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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 152 KB, 1277x718, kana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3716093 No.3716093 [Reply] [Original]

Well, the ping-pong stage of the bill just finished, so as soon as it gets royal assent, loli in England will be banned. Presumably that'll happen some time tomorrow.

>> No.3716132 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 221x216, 5493768598675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and im prooooud to be an american where at least i know im freeee

>> No.3716145


Didn't a guy in the US recently get convicted of importing loli?

>> No.3716146


Obscenity, not loli.

>> No.3716149

>royal assent

Amerifag here, can you explain this to me?

>> No.3716154

/r9k/<------------try here

>> No.3716161 [DELETED] 

I assume it's like our President signing bills into law.
lol, royalty in the 21st century

>> No.3716174

The British Commonwealth will not cease until they have utterly destroyed everything truly British and have been usurped by imported Muslims.

>> No.3716184

I am sorry for your lots.

>> No.3716201

It's not loli as in loli-pornography that's the problem, its the section of the law that says "sexual" rather than "obscene"/"pornographic". Things like Negima, or Loveless, or even Evangelion are now counts-as CP. Like, a "several years in pound-me-in-the-ass prison + sex offenders register for life + never get a job again" kind of offence.

A formality. Queenie gets handed a slip of paper, she signs it to make it legal. She has no authority to refuse to sign it.

>> No.3716211 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on www GHCHDREGtalk com (replace "GHCHDREG" with "anon"). We are tired of your fucking spam, DDoS a ttacks and trolling. You are the asshole of the Internet.

>> No.3716216
File: 205 KB, 1278x720, memo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would /r9k/ care about loli?
Before a bill becomes an act of parliament, and thus law, after all business in the houses of parliament is concluded, it is presented before the reigning monarch for their approval for it to become law. Technically they can refuse to give assent to a bill, but that hasn't happened in hundreds of years.

>> No.3716217


I see, thank you for explaining that.

>> No.3716234

they all live in a world were 18+ look like 10 y.o. and go to high school

>> No.3716296

Guess I better start deleting half of the shit on my hard drives.

>> No.3716380

Let's... make a petition. Or something. Fuck it.

>> No.3716391

Does your government scan hard drives or something? Just keep it.

>> No.3716407

Encrypt it. Then delete it. Or something.

That's what I started to do.

I haven't finished playing Cross Channel ;_;

>> No.3716431

It's Britland, brosef. Soon they will read thoughts.

>> No.3716754

This is when I wish I had a blu-ray burner and some dual layer BD-Rs ;_;

>> No.3716780

Good job. the Otaku Elimination Game is now real-life in the UK!

Let the witchhunt begin!

>> No.3716792


How powerful IS the British Monarchy anyway? Are they just there for show?

>> No.3716800

Pretty much for show

Guiyze, we should relocate to Brazil, nobody gives a fuck about lolis in Brazil, no sand niggers but other types of niggers.

>> No.3716804

Yeah, I remember when Canada "banned" loli. This shit will almost never be enforced.

>> No.3716816 [DELETED] 

They don't fight for their rights in the UK.

They just allow the government to do whatever the fuck they want which is why it's basically a nanny state.

I'm glad to live in a place like America which was built on government resistance.

>> No.3716821

It's an absolute monarchy.

>> No.3716834

Britain is several magnitudes more paranoid. We just have to get the ball rolling and Medieval times will be here again.

>> No.3716839

lol like people would fight a loli ban here

>> No.3716840

Hurry, hurry, we need to send more otaku to prison to scare the world.

>> No.3716845

source on op pic please?

>> No.3716852

Are you saying Americans would fight for their loli porn when it gets banned in the future?

>> No.3716853

You do talk a lot of bull.

>> No.3716855 [DELETED] 


Oh, but they would. It wouldn't be a fight for loli as much as it'd be a fight for freedom of expression.

>> No.3716864

This doesn't really effect me since I am neither a Brit nor lolicon, but couldn't
>extension of child pornography law to include non-photographic images
just mean drawings of actual underage girls, not fictional ones?

>> No.3716867

You seriously think people will come out in public and protest, knowing they will be associated with pedophilia and possibly labelled as such, and may be unable to get a job for the rest of their lives?

>> No.3716876

I will.

Not like I wanted a job anyway.

>> No.3716877


>> No.3716882

Neil Gaiman did for that one guy that was charged with possession of child pornography here in the US a while back.

>> No.3716885

You are not "people."

>> No.3716888

And what happened to him?

>> No.3716893

You have my sword.

>> No.3716900

To Gaiman? Nothing.

To the guy convicted? It didn't help at all, from what I remember.

>> No.3716902

then how the fuck would they actually judge it?
If an anime had some character say they were 18, but they looked 10 would it be fine? While doujins of a developed character who is in high school in some anime would be illegal?

>> No.3716899 [DELETED] 


Not everyone, but there are brave people who will fight, such as the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

As I said, it wouldn't be about "loli". It would be about the fact that they are fucking drawings, and how you don't want the government legislating our thoughts and what we do in private. It is unconstitutional above all and the Supreme Court wouldn't allow as always.

>> No.3716909

>then how the fuck would they actually judge it?
With a jury.

>> No.3716914

Seems England is slowly becoming Airstrip One.

>> No.3716918

Any character who is not absolutely 100% adult in both appearance and canon is BANNED.

>> No.3716936

The law covers anything in which "the predominant image conveyed is that of a child".

That means that even if they celebrate their 18th in the anime, drive cars, vote, and have a birth certificate stapled to their forehead at all times, but they're flat chested? That's child porn.

The law also applies to real photos, which makes almost all the "barely legal teens" sites illegal. Not that /jp/ cares for pig-disgusting 3d, but the idea was to point out that their actual age (or canonical age) doesn't matter AT ALL. If they look like they could possibly be 17 years and 364 days old, you go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 pounds.

>> No.3716946

That's a rather unenforcable law. It sounds like they just wanted another "public disruption".

>> No.3716962

*incorrect buzzer noise*!
The court is under no obligation to show the jury the image. This was brought up during the legislation process (requiring a panel to decide whether it counted as a child/was obscene) and flatly denied.

The jury will be told nothing more than that the defendant had "several obscene images involving children" on their hard drive, and the date that they were downloaded if possible. If there's any fetishes involved, those'll be included too (under the UK's extreme pornography laws, for example, anything in which shows/appears to show harm to the genitals or ass is verboten)

>> No.3716982

So how do they feel about porn stars who are over the age 18 but don't look it?

>> No.3716996

Then the jury isn't doing anything but signing the guilty verdict.

>> No.3716997

How on earth are the jury supposed to judge then? The defence will most assuredly say "these images are clearly adults. Probably."

>> No.3716999

jail etc

>> No.3717002

We should probably consider ourselves lucky that they are still permitted to do that.

>> No.3717005

they can no longer watch their babbies

>> No.3717010

Suddenly I understand what de Tocqueville was talking about.

>> No.3717014

Hurry, we must start taking down otaku. Begin with the universities.

>> No.3717016

If they don't look it, then the "predominant image conveyed is that of a child". They're v& material.

No shit, Sherlock. That's half the point of the law; too many people were getting away with it when the jury got to decide whether it was "realistic" or not under the old one.

>The defence will most assuredly say "these images are clearly adults. Probably."
And the Prosecution will most assuredly say "these images are clearly children."
Who do you think they're going to believe? The VILE CHILD RAPING SCUM or the policeman who caught him and protect us every day from harm?

>> No.3717020

I have a question. If my PC were to contain visual novels like Shuffle and such, would I be breaking the law? It seems likely given the information in this thread.

>> No.3717021

Let us start by incriminating Touhou.

>> No.3717022

Fate/Stay Night is now taboo as well.

>> No.3717023

>Extends the law proscribing possession of child pornography to include non‑photographic images

Basically if a 3D pic or movie is illegal, the 2D equivalent is too.

>> No.3717025

Even the writing itself would be obscene.

>> No.3717034


>> No.3717040

Hurry, hurry. Start incriminating, start accusing.

>> No.3717044

First they came for the loli, and I did not speak out—because I was not a lolicon;
Then they came for the Touhou, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Touhoufag;
Then they came for the Key, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Keyfag;
Then they came for the Type-Moon, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Type-Moonfag;
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

>> No.3717046

This law has no sex offender registry consequences associated with it (yet).

Obscene text is not illegal to own, only publish. And it has to be published in a place where those likely to view it would likely become "depraved and corrupted" (this basically means children).

>> No.3717056

2ch and the British are inept at protecting their own freedoms. They did not dig up dirt on Agnes Chan, and look where we are now.

>> No.3717062

What the hell?
This law is unconstitut--
Oh wait

>> No.3717063

Protect the imaginary children!

>> No.3717067

Hurry hurry hurry, Japan embargo.

>> No.3717068

Only cool countries have constitutions.

>> No.3717072

Is Monopoly really played with pounds in Britland?

>> No.3717074


>> No.3717075
File: 83 KB, 727x800, 4b084e7f4397f3dd5d1ab8d5d9a0837b092b2275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to add;
Even if the jury *did* get to see them, why would they say that they're adults?

Obviously, borderline cases like late-highschool anime will be a bit of a hit and miss, but actual loli will be shot down every time.

The attached image, for example (Not loli per say, but the first pic that I found that'd be a good example). There is no way that a normal person would see that and claim that she's over 18. Since British law has no "intent" defence, it doesn't matter if the jury sees that and goes "Wtf? That's not dangerous, that's just a funny picture". They're only being asked to decide whether the defendant has it, NOT whether he deserves to be punished for having it.

The law will also never be repealed. We have no constition to point at and say "This says no". We have no-one to vote for who'd stand on a platform of legalising child porn (no-one who'd win more than a dozen votes, anyway).

Time to move to France, I guess.

>> No.3717077

Time to leave this shit-hole of a country methinks. Starting to take the piss now.

>> No.3717079

You honestly think the majority of British people consider the banning of this the destruction of a freedom?

>> No.3717085

Don't worry OP.

I'll fap twice as hard to some loli tonight for the both of us.

>> No.3717090

>You honestly think the majority of British people consider the banning of this the destruction of a freedom?
They don't. That's the problem.

>> No.3717096



>> No.3717099

Brotip: Neither would the majority of any country on the globe.

>> No.3717100

In the end, there are shitheads who believe trading in freedom for "security" is the way to go.

Even silence is consent.

>> No.3717103

>British law has no "intent" defense
Seriously? Wow, I'm starting to appreciate the American judicial system.

>> No.3717105

The next bill to be passed will make it illegal to think about loli.

>> No.3717112

>silence is consent
Parliament believes this. The British are gagged by the system that allows them no way of influencing policy. Parliament has an absolute mandate.

Technically, it does, but it has to be explicitly mentioned as a valid defence for doing something in the law's text, and it usually just downgrades the crime to something less serious. Dangerous Driving to Criminal Negligence, Murder to Manslaughter, and so on and so forth. There's no intent clause in the C&J.

>> No.3717114

Then democracy is the problem. Or too-wide democracy. If we could get together a bunch of bros in a system where votes have a limited effect over a small geographical area...

>> No.3717124

>The British are gagged by the system that allows them no way of influencing policy.
Well, there's always this thing
... I'll get my coat.

>> No.3717128

Well go be happy about this somewhere else.

>> No.3717130


>implying online petitions ever work.

Oh wow

>> No.3717132


Oh, that's just adorable.

>> No.3717133

>Five most popular petitions:
>5. apologize for the prosecution of Alan Turing that led to his untimely death (32063 signatures)

I think some people have their priorities wrong.

>> No.3717134

The judicial system is the problem too. Having a bunch of random individuals decide the fate of an accused is pretty moronic due to societal bias.

>> No.3717139

I did the coat thing, can't you read?
It got the PM to say nice things about Alan Turing. Not that he had anything to lose by doing so.

>> No.3717142

Even if you post news on this on dannychoo.com , Danny will end up being in a position where he cannot comment either way.

>> No.3717154

I'm not happy about this. I'm just pointing out that people who give two shits about loli one way or the other are in the minority by far. If forced to pick a side, they'd go with the people saying "Ban child porn!" rather than the ones saying "Drawing children having sex is a human right" any day of the week.

>> No.3717155

Tolerance of wrongdoing is cowardice. Sustained tolerance of wrongdoing takes a sin of omission to the level of commission. What may begin as fear of leaving a comfort zone becomes cowardice by the continued acceptance of wrong.

>> No.3717164

If the vast majority of society accepts something as right and proper, is it really a wrongdoing?

>> No.3717173

n the end, the worst sin is to establish what is wrong to be normal.

The corruption of our morals and ethics is not a sudden jump to evil. In fact, there was no jump at all. It is a daily process of surrendering our conscience to convenience, or surrendering what is good for others to what is good only for us or our families. It is the victory of selfishness and the defeat of the common good.

In the past, the use of force determined much of what was right or wrong. Conquerors set the definition of what is both legal and moral. Sometimes, the conquered would rebel. Most of the time, they would not succeed and suffer even a worse fate. That is why history can point to more conquests than successful rebellions.

>> No.3717184

That's why the politically prudent thing to do is to appeal to general principles.
"Freedom of expression" - it's traditional, non-controversial.
"No drawings should ever be illegal" - consequence of above. How controversial? I dunno.

>> No.3717188

Yes /moralfag

>> No.3717189

As much as I enjoy your quoting(?) I'm having difficulty determining what you're actually trying to say.

>> No.3717192

in other words, the increase of paranoia is just that. If "security" is of so much value that the common sense runs totally against incriminating something that is totally fictional and harms no one, then yes society's "norms" are essentially wrong.

>> No.3717197

Simply put, I am summarizing the descent of Britain into a nanny state/thought police/Airstrip one.

>> No.3717204

They're just joining the growing list of such countries.

>> No.3717208

I would agree, but no doubt people will go on about unknown effects of consumption of this sort of thing, and that it would eventually harm children. Course it's unproven, and almost certainly incorrect, but the claim has been made many times.

>> No.3717210

You really don't need to go into philosophical wankery over something like this.

Loli is seen as pedophilia.
People hate pedophiles.
Thus, they're not going to try and save pedophiles.

>Freedom of expression
>In England, which doesn't have a constitution.
That isn't going to fly at the best of times. We've outlawed anything that might be "offensive" to other cultures, like flying the English flag on what used to be the holiday of our country's patron saint. People accepted that, bar a few grumblings. You really think they're going to care about this?

>How controversial is that going to be?
Very. The second someone asks "What drawings are you trying to make legal then?" you'd be spat on.

>> No.3717217

>We've outlawed [...] flying the English flag on what used to be the holiday of our country's patron saint.
What? Proof pls.

>> No.3717230

At the end of the day though, they're not gonna go hunting for people who have loli on their HDs.

Chances are they'll use it as extra sauce for people who have real CP as well rather than going after people with loli specifically.

I mean heck, they passed the 'anti-violent porn' act a while back, and look at how many people that has brought to 'Justice'.

>> No.3717238

It's sad because it's true.

>> No.3717259

Move to Finland. Due to population over-education they're having a hard time getting manual labors, so immigrants are pretty accepted there.

Great internet, great education system, great laws etc etc.

>> No.3717260


This is just how it starts.

>> No.3717280

>Introduces measures to prevent offenders profiting from accounts of their crimes.

Don't move to the UK, OJ.
in before he was acquitted

>> No.3717294


But he's already serving time.

>> No.3717303

For a completely different crime.

>> No.3717315

Not outlawed literally, but every year there are parades cancelled and flags torn down for being "offensive".

I'm finding it hard to find a good example, because it's the sort of story that attracts rag newspapers, rather than creditable ones.

That, and I made the mistake of assuming that when I've heard people rant about how it was "because they're offensive" they were talking out of their mouth, not their arse. Checking has found that most of them are because of "health and safety".

>> No.3717381

The problem with bills like this is that it sets a precedence.
"Well, the anti-loli bill went through the parliament, so anti-soandso bill should pass as well."
"We're already outlawing this, so we can add that to the banned list."

>> No.3719226

>Is Monopoly really played with pounds in Britland?


>> No.3719242

Wont stop me from downloading loli.

>> No.3719271

You guys are fags. Loli isn't under 18. The law will ban anything without gigantic tits and pubes everywhere. No highschool bullshit allowed.

>> No.3719332

1. Go to fakku
2. Choose random doujin
3. ????
4. CP!

>> No.3719365

England are a bunch of fucked up facists anyway, I wish they would have lost World War 2 so we could wipe them off the map as well.

>> No.3719375


Thanks for the facepalm, good sir.

>> No.3719395

What's the worst that they can do to me for possessing Negima in England?

>> No.3719414
File: 9 KB, 210x251, 1238483742364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well enjoy your police state britfags.

>> No.3719424
File: 34 KB, 760x378, 128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3719457

so amazon and all other dvd retailers are now guilty of distributing CP?

>> No.3719471

Time to learn a different language and move somewhere else. Though, this might only encourage other countries to start pulling off the same shit.

I'm pretty worried about seeing Ar Tonelico III over here now, what with the flat chested girls taking off pieces of clothing.

Also, assuming a character is underaged because they have a flat chest is stupid.

>> No.3719500

Hahaha. Fuck England. There is literally no reason to live there in this day and age. Even if you don't like America or Australia (Ew, who would?) there are freer English-speaking nations in mainland Europe.

>> No.3719521

I am truly sorry for you guys. The only thing left for you is to hope that it won't be enforced. My condolences.

>> No.3719539


I'm sure they'll enforce it, just like piracy and such. Chances are there's nothing at all to worry about so I'm really not concerned with this bill passing.

>> No.3719565

>I'm sure they'll enforce it, just like piracy and such.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you typo'd.

>> No.3719731
File: 185 KB, 1278x714, mikadeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update- Royal assent was granted yesterday, the Coroners and Justice Bill is now an act of parliament. 3 years in prison for any pictures you might have of drawn girls who don't have breasts large enough to satisfy a panel of normalfags that they might not be under 18 (note that being under 18 is the problem, not being a child, anyone who thinks they're safe with ordinary big breasted high school doujins. Under the wording of the law, even a school uniform would probably be enough to send you down.)

>> No.3719736

Wow, you guys are fucked. My condolences.

>> No.3719737


It was sarcasm, Anonymous. That's why I said there's nothing to worry about, my ISP certainly doesn't care at least.

>> No.3719742

Could the following happen?

1. Englishman visits /jp/
2. Someone posts image of naked 1000 year old female
3. Image gets saved to cache
4. Grounds for arrest?

>> No.3719748


Is she flat-chested? Is it on your computer? If the answer to both of these is yes, then you probably can.

Still awfully glad the penalty for loli here is pretty much a ludicrous fine and a slap on the wrist.

>> No.3719749

Yes, even caching counts as creating an image.

>> No.3719757

I will murder every government if this happens for ever and ever

>> No.3719778

[citation needed]

>> No.3719785

History is against you, my friend.

>> No.3719786

As if deleting your cache is either difficult or time consuming. There's even a 'do it for me' button in the browser options.

>> No.3719787


>Latest news

>Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the Bill it received Royal Assent on 12 November.

>The Bill is now an Act of Parliament (law).

>> No.3719791
File: 148 KB, 1279x712, kanamumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3719801




Where a person is charged with an offence under section 60(1), it is a defence

for the person to prove any of the following matters—



that the person had a legitimate reason for being in possession of the

image concerned;

>I wanted to fap to this image in the privacy of my own home whilst involving no other party in the act nor affecting any person in existence, physically or mentally, alive or dead.

>> No.3719811


I would love it if that defence actually held up in a court of law.

>> No.3719818

># Simplifies language in the offence of assisting or encouraging suicide

Does that mean that I can't tell you to go kill yourself OP?

>> No.3719821
File: 205 KB, 1278x721, kana2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking that normal people will ever accept that over the prosecutions cries of "IT'S SICK AND DISGUSTING". Or that people will ever admit that fapping is a normal thing that every man is driven to do.

>> No.3719828


Do I have to remind you that in Australia a guy was charged for possessing simpsons porn?

>> No.3719830

>Thinking that the courts are overly swayed by tabloid headlines.

>> No.3719833


Yes, though he only recieved a $3000 fine and a 2 year good behaviour bond. Hardly as bad as whats going on in England now. I mean, I can still have flat-chested females who look over 18 on my computer, they can't.

>> No.3719843

Sure. All of them Japanese junior idols.
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.3719846
File: 191 KB, 1280x719, GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A person (“D”) commits an offence if—


D does an act capable of encouraging or assisting the suicide or

attempted suicide of another person, and



D’s act was intended to encourage or assist suicide or an

attempt at suicide.

Technically, yes. But there is a vagueness about what they mean by an act capable of encouraging suicide.
Judging from the way they were talking about it in the commons though, if some attention seeker starts posting on your forum or messageboard about how he's going to kill himself unless lots of people look at him and pay attention to him, it will be a serious crime to tell them to fuck off and kill themselves, and instead everyone has to be very nice to them etc.

>> No.3719847


My my, you are awfully vigorous tonight.

>> No.3719848


They actually are, the jury at least and there are common cases of courts having to dismiss charges because of a compromised jury.


Wasn't the charge possession of child pornography? I don't think that judgment would be much different from other minor possession cases and he would also probably be on a pedophile list of some sort now.

>> No.3719850

Get out, idolfag.

>> No.3719851

That's it guys, this is the last straw. I think I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.3719859


From what I read it was deemed a "special case", so I don't think any action was taken in that regard.


I like it how you regurgitate the same insult over and over, its very cute.

>> No.3719863



Oh shit I'm going to be arrested.

>> No.3719866

I agree, idolfags like you don't belong here. Git.

>> No.3719879

I honestly have no idea why people tolerate living in that shithole UK anymore.

>> No.3719881

Alice were you that one Australian who tried to import u18 idol videos over a year ago and had them opened and checked by customs?

>> No.3719885

My parents/free-ride live here. If I left I'd have to work really hard for a much shitter life than what i currently have.

>> No.3719887

Because all the other English speaking countries are shit too. America is slightly better, but that's it.

>> No.3719952

pedo scum deserve it

>> No.3719964

>cartoon child porn gets banned

>> No.3719966

Yeah, I feel safer that the unbalanced psychos that were being kept in check by some drawings will now be on my streets prowling for real kids, now that both are equally illegal.

>> No.3719967
File: 104 KB, 450x600, rika_display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you break the law to possess indecent pictures of Rika?

>> No.3719976

>both are equally illegal.

Are you implying that they can now send people to jail for possessing drawings?

I mean... dude... jail... for drawing?

>> No.3719980


>> No.3719982 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 549x800, 1249258079399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But of course.

>> No.3719986

I'm not sure. Would Rika approve?

>> No.3719999

But if I draw my loli material for myself for private use?

>> No.3720005 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x2013, rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listed as a legitimate defense:
>(b) that the person had not seen the image >concerned and did not know, nor had any cause to >suspect, it to be a prohibited image of a child;

spoiler image tags FTW. Beautiful picture of cherry blossoms related.

>> No.3720010

Reported For illegal content

>> No.3720048


Perhaps so but that isn't stopping you from fapping to it.

>> No.3720358
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x1024, byashou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But officer, they're over 1000 years old!

>> No.3720378
File: 17 KB, 600x140, blackbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3720380

Do not worry aniki. Loli will be unbanned again because Lolis have superior carbon-footprint than your average adult whores. Believe.

>> No.3720413

Any drawing where the character looks like it might be below 18 is banned. Enjoy being v& for having high school drawn pr0n. 17 is still illegal.

>> No.3720418

I remember somebody being banned for "abusing report button, loli is not illegal." reason.

>> No.3720420

In the uk its an offence to withold cryptographic information.

I think the old thermite in the hard drive trick will work best.

and even beyond that, all isps have black box data which government can access, so they can even get you for downloading it inthe first place :(

>> No.3720425

what if she's drawn 17 with the mannerisms of a grade schooler?

>> No.3720436

Does it really matter? Both are ILLEGAL. God damn. 17 is still below 18.

>> No.3720456

What if I draw it, then lock it away for 18 years?

>> No.3720483

Have fun with your big brother. That's what you get for being an ignorant coolaid drinking hipster believing hurr liberals durr is the next coming of Jesus no matter what.
Same with the US. But that's different story, because the US are already lost and the UN and their partners made their plans decades ago of how to destroy amerikka from inside with the endgame centered around segregation and occupation by foreign international troops to shift their culture into a proper european style authoritarian semi-serfdome society. The difference is that Europe will be transformed as well into the post-industrial society, so it's not just an assimilation of the two cultures but a coming of a completely new age, best descriped as neo-feudalism, serfdome and mass poverty (in relation to current living standards in the west).

>> No.3720828


Again, my ISP couldn't give a shit. My unlimited package changed to some shitty 20GB monthly allowance package for some reason and I ended up getting a bill for over £500 because I downloaded over 1TB of data that month. Most of which was either pirated music/games or massive batches of loli doujins/hentai. I phoned them up and they didn't question why I had downloaded so much or anything, they sorted out my package and gave me a free month to boot, shit was pretty cash.

>> No.3720843

I like how the UK opted out of the fundamental human rights part of the Lisbon Treaty. You're now on the level of Poland. Enjoy your police state.

>> No.3720857 [DELETED] 

>What if I draw it, then lock it away for 18 years?

>> No.3720866

>But if I draw my loli material for myself for private use?

>> No.3720963

I hear Finland is good about freedoms?

>> No.3720987

In Sweden a 9 year old kid (11 at the time of receiving his sentence from a law suit) is expected to pay back 200 000 euro for burning a house down.

Got to love the concept of "Don't let pedo's ruin your kids whole life, let the insurance company do it."

Not to mention that having sex at the age of 16 means you ruin your whole life 16-100 years and it is terrible. Having sex at 18 and ruining 18-100 years is perfectly fine.

Sometimes I wonder why there are less than 1% of the population that were granted a brain at birth.

>> No.3721007

Yeah. Their neighbor country even have a pro-piracy political party; PIRATPARTIET is established after all those thepiratebay shutdown. Free information anyone? The general political climate in Finland is more or less the same.

>> No.3721029

Finland has a Pirate Party as well, as do several other European countries.

>> No.3721042

Thanks for the update. I haven't followed the topic since long.

>> No.3721051

Right, I'm getting the fuck out of here.

>> No.3721948
File: 24 KB, 327x180, 5girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is marriage sexual enough to be illegal?

>> No.3721990

Reported for underage children

>> No.3722007

I'm going to draw a picture of the The Queen as a loli and jerk off to it, TRY AND STOP ME MI-5.

>> No.3722011
File: 68 KB, 574x747, Princess_Elizabeth_of_York&#44;_Currently_Queen_Elizabeth_II_of_England&#44;1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw it I'll just fap to this.

>> No.3722012

Draw it well, and I'm okay with this.

>> No.3722034


Ok I was lying about drawing it, but I will picture >>3722011
nude. Also I'm just an American so it probably wont do much.

>> No.3722094
File: 81 KB, 600x800, ero-hime.1254034872663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are superior Japanese royalty to fap to.


>> No.3722152

The funny part is they already saw this coming 6 years ago.

Pedofinder General

>> No.3722261


>> No.3724646


>> No.3724739

Too old.

>> No.3724837

What are internet privacy laws like in the UK? Can ISPs snoop on you? How likely are you to get caught?

>> No.3725573
File: 24 KB, 251x251, 1254760928165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3725846


Its funny you should mention that.

