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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3699446 No.3699446 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3699447
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>> No.3699451
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>> No.3699453

yureru mawaru fureru
Setsunai kimochi futari de issho ni nemuru

>> No.3699496
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>> No.3699511

I fucking love GET DOWN.

>> No.3699521


>> No.3699523
File: 72 KB, 794x868, shittystitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3699545


Kotonoha transferred to a new school?

>> No.3699553
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>> No.3699554


>> No.3699566
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>> No.3699586
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>> No.3699593

I wish to enjoy sexual days with the Aka-chan

>> No.3699596
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>> No.3699638



>> No.3699666

Why not enjoy sexual days with everyone?


>> No.3699693


>> No.3699701

You're better off asking /a/, you seem like you belong there.

>> No.3699747
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Chizuru > Mina > Mafuyu > Aka

>> No.3700198
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>> No.3700203

Mina > Aka > Mafuyu > Chizuru

>> No.3700222

I raged a bit.

>> No.3700228

Reported for Anime in /jp/. If you want to discuss and post about Anime go to /a/. If you don't like it too fucking bad.

>> No.3700253
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Are you frustrated?

>> No.3700265

All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.3700279

The rules don't really apply here. This isn't a Japan/General board, despite the title.

>> No.3700281

LOL self styled /jp/ police

you are mega kawaii

>> No.3700297

I am tried of no moderation.

This just drags /jp/ down. This goes in /a/ not /jp/ yet again and again it get posted. Again and again nothing is done about it. Igf you don't like /a don't use that as an excuse gfor posting all this setokai no ichizon anime stuff here.

>> No.3700322
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>> No.3700331
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, emo bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cry for your butthurt

>> No.3700334

Echo of Death > Nakameguro > Ken > Locker

>> No.3700338

The mods don't give a damn about this thread, even if you go whine to them they won't delete it, unlike Cirno spam and such. It's perfectly okay.

>> No.3700340

No you are just not real /jp/ people. All you want to do is turn it into /a/ and have your fun.

>> No.3700348

Regardless, here we are, sharing the same board. :3

>> No.3700350

Why don't you let me rape your face.

>> No.3700361

I for one, am too cool to sage.

Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.3700371

Yea you will fit in well with your emoticons

>> No.3700392

Fell free to shit up /jp/ with anything. No one is going to stop you ever.

>> No.3700400

That's blatantly false. An anime thread or two isn't shitting up /jp/ at all though.

>> No.3700406

It doesn't go in /jp/ is goes in /a/. Stuff that doesn't go here is shitting it up.

>> No.3700417 [DELETED] 

All things Japanese welcome! Mods don't give a shit about what you think belongs on this board.

>> No.3700419

Moe/Tsundere Hybrid Tier:

Perfect Nerd Wife Tier:

Dominatrix Tier:

"Who Gives a Shit?" Tier:

>> No.3700420

"mods don't give a shit"

>> No.3700426

mods don't care about anything but Cirno

>> No.3700442

Shonen lover / Tomboy type
also like all the shonen she has the ability to transform, when she changes hairstyle she becomes a real girl!

>> No.3700444

/jp/ was created to be a catch-all board, complaining about shit not going here makes no sense at all.

>> No.3700452

Exactly. This thread just proves /jp/ is filled with newfags pretending to be oldfags.

>> No.3700453

It was created so /a/ would be for Anime and Manga once again. That in its self shows that /a/ is the place for Anime and Manga and that is does not belong and never has belonged in /jp/.

Doesn't matter mods don't give a fuck, report does nothing so go ahead and discuss the Anime Setiokai no Ichizon. The mods don't care.

>> No.3700456
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Been here since the split. Kill yourself.

>> No.3700461

Why are you reporting anime threads in /jp/? They are not breaking any rules. People like you are why reports are ignored.

>> No.3700463

/a/ is for anime and manga.

>> No.3700470 [DELETED] 

/a/ Anime and Manga. /jp/ everything else. Not hard unless you just want to be an asshole like the guys with Touhou in /k/ right now.

If moot kills /jp/ and we have no place to go it will all on you folk. 99% of the stuff in /jp/ will ever be allowed in /a/ again. So enjoy doing anything you want.

>> No.3700473

/a/ Anime and Manga. /jp/ everything else. Not hard unless you just want to be an asshole like the guys with Touhou in /k/ right now.

If moot kills /jp/ and we have no place to go it will all be on you folk. 99% of the stuff in /jp/ will ever be allowed in /a/ again. So enjoy doing anything you want. Since only what you want to do and what you think is OK counts.

>> No.3700475

Yes, but there is nothing anywhere in the rules that states /jp/ is not for anime and manga. Quit reporting them.

>> No.3700481


But people have been bitching about stuff not being /jp/ related from the beginning.

>> No.3700484

Going to keep reporting because report does nothing. /jp/ Anime and Manga

>> No.3700491
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Post anything about real Japan and they come out of the woodwork.

>> No.3700497

The reason why report does nothing is because idiots keep reporting things that should not be reported.
