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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3691986 No.3691986 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, can anyone explain this to me and my buddy.

When we wathc alot of Japanese TV (just normal shows) we notice everything is subtitled in Japanese, why is this done, Japanese hard to understand even to Japanese people?

>> No.3691994

So that it's easier for our guys to translate and upload them to Youtube.

>> No.3691998

Why would it not be the case?

>> No.3692002


>> No.3692005


Japanese do this because they don't expect people to catch everything a gaijin says. When Japanese see gaijin, it must be confusing if they are expecting them to not know Japanese...BUT THEN THEY KNOW JAPANESE!!! MIND FUCK

So, they add subtitles, so that the real Japanese can feel better about not understanding a foreigner's Japanese

>> No.3692013

They also do this in my country when someone speaks in dialect or doesn't speak the language very well.

>> No.3692018

Japanese relies a lot on context and how things are "spelled" in order to get the proper meanings of what's being said. Subtitling everything helps the Japanese to learn new words, better understand what's being said, and practice their reading skills because there's like a billion different kanji and such.

This is the same reason why the Japanese are heavily encouraged to read newspapers so that they can keep that kanji database in check.

>> No.3692021

They seem to do it for everyone, Native Japanese aswell.

>> No.3692045

Too many homonyms.

>> No.3692053 [DELETED] 

Japanese is a syllabic language rather than a phonetic one. Basically, while the combination of letters "ae" in English can be pronounced in many ways depending on the surrounding letters, etc. Japanese is much more consistent. Putting two kana together such as かく (kaku) together is pronounced consistently. The result is that even with a large syllabary to draw from, they still end up with massive amounts of homophones. The solution is to either deal with this via context or make their words ungodly-long.

They chose the former, but when writing you can rely on the aid of Kanji to specify which of the many かくs you meant to use. However, on television you don't have the ability to ask the TV "Which use of かく did you mean?" so putting it in writing makes this easier, just in case you didn't catch it via context. It's not used a majority of the time but it's kind of cool to have when you missed something.

>> No.3692058

Japanese is a syllabic language rather than a phonetic one. Basically, while the combination of letters "ae" in English can be pronounced in many ways depending on the surrounding letters, etc. Japanese is much more consistent. Putting two kana together such as かく (kaku) together is pronounced consistently. The result is that even with a large syllabary to draw from, they still end up with massive amounts of homophones. The solution is to either deal with this via context or make their words ungodly-long.

They chose the former, but when writing you can rely on the aid of Kanji to specify which of the many かくs you meant to use. However, on television you don't have the ability to ask the TV "Which use of かく did you mean?" so putting it in writing makes this easier, just in case you didn't catch it via context. It's not used a majority of the time but it's kind of cool to have when you missed something.

>> No.3692065

Correct pronunciation can not be inferred from the reading, it varies.

>> No.3692071

So the deaf can watch TV as well.

>> No.3692086 [DELETED] 

Of course, but you already have the pronunciation. It's a matter of meaning.

>> No.3692092

Of course, but you already have the pronunciation. It's a matter of meaning. I could be off base, though. I'm relaying what I've gleamed from bringing it up casually with a Japanese friend once. We spent more time discussing why so many shows that come on after a certain time are practically the same.

>> No.3692101


>> No.3692155


Does Japan not have any form of optional closed-captioning?

>> No.3692169

>Hey guys, can anyone explain this to me and my buddy.
>explain this to me and my buddy.
>me and my buddy.

Get out normalfaggot, this board is NEET only and scum like you isn't welcome around here.

>> No.3692185

But Anon-kun, aren't we all each other's friends?

>> No.3692189

Anons are tsundere for each other.

>> No.3692191
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>> No.3692193

Homonyms mostly.

What I want to know is what it is like to be a deaf Japanese person. Almost nothing is subbed except for those game show or live shows.

>> No.3692219

That's the great thing about kanji; when everything sounds the same but is written differently, it makes sense to put subtitles on.

>> No.3692232

>great thing about kanji
There is nothing good about Kanji. It is an archaic system that should be abandoned.

>> No.3692261

I can't even read a sentence written entirely in kana.
And don't start on romaji. It's just wrong.

And hearing people in the hall at my uni talking about "romanji" makes me cringe.

Come on, 1st year faggots, it's been 2 months, so you should know at least the basics.

>> No.3692280 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.CCBAtalk.com ( replace CCBA w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3692290

>And hearing people in the hall at my uni

Go wave your dick somewhere else, normalfaggot

>> No.3692296 [DELETED] 

Most languages are like that. It's just that Japanese is a mess. They didn't even create their own writing system.

>> No.3692306

>while the combination of letters "ae" in English can be pronounced in many ways depending on the surrounding letters, etc. Japanese is much more consistent. Putting two kana together such as かく (kaku) together is pronounced consistently

Most languages are like that. It's just that Japanese is a mess. They didn't even create their own writing system.

>> No.3692307

what do you propose we replace kanji with?
two words with different meanings but the same pronunciation need to be distinguished some way.

>> No.3692310

>two words with different meanings but the same pronunciation need to be distinguished some way.
Yeah, homonyms don't exist in English.

>> No.3692317

english, german, latin, french and italian all use the *same writing system. chinese and japanese use the *same writing system.

*fuck your sprinkles, I'm making a point.

>> No.3692340

I just can't live like a NEET for very long until I have to work to get some money.

Like this I get money from the government and get something more or less legitimate to throw at my family when they ask me about my life.

>> No.3692394

Kanji is a mixed bag. With the present state of Japanese it is completely necessary, of course. Assorted studies have suggested that the mental development which facilitates learning an ideogram-based writing system can have benefits in other academic realms, especially in children. At the same time, specialized fields will have Kanji beyond that of the average person making some books less accessible. This is true with vocabulary in any language, but from what I have heard is more of an issue in Japanese than it appears to be in America. Although it could also be because the average person in America doesn't read books or newspapers.

>Yeah, homonyms don't exist in English.
Nowhere NEAR the level of Japanese. The difference is multiple orders of magnitude. Sometimes I wish Japanese had explicit tones like Chinese just to make things more definite, but alas, they seem to enjoy the ambiguity.

>Go wave your dick somewhere else, normalfaggot
Stating that you attend a university is not a form of bragging, especially not when it was relevant to the point he was making. Maybe if he was namedropping Stanford or some shit, but he didn't.

>> No.3692407

I don't see why everyone in the world can't just use the Latin alphabet. It's pretty much the best one we have, and having the whole world agree on one alphabet would be a very good thing.

>> No.3692424

Why not go back to the best alphabet and richest vocabulary on the world then?

>> No.3692430

>It's pretty much the best one we have
Have you looked into Hangul? It makes so much sense it's amazing, as if an engineer designed a language.
In before JapanHateCorea.

>> No.3692437

Why not just have one superior race and one superior culture we can all agree on?
And a religion of course.
People who disagree will be sent to working camps in the woods/mines.

>> No.3692445

You fags should all just be obligated to Learn Greek and appreciate the fact that it is not spread out anymore.

>> No.3692456

Sorry, but it's not the same. Everyone in the world needs to learn English anyway, so everyone will understand the Latin alphabet eventually, so why keep others around? It's just a waste of time.

>> No.3692479

>everyone needs to learn English anyway
Why would this have to mean erasing all the other languages?
Goddamn, you're an ignorant faggot.

>> No.3692599

my friend japanese friend said ota-ward in Japanese a while ago and I thought he was insulting me.

>> No.3692636

Japanese as a language is terrible. I love the culture.

I wish the whole world spoke the same language. Romanian. Seriously, it's the closest thing to latin you'll ever get.

>> No.3692663

Are you telling us to speak dirty gypsy language?

>> No.3692976

I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.3692980

Because I don't want to speak a dirty gypsy language?

>> No.3692994

Latin is a dead language, get over it.

>> No.3693031


>> No.3693039


>> No.3693057

Why the fuck don't they have Japanese subtitle options on the DVDs and BDs? They sure like to filter the deaf otakus.
