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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3726987 No.3726987 [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are Asian?

>> No.3727012

Everyone fucking tells me I look Asian, but I look Chinese (even though I'm full blood European)

I got told I look like Bruce Lee a few times. At least I don't look Japanese

>> No.3727016

Chinks and Koreans are vastly inferior to the Japs, just like all of the other groups in Asia.

>> No.3727054

What are you then?

>> No.3727132

Are Filipinos Asian?

>> No.3727156

even worse

>> No.3727176
File: 490 KB, 299x162, 1258227785336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3727184

what is this?

>> No.3727201

Holy shit. What is that?

>> No.3727206

Xtro. Its a shitty horror movie. /x/ is in love with that .gif though.

>> No.3727208

Seriously man, what the fuck is that?

>> No.3727209

People told me I looked Chinese
It must be because of my Japanese Supiritto!

>> No.3727214

What if I am half-Asian?

>> No.3727313

if you're male, you're Asian

if you're female, you are caucasian.

>> No.3727320

>>3727012(even though I'm full blood European)

What part of europe are you from.

>> No.3727327



>> No.3727332

Guess I am caucasian then

>> No.3727350

My, what a handsome young lad.

>> No.3727353

OP is so "U MAD"

>> No.3727358

Why did this happen? I can't imagine anything could explain why the fat man gets that cute thing.

>> No.3727367


>> No.3727378

>Everyone fucking tells me I look Asian, but I look Chinese



I have Asians in my family by proxy but I'm not Asian myself.

>> No.3727387


Very big dick, like 7 inches which is god-like among the chinks

>> No.3727407


At that age, and they look young to me, I can't imagine he would have enough money, and I doubt he would know how to market a big dick without creeping people out.

>> No.3727408

That probably wasn't a serious post, but I still can't imagine why that would be a selling point for women. Fucking whores

>> No.3727414


Don't insult Asians like that.

>> No.3727424


You obviously are not an owner of a large dick and therefore do not know how the world works.

>> No.3727537

>>3727327 I can't imagine anything could explain why the fat man gets that cute thing.

He writes the most beautiful poetry, and sings it in a voice like an angel's. He serenaded her in the night, and so her heart was won.

>> No.3727555

>>3727332omg a girl

pics plz

>> No.3727574

>Why did this happen? I can't imagine anything could explain why the fat man gets that cute thing.

Money would be my first guess. Money gets you everywhere with women.

>> No.3727591

Dude, seriously... how the fuck?
Shit must be staged in some way... Please say it is so, or I'll kill myself!

>> No.3727597

He's a fucking alpha male.

This is where you make the mistake, you think that appearance matters, you think women won't date you because you're ugly. You're wrong, it's because you're a weak pathetic fuck, it's because your personality is shit. Women like a man who acts like a fucking man.

>> No.3727598 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and attacking www . anyntylk . com please (nyn = non, tyl = tal).

>> No.3727618

>>3727597He's a fucking alpha male.

I can feel his HAKI just radiating from OP picture


>> No.3727625

I am.

>> No.3727626

Asian here.

>> No.3727627

WTF? This guy must have a very rich daddy!

>> No.3727638 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and attacking www . anyntylk . com please (nyn = non, tyl = tal).

>> No.3727656

I don't, in fact most of us don't give a shit about your board.
Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.3727659


>> No.3727671


A combination of Swedish, German, Scottish and other countries of the Norse variety.

Europe, both sides of the family

Sorry about that, meant to type >I look Asian, but I am full blooded European
fucking lack of an edit button, I typed it quickly.

Apparently when I laugh I look even more Asian than normal.

>> No.3727673


are you fat

>> No.3727688

>>3727671A combination of Swedish, German, Scottish and other countries of the Norse variety.

Well, the norse countries and germany had contact with Asian nomads, perhaps there could be distant distant ancestry there.

Or, people don't really look all that different from one another, and these things happen.

>> No.3727707

Not really.

>> No.3727724


how many of your animu watching friends are caucasian, compared to asian.

Out of them, which tends to be the 'cleaner' sort of person.

>> No.3727736

that dude in OP has a cool shirt

is it odd I noticed that first?

>> No.3727750

not if you're gay.

>> No.3727828



>> No.3727863

asian here

>> No.3727948

You're forgetting asian also include indians etc.
Not that anybody likes them.

>> No.3728029
File: 152 KB, 407x405, Weeaboo-Advice-Inu-ASIANS-I-MASTURBATE-TO-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3728221

I like saying I'm Japanese in Japanese to Japanese girls in my Uni at parties. They are all typical ugly jap girls, but they become so fascinated you can speak their language that they shower you with cock loving attention. As you tell them stories you get more and more drunk and eventually you let words like 2chan and loli slip by. That's when they get creeped out and leave, but their equally drunk boyfriends stay with me, smoking very strong Japanese cigarettes, and we talk Rozen Maiden.

>> No.3728305


Snake Here
