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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 293 KB, 1821x1159, jpconfederateflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3703563 No.3703563 [Reply] [Original]

It's about time we had a /jp/ meetup in the deep south.

>> No.3703564


>> No.3703574

No Arc.

>> No.3703576

I live in Arkansas, but I'm not going to your meetup because I am not a faggot.

>> No.3703578

This, exactly.

>> No.3703579

>I live in Arkansas
>I am not a faggot.

>> No.3703587
File: 66 KB, 315x305, arc21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I live in New York.

I am glad that I am always on your mind, though.

>> No.3703589
File: 2.37 MB, 240x180, lebronLOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in Arkansas
>I am not a faggot.

>> No.3703592

I live in Atlanta, Georgia.

Deep enough?

>> No.3703596

Where are you guys at anyway? Alabama here.

>> No.3703597

Arkansas isn't even the deep south.

>> No.3703598

what exactly are your reasons for thinking living in Arkansas makes me a faggot? I'm curious.

>> No.3703599

Suburb of Philadelphia, PA

>> No.3703601

hahaha, oh you guys.

>> No.3703603

I live in souther Canada, is that south enough?

>> No.3703604

South Florida here, not much more south you can get.

>> No.3703609

I live in missouri, do yalls think us south enough?

>> No.3703608

I learned something about subregions of the United States today.

>> No.3703618
File: 35 KB, 222x254, k2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy Fawkes masks and suits are too /b/ so this is the official uniform of the /jp/ deep south meetup.

>> No.3703619

Only straight person out of Arkansas was Bill Clinton.

>> No.3703621

BR here.
I report u.

>> No.3703624

Half of /jp/ is gay, I don't think that's a problem.

>> No.3703627
File: 2 KB, 123x84, Texas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3703637


>implying everyone from the deep south is an inbred redneck

Cry more, weeaboo.

>> No.3703654
File: 38 KB, 800x533, 800px-Confederate_National_Flag_since_Mar_4_1865.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proud Georgia boy here. I am currently wasting away in San Antonio, TX at the moment though.

>> No.3703682

Thanks for proving him right, inbreed redneck.

>> No.3703700

Sounds like someone's mad because he didn't get to fuck his sister.

>> No.3703699


>> No.3703705

Where in New York, man?

>> No.3703706


>implying rednecks browse 4chan, let alone have internet

>> No.3703728

North Carolinian says this is the best thread on /jp/.

>> No.3703743



I'm only two hours away from New York City.

>> No.3703746



>> No.3703760

Yeah, I know a couple of you guys live in Georgia (within or near Atlanta). So do I, but I have no desire of meeting any of you.

>> No.3703779

Savannah Georgia FTW.

This thread is an eyesore.

Can I come over to your house and fuck you?

>> No.3703782

What's the matter? Are we not NORMAL enough to be your FRIENDs?

>> No.3703791

If anyone is willing to drive to Lubbock, Texas then I'd hang out with you all. Personally, the idea of having to drive at least six hours to get to anywhere of use within Texas then X hours anywhere else kind of kills my desire to go out.

>> No.3703790

I'm not him, but I honestly can't imagine anything I would want to do with a /jp/ anon that requires face to face interaction besides gay sex

>> No.3703803

>If anyone is willing to drive to Lubbock, Texas then I'd hang out with you all.
Even if I was black?

>> No.3703812

sorry brah i'm too busy with COLLEGE (at tech) to meet up with you fatasses!

>> No.3703818


Yes, I'm that bored. College towns aren't that enjoyable if you aren't attending college anymore and all of the people you knew went back to their respective homes to get jobs. At least tuition is cheaper for me if I choose to go back to college.

>> No.3703835

Even worse. Now I better desperately hope that UGA will accept me. Or I'll just aim for State if nothing else.

>> No.3703838

I'm in GA. I wish Arc lived near me.

>> No.3703851
File: 65 KB, 295x309, evolution-theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3703863

I live in Windsor, SC, THE DEEPEST.

>> No.3703870

Sup bro. I didn't know there were any other alabamans on here.

>> No.3703881

One question? How is this thread not identical to /b/'s [insert_Nation] report in, threads.

Georgiafags report in! xD

Seriously /jp/, this is the worst I've seen you in months.

>> No.3703885

Welcome to /jp/ enjoy your stay.

>> No.3703895

Atlanta here, but I'm getting the hell out in a month or two.

>> No.3703903

I LOL'D because it's true. Just like College Station and the surrounding small towns, I wouldn't be caught dead in Lubbock. Might be some of the nicest, most hospitable people you may find in the world there, but my black ass ain't going to chance a good thing.

Always wondered how partying at Tech is compared to A&M and UT, though...

>> No.3703904

Are your parents moving?

>> No.3703912

Key West here, I'm more south than you.

>> No.3703914

stay away from santa fe, its about an hour or so south of San Antonio, and also the HQ of the KKK.

>> No.3703927

No, I'm leaving the country for work.

>> No.3703929

Lucky bastard.

>> No.3703942


Hawaii. I'm more south than you.

>> No.3703963

Alaska here. If you keep going south on the globe, you'll end up in Alaska.

>> No.3703975

You don't live near Mobile do you?

>> No.3703990

Northern Virginian here.

>> No.3704010


>> No.3704014

Tennessee. It's not bad at all. Really awesome nature stuff, and if you're the right color the people are so nice.

If you ever want to work up the nerve to commit suicide, though, go to North Georgia.

>> No.3704030

not heading down to Florida until next month, the house should still be unlocked if you guys want to crash there for a few days.

>> No.3704038

West Texas.
Fucking sun, fucking sand.

>> No.3704040

Argentina. I'm much more south than you.

>> No.3704056

Yeah Tennessee is pretty nice. Especially Middle Tennessee

>> No.3704153
File: 26 KB, 391x400, 08-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why... why not the upper east coast? ;;

You guys are the only friends I have. Or something of the sort in my mind...

>> No.3704162

if it was in MN I would pick up the tab at a local bar or shooting range.

>> No.3704191


Holy shit, not THAT far up.
Does anyone even live up there?

>> No.3704193

All Atlantans should have a meetup. I luckily know of a place that would cater to the special tastes of the /jp/ user base.

Swinging Richards

>> No.3704207
File: 612 KB, 1600x1200, anongroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3704219


>> No.3704231

Maryland here. Goddammit, we're a southern state, but I can't find a good cup of sweet iced tea to save my life!

>> No.3704235

Whar? I's in dem app-uh-lay-shun mountins.

>> No.3704243

sweet tea, best tea

>> No.3704251

that canned iced tea is the only tea i would ever touch.

>> No.3704267

Then fuck off back to /k/.

>> No.3704268

Holy shit, I do. I wonder if I've seen you around before.

>> No.3704272
File: 479 KB, 1607x1101, nestea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem anonymous?

>> No.3704281

Yeah, my problem is instant tea tastes like shit.

>> No.3704307

I vote we go to Florida because it is the only southern American state that has anything in common with Japan, even though it's still not much.

Also, that's where I am so I'd save on gas money.

>> No.3704326

30 minutes south of Atlanta : (

>> No.3704334

I live in Austin, the only good part of Texas.

>> No.3704343

Homo queers and bad music, Go to El Paso if you want real culture.

>> No.3704336

/jp/ - a southern thang.

>> No.3704359
File: 28 KB, 502x605, lipton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa whoa whoa anon, words can hurt you know...

>> No.3704377


Better than A&M due to A&M being cultists but inferior to UT.

At least the weather is nice for the most part year round.

>> No.3704390


>I vote we go to Florida because it is the only southern American state that has anything in common with Japan, even though it's still not much.

What, shitty immigrants, terrible humidity, and a high standard of living? At least Texas can avoid the later two parts.

>> No.3704409

Boston's good with me.

>> No.3704489

Damn, I just ran out of this yesterday. Fuck you for reminding me.

>> No.3704524

I'll cut you all.

>> No.3705128

Really, the south sucks.
A lot.

>> No.3705145

Fuck you all.
My only friends are potatoes over here.

>> No.3705148

Didn't that place get raided a couple of months ago or something?

We should meet up at AWA 2010. If only so we can bitch at each other for going to an anime convention in the first place.

>> No.3705148,1 [INTERNAL] 

it meeting place
