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File: 425 KB, 1592x1610, wigglebleedingtodeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3736281 No.3736281 [Reply] [Original]

I drew this for you /jp/.


>> No.3736289

Sup mugen.

>> No.3736291

She looks content. What a terrible drawing.

>> No.3736292

Get out MugenDevs.

>> No.3736296

Mugen's shadowing, lighting, depth, and coloring in general has improved a lot since his other pictures.

>> No.3736307

It still looks pretty bad though. Something about the coloring makes it look like light reflecting off shiny plastic or something.

>> No.3736317

But OP wasn't me... genuine mugenjohncel (me) always uses genuine tripcode or don't post at all see the tripcode?...

>> No.3736319

Sup mugen.

>> No.3736320

Prove it.

>> No.3736328


>> No.3736335

It's much better than his other work. Mugen's coloring reminds me of Xbox's clay graphics.

Also, I still hate the way he draws clothes. Those shoes look American cartoon tier.

>> No.3736338

Sup mugen. creates touhou shitart using three threads in a single day and doesn't afraid of anything.




Your faggotry is beyond /jp/ level

>> No.3736345

Something's not right on her face. I can't tell.

>> No.3736348

Well okay, if you're strictly talking in relative terms, then yes, it is better than most of his other work.

I still wonder how someone who was supposedly a professional could have such bad artistic sense. It's like he strictly adheres to some algorithmic coloring scheme without caring about how odd the overall result is.

>> No.3736354

Wow! You mean mugen draw that on the spot earlier today!? It's shit alright, but considering the timeframe I'd say mugen is one god level dedicated troll.

>> No.3736361

He makes multiple threads, ignores all kinds of feedback that doesn't involve his crazy fetish and draws the exact same shit all the time.

If he's not autistic then we're talking about some professional troll here.

>> No.3736370

Yet you can always tell it's his work because none of his fucking coloring have turn or sit shadows. Shitloads of mid-tones but little to no darks and no contrasts.

>> No.3736371

I like it! Although as you found out, /jp/ isn't the best of places to post it.

I find the creative process quite interesting though! How do you add the blood splatter?

Will be back...

>> No.3736377 [SPOILER] 
File: 854 KB, 1600x1400, 1255758192128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugen's picture is surprisingly light guro-esque. I was hoping for something more.

If only he could learn to color like a normal person, kinda like this picture.

At least one good thing comes from his coloring style, it makes his images stand out. In a sea of thousands of images I could spot a picture drawn by mugen with one of my eyes closed.

>> No.3736385

Hello Fujiwara no Mokou...

To save time... I cheat and use pre made brushes in Photoshop 7... you can download them free from deviantart.

>> No.3736387
File: 324 KB, 320x180, 1257140011400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least one good thing comes from his coloring style, it makes his images stand out.

It's not a good thing if it stands out because it sucks. Unless you're ZUN.

>> No.3736397
File: 161 KB, 800x703, f6d38fc357c312b71e0cc7034f790c09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugen's coloring reminds me of Mokou cosplayer's coloring.

It's sort of odd, since Mokou cosplayer's coloring has actually managed to get WORSE. Seriously, his colors and shading are bland as shit, and wasn't nearly as bad before.

>> No.3736408

Mugen is a fucking cheater for using cintiq. Real men use old fashioned tablets.

>> No.3736415

Now that is just a great drawing right there. Mugen's drawings enrage me.

>> No.3736417

What is the association with that artist and Mokou, anyway?

>> No.3736424

Is Wiggle a female version of Wriggle?

>> No.3736432

I never found mugen's coloring particularly bad, but of course I'm not an artist. It's the arrows and the blood splatter that bother me -- blood doesn't work that way (think about it) and arrows are so passé.

>> No.3736450

You've never had an issue with how everything looks like coated in plastic?
Not only that, but the cloth lacks any weight.

It's like he took a revoltech figure, splattered some ketchup around and stuck some novelty toothpicks.

>> No.3736455

Now that I think about it, the blood on the floor kinda looks as if someone spilled a bucket of red paint.

>> No.3736467

I am confuse. Here is a very peaceful looking long haired wriggle with wild bloodsplatter that really doesn't match the image. What happened there?

>> No.3736478

mugen is a hack.
News at eleven.

>> No.3736489
File: 268 KB, 811x1200, Wriggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate defending mugen, but it's just a common scenario cliche. Dying a peaceful death even though your guts may be leaking out of you.

>> No.3736488

It's anime style. It's not supposed to be perfectly lifelike.
You're right, she does look too shiny.

>> No.3736487

The pleasure of being pierced by arrows.

>> No.3736501

>Something about the coloring makes it look like light reflecting off shiny plastic or something
This. Fucking this.

The blood on the ground looks particularly flat and something about Wriggle's face bothers me.

>> No.3736504


Why is The Monarch full of arrows?

>> No.3736508

Fuck off... mugen. Sage.

>> No.3736516

I like the artstyle and body proportions, but hate the coloring and clothes' design.

>> No.3736533
File: 351 KB, 985x830, 1245814763166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something about Wriggle's face bothers me.
People complaining about the face yet failing to mention what's wrong with it are just haters.

Wriggle is a bug so she's supposed to have giant (bug) eyes. I think it looks really cute.

>> No.3736537


Don't degrade Thors' death like that.

>> No.3736547

The problem with mugen is his constant attentionwhoring/trolling and putting more emphasis on speed and quantity rather than quality. Based on timestamps on the threads posted by >>3736338 mugen only took approximately 1 hour 30 something minutes from scratch to finish for that one piece which is admirable. If only he spends a couple more hours polishing his works then he'd be godtier drawfag.

>> No.3736560

There's nothing wrong with speed drawings. In my opinion, when it comes to drawing, you're better off drawing a lot of shit in hopes of learning a bit with each drawing rather than spends days on a single picture.

The only problem is when you don't learn anything between drawings.

>> No.3736570

That's because he doesn't give a shit about improving.
All he cares about are his arrows.

>> No.3736581


Nononono, I was looking at the face wondering what people were talking about and I think I've spotted it.

Nose, lips, dimpled below the lips (I'd hesitate to say it's on her chin exactly). These features aren't done in a way you'd traditionally associate with the style it's draw in, in other words they're actually there instead of either being ignored or reduced to a simple line.

>> No.3736587

>Nose, lips, dimpled below the lips (I'd hesitate to say it's on her chin exactly). These features aren't done in a way you'd traditionally associate with the style it's draw in, in other words they're actually there instead of either being ignored or reduced to a simple line.
You lost me.

>> No.3736593

mugen's art isn't even worth careful study. It's like appraising the colors in a puddle of vomit.

>> No.3736596

/jp/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.3736604

Reminds me of the time I argued with some guy over the talent of some guy who drew some Saber fanart.

>> No.3736605

This garbage makes me want to vomit

>> No.3736629


>> No.3736643

mugen clearly spends a good amount of time polishing his drawings. His own work is distinguished by a more liberal application of sharp edges, and of course, a uniquely fine wrist. His artwork is nothing short of incredible — certainly it rivals those of ZONE — which is why I wondered why he gets all the hate on this particular board?

>> No.3736650

So what are people angry about again? Someone drawing their favorite character getting killed?

People were drawing bondage art in our previous drawthreads, so I see no reason to get riled up over something like this.

>> No.3736670

Because of how annoying he is and how horrible his ideas are.

>> No.3736682

Mind elaborating? Mugen seemed like a cool fella to me.

>> No.3736689

Look over his posts in the archive and find out for yourself.

>> No.3736695

dat arrows

>> No.3736708




Genuine boss level troll

>> No.3737062

Mugen sock puppet

>> No.3737082

what's going on here?

>> No.3737083
File: 460 KB, 765x581, mugen165620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Mugen did you ever finish that Yuyuko Ghostbusters pic?

>> No.3737085
File: 17 KB, 417x460, 1190858606358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3737194

This picture would fit right in at pixiv. You should post it there.

>> No.3738504

Funny how this thread lasts hours while Mugen's was deleted in around half an hour or so.
