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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3723961 No.3723961 [Reply] [Original]

You all think of secondary fans as people who don't care for the games and only care about the characters, and primary fans as though who do. But do you know primary fans that don't care at all for the characters?

I met a Touhou fan that had been playing almost a lot of Touhou for four years. When I mentioned Sakuya, he said, "Who's that? Sorry, I don't really know the characters. Let's see, I know Reimu and Marisa...and the one with green hair because she was in the latest game."

>> No.3723963 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3723964 [DELETED] 

http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp; http://www.livestream.com/supjp;

>> No.3723967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3723970

Get out.

>> No.3723976

I like the games but don't care about the characters. If it weren't for /jp/ always talking about which Touhous they want to fuck I probably wouldn't remember the names of more than a handful of them.

>> No.3723982
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>> No.3723984

It normally takes me four-five episodes of any show before I remember most of the main characters names properly, provided I care enough about the show. That increases to two-three if the characters say each others' names enough in those episodes.

>> No.3723992

Mokou-tan, why do you keep making strange internet streams?

>> No.3724001

This board was so much better without your shitty threads and advertisement.

>> No.3724004

Arc, did your post move? I could have swore it was the first post in the thread, but now it's the third.

>> No.3724006
File: 270 KB, 1000x625, Touhou_Remilia_by_StarbowBreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would consider myself "secondary" because I found Touhou from browsing forums and /jp/. But I like both the games and the characters.

>> No.3724013

I'm not really as much of a Touhou fan as I used to be, but as far as STGs go, they're not that great. I don't see why anybody would play other than the music and the characters, honestly.

>> No.3724015


The Janitor, whom I suspect is OP, deleted it.

>> No.3724018

I've played Touhou games for a couple years, but I only really learned their names a few months ago.

>> No.3724031

Secondaryfans were originally defined as people who found out about Touhou from the doujinshi spin-offs (art, music, etc.) and primaryfans as those who discovered the Touhou games first because they were STG fans.

Of course, from those definitions 9%% of us would probably be considered "secondaryfans". But the funny thing is, if you go by the current definitions of primary/secondaryfans, you'll find there isn't much relation between primary fans (original definition) being primary fans (current definition) or secondaryfans (original definition) being secondaryfans (current definition).

>> No.3724037

Their names are displayed on the damn screen while you fight. Is it really that hard to remember them?

>> No.3724049

When you think about it, Mokou would make a great janitor. Burning the trash, and all.

>> No.3724051

Secondary friends are the ones spamming xD and (9) in the comment section of IOSYS videos. If you haven't at least beaten Touhou on normal mode, chances are, you're a secondary fan. I believe I speak for all /jp/ers when I say you're not a true fan of Touhou if you don't actively play/enjoy the games.

>> No.3724066

But they're weird, confusing Japanese names for the most part.

>> No.3724074

Fixed, hit shift too early and didn't bother to double-check.

>> No.3724076


>> No.3724078

I found out about the Touhou games because there was a large batch torrent posted on /t/ back in 2005.

Does that make me a secondary fan?
Although I'm not really a fan anyway

>> No.3724096

Primary: Discovered Touhou through the games.
Secondary: Discovered Touhou through derivative works.

>> No.3724106

Okay then.

>> No.3724119

>The Janitor, whom I suspect is OP, deleted it.
Moekou is not a janitor you tool.

Your livestream channel is a perfect example of secondary fans clashing with primary fans. I used to hang out on your channel back when it first started. But as time passed the regulars became more and more shittier. Be it their e-roleplaying (*punches the wall, and is 300 pounds*), emoticons, or camwhore vlogs on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vXa4dAXJjo

I'm sorry but I don't want to be associated with these buffoons. When I see idiots enjoying the same things I enjoy it makes me question what it is that I'm enjoying.

Fast forward this video to part 1:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhZN-9LgWmo

With all seriousness upon hearing their faggotry, I can no longer listen to a Yukari arrangement without hearing, "Yu yu yu yu yu xD."

They ruined it for me.

>> No.3724123

It's about attitude not origin.

>> No.3724132

don't group me with those 3rd rate noobs.
if you haven't bought a touhou game yet, you are not a true touhou first rate fan.

>> No.3724136

I'm usually a little busy dodging bullets.

>> No.3724146

Wouldn't origin also entail attitude?

>> No.3724157

This is primarily the reason why everyone on /jp/ hate your shitty channel and unnecessary livestream advertisements.


>> No.3724166

Not to the point of being irredeemable.

>> No.3724175

I've beaten most Touhous on normal mode and I'm a secondary fan (meaning a fan who prefers doujin music & manga to the games themselves).
Don't be so quick to judge.

>> No.3724180

I do stuff like the yu yu yu yu thing all the fucking time IN PUBLIC, if that's all it takes to make you hate music you don't deserve to enjoy anything.

>> No.3724186

Hey Mokou, do you realize that 90% of people's hate towards you stems from your association with the secondary fags on your livestream channel. Why don't you abandon them and become a full fledged /jp/er. Give your admin status to someone there, and be done with it.

Also, why is it that you never respond with your tripcode to your own threads. I always end up wondering if you're still here or not.

>> No.3724195

He could just drop the viral email and post like your average secure jerk.

>> No.3724203
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I've finished all the touhou games on normal.

Beaten, not so good.
I suck at vertical shooters

>> No.3724210

>>3724180 I do stuff like the yu yu yu yu thing all the fucking time IN PUBLIC, if that's all it takes to make you hate music you don't deserve to enjoy anything.

Let me guess, you're the type of person that goes around shouting /b/ memes and neta every where you go. You're of the same degree of stupid as the Scientology /b/tards.

Also, what exactly do you mean by public? Don't tell me you're retarded enough to go around saying that stuff to strangers. Alternatively, if you're saying it to your friends then please see your way to the door normalfag.

>> No.3724214

>Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/
Reported for trolling.

>> No.3724221

To friends, in places where strangers can hear me.

>> No.3724227

KoG has played all the Touhou games, beat them all on Lunatic, and posts some of them on his YouTube channel.

Just because you've played the games doesn't mean you're not a faggot. Reported.

>> No.3724233

>To friends, in places where strangers can hear me.
Yup, he's a normalfriend.

Why is it that I always see secondary fags like this in Mokou's threads. Could it be a coincidence or is that Mokou posting Anonymously?

>> No.3724237

Yeah but he's a retarded kid that does nothing but play flash games all day.

>> No.3724246


How can he play Flash games all day when he's posting GET faggotry all day?

Unless you say he multitasks, but that would indicate some minute level of intelligence.

>> No.3724253

Get the fuck out.

>> No.3724260

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.3724262

Please stop talking to yourself and go back to /a/.

>> No.3724264

No thanks, I like it here.

>> No.3724267

He sees GETs as another game. I almost feel sorry for him sometimes. It must be sad being a ronery manchild, that only knows of games.

Try /a/, they'll accept you. We don't want your kind on our board.

>> No.3724275


Yes, because posting on /jp/ is a much more rewarding past time.

>> No.3724293
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