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37119595 No.37119595 [Reply] [Original]

If Remilia is about 500 years old and is from western origin, she would have experienced wars around the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Would she have used Flandre as a weapon to defend her mansion? And who would she have fought?

>> No.37120715
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>Would she have used Flandre as a weapon to defend her mansion?
Why would she? Remilia is a powerful being in her own right, she could easily take care of few annoying humans.
>And who would she have fought?
She's French, isn't she? She probably fought with soldiers of the 6th and 7th Coalition in 1810s, Prussian soldiers in 1870s and German soldiers during both World Wars.

>> No.37134166

She would probably send Sakuya or Meiling out first though.

>> No.37135685

yeah thats true she was the one who invented mustard gas

>> No.37135741

Wasn't there a revolution in France where they started decapitating nobles? How did Remi stay safe? Is this one of those cases where it's an open secret that the noble is a vampire, so no one dares messing with them?

>> No.37136988
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she could regenerate from just a head without trouble
vampires are very strong youkai, there's no way a bunch of guys with sticks can do anything to her. if somebody came, they would either be used as juice or processed into dog food for flan
she can't hide her wings, so it would be obvious she's a vampire if anybody saw her
depending on your interpretation of her ability, she could avoid any of that altogether
why would she send flan? she can summon devils, she could just send some mooks and not be bothered
this is true

>> No.37137425

>she could regenerate from just a head without trouble
I always felt those claims to be dubious. If youkai are so powerful, how come they haven't enslaved humans in the thousands of years we ran around with swords and spears?

>> No.37137459

it's complicated

>> No.37137470

sorry i meant this for >>37137425

>> No.37137507

she speaks (or writes) English and her last name is Scarlet

>> No.37142671

What was Hitler's favorite touhou?

>> No.37142767
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>> No.37143814


>> No.37154715


>> No.37154962

I can't believe she invented something so yummy. I'll have to thank her the next time I stop by the mansion for a hot dog grillout.

>> No.37155197

I wonder if there are any doujins about this
Honestly, it sounds interesting, I'm just imagining like a political intrigue kind of story.

>> No.37155308

>If a bag of rice is spilled on the ground, a vampire will have to count every grain.
Remilia must be some sort of idiot or masochist to move to Gensokyo.

>> No.37155387

>Please don't eat me rumia chan... I'll give you something good!
Turns out auswitch wasn't a camp, it was a kitchen.
Doesn't remi mention she's a relative of dracula? maybe she's romanian.

>> No.37155408

>If a bag of rice is spilled on the ground, a vampire will have to count every grain.
Luckily, the vampires have this guy on their team

>> No.37156730

>Doesn't remi mention she's a relative of dracula?
she claims that, but it's not true

>> No.37157656
File: 237 KB, 581x607, 1604659599898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you doubt Remimi Ojou-sama

>> No.37157777

her dad said so. i trust zun more than i trust remi, because she's a chuuni

>> No.37164961


>> No.37172436

Sakuya isn't 500 years old and Meiling probably didn't even meet Remilia until many years later.

>> No.37173722
File: 105 KB, 600x850, 1630601227017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute!

>> No.37174943

beautiful ojou sama

>> No.37178811
File: 540 KB, 1543x2048, 8cb856926592e14017dd15b2c82e2ca9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37179963
File: 657 KB, 800x1119, 28973169_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wars around the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

I wonder if she would handle wars more defensively, or be willing to have limited engagement for war profiteering to maintain her aristocratic position in the world .

>> No.37180136

I thought the fandom’s consensus is she’s from Eastern Europe

>> No.37180374

She probably doesn't know anything about tactics or military warfare. she probably spent most of her time as Count Saint Germain, going from royal court to royal court across Europe.

>> No.37188815

I also thought that.

>> No.37190350
File: 724 KB, 1000x1400, Remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37199151
File: 843 KB, 664x889, S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
