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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 400x400, f0007859_47a6130467b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3695729 No.3695729 [Reply] [Original]

Hey you.

Yes, YOU. The anon with 10+ tabs up and GBs of Touhou images. I like you. Come over to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.3695734

I only have 7 tabs open and MBs of Touhou images.

>> No.3695737

I only have five tabs up because I'm not saving images right now. People who have more than 10 open at all times confuse and frighten me.

>> No.3695740

Do I really?

>> No.3695745

I have 13 tabs open right now.

Is this bad?

>> No.3695748

Why can't I fuck you instead?

>> No.3695751
File: 25 KB, 350x340, mari-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3695755

Yes. I am confused about why you would have that many open and frightened of your multitasking power.

>> No.3695758

I don't fulfill your requirements to sex Remilia. I need to make more batch downloads of Touhou images.


>> No.3695847

I sometimes reach up to 15+ tabs, but that only happens during the odd days when /jp/ has a bunch of interesting threads. Otherwise, about 5 to 10 at a time.

Also, I only have 80 MB's of Touhou images. I don't save every random image I like, only those which either blew my mind, or had a foreseeable posting use in the future.

/jp/ powerlevel thread?

>> No.3695849

... You have a tab open for every thread? That's what the thread watcher is for.

>> No.3695850
File: 81 KB, 700x582, 1257604652426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use firefox and I only have 8 GB of RAM so I can only open up to 5 tabs.

>> No.3695906

I've tried that, it doesn't work at all.

>> No.3696097

I could never figure out how to use it.

>> No.3696105

Sometimes I have like 280 tabs open from flickr or a lot from pixiv or something ┐(´ー`)┌

But I don't save that many Touhou images. Favouriting is better I think.

>> No.3696139

I only have 3 tabs open, of /jp/, /a/, Jewtube. Can I still come over?

>> No.3696146
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 1250061782165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on learning English.

>> No.3696158

I am really surprised only 2 guys besides OP made a Mari-tan reference.

>> No.3696159

I have some 50+ tabs open now, sometimes can be up to hundreds, but I have no idea how many GB of Touhou images I have. Probably at least one, but I don't classify them, so I don't know how much.

>> No.3696174

10 tabs open? Man, I only get that low when I really clean up. I'm usually between 100-200.

>> No.3696176

Do you guys not know how to bookmark pages or what?

>> No.3696179

You fags do know that line isn't originally from Mari-tan, right?

>> No.3696180


I really hope so.

>> No.3696182

bookmarking is worse than tabbing.

>> No.3696186

Fuck, 12 tabs open. But I only have like 250mb of touhou image right now.

>> No.3696204

I didn't know until I saw that Full Metal Jacket video with U. N. Owen was Her? on YouTube.

It felt like I was the most stupid person in this world.

>> No.3696223

Around 50 tabs is a fine number to have. That way you have easy access to most of your common sites.

Just sucks when you have programs who insist on opening your firefox when it is closed, and clear your tab history with their faggotry.

>> No.3696247

No, it really isn't.

I just type the url in for 95% of the stuff I visit anyway, it's all in my history.

>> No.3696266

Bookmarks are much easier to find and organize. Good luck finding the site you want to visit by sifting through hundreds of tabs.

>> No.3696274

Honestly, why would I ever need bookmarks and site tabs when the only sites I literally ever go on are Pixiv, Danbooru, Nicodou, and /jp/?

>> No.3696415

That line is from Full Metal Jacket, you retard.

>> No.3697654

I usually have 50-100 tabs open. If you've got less than 30 or so, what are you even doing on the internet?

>> No.3697976


What do you mean shifting? Naturally us tab people know where we put the tabs we want. My torrent tab is for example always top left, with the neighbor tabs being wikis and databases to look up info about what torrents to get.

>> No.3698034

Irc, fucking a girl...
If it was being fucked by a bishounen...
