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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 400x395, Sokulogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3711374 No.3711374 [Reply] [Original]

Because /jp/ deserves one
Hostan Canadia

>> No.3711496



>> No.3711502

Good games, those were a fun set of matches

>> No.3712338

Hosting if anyone is around this late.
US Midwest.

>> No.3713959

Bump for a host!

>> No.3714055

Well, no one, as usual. I'll go back to my usual VN reading, I guess.

>> No.3714855


>> No.3714900

Everyone's gone to rizon.

>> No.3714901 [DELETED] EU
Now, where was I?

>> No.3714915


>> No.3714949

You're all going to jail for this. I sent some of your IPs to IWF, telling them that you spammed cp on my imageboard. http://www.iwf.org.uk/reporting.htm

>> No.3715022

The heck is going on?

>> No.3715031

had to afk for a sec then it crashed

>> No.3715038

Well, good games profile1P. That was a fun China you have and it's too bad the game crapped out repeatedly for some reason. You ought to pick a profile name that people can remember you by.

>> No.3715490
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.03 - Spectators: OK
Advanced Yukari/Patchouli

Hosting since the thread could use a boost, and I haven't hosted here for a while.

>> No.3715659

Thanks for keeping my thread alive, you faggots. ;_;

Might host later, I feel awful at the moment.

>> No.3715774
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>> No.3715792
File: 35 KB, 400x500, 55d40ac892cc8569e91217d80b582db3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3715801

GGs E-man. I hope I wasn't too hard on you. Tried to take it easy in the jp spirit.

>> No.3715830

GGs Dim

Fun stuff, and I finally got to play you again! I'm still LOLing at the pro-level escapes on both my Nuke card and the ingenious escape of Sanae's Lv5 card.

>> No.3715870

>I hope I wasn't too hard on you.

If that was EASY MODO Dimglow, I look forward to the rageworthy challenge the next time we play then.

>> No.3715891

cool lag, bro

>> No.3715928


This thing crashed, rehosting~

>> No.3716109

GGs Johan

Don't know why we're having lag spikes and slowdown when we're both Central, but DAMN!! I called myself switching to a character that was lag-friendly, but looks like that was a failure. Guess next time, I'll have to use Yuyu-sama or Suika like everyone else... I did like those Reimu cornerstrings you were doing, though.

>> No.3716144


No idea why my router hates me, we play without lag before, and those strings were some I used on SWR, they were easy to do and gives a boost on defense(alt214b). I dislike reimu alt 421b now it has less priority

>> No.3716444


>> No.3716450 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on www RIGXLWKGtalk com (replace "RIGXLWKG" with "anon"). We are tired of your fucking spam, DDoS a ttacks and trolling. You are the asshole of the Internet.

>> No.3717712


>> No.3717725

Don't pointlessly bump a thread, either post an IP for people to connect to or discuss the game.

>> No.3718353

Anyone around? Willing to host

>> No.3718393

Was thinking about hosting when I bumped, but decided not to afterward. I didn't think I'd have the patience to wait an hour.

>> No.3718473


Can Central.

>> No.3718598
US Midwest

>> No.3718661

Good games Fox Hunter! You're really difficult to approach in melee, as you have that great okuu graze trap I always fall for. In the Okuu mirror I couldn't tell which one was mine and just tapped a for my life in some of those heated corner battles.

>> No.3718663

ggs Rabbit-Box

Much too tired though, it's past my bedtime.

>> No.3718675


Guess that's the reason I'm still up... I'm bored and can't get to sleep, so c'mon, Rabbit, First to 5 wins. Put me out of my misery!

>> No.3718687

ggs tired, time to sleep

>> No.3718694

Good games and have a good night.

US Midwest

>> No.3718812

Good games E-Man.
I can't believe I played as poorly as I did. It's only been a few days since the last time I've played.

>> No.3718814

GGs Duck

Wasn't planning to play long, but those were some fun matches. Not accusing you of counterpicking (it's fuckin casuals LOL), but I have to know why so many people pick Tenshi/Komachi against my Alice. It's like a phenomenon or something... Looks like you out-IceFished me again, but I've picked up something during that last match that might prove interesting and make me stick with that gay ass Reimu counter card... TO THE E-MAN LAB!!

>> No.3718829

>Not accusing you of counterpicking (it's fuckin casuals LOL), but I have to know why so many people pick Tenshi/Komachi against my Alice
I didn't do it on purpose or anything I just felt like playing her. Tenshi's lasers slice through Alice's dolls pretty well but I'm sure there's more to it than that.

>> No.3718845

Hmm, that does make sense.

>> No.3719275 ; 10800 aus

>> No.3720492

Bump for a host!

>> No.3720530

Come on. Show me your moves.

>> No.3720643

So where is 1.10? I thought Tasofro said it was coming some time in early October. Now we're 5 weeks past that.
Are any major conventions or events coming that 1.10 might be tied to?

>> No.3720664 [DELETED] 

stop spamming and attacking www . anuntelk . com please (nun = non, tel = tal).

>> No.3720726

Anybody up for hosting? I would, but my apartments router has something up with it that won't allow me.

>> No.3720741
Hosting from Atlanta, GA, USA.
Version 1.03 - Spectators: OK
Advanced Yukari/Patchouli

>> No.3720778

Sorry bro, not letting me connect for some reason.

>> No.3720798

If I remember correctly, it's supposed to come out in SPRING.

>> No.3720807

Aww. I'd like to experience getting raped in SWR2 by Dimglow but sadly not now since I have to head out. Hope you'll still be hosting later today.

>> No.3720814


>> No.3720834

This is really frustrating. I'm always bumping the threads, asking for hosts, and no one hosts. And as soon as someone hosts, it's immediately impossible to join.

>> No.3720839

Same. The mizuumi irc is nice, but they're still a bit better than me so I strive to find games here. Still have had no luck.

>> No.3720844

If you have access to your router, try restarting it. Power cycle. Maybe your modem too.

>> No.3720871

I don't get why people get the pressing need to sandbag after winning.
Bad games.

>> No.3720878

Still nothing. I can watch >>3720741 though.

>> No.3720884

If you say so. It had more to with dropping inputs. I dropped a half dozen 214s in a row with Tenshi, which stopped the frametrap, then had a bunch of 236s come out as random DPs. GGs.

>> No.3720885

Hrm. Maybe it's on my end then.

God I hope not.

>> No.3720967

Hey thanks for playing, I guess that's what I get for trying to play against someone "Advanced".

>> No.3720968

GGs Akagi. I was hoping you'd use Missing Purple Power so I could've just pushed you away with Patchy right after teleporting away with Yukari.

>> No.3721070

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3721171

Come on.

>> No.3721291

>> No.3721540

That's it for me this time, it was fun playing with you though.
good games.

>> No.3721548

GGs, you time your spellcards really well.

I'm getting "not having played for weeks" syndrome, forgot what to do with some characters.

>> No.3721579

Bump for a few games.

>> No.3721802

Moving to the front!

>> No.3722178


>> No.3722252 australia

>> No.3722267

No, not "everyone". I'm never going there.

>> No.3722270

Well, I guess I had fun while it lasted. See you probably when the next patch is out.

>> No.3722306
File: 243 KB, 714x553, 1199669029902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
"D tier is best" skill level.

>> No.3722590

It's funny how hosts and people looking for hosts seem to never be here at the same time. Stopped hosting, try again tomorrow perhaps.

>> No.3723235 [DELETED] 

bump for hosts

>> No.3723254 [DELETED] Central

Futilely hosting tier

>> No.3724535

bump for casual shitty-tier play

>> No.3724555


>> No.3724564

If I had known you were here I would have hosted. Oh well, maybe later today after getting some sleep.

>> No.3724577

gg bro... the lag is horrible ;_;

>> No.3724581

I'm bored enough to play, but not in the Matrix.

>> No.3725288


>> No.3725819

Never give up.

>> No.3725894


>> No.3726037

Rehosting on

>> No.3726046

Odd, can't join you still. Was netplaying with a bro yesterday after I attempted last time, so I don't think it's anything on my end. Could likely be, though, as we did hamachi and circumvented some stuff doing so.

>> No.3726084

GGs Nintendawgz.
Rehosting again.

>> No.3726085

Good games, don't think I've ever been routed so completely before. You're crazy at this.

>> No.3726125

Any other host? My good ol' Suika is waiting for someone to take it easy.

>> No.3726150

I guess you don't feel like playing seriously today, either.

>> No.3726161

Playing seriously on /jp/ just causes drama. But if you really want me to I'll rehost. But if you play nothing but China, I'm going to pick other characters to at least entertain myself. I'm not here for you to grind your DP mashing on.

>> No.3726166

Goddamnit, I want to join, but you beat me so badly yesterday that I think I'm not going to bother you today.

>> No.3726195

u mad?

>> No.3726221

Seriously, come on. There must be another host, right?

>> No.3726241

I was waiting for Dimglow, but he just broke out Patchi. This could take a while.... Central

>> No.3726296

I'm not the one that ragequit, and I was having fun doing acrobatic Marisa combos.
Sorry if someone was waiting. I might host again later. But I was hosting simultaneously in IRC and /jp/, first come first serve.

>> No.3726300

ragequit more like why am I stomping you quit

>> No.3726425

GGs E-MAN, I had a lot of fun! Hope it was reciprocal, even if I only played with Suika.

>> No.3726431

GGs, Akagi

Thanks for the crazy matches there, especially towards the end! Don't know where the spikes started coming from, there was a smooth connection the first two sets, but whatever, still some enjoyably close call matches.

>> No.3726441

LOL, you say this everytime. Don't care who you play, as long as the matches are fun. ...and not 5B spammy...

>> No.3726466

Someone tell me why did I delete this game yesterday if I still like playing with it. Thank god, at least I've saved all of my 373 replays... well... it's not like I'm going to watch them in the near future or someone else will see them even ever but still...

Damn, I'm suddenly feeling fucking stupid again

>> No.3726474

Haha, yeah, I do, probably because I understand it can be boring for some people to play against the same character a lot. If you had fun then it's the principal.

>> No.3726561

You know A-... Aki-... A-something, the only reason why I dislike playing with you is your apologetic behaviour after the matches


>> No.3726881

Don't worry about it too much. I've got over 2000 replays that I"ll never watch. By this point, they're only good for telling me how many games I've played.

US Midwest

>> No.3726963


>> No.3726967 west coast

Hosting for a total of 30 seconds before giving up tier

>> No.3726985

Well, I'm definitely one of the worst players around here, I'm not going to be retarded enough to brag about how good I am, when all I do is barely mashing buttons for funny results. And take it easy, I think that's something /jp/ is forgetting quite easily lately.

>> No.3727003


Pfft. I doubt you are THAT bad. Then again, I haven't actually played against you.

>> No.3727029

Any new patches for this?

I'm on 1.02.

>> No.3727032

I think you are in a great misunderstanding A-someting-san. What I told was the fact that you are repeating yourself in every post of yours thinking that you are bad and not paying attention to your surrounding. You should notice that nobody ever told you that you are bad or it is bad to play with you... except me?

I'm the antagonist here and you are not our Mesousa!

>> No.3727109

Ugh, rehosting.

I lack my blazing soku fighting spirit today. Expect me to leave after a few.

>> No.3727145


Did all EU hosts die or something?

>> No.3727153

see >>3726466
But it's not like we ever had more than 6 EU players around here so my argument is invalid

>> No.3727189

Good games, Bizarnes.

You need to rolltech more, and block on wakeup. Otherwise you're going to get corner raped.

>> No.3727205


Indeed. I forget how aggressive people can be compared to the computers.

>> No.3727243

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3727275

Good games as always.
A good night's rest makes a world of difference. I did a whole lot better than last time.

>> No.3727277

GGs Duck

Good matches! That Clones SC > super armor you did during the Reisen match was pretty sweet!

>> No.3727562

Good games, Duckator. Youmu parry is awesome, it's a shame I suck at Youmu herself.

I had more comments but I forgot them all. Blah.

>> No.3727575

Good games Lurk.
Reimu's alt 623 is pretty useless isn't it?
At least you got the hang of Youmu's counter.

>> No.3727585

Haha yeah it is, but it's fun at least. There were a couple times where I tried to use her normal DP without realising I was running the copter.

>> No.3728153


>> No.3728468 [DELETED] 

bump for some leisurely games of SWR2

>> No.3729925


>> No.3733107
US Midwest

>> No.3733373

GGs, but my keyboard or the lag was dropping way too many inputs for me at the end. I didn't know that Tenshi was immune for the duration of that spellcard, though.

>> No.3733405
File: 54 KB, 640x480, lasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games.
I thought I was finished after you used this spellcard. I never would have thought that the lasers would cancel eachother out.


>> No.3733422

Geh, I now wish I had saved the replay, can you upload it somewhere? I'm not terribly proud of my playing there but it's worth it for the duelling 5-cards. Even though it didn't go as planned.

>> No.3733493

Sorry dude, but I'm completely outclassed, I had fun though. GG.

>> No.3733526

If I've only ever played against the AI, how will I do against a human opponent? The thought of getting completely schooled terrifies me.

>> No.3733534

Good games. You'll get better eventually.
All it takes is some practice.


Hosting again.

>> No.3733541

That's pretty much what will happen, especially now that only experienced players are playing anymore. Enjoy.

>> No.3733565

Don't let this deter you from playing though.

>> No.3733572

There's hope for you, though. There's plenty of new people learning all the time, and you learn much, much faster if you're playing against someone of high skill level as long as you don't panic.

... Also, there's an AI for the game that learns somewhere out there. I haven't used it myself because I mostly use Okuu and it's for the original game's characters only, but it will work with soku. I'm pretty sure the AI, once you've played it a few times, stays slightly better than you as you improve, so it'll be good matches after you get as good as it is.

>> No.3733604

Look on the bright side. Each time you get schooled, you learn something about the game. Eventually, you will do the schooling.

>> No.3733609

Thanks for the replay. I should probably save more, just from seeing that I noticed a few tendencies I have that I can work on, aside from getting a better keyboard.

>> No.3733621

Anyone currently hosting?

>> No.3733639 [DELETED] 

If you get scolded, scold them back! Then find out the reason why you got scolded, if you've really deserved the scolding apologise because you had talked back and a way to fix that little defect of yours

You'll face failures for the first time anyway, you better be prepared

>> No.3733641

If you get scolded, scold them back! Then find out the reason why you got scolded, if you've really deserved the scolding apologise because you had talked back and find a way to fix that little defect of yours

You'll face failures for the first time anyway, you better be prepared

>> No.3733642

Host if you can. If you don't you'll be playing the same few people over and over again, all of which are more experienced than you. When you host you'll have a better chance of playing someone around your skill level. Besides, these threads need more hosts anyway.

>> No.3733652

I've forwarded port 10800, is that all I need to do to host?

>> No.3733671

Yes, now you just have to post your ip and port in x.x.x.x:port format and wait for someone to join.

>> No.3733687
generally shit player, UK

>> No.3733697

just got my ass handed to me

>> No.3733741

good show, i'm gonna have to work on my decks a bit more

>> No.3733744

a question about forwarding ports, do i use TCP or UDP?

>> No.3733798

You shouldn't use a singe move over and over again if you keep getting punished for it. Every time I block your 22C I'm guaranteed a free hit. Also, just press esc instead of mashing the cancel button.

>> No.3733906

I'm pretty sure it's UDP, but you could just use both...

>> No.3734000

It's been a while since I last played this, I might be a bit rusty.

>> No.3734070

Bumping for players.

>> No.3734667

GGs, sir. I believe we just played 2 hours. And that's more than enough for me.

>> No.3734684

GGs. You were way out of my league, I got pushed to the corner way more often than I'd like. But fun games nonetheless.

>> No.3735344 [DELETED]
US Central

It's either play this or watch Colts/Pats. I choose this.

>> No.3737044

Late Night Hostan.

Can Central.

>> No.3737059

you guys playign the latest touhou game 12.3`?downloading right now...

>> No.3738703


>> No.3741357
File: 226 KB, 800x600, chinaanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
U.S. Central

I'm the only one left of my kind still playing this tier

>> No.3741380

Sorry, if it wasn't 2 AM and I didn't have to wake up at 6 AM I'd play you...

>> No.3741464


Wow I really suck.

>> No.3741484


Usually I'd randomize if that's the name of the game, but not after getting Remilia twice in a row, and Jokedeck Remi to boot! Fuck that noise! So sorry for the sudden Okuu breakout!

U.S. Central

I'm the only one left of my kind still playing this tier

>> No.3741488

If that's what you think, then play more to get better. I suck too, y'know.

>> No.3741496


Its fine my fault for not blocking more.

>> No.3741622

This must be Magister's Sakuya? Ugh, he uses the same Sakuya color I do plus his deck is similar (though the Perfect Maids are swapped out for Komachi's coin and stopwatch system card).

>> No.3741804 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East

>> No.3741841

GGs (for you...)

Nice beasting, there! Laughing to the point of tears over here and the point were it was just futile to even hold the back button anymore! Luckily, I learned some "new' Sakuya stuff I need to practice on, but as bad as my execution was this set, pfffffffft!

But it was fun, though, and eased my boredom, so I can't really complain. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.3741849

Well, it would explain the severe anal rape I just experienced, but I don't know, usually Mag would break out his Komachi, but this dude ran strictly Sakuya/Remi. Has Mag ever been known to run Remi?

>> No.3741871

He's probably experimenting with new characters or something. I know he was trying out Sakuya against Giant Tree not too long ago. Almost no one else uses Japanese phrases in the name field.

Man, I keep wanting to get a chance to play against him (to see if I'll be raped slightly less badly than the last time), but he doesn't show up here all that often and I refuse to go to that IRC channel.

>> No.3741915

Mag is west coast, can't host, and hasn't played soku in ages.

>> No.3741963

>Mag is west coast, can't host, and hasn't played soku in ages.
The first two are true. The last part, not so true.

>> No.3741988

Why, is he on rizon? LOL

>> No.3742097 [DELETED] 

Still waiting. I've already given up the last two times I tried hosting (after waiting an hour), going to be a bit more stubborn today.

>> No.3742256

yeah LOL I guess. "bump" for hosts

>> No.3742266

RAWs over. I'm rehosting.

U.S. Central

Not so ronery any more in SWR tier

>> No.3742282 [DELETED] 

Dude, I've been hosting for over 2 hours, and yet you "bump for hosts"? Are you kidding me?

>> No.3742315

Okay, stopped hosting.

Let me get this straight: I tried to connect, E-MAN was playing with who I presumed to be Magister, so after half an hour of spectating I started hosting. Waited 2 hours, no one connected. Then E-MAN rehosts and immediately gets a game. This is ridiculous.

>> No.3742350

Because I'm loved! LOL

...also a punching bag...

>> No.3742353

I did bump for hosts for a reason.

>> No.3742356 [DELETED] 

I understand there's the possibility people may not have been be able to connect, but you know, if that's the case, SAY SOMETHING. Then I would have realized immediately I'd have to fix my settings.

>> No.3742365

So you are purposefully trying to avoid playing me? Nice to know, I suppose.

>> No.3742392

Best ever tier

>> No.3742396

please who wants to play now.. i cnt host maby u could..

>> No.3742514

does anyone want 2 play? I got the game an hour ago and already beat lunatic, too easy so if anyone good wants to play give me your IP

>> No.3742547


>> No.3742601


Fun matches, but it's time to go cop my L4D2 now! Thanks for helping pass the time!

>> No.3742602


GGs, E-MAN and people still watch wrestling? lol

>> No.3742617

No offense to them, but that looks like something Lurker or Giant Tree would post as a joke.

>> No.3742618

LOL It's the manly version of a soap drama!

>> No.3742650

Pretty close. If it makes you feel any better we were giggling like schoolgirls when it happened, but >>3742396 was actually serious.

>> No.3742941 ausfag

>> No.3744193


>> No.3745168

Yeah, that was me. Sorry, I had to leave in a hurry, didn't even get to say good games.

Sakuya lost some key things, so I'm trying to see if she can still be good without using B loops as a crutch like in SWR(which I never liked in the first place).

Just trying new characters, I guess.

I'd play people in here more, but I figure nobody wants to fight a tourneyfag. Anytime you want, though, so long as I catch it.

>> No.3745197

I need a break from UFO.
Maybe getting beat up in SWR will help me clear my head.
US Midwest.

>> No.3745209 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming anonRalk dot com except with a `t` instead of `R` thanx

>> No.3745697

Thanks for the games, Duckator. I haven't given Komachi any love in a while, so I kinda splurged there, sorry.

>> No.3745710

Good games Magister.
Compared to you Byakuren is nothing. I'll finally be able to 1cc hard mode after that.

As you can tell, I don't know how to deal with pressure. I always try to dash out too early and your mixups made that even worse. Still, it was fun and I learned some new stuff.

>> No.3746261

bump for hosts

>> No.3747271

Back to the front page! Will host ins a few minutes, checking all my messages and shit.

>> No.3747364

I was about to host but then got sucked into Minecraft.

Another day, I guess.

>> No.3747415 Australia

>> No.3747522


>> No.3747524


GGs, I assume you're WC seeing as the game was playable.

>> No.3747526
U.S. Central

Sittan and waitan gaemu

>> No.3747528

Why is Soku so shitty compared to Melty Blood?

>> No.3747536

Central. Playable when I face Yuka or AoA, but not against you for some reason...

>> No.3747545


Yuka or AoA? Are they other australians I don't know about?

>> No.3747563


>> No.3747591 [DELETED] EC

Shit tier.

>> No.3747956

GGs, Ygg

Funny, I drop a game against a predominately Marisa player, only to have another predominately Marisa player join right after. You wouldn't happen to be an Aussie, would you?

Anyway, good games with some oddly balanced sets (almost every match went to Game 3). Those corner mixups of yours are a pain, and you're not the least bit routine, so it was a coin flip if I was going to escape and recoup or eat a half-combo+techtrap. What urked me the most was how you were poking out of my combos! For a second, I thought I was being routine, but you were even doing it during full Dial-As. I must learn of your mindreading skill someday, but for now, thanks for the games.

>> No.3747982

Good games to you as well. Hearing that I'm not at all routine must mean I'm finally doing something right, considering I've been nothing but routine. Guess I'll have to work on my tech traps now.

And no, I'm not an Aussie. Just another bored resident of that QUALITY state Ohio. Anyway, looking forward to our next great battle. Maybe I'll actually try and expand my roster...

>> No.3748003

Huzzah! I'm happy this thread is still around. Anyone hosting North America?

>> No.3748014

Sorry, I'm the last one left (unless Duck, Rabbit, or Tree comes back), and I'm about to go to bed.

>> No.3748020

But I am Rabbit

>> No.3748025

Give me a week and I'll be able to host again

>> No.3748030

..........*sigh*, fine.
U.S. Central

Rabbit Invitationar Onry

>> No.3748072 [DELETED] 


Person who was playing with me, please tell me you're in Australia or somewhere near there. I haven't had a low delay game like that in ages.

>> No.3748068


>> No.3748074


gg, are you in Australia?

>> No.3748077

Yes, for 3 more days.

>> No.3748084


Can central.

>> No.3748249 [DELETED] 

Don't know what happened, but I'm still here, Rabbit.

>> No.3748256

I know what happened, and I'm still here if you want to continue, Rabbit.

>> No.3748264

Ahh, looks like a desync that last match. I'm in awe of all the new tricks and techniques you picked up over the last two weeks E-MAN, while I've only practiced Hong for her charged attacks. I copied that Ran into teleport combo that you did from our Yukari/Suika matches and I like how you punish air teching with Youmu (which I will also have to copy). Good games!

>> No.3748440

GGs, Rabbit

LOL, you make it sound like I've been practicing over the past two weeks. Really, I've only been playing like 2 days A WEEK. Besides being busy in RL, this place is a desert now, almost tempting to go to IRC for matches.... Really, the only one who I've been testing is Aya. Must prepare to face a.a. in a Headstomping contest, and I want mine to be top notch. And I'm growing fond of trying to make Sanae work with my stubborn hands. Nothing impressive about my Flowchart Okuu.

BAAHH! Corner-locked again against Youmu and my Reimu squashed! I was happy when I found a great way out during that last match, but that was a once in a lifetime Daigo-esque execution that I'll NEVER be able to do again! And I keep trying to mimic your 2C hjc or 2C 214Bs, but it's like you have fuckin NOS on your Youmu when doing it.

I learn a lot of stuff facing you. It's been fun, but mornings are for sleeping. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.3748447

Good games for real this time! Most of my commentary is in >>3748264, but I'd also like to mention I really don't have flexibility in how I play Patchy. It seems you've gotten how I play her down and I had no chance after the first round to win. Also, in the last Youmu/Reimu match you simply having the pillar was a big enough threat such that I was wary of pressuring in the corners (I thought you would have used it if I tried for the low guard crush). Thanks for late night hostan.
