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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3684214 No.3684214 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently, the mod on /a/ is a secondaryfag.

How does that make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.3684216


>> No.3684225
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The mod on /a/ is amazing.

>> No.3684229

At the moment /a/ is the most heavily moderated board.

>> No.3684232

>A cat cosplaying as Tir McDohl.

I love that sticky.

>> No.3684271

what's a mod

>> No.3684275

You have no proof of that statement.

>> No.3684276

A miserable pile of-

No. Fuck you.

>> No.3684278

What's wrong with being a secondaryfag you pile of shit elitist?

>> No.3684281
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It makes me feel enraged with indifference.

>> No.3684297

He is doing his job.

>> No.3684303

/a/ is terrible. Why must you bring that board up here?

>> No.3684319

Anonymous-san is the only otaku mod on team4chan. The rest of them are casual-otakus and normalfriends.

>> No.3684320

"/a/ is the best board on 4chan"

-Anonymous##Mod, Mod of /a/.

>> No.3684335

lol he mad?

>> No.3684362

And with that comment I lost 60% of my respect for him. I'll say this with as little bias as possible: ANY board with over 10M post is inherently bad due to erratic post rate and immigration. That's just a well known fact. For him to say one of the big 3 boards is better than /tg/, /m/, or /jp/ is just wrong.

>> No.3684363

What's wrong with secondaryfaggotry? /a/ mod is the only one who ever puts in an appearance at all.

>> No.3684367

>Op is a primaryfag

>> No.3684379


-Anonymous##Mod, Mod of /a/.

funny fact, mods are global

>> No.3684385

I think /jp/ should at least take a quick look at the sticky, it sure is an interesting read.

Also, people begging for /jp/ to be merged back with /a/, actually believing people over here will go back there if that happens.

>> No.3684393

Moderation, in /a/?

Well, maybe it's going to be browsable again. At least I hope so.

>> No.3684403

for a day or 2, that is.

even the mod admitted /a/ will become shit again after a certain amount of time.

>> No.3684405

i'm sure /jp/'s userbase would rather move to /bun/ or poosh than being merged with /a/ again

>> No.3684427

But then again, he IS entitled to that bias, he sure does not hide /a/ is his favorite board.

Also, the exemples you gave are somethat questionable, it is hard for a newcomer to see how good /jp/ or /m/ are if you consider all the self-loathe that permeate these 2 boards.

>> No.3684429

This. Why does anyone posting on /a/ want to see /jp/ related topics in there again anyway? It was a major headache for everyone.

>> No.3684449

I'd say a part of the reason /jp/, /tg/ and /m/ are better boards is because of all the self-deprecation (though sometimes it goes way too far.) In other words, everyone is a faggot, but some people realize it and some don't.

>> No.3684455

>I think /jp/ should at least take a quick look at the sticky, it sure is an interesting read.should
If by "quick look at the sticky" you mean hitting ctrl+f, typing "Anonymous ## Mod" and reading his posts, I agree. If you mean read the stupid circlejerk/brown nosing/stupid /a/ browsers posts, I disagree.

No amount of moderating is going to make all the shitposters go away. /a/ is doomed to suck. Every board on 4chan is doomed to suck at one point. The only exception are really really niche boards such as /tg/.

>> No.3684459

according to them /a/ was better before the split.

So they have a childish belief that a merge will make things go back to what they were at the time.

>> No.3684464

>Every board on 4chan is doomed to suck at one point

That's a scary truth. Please, take it easy /jp/.

>> No.3684478

There was a moderator in the /a/ steam group I think and his name was Chen and everyone was sucking his dick and he banned some of us from the /a/ steam room because he thought /jp/ was 'raiding' them. Typical shitty Touhou /a/ fan.

>> No.3684488

impossible to make /jp/ worse than it already is

>> No.3684491

Yeah and I'm entitled to my opinion that the sky is green. If you read my post you'll notice how I said I question his judgment. If he's that wrong about /a/, who's to say he's not wrong about other things? And the ironic thing about this is that he agrees with me, any complaint I could say about /a/, he would say the exact same thing about /b/.

In my opinion, I like /a/ itself more than /jp/ because I like the topic of anime more than the topic of visual novels. THAT is an opinion. But if I was to say I like /a/ more than /jp/ because /a/ has a better userbase, that would be a misguided statement/opinion. Just look at the way they react when they see him. "It's a mod!!!1, postin in a mod thread." I remember the last time moot tried to post on /jp/ and we all told him to fuck off for disturbing the peace of the board.

We, simply put, are more experienced users than /a/'s userbase. The reason for this is because a) for every two newcomers on /jp/, /a/ gets ten newcomers, and b) most of us are from old /a/.

Spoilers: we didn't just leave /a/ because we were tired of discussing anime.

>> No.3684495

Since when did /a/ start talking about anime again?

>> No.3684502

It' was pretty OK when we were together and our high power levels kept the riff-raff away.
Example of a narutard seeing the front page pre-split
>what's mahjong?
>What's Melty blood
>what are VNs?
>What the hell is this Message everyone is refering to and why is there 5 threads about him and only one about anime.

>> No.3684510

>I remember the last time moot tried to post on /jp/ and we all told him to fuck off for disturbing the peace of the board.
Not exactly it. Last time he posted, he was trying to troll us, which is why we told him to fuck off (and ended up getting threadbanned for it). >>1 was full of brown nosing too.


>> No.3684519

And so was http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S420522#p420634

>> No.3684523

That's true, but it's unlikely that reuniting the boards like some on /a/ are suggesting would push out the narutards and the like.

>> No.3684524

>We, simply put, are more experienced users than /a/'s userbase.

Being experienced merits nothing. Good at trolling are you? Why don't you make another japanese bird cooking spaghetti thread, then? Or bring up why ______ is a slut?

Anyway /jp/ is like 50% american weeaboo con-goers, 20% french manga-buyers and 30% singaporean chinese.

>> No.3684536

Most of those post were (insidious) sarcasm. Also note the email field. Most of the people that posted in that thread saged because they knew it wasn't worthy of being bumped.

And yes you're correct, if moot wasn't trolling us that day, he would have received a much better reception. But that's not the point I was trying to make. We /jp/ers have already been through dozens of stickies on old /a/ so we are no longer surprised when we see a mod. The same thing goes for GETs. Why don't you try comparing the way /jp/ responded to its last GET to /a/.

>> No.3684547

I don't even know what you're trying to say.

I linked that thread to show he only got saged/insulted because he was trying to troll. All of his other posts on /jp/ were answered with brown nosing and shitty circle jerks. Look at >>3684519 or search his name+trip on the archive if you don't remember.

You're overestimating the userbase of /jp/.

>> No.3684561

You must admit that it's significantly better than almost every other board on this damned site.

>> No.3684564

The best part about /jp/ is that many of the users have already adopted forms of user-side filtration/moderation.
Between the filter and hiding threads I spend little to no time seeing things I don't want to see.
But I would be very happy if a mod came here and laid out some new ground rules like "No translation requests." Those are impossible to filter well, and they almost always devolve into the same exact trolling catchphrases.

>> No.3684566

When I go to /jp/ I feel no need to defend its culture. Once every blue moon, when I actually browse /a/ I find myself constantly telling people not to do things. Don't use emoticons, sage doesn't work that way, stop reviving old memes, etc....

/jp/ers are bad because we act bad, while /a/nons are bad because they genuinely don't know any better. Pick your poison.

>> No.3684573

both are shit

>> No.3684584

>Once every blue moon, when I actually browse /a/ I find myself constantly telling people not to do things. Don't use emoticons, sage doesn't work that way, stop reviving old memes, etc....
Me on /g/
>/jp/ers are bad because we act bad.
I feel that we are just too fucking stagnant, I mean most of us have been with each other at least three years.

>> No.3684597 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.CCAEtalk.com ( replace CCAE w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3684610

I'm not saying it isn't, just that we tend to think we're a lot better than we really are. Almost every other board is pure shit (the only exception I can think of is /tg/) so being better than them isn't saying a whole lot.

I have a feeling there's like 20-30 "decent" (I use this term loosely) posters on /jp/ who've been on 4chan for a long long time and they keep in check the other shitposters.

>> No.3684612
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Remember when moot was good?

>> No.3684620

>I don't even know what you're trying to say.
I was just trying to point out our behavior towards a mod thread. The fact that 40 to 50% of those post were sages, speaks volumes about our relationship with mods.

>> No.3684630

Are you doing this on purpose? Do you just read one line and stop?

>> No.3684636

> posters on /jp/ who've been on 4chan for a long long time and they keep in check the other shitposters.
I refer to them as "culture janitors."

>> No.3684645 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.BCCBtalk.com ( replace BCCB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3684668

I wish /jp/ had a mod.

>> No.3684684


>> No.3684689

And sage is an insult, right?

>> No.3684699

its a command that shows how little you care about bumping a thread

>> No.3684703

We have a overzealous janitor and he makes a bigger impact that I don't think would happen anywhere else.

>> No.3684719

50% of the /jp/ userbase is 3DPD loving retards.
I come here just for the usual VN threads. You faggots are horrible.

>> No.3684725

Idolfags are just 6 or 7 guys who circlejerk over their threads but never do anything else in /jp/.
>50% of the /jp/ userbase is 3DPD loving retards
What makes you think that?

>> No.3684726

I have to disagree with your statistics, sir.

>> No.3684731

>50% of the /jp/ userbase is 3DPD loving retards.
Personally, I don't have anything against 3DPD lovers. But to those who hate them, I do. It's extremely stupid to hate them because their into idols.

>> No.3684736

So not caring about a thread is an offense? So how do you feel about all the people who don't even respond to begin with?

>> No.3684740 [SPOILER] 
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This skinship with the userbase is a good idea and more mods should follow his path. I wonder if anybody will get this obscure reference to KnJ.

I just don't know why Anonymous-san (a fellow Touhou fan) would prefer a board like /a/ over /jp/. Why is it that old /a/ users like Anon of Germany and Cirno still browse /a/ even though they personally acknowledge it has become bad.

My human logic tells me that people will leave a board if a better board (with a more experienced users) presents itself.

>> No.3684748

I...never implied it was an offense?

>> No.3684754

They probably keep going there because the subject of the board interests them more. Also, /jp/ has too much elitism a lot of times.

But, for me too, the only thing I enjoy on /jp/ is Touhou, and even then only the art, but I still choose to come here instead of /a/ because the quality of posts is better. Which says a lot about the quality of /a/ these days.

>> No.3684757

>And sage is an insult, right?
No, you misunderstood. They saged a mod thread because to them it was just another thread (i.e., they weren't trippin balls over a mod thread). Try finding users like that on /a/, good luck.

>> No.3684759

Oh? I thought you were giving a reason why people consider it offensive.

>> No.3684766


I still browsed /a/ plenty after the split but after I woke up one day and refreshed to see 4 Naruto threads (3 of which calling him GAR) and 2 Bleach threads amongst other shitty threads like 5 get I haven't been back there since.

>> No.3684770

>My human logic tells me that people will leave a board if a better board (with a more experienced users) presents itself.
Not really. I still browse /a/ to talk about shows I like. Too bad, it always get spammed.
Also, to goof around with Kampfer.

VNs is what makes me stay in here. When people don't like a certain VN, they say why, unlike /a/ when they doon't like a certain anime/manga they go bonkers.

What I don't like here is the way some people treat those who are 'new to VNs'. They can't distinguish which is a troll, and which is not.

>> No.3684786

I left after Code Geass ep 1.
I remember thinking what /a/ was gonna do on sundays after True Tears ended...

>> No.3684788

>No, you misunderstood. They saged a mod thread because to them it was just another thread (i.e., they weren't trippin balls over a mod thread). Try finding users like that on /a/, good luck.
We saged because it was a troll thread. That's it. Not because it was a mod thread. Look at >>3684519. moot thread full of circlejerking.

>> No.3684790
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>> No.3684791

I personally measure a boards quality on the userbase's experience. And the only way to measure a userbase's experience is by observing the way they respond to mods, GETs, and trolls.

/jp/ in my opinion passes the test with flying colors. For the most part we ignore GETs, and when mods post we don't care. Go and check the archive for the last GET. Notice how the few that attempted to get the GET waited until it was only 2 minute away. On most boards when a GET is hours away, the board becomes nothing but GET.

>> No.3684796
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>> No.3684799
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>> No.3684800

>and when mods post we don't care


>> No.3684803
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>> No.3684804
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I bet that if a mod or moot posted right now there would be a lot of faggots cocksucking them.

>> No.3684808
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>> No.3684814

/a/ users.

>> No.3684816
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>> No.3684818

If it was moot I doubt there would be any comments other than "get out" and the like. Everyone knows he doesn't like /jp/.

>> No.3684819

Let's see how long that lasts.

>> No.3684822
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>> No.3684825

moot thinks the fact GETs are no longer seen as important was the beginning of the decline of quality of 4chan, actually.

>> No.3684827
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>> No.3684829

GETs were always faggotry though...

>> No.3684833
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>> No.3684835

What an easy cop-out. You can't just blame posters from another board whenever you realize the userbase on your board isn't perfect. Keep in mind those are EARLY posts, before /jp/ started sucking a lot (bawson, birds, ks, newfriends). It'd be a lot worse now.

Haha, no. Willing to bet anything he'd be received with a circlejerk if he didn't troll. Just like back in the day when he posted seriously.

>> No.3684841
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>> No.3684846

Nice try, take another look at your link. Now tell me what's wrong with it?

Hint: 420,634

/jp/ers were still in the process of evolving into full fledged /jp/ers. Even I, a pureblooded /jp/er frequented both boards until around the 1Mth post. It was then that I finally came to the realization that /a/ wasn't worthy of my time.

>> No.3684847
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>> No.3684851
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>> No.3684857
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>> No.3684858

You're deluding yourself if you think the userbase now is better than it was a year and a half ago.

>> No.3684860
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The reason I still like /jp/ is because I can still find my posts on the front page after the page reloads.

I can't keep up with fast boards and I'm too lazy to get an addon to watch threads. You can keep thinking you're the only decent userbase left on 4chan, though.

>> No.3684861

So you're saying /jp/ got BETTER in quality the more posts it got? Is that what you're saying?

>> No.3684862
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>> No.3684863
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>> No.3684869

There are plenty of other boards that are slow...

>> No.3684870

Yes and no.

It did at first because it was just /a/ Jr. at the beginning.

>> No.3684871
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>> No.3684877
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>> No.3684878

Coming here and looking to the front page. I see:

Hirano Pig thread.
Pig project thread.
Morning pigs thread.
Japanese pig cooking spaghetti thread.
Are you frustrated? thread.
Random /a/ question thread.
Japanese pigs won't marry you thread.
WWII thread.
No VN threads, and if i make one, sage and no replies.
Kordox thread, but those are not so bad.

>> No.3684881

But back then /a/ wasn't too bad, so an /a/ Jr. would still be better than the /jp/ Sr. we have now.

>> No.3684882
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>> No.3684884

It was only after said /a/nons got bored of /jp/ (which at the moment was still a fresh board) that we noticed an increase of quality.

>> No.3684887

It still is pre-split /a/ jr.

>> No.3684891
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>> No.3684898
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>> No.3684896 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.BADCtalk.com ( replace BADC w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3684905

and /a/ is waifu roulette, reaction face thread, blog thread, naruto, one piece, bleach, kubo thread, bakemonogatari troll, all of them being spammed without using sage, that keeps them on the first page all the time
basically we all just got older, grumpier and more tired of threads that weren't serious discussions about whatever /jp/ related topic we had

>> No.3684906
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>> No.3684908

The sad thing about this chen-spam is that he's doing it manually.

>> No.3684913
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>> No.3684916

At least he's using sage properly.

>> No.3684920

I bet it's kog, ignore him

>> No.3684922

We're definitely more intelligent on average than /a/ or /v/, and that makes for a better board. But like someone else here said, that's a really low bar to clear. I'd chalk it up to /jp/ being a niche board that hasn't suffered the kind of influx of Gamefaqs/Gaia/etc. trash that those boards took in. Call me an elitist, but it's the fucking truth.

>> No.3684923
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>> No.3684926

Does anybody have a link to Anonymous-san's other Q & A thread on /a/.

I'd look for it myself if the ghost admin could stop being a lazy bastard and find a way to fix the /a/ search.

>> No.3684927
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>> No.3684934

as far as I know this is the only one

>> No.3684935
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>> No.3684938

>I'd look for it myself if the ghost admin could stop being a lazy bastard and find a way to fix the /a/ search.
He's not lazy. He doesn't want to fix it.

Ghost /a/ is gonna get the axe soon, anyway.

>> No.3684940
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>> No.3684946
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>> No.3684949
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>> No.3684952
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Problem, jay pee?

>> No.3684953

As far as I know, he broke the search system intentionally, because some faggots were abusing it.

>> No.3684956
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>> No.3684958

uh? no

>> No.3684960

The last one he held was much more useful. I'm surprised a ghost such as yourself didn't see it. It got a few replies on the ghost board.

>> No.3684964
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>> No.3684968
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>> No.3684977
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>> No.3684988
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>> No.3684998
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>> No.3685005
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>> No.3685012
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>> No.3685019
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>> No.3685022

Why is that, anyway? Because of /a/'s poor quality these days? I noticed he also stopped archiving of /ck/ (and was there some other board being archived?)

>> No.3685029
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>> No.3685037
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>> No.3685047
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>> No.3685050

apparently it slows down the rest of the archives
I never noticed any kind of slow down actually

>> No.3685052
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>> No.3685054
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Meru asked Eksi to turn it off.

>> No.3685058

He quit /ck/ because meru asked him to because she was getting told left and right.

>> No.3685059

What is this? the Andy Warhol Chen thread?

>> No.3685061
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>> No.3685068
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>> No.3685071
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>> No.3685075


The archive has been fucking slow these days, but I thought it was due to server problems and shit.

>> No.3685083
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>> No.3685088


>> No.3685090
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>> No.3685093
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>> No.3685100
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>> No.3685102

All Chen posts are by Dawson, just like all Cirno posts are by KoG.

>> No.3685107
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>> No.3685113
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>> No.3685115
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>> No.3685121
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>> No.3685124

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.3685125
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>> No.3685133
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>> No.3685138
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>> No.3685140

>6 or 7 guys
>50% of /jp/

That's the truth.

>> No.3685142
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>> No.3685146

We have about 150~ dedicated users.

>> No.3685148
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>> No.3685150

So the imagespammer on /a/ was a /jp/fag, huh? Figures. You faggots are hypocrites who claim to be better than /a/, yet won't stop going there.

>> No.3685152
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>> No.3685154
File: 15 KB, 317x367, bawww6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you frustrated?

>> No.3685155
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>> No.3685159

sup spammer

>> No.3685161
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>We have about 150~ dedicated users.
You must be new here.

>> No.3685165
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>> No.3685166

I doubt it since I've never really latched onto /a/ and stop visiting after the first few times. I've only been visiting /jp/ regularly, but hey that's just me.

>> No.3685182

Do we have a dedicated /jp/ dependency help number?

>> No.3685192

I'm just guessing because this is my first week here

>> No.3685214

>first week here
Fuck off.

>> No.3685227

>Why is it that old /a/ users like Anon of Germany and Cirno still browse /a/ even though they personally acknowledge it has become bad.
Cirno is dead, ;_;

>> No.3685231

I'm joking, you fags always either grossly under estimate how many people are here.

>> No.3685244
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>178 posts and 70 image replies omitted.

>> No.3685246

Apparently the OP is a Douchelmerfag.

How does that make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.3685249

Indifferent, really.

>> No.3685253
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>> No.3685265

It's the other way around. Your trolls won't stop bothering us.

About the only person who runs sagebomb scripts on /jp/ is Anonymous Jones (probably because he worships AoRF and his stupid antics), and he doesn't go to /a/. sion also does automated image dumping, but I don't think he's a f/a/g either. The last guy who does automated imagespamming here is KoG, but well, he's obviously /a/'s problem child.

>> No.3685316

Level one and two mid-bosses. Coincidence? I guess once they finally manage to get past the easier stages they'll be able to appreciate the finer Touhous in life, like Orin. Some believe Chen is a good Touhou but in truth you only think she's good because she's always in the good company of Ran and Yukari (two of the higher tier Touhous).

>> No.3685358
File: 74 KB, 425x510, 1253834334300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image.

>> No.3685375 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.BABBtalk.com ( replace BABB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3686023

So I look back for a few hours and this thread gets spammed?

God fucking damn /jp/, erasing this thread for good measure.
