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File: 24 KB, 1009x320, harddrives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3721386 No.3721386 [Reply] [Original]

How do you name your hard drives, /jp/?

>> No.3721392

I used to name my drives after Saber's NPs. Then, that computer died.

>> No.3721397

Local Disk (C:)
Local Disk (D:)
Local Disk (E:)
Local Disk (F:)
Local Disk (G:)

>> No.3721402 [DELETED] 

C - Local disk
F - Media
G - Backup

>> No.3721403

BEATRICE, BERNKASTEL, LAMBADELTA, SUPERPAPER (1tb external, yes she gets two), lain, Leviathan, Belphegor

I haven't even read Episode 4 yet.

>> No.3721404

Hard drives? I leave that up to the OS, but I name my partitions after what they are, my Wine partition is called drive_c for example.

>> No.3721405

Casper, Melchior, Balthasar. Computer is named NAVI and my username is Lain.

>> No.3721409

My Externals are named "Heaven's Feel" "Fate" and "Unlimited Blade Works".

>> No.3721410


>> No.3721411

Mine are just named by drive type. On my old computer, I named them by their capacity because I had a bad memory.

>> No.3721415
File: 16 KB, 797x314, bbbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3721417

Right now Alice, Momoko, Hitagi and Yuuko.

>> No.3721421

That's pretty epic, really. Why hadn't I thought of that?

>> No.3721427

Windows 7
Windows XP
Downloads & Backup

Pretty cool huh?

>> No.3721430

C: Arkbird
D: Excalibur
External HDD: Hrimfaxi
USB stick: Scinfaxi
Laptop: Gleipnir

>> No.3721435

>Computer is named NAVI

>> No.3721434

Man, now I want to name everything like this. Can I steal your idea?

>> No.3721441

My only little HD was named rowrow two years ago, when I last formatted it. I never bothered changing that name. It even has a little Gurren-dan icon that I have no idea of how to change anymore.

>> No.3721442

Oh my computer's name itself has always been Sakura.

>> No.3721455

Don't lie, your partitions are most likely "/dev/sda1", "/dev/sda5", etc.

>> No.3721457

C: Chao Garden
D: Dark Garden
H: Hero Garden
E: Chao Data
P: Chao Pocket
K: Chao Key

Yes, I am a huge faggot, no need to inform me of this. Feel free to anyway, though.

>> No.3721459

Wait, no. I think I last formatted it (and gave it that name) in May 2008.

>> No.3721465

Your name is from... Sonic?

>> No.3721470


>> No.3721491

GlaDOS and Shodan. Need to buy new external soon.

>> No.3721502

My external which holds my animu is called Unlimited Space Works.

>> No.3721509

A: Aurum
C: Cobalt
O: Onyx
S: Sapphire

>> No.3721511

Bingo. Been using this name online since... fucking 1999. First one to catch it in a while. I get a lot of Brazilians asking if I'm one of them because it means something in Portuguese, I gather?

>> No.3721514

Mine are, except for the mp3 player, whose name is WAAAAGHBOSS.

>> No.3721523


>> No.3721528

I think most people catch it, they just don't care enough to mention it.

>> No.3721534

Kuroari and Shiroari
don't know why

>> No.3721537


>> No.3721553

I suppose that would make sense, too. It's not particularly special, anyway. I guess I think of the Brazilians first because it's painful to get hit with the "BR? BR! BR? BR? BR!!!!" factor when I try out an MMO for some length of time.

>> No.3721554

I don't name my bookshelf and I don't name my hard drives.
I simply use drive letters to identify which is which.

X is my external toaster drive where I archive large files (anime, VN, etc.)

Z is my shit drive that stores some stuff and main install drive.

I try to keep C as empty as possible with the only things I keep there being documents and a copy of my mp3 music collection for my mp3 player.

K is my long term storage drive for smaller items (manga, music, LN translations, etc.)

>> No.3721556

The dumb one is Maria.

The mean one is Rosa.

>> No.3721566

I don't mind.

>> No.3721571

MyBook (J:)
Backup (K:)
SHANA-0 (Y:)
SHANA-1 (Z:)

I'm so creative.

>> No.3721577
File: 146 KB, 1388x706, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3721569

LVM. I see.

>> No.3721595

Fomalhaut and Hyperion. I don't name C Drive.

>> No.3721603

I name them by purpose.

C: Installed Programs
D: DVD drive
E: DVD drive (this one is actually emulated)
F: Downloads
H: Anime Storage

Also got unconnected disks like Backup Drive and Hentai Storage (because it is full).

The oddball here is my G: Toshiba USB-HDD. I think it didn't like my name attempt and I gave it a break from trial and error.

>> No.3721609

I don't recall anything named Chao, or even any word like that around here Yeah, I'm Brazilian. Euheuheuehue.. And also, [ch] usually sounds like [sh] in Portuguese. The only times it doesn't are when it's a foreign word.

Maybe those BRs caught your Sonic reference?

>> No.3721618
File: 32 KB, 571x1036, 1237619583781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> BRs

>> No.3721627

Nanami, Zephie, Aura

>> No.3721638

An honest mistake on my part, then. Maybe it is all Sonic love, who knew?

Can't say I'd do what your picture describes. Brazilian women can be fucking hot, though Argentina has everyone beat. Walking around there just makes me awestruck.

>> No.3721642

Yes, it means "bye" in portuguese.
Although, the correct is "tchao".


>> No.3721674

Hinagiku, Yukari, KOHAKU, Gensokyo, Saya, Yuyuko.

>> No.3721683

Time spent thinking of a smartass name for your drives: x hours.
Time spent setting up backups: 0.

>> No.3721693

>Brazilian women can be fucking hot
All 3d women are pig disgusting but If I had to choose I'd say latinos are the most pig disgusting after niggers.
