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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 131 KB, 750x750, 100501_Sakuya_Izayoi_FX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36835362 No.36835362 [Reply] [Original]

Please listen to my story. I'm a fan of touhou since 2004, amateur of shmup, I find a site that offer to try the doujin game “Perfect Cherry Blossom”. At first I thought it was strange, a shmup with badly drawn little girls. But the music and patterns hooked me.
The years pass, we are in 2021 now and I’m a Touhoumaniac. My favorite on is Sakuya, a quiet and elegant maid.
Maybe i’m strange, but when i love characters, i do not like to think of sex has their respect.
But I’m a man, i spoke earlier of Sakuya, and just recently I was like "Come on, let yourself be tempted by an erotic doujin about her, it can be arousing"
I try the first one I found with Sakuya on the cover.
And there it’s begins:
The story of that doujin is that: I do not know why but Rinnosuke is with Yukari and Eirin, and theses seem to be sort of slaves subject.
Rinnosuke blackmail Sakuya by threatening Remilia, the maid has no other choice but to be raped by him. And there are comments like she’s going to broke. Oh my god it’s awful…
It's horrible ... I know, some people like this kind of stuff, but I did not think the dream world of Touhou was touched by this kind of thing
I cry, it’s a fictional character, and some could laugh by saying that characters of Touhou are poorly written and developed. But I cry.
It’s now hard for me to think about Sakuya, I always disgusting pictures coming into my head.
I feel a kind of sadness since.
Sakuya is an important part of my life is nothing will ever be the same.
And yet I know that this is just stupid doujin! But I cannot do anything about it.
All I wanted was a little blush before a slightly naughty Sakuya.

>> No.36836977

stale and moldy

>> No.36838788
File: 55 KB, 640x480, nigga what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is okay
Remember that the doujin is someone's weird creation, however sakuya will never do that and it will never happen to her, it is just some weird person's fantasy that he drew, it isn't possible and no rape will ever happen in gensokyo, don't worry.

>> No.36838993
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1632643506411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but I did not think the dream world of Touhou was touched by this kind of thing
And you still claim to be a Touhou fan since 2004? That alone has accused the bait.

>> No.36839236

Sakuya never washes "down there"! She's so smelly!

>> No.36839271

Mucho texto

>> No.36839294

haven't seen this pasta in a while

>> No.36840155
File: 914 KB, 1100x1100, 98fbe6f1f36559fcd7f50a51c4f8a3430b00f53cf5294003d8a8c6e4a68afbbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I was a young boy I've been interested in blondes, but I've mostly been repelled because they are stupid white women who do not know how to think. One day, while I was playing touhou, I saw an image of a peculiar blonde with a witch attire. I immediately fell in love. The long, luscious hair, the dominating yet cute attire, the smug, tsundere, yet cute personality all formed into one perfect being by the name of Marisa Kirisame. And so I began my search for Marisa, I played all the touhou games with all the spell cards just so I could the most out of her majesty. I searched all of booru for images of her, just so I could get to see her beautiful tomboyish body. You see, Cirno is not the tomboyish girl in love. Marisa is. She is in love with me. Yet the reality barrier separates us like Romeo and Juliette. It is the cruel fate that is reality that separates such star-crossed lovers from each other. Only something so powerful as the reality barrier can separate me from my dear Marisa. For it is my true fate to be married to my lover. On dark days where there is no sun, I shall caress Marisa and tell her everything is alright. On bright days, where there is nought but bliss, I will stay by her side, to share the bliss infinitefold, like two mirrors in proximity. On the adventurous days, we will steal what we wish. Some days, we will steal diamonds. Some days, we will steal virginities. And always, we will steal our hearts. Each other's hearts. For it is the true love that does not brag, it only contains itself infinitely. Such is the love of me and Marisa Kirisame.

>> No.36840531

I litteraly can't, ,believe rinnosuke would do this am litterally shaking and crying right now

>> No.36841555

That's horrible. Who did this to you?

>> No.36842716

Gensokyo does not exist. In fact everything goes through the mind of Maribel.
For studying psychology, she went to a hospital, patients' lives is transcribed in those dreams where she says “going to Gensokyo”.
Fairies are little girls playing in the hallways and courtyard.
Cirno is a brave little girl who suffers from a kind of hypothermia. Letty is her mother, she did just come visit for the winter holidays and do not really like her daughter.
The Satori sisters are in intensive care, they do not see many other patients and their rooms are far from other girls. Komeiji have a cat that often come sleep on patients before they died.
Yuyuko has had a very long coma, he awoke completely amnesiac. After months of intravenous, his appetite is just bigger than ever.
Patchouli is a patient who was admitted after a suicide attempt. Since she refuses to leave his room, she became a hikkikomori in the hospital. She speaks with the two sisters who are suffering from porphyria (one of which suffers from hyperactivity.)
Kanako is the new head of department of pediatrics. it causes commotion because of her revolutioning idea about the functionning of its sector. She had her post in scheming against the former head, an old doctor who had a face like a frog.

>> No.36853064

Even if pasta, I somewhat agree with you. I kind of want to make a poll to see how many on /jp/ are just interested in lewd derivative works instead of 2hu itself.

>> No.36856806
File: 56 KB, 150x200, avadmin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the original paste date back from 2012 i think. i hope original OP got is little blush

>> No.36860334

she deserved what happened to her in that doujin also she is just a useless maid.

>> No.36860355

that is the worst theory I have ever heard but you were right when you said Gensokyo does not exist.

>> No.36864562


it got reposted every year, so we remind about what rinnosuke did.

>> No.36864653


>> No.36864812

was it this one?

>> No.36875880

your wrong kiddo.

>> No.36876325

no you, babby

>> No.36877464

imagen saying "no you" pal.

>> No.36877677

your mom

>> No.36877896

your mom gay.

>> No.36878237

I really had no idea that Sakuya will be raped at some point.
And yet...
She is my favorite girl.
She is the best character from Touhou because she has her own way and character.
She is the most mature female. She is the most elegant girl of Touhou, Sakuya is the master, and it's just not fair to think that she has been raped or something else!
I am not able to understand how Sakuya can be raped...
In my opinion, Rinnosuke should have had the decency to at least ask Sakuya to marry him.
He knows that Sakuya is from a different world, she does not need to marry him, but she still wanted to be with him and be his wife.
It makes no sense to me.
Why didn’t Rinnosuke just say that “no”, and instead rape her?
Rinnosuke is supposed to be smarter than Sakuya, in fact he could have stopped the rape for the sake of Sakuya...
Why is there no decency and respect for Sakuya?
And so, as I'm writing this...
I will never stop believing that Sakuya is always...
In the top 3 girls in Touhou!
In my opinion, Touhou is better with Sakuya than it is without her.
I never felt like Touhou would be better without Sakuya.
And I also wanted to write a special story about the rape of Sakuya,
because it was never seen in other Touhou doujin.
If there will be a sequel to “Revenge”, I’ll just make it a rape doujin.
And it will be the best doujin in the history of Touhou.
If we look at other Touhou doujin, we can see that the girls are always very friendly and nice to Rinnosuke.
That is really sad!
But Sakuya was raped, she was humiliated and she is treated like a piece of trash.
I hate this side of Touhou.
And I will continue supporting all the Touhou doujin who will feature Sakuya.
Because she deserves it.

>> No.36880025

your mom gayer
