KB, 600x450, dry soup 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3739341

Staged. Nobody does that after 13.

>> No.3739342
File: 711 KB, 1278x1026, 40000_41789_00251_4178900251CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better level that shit up, son!

>> No.3739348

My family does.

>> No.3739363

>>3739342 > >>3739322

>> No.3739369

maruchan is my waifu

>> No.3739368

They only sell Beef and Chicken at my shitty Walmart.

I hate Tallahassee.

>> No.3739372
File: 526 KB, 4908x1902, Cup_noodles_1_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3739379

You could reuse a cup.
The bagged kind are cheaper.

>> No.3739383

Mt family buys me a cake for my birthday. but i eat it alone

>> No.3739390

Don't feel too bad, I can't even find it anymore at ANY grocery store here. It's like Ramen just decided to stop making it or something. All I find are Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, and that God-awful Oriental, but at least the Mexican Chili and Lime Shrimp are still around.

>> No.3739398

Ugh, the shit in the cups tastes like Styrofoam.

Packets >>> Cups

>> No.3739399

Really? I still have the 2 and 8 candles from my last year's birthday. Don't remember if they were put on cake or icecream, though.

>> No.3739400

So does mine, though I'm a FREET.

>> No.3739407

What the fuck is that?

>> No.3739412

I'd starve to death before I ate ramen. It's so fucking disgusting I'll never understand how people like it.

>> No.3739421
File: 28 KB, 450x400, shinshinshin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin Ramen was here.
Maruchan is a loser.

>> No.3739428

Yeah, and Macaroni and Cheese. It starts to taste like shit after you're used to it.

>> No.3739429
File: 86 KB, 500x500, chukazanmai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. Cute. Get some real instant ramen.

>> No.3739440

ITT: My pile of shit is better than your pile of shit.

>> No.3739452

Get the fuck out. This board is NEET only.

>> No.3739451

Get a job you worthless fucking leeches.

>> No.3739446

Me, I live off microwave premade "beef" patty hamburgers.

>> No.3739449

got that right

>> No.3739454

1. cook instant noodles
2. Collect boiling water, dry the noodles
3. Fry noodles on pan with butter/oil, add boiling water on the noodles
4. ????
5. Ultra delicious

>> No.3739462

Only in /jp/ you will find anonymous arguing about instant noodles.

>> No.3739468

Anyone ever think of becoming a hobo? How hard is it to hitch a ride on freight trains anymore?

>> No.3739476

You've clearly never been a /nom/. It's a good laugh every once in a while.

>> No.3739482

I like mixing drained noodles with my leftover curry.

>> No.3739489

"Freeter (フリーター, furītā?) (other spellings below) is a Japanese expression for people between the age of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed, excluding homemakers and students. They may also be described as underemployed or freelance workers. These people do not start a career after high school or university but instead usually live as so-called parasite singles with their parents and earn some money with low skilled and low paid jobs. The low income makes it difficult for freeters to start a family, and the lack of qualifications makes it difficult to start a career at a later point in life."

>> No.3739499


This might also work, good chap.

Also, mix shrimp noodles with instant creamy shrimp soup. There's no turning back after that.

>> No.3739501

Should I show my pics about birthday.....

>> No.3739503
File: 676 KB, 1257x595, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wait until the grocery store down the street is about to close, then snap up the 半額 stuff. It's hit or miss but somethings you get some good stuff for ridiculously cheap because they were just going to throw it out anyway.

Pic related.

>> No.3739504

so basically anyone who uses this word to describe themselves is an irredeemable faggot

>> No.3739509

I am a FREETO too.

>> No.3739511


>> No.3739513

How so.

>> No.3739524


actually burritos.

>> No.3739516


>> No.3739528

I am a CHEETO.

>> No.3739548

Oh, so basically nothing more than a wannabe NEET? Fucking poser.

>> No.3739649

The only thing I find more repulsive than Ramen is puffy Cheetos.

How the hell do people eat that shit?

>> No.3739658

What the fuck are you talking about? Puffy Cheetos taste way better than the crunchy.

>> No.3739664

They're 95% air and the other 5% is nasty, powdered cheese that sticks to everything an makes a mess.

I had to shave off my beard the last time I ate Cheetos.

>> No.3739692

So if it weren't for the cheetos then you would never shave?

>> No.3739711

Guy in the OP is an /a/ oldfag, I believe. He explained that photo to us.

>> No.3739722

At least we have income.

>> No.3739743

20 isn't oldfag, it's only two years above of the allowed age to browse 4chan.

>> No.3739750

I trim my beard every day. Cheetos make me shave it all off.

>> No.3739778

Oooohhhh.... (shakes head) He means that user has been on /a/ for a long time, dumbass.

>> No.3739790

So? So do I.

>> No.3739813

He looks no more than 16

>> No.3739905

I get government (UK) money to live on while job searching, and I do volunteer work. Less time to spend on nice things. I still waste my free time on porn and aimless web browsing. More of an urge to do something productive, like make subversive propaganda or work on learning Nipponese. Urges, unsatisfied. Time to read some Cross Channeru.

>> No.3740144

i just realized, I'll probably end up being a NEET, I cannot see myself working, I avoid social situations, even leaving my house..so school is a no, but..my mom can't support me forever...life really sucks you know...for now I'm attending school..but you know... next semester..I'm not going back..

>> No.3740235

Mugen, is that you?
