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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3723329 No.3723329 [Reply] [Original]


Stay in the west gaijin!

>> No.3723346
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>> No.3723344


>> No.3723349

i hope white people will finally realize japan hates them and all the obnoxious weeabooism/japanophilia will end.

goddamn, anime sucks. i'm sick of being bombarded with it everywhere in the U.S. i wish it'd stay in japan.

>> No.3723348

those are australians

>> No.3723352

fuck yea, totally support this, those white trash needs to get the fuck off asia

>> No.3723370


>> No.3723373

Whiteys got served.
But hey, I can understand them. If I'd get rowdy foreigners in my country, I wouldn't mind impaling them on my flag. Ya'll just pussyfied pussies who get shocked by trivial bullshit.

>> No.3723378


And white trash needs to stop buying Asian shit thinking it is godly and infallible.

>> No.3723384


>> No.3723386


Gosh, America has rowdy embarrassing foreigners running around all the time. No one seems to give a flying fuck.

>> No.3723399

Because America consists of nothing but rowdy foreigners. The US does not have a national identity, like Japan etc.

>> No.3723427

because our entire nation is comprised of nothing but rowdy embarrassing foreigners

>> No.3723448

Whats funny is white people complain about the behavior of blacks and mexicans ,when they themselves are a lot worse.

>> No.3723466

and most disturbing of white racism is they complain about black and mexicans behavior and crimes but targeted much of their hatred/racist/discrimination toward asians, which is law abiding and contributed most to the country, you really can't win these people heart, they just hate

>> No.3723480

Crime statistics would seem to disagree with you.

>> No.3723484

white people complain about everything. segregation is what they want. the US is a nation slowly being colonized by the wetback spix and slitty eyed rice farmers. let the KKK have their day in the sun. soon it'll be all over for them.

>> No.3723486


>> No.3723491


>> No.3723493

THEY'RE BEING COLONIZED AND CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. The funny thing is, most foreigners are coming in and PLAYING by the white man's rules. We aren't muscling them out of the country with brute force, instead we're just taking their positions of power through wealth and scholarship -- we're playing their capitalist game and winning. Why do you think the Asian kid studies in the library all the time?

>> No.3723526
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Japanese hate Korean and Chinese residing in Japan.

>> No.3723568

Asian kids are studying in the library all the time because they can't get pussy, amirite?

>> No.3723572

No, it's because they're too stupid to pass any of their classes if they don't.

>> No.3723577

That and their parents would beat them half to death if they got an A-.

>> No.3723578


They're busy studying so that one day they'll have a six-figure salary being a doctor or lawyer that will guarantee to bag them the bitches. Too bad they'll end up with an arranged marriage to some equally-horrid gook instead.

>> No.3723582

How do they bag bitches with horribly small mini-penises?

>> No.3723587

>six-figure salary

>> No.3723589

Why does xenophobia still exist?
The world was round the last time I checked.

>> No.3723590

Studying is redundant anyway, if you know how to use backdoors.
I'm half way to my MD and I failed 3/5 final exams in high school.

>> No.3723591

You fags do understand that the population of Japan will be half of the current level by 2050, right? And, you do understand what that means to the economy of Japan, right? And, you do understand that the reason for the problem is that the women are leaving the country (to marry hunky Americans) or just staying home and not getting married, right? And the Chinese are very happy to have defeated the Japanese finally, right?

>> No.3723594

>3/5 final exams in high school.
That's because High School is irrelevant shit. As soon as you've got even the tiniest, pissiest little College qualification, High School doesn't matter.

>> No.3723596

No, they will get a wife so they can never have sex with them.

>> No.3723601

Jingoism eh?
I rike it.

>> No.3723599

because people with weak cultures and mud color skin are annoying and inferior to us. why should we have to put up with them holding advancement back? everyone should stay in own country and all will be happy. Japan is not uk and is for Japanese only!

>> No.3723625

>The funny thing is, most foreigners are coming in and PLAYING by the white man's rules.
This white man has no problem with those folks. They're at least respectable, what with being law-abiding residents of the country they emigrated to, and all.

The rest of them give those law-abiding folks a bad name, though.

>> No.3723655

Those weren't Americans you asshat. Didn't you hear their European accents.

>> No.3723672

I find that white Japanophiles are incredibly arrogant and egotistical (typical of the white race in general though). Also, the anti foreigner's protests are fair game enough since it is just desert.

>> No.3723681

Americans have 95% of the patents - we should be arrogant.

>> No.3723700

america and uk is falling because of immigration of third world people. tomorrow belongs to Japan and China

>> No.3723718

Can I get what you are smoking? Japan is carrying more debt than the USA and it population is in decline and aging.

>> No.3723723


No, that's why we're gonna kick everyone in the ass. Mexicans work gewd.

>> No.3723726

The imperialist white race needs to learn shame. I vote for a public beheading by a Japanese sword.

>> No.3723738 [DELETED] 

terrible scientist and other higher stuff.

Japan > spicmerica

>> No.3723740

mexican is terrible scientist and other higher stuff.

Japan > spicmerica

>> No.3723745

Isn't Barack the majic negro over there sucking all your mini-dicks right now?

>> No.3723746

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american student
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lying to policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping? jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same

>> No.3723754

ITT: we pretend we're from Japan or some other Asian country and troll white people.

>> No.3723758

This is so old I remember when it was posted in /a/.

>> No.3723764
File: 20 KB, 490x488, 1246323106435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3723775

I love this thread.

>> No.3723776

I don't see what's surprising about a small group of idiots running around and making fools of themselves. There's similar things happening in every country.
You should learn not to make the same mistake as them. They think every foreigner is loud and harmful and they are wrong. In the same way, not every Japanese is a hostile racist.

>> No.3723793

They all are not trying to fit in. Very bad for public harmony. Yes "they" includes these Japanese. That is why the Cops went after them.

>> No.3723798

i tell pig american y we no want gaijin in home country

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american student
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lying to policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping? jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same

>> No.3723803



>> No.3723815

I have a good idea....

....Let all the Chinese stay in China.
All the Americans stay in America.
All the Germans stay in Germany.
All the Japanese stay in Japan.
All the French stay in France.
All the Koreans stay in Korea.
All the South Africans stay in South Africa.
All the Argentinians stay in Argentina.
In fact let every people of every country and race stay exactly where they are from. Then watch as people put up walls, let ignorance flourish, the world economy collapse and wars break out.

Do you like the sound of that? What a fine idea

>> No.3723816

old copypasta is old.

>> No.3723823

0/10 too obvious
I hate it when waps bite the feeding hand

>> No.3723829

Pissy because you aren't welcome outside of your shitty country?

>> No.3723839

Because different peoples haven't mixed across nations and cultures for all fucking human history, right? Right.

>> No.3723847

Humanity advances the quickest when civilizations interbreed, and kill each other and steal their technology.

Instead of fighting, all Asians and White's should just mix together to create the master race and eradicate the rest of the sub humans.

>> No.3723858

>used as plural form
I think you are the subhuman here, son.

>> No.3723877

I never said I was a white or an asian. I am a nigger with the best interest of humanity at heart.

>> No.3723884

I think it's just the influence of the internet.
Takes only a few people using an ' for plural and then it starts spreading like a disease.
Another annoying one is "i could care less". Well hey. If you could care less it means that you *do* care, genius.
Luckily, when I do make a mistake, I have an excuse. English is not my native language.

>> No.3723900

That sounds like a good idea to me, slavery would never happened, holocaust would never happened, racism would not even be a word, only dumbasses like you are brainwashed into multiculturalism is a good thing. Take a look at this article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1561758/White-people-a-minority-by-2027.html and tell me if you want that to happen to Japan.

>> No.3723913

>White people living in the UK's second biggest city are likely to find themselves in a minority in 20 years' time, according to researchers.

Europe really should do something about all of those sand niggers. It's funny how they always try to criticize America's immigration problems, when their own are much, much worse.
