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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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370360 No.370360 [Reply] [Original]

since the shitstorm is gone

>> No.370368

I don't appear to have cowcaster configured.

I think I shall sleep instead.

>> No.370380

This is the eye of the storm

>> No.370386

i kind want to play but im instead going to hit the gym for some real workout

>> No.370402

oh u

>> No.370404

Link to the caster pls

>> No.370405

Thanks for sharing this valuable info with us.

>> No.370406

I would say that this belongs in /v/.

IAMP -> Videogame

IAMP -> Touhou -> Japan

It seems to fail the mod's direct-relationship test.

>> No.370409


or the changing room before the gas chamber

>> No.370416

In fact, there almost always seems to be an IAMP thread cluttering up the front-page of /jp/.

>> No.370431




>> No.370439

Both are not Japan-related enough, and both should be moved to /v/. Stop fagging up my discussion of Japan.

>> No.370443
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Stop being faggots and play already.

advanced beginner/ low intermediate.

>> No.370465

Silly, you think /v/ actually likes playing video games?

>> No.370467

But moot said to post touhou stuff here so yeah.

>> No.370481


IAMP -> Touhou -> Japan
YWUIG -> Touhou -> Japan

>> No.370616

Damn it, I hate ALICE. ARGH.

Still rehosting,

>> No.370636

I couldn't move. reconnect.

>> No.370634

Against Alice players that are not so great, there is a very, very simple answer to everything they do.


Good Alice players, on the other hand, will be able to capitalize on that blocking, but there aren't any of those here.

Just wait for your opening and take it when it comes. Patience is key. Once you know what openings look like you can work on getting through more complex traps that better players will pull on you.

>> No.370700

Damn it again, I'm not cut out for this game. ;_;

>> No.370711

Nah, I've just probably been playing this longer than you have. If you practice more, I'm sure you'll get better.

>> No.370738

Fighting games, in general, are hard to play.

IaMP is harder than most of them on a spacing and timing level, though the execution requirements for doing anything are, comparatively speaking, fairly low. Like, there's no need for kara cancelling tricks which many fighters pretty much require.

Focus on finding the right time and place to strike, rather than going for immediate results. You can work on combos later once you understand that.

>> No.370905

Thread nearly creeped by me.

US East.

>> No.371333

Good games, the three people I played.


>> No.371350

Holy shit Truth. You're the Truth on SW?!

>> No.371463

lol sorry about that. i just downloaded IaMP, and i was curious about how people play this game.

>> No.371481


Thanks for the games. Figured as much, as I havn't seen you participate in these threads yet.

>> No.371633

Sorry, "guy who couldn't connect" I'm closing my host for now.

>> No.371850

anyone up for a few games? IAMP intermediate/advanced player, or if you want to play SWR thats okay too (I suck there though).

>> No.372105

sorry, reconnect, i had pad problems

>> No.372126

uhh good game?

>> No.372192

who was that? Malty? gg

>> No.372212


So anyone else up?

>> No.372288

Want to play SWR? I've no-one to play against but Kelrey.

>> No.372294

alright lets play swr, im pretty damn bad though lol,

>> No.372332

wow whats with the lag

>> No.372373

woops sorry, wrong button, do you wanna continue? its laggy as hell

>> No.372375

Bad is an understatement. I got raped. Can't help but shake when I fight someone I've never played before...

>> No.372486

thats it gg, i ran out of ideas.

>> No.372496

GGs. You were definitely underrating yourself. I got pummeled hard for a while (Two near perfects in one match? Christ.).I lurk /jp/ all the time, so I hope I can play you again.

>> No.372500

Sure lol, My strenght is IAMP though, I hadnt played SWR in like ... 3 months or something, its fun for a while but then i really dont know what to do. You got some good stuff.

>> No.372507

I'd play you there, but I've got that caster problem, and it just won't work for me.

Besides, I honestly suck HARD at IaMP.

>> No.372514

Why won't it work?

>> No.372517

It's there on the wiki when you download the caster. It says that there are people who just can't get it to work, and there's nothing that can be done. I'm one of them.

>> No.372523

I am the maintainer of CowCaster.

Be specific, please, because if SWRCaster works and CowCaster doesn't then something is severely fucked up with your configuration.

>> No.372552

I follow the same steps for any caster (same folder, etc.,), but it always brings me to the main menu after debugging. Opening ports does nothing. I'm not sure if this is related to the problem that prevents CowCaster from working, but I can't host for any caster at all.

>> No.372562

Opening ports will only fix networking issues related to hosting, not critical Caster issues.

Is this with the 080326 version? Because that should be fixed once and for all in that revision.

>> No.372570

Actually no, my version is older than that. I'll go check for the most recent version.

>> No.372582

Wow, like magic, I'm brought to the character select screen for once. I guess this means I can finally get raped at IaMP.

>> No.372585

There you go then.

>> No.373691
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>> No.374296
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I won one game of ten and that was only vs China ;_;
It has been to long since I played IaMP, I could barely remember the basic moves, and besides that, it was also the first time I play versus another player, such big a diffrence compared to the Computer.
But anyhow, GG it a pleasure to play vs you.

Anyone up for SWR?

>> No.374341

Host, please.

>> No.374383


>> No.374411

So laggy...

>> No.374413

Noh, I hope my hands aren't shaking anymore.

>> No.374553

It's so laggy...do you want to try to reconnect?

>> No.374617

This time I only won two rounds out of six matches. I got totally owned, but still it was a pleasure playing vs you.

But I was just wondering since this was my first time playing SWR netplay, does it usally lag that much?

>> No.374638

No sorry I can't host any more game, I have to go.

And thanks for answering my question before I even asked it, heh

>> No.374697

Oh well, GGs. Just to be specific, it seemed like it was stuck at half speed. Usually the only time lag occurs is during rain.

>> No.375007

I'm back, anyone up for either a IaMP or a SWR game? IP:

>> No.375056
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>> No.375058

why would you choose 10 delay, 8 is fine, well i mean its shitty but better than 10

>> No.375152

good games, the delay was too high lol

>> No.375161

It was not so laggy. Almost got your Youmu one time.. but it was only an almost ;_;

>> No.375868

IAMP hosting: Inermediate/Advanced player
