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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3725130 No.3725130 [Reply] [Original]

/tg/ here does japan play any traditional games?
inb4 maid rpg

>> No.3725134


>> No.3725144

i heard something about the D&D books translated into japanese so if true probably? i honestly dont know

>> No.3725153
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Bawwww, viral marketing, I'm boycotting it. >:(

>> No.3725151

go, mahjong

>> No.3725155

good it's hella gay, much like the average maid fetishist!

>> No.3725159

i was about to look it up but if i did "traditional games" i would get some 1000 year old board game and if i did "role playing game" i would probably get a final fantasy

>> No.3725199

America ronryfags: imagine they are someone else with magic powers or a sword

Japan ronryfags: imagine they have a girlfriend

>> No.3725227
File: 876 KB, 2500x1875, ritsu-emerges-from-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3725230


>> No.3725232


>> No.3725235

Go/wei-chi/baduk. I've never lost a match in person, but I've been stomped online.

>> No.3725248

I hate fantasy bullshit, so good thing I have waifu so I'm not ronery. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3726809

i chuckled

>> No.3726824
File: 42 KB, 500x500, japan_call_of_cthulhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure which one is sadder.

Oh, and yes they do play /tg/ in /jp/, picture related, it's the cover for the Japanese edition of Call of Cthulhu.

>> No.3726825

Record of Lodoss War was based on a D&D campaign, so yes.

>> No.3726836

Yeah I DM'ed 4th Edition 3-4 times at my uni. But since my time and social management is awful, it's hard to keep the group alive.

Keeping up with fucking 3D friends' schedule is so fucking hard it's frustrating.

>> No.3726852

>I hate fantasy bullshit
>touhou, haruhi, nasu,

>> No.3726857

If you are playing 4th edition, let the group die already.

>> No.3726867

I'm currently in my first pathfinder campaign. It's tons of fun, makes me wish I started something like that years ago instead of wasting my time with MMOs.

>> No.3726898


There's fantasy and there's fantasy.

I like mango and animu as much as the next /jp/ fag, but I think the pseudo-tolkienian D&D fantasy with swords and dragons and shit has really lost its usefulness, like superheroes with capes, masks and codenames.

>> No.3726900

There are so many different takes of it over so many years, oversimplifying and saying they have lost their appeal is just retarded.

>> No.3726901

wow a swift strike at /co/ and /tg/

>> No.3726908

he's spergin' it

>> No.3726924


You mean there are so many exactly the same takes of it.
That's the problem, they're all the same shit.

>> No.3726925

Fuck off /tg/, no-one likes you.
You're like the fat wheezy kid that even the other nerds try to avoid.

>> No.3726929


>> No.3726945



>> No.3726991

never thought anime did the same thing?

>pokemon >yu-gi-oh >that spinning top anime >bakugan

>Azumanga diaoh >ouran hos club >lucky star

>dragon ball seires >inuyasha >bleach

i could go on for quite a while if i really thought about it.

>> No.3726998

and your the nerd that doesn't hang out with anybody. At least we try.

>> No.3727001

They are not.
Just because you have not bothered searching for anything different, it does not mean everything is the same.
Only retards assume that everything in a broad genre is the same.

>> No.3727004

>>Azumanga diaoh >ouran hos club >lucky star

Ouran so does not belong there.

>> No.3727007

how is that a bad thing

atleast we keep our filth to ourselves.

>> No.3727015

>its ok I don't have friends I still have my waifu

>> No.3727019
File: 117 KB, 633x480, phoenixamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3727020

i lol'd

>> No.3727033

eeeeeh it can loosely fit

>> No.3727051

If by loosely, you mean not at all, sure.

>> No.3727065

there sitcom animes in a highschool setting? how is it not related now?

>> No.3727077

/jp/ :
>lol i fuck'd ur touhoe

/tg/ :
>lol i fuck'd ur howling banshee

Same retards.

>> No.3727199

i lol'd at this thread

>> No.3727546

what about animes that use the "over used" fantasy setting? Fate stay/night Berserker Wolf and Spice Negima etc.

>> No.3728606

or the over used feudal japan setting

>> No.3728637

>America ronryfags: imagine they are someone else with magic powers or a sword
>Japan ronryfags: imagine they have a girlfriend

I sometimes imagine I have magic powers or a sword -and- I have a girlfriend.
However, maybe that's just because I'm from Europe.

>> No.3728674

Is it possible to play any of these games alone?

The Maid RPG said I needed "at least two friends" to play. That's an unreasonable requirement.

>> No.3728753


You can play with imaginary friends.

>> No.3728801

That's called masturbation.

>> No.3728818

I wrote a DnD campaign but never had anyone to play it with. I'm sure you can do the same for MaidRPG. Write all the character stories and possible adventures for them.
