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36818589 No.36818589 [Reply] [Original]

Tsukasa thread.
What do you think about the sex fox?

>> No.36818597

i would like her to carry my children

>> No.36818602
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>> No.36818608
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>> No.36818617
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>> No.36818681
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This fox shows up at your door during a rain storm looking to take shelter.

>> No.36818722
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>> No.36818727
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How does she get to be this unrealistically cute as well ?

>> No.36819214
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>> No.36819271

She scares me...

>> No.36819287
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How is this scary ?

>> No.36819339

what's scary about a fox..?

>> No.36819419

not that kind of pipe

>> No.36819490

To be honest, the only other times I've seen one of her species is in that erogame by Zell and as the antagonist of the first season of K. I can't stop thinking about her in those contexts.

>> No.36819529

I think she's a conniving manipulator who is not to be trusted.

>> No.36819533

t. Reimu

>> No.36819535

I feel like she's a homewrecker, and that if you say you're married it'll only make her hornier.

>> No.36819555

they're monogamous

>> No.36819604

They can steal a single husband and mate with him for life.

>> No.36819728
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I expected her getting more votes, but she's not even the most popular newhu.

>> No.36824439

One can hope she gets more popular. I like her design a lot.

>> No.36829149
File: 463 KB, 1280x720, E3B6gTOVIAEjgCf_EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll find that cracks in your soul, and weasel her way in. She'll fill those cracks up nicely, and complete you. She'll offer you what you always wanted. What you'd pursue on your own, if you had the opportunity to do so. And it'll all be according to her plan.
That's her ability, "Capable of slipping into places where one's soul is weak." That's why she's scary.

>> No.36829629

she is going to have like 7 half kitsunes, theres a reason why pipe foxes bring nothing but financial ruin

>> No.36829671

I don't understand what's so interesting about her. She has the most bland design in all of touhou. I'm surprised the cat was forgotten so quickly.

>> No.36829677

i will support them through fox college

>> No.36829711

Do half Kitsunes have to reach 18 tails to fully power up?

>> No.36829720
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Good thread

>> No.36830309

post more of the sex fox

>> No.36830451

her personality, she basically caused every misunderstandig that lead to the events of UM occuring. whether shes malicious on purpose or just as a part of her ability, i think it's fun for other fanwork creators to play with.
her design is different from what zun usually does as well so it's pretty striking, especially in a cast with bitches covered in rainbows, ribbons and other crazy accessories. less is more as the saying goes
also sex hair probably helps

>> No.36830810

Rather than according to plan, according to her nature of "ultimately leading you to ruin, because it's funny"

>> No.36831962

Going into the weak parts of peoples souls, sounds like the real scary part.

>> No.36832441

I think she already has a thread

>> No.36839060

>She has the most bland design in all of touhou
Disagreed. You don't need to a lot for a good design.

>> No.36839188

Tsukasa ssie kutasa

>> No.36842633

Micasa es tsukasa

>> No.36844466

she can have them all

>> No.36854243
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>> No.36855768

Filtered. If she seems plain that because she wants you to think she is.

>> No.36861544
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Tsukasa has two threads.

>> No.36863810

That's not nearly enough. The pipe fox deserves atleast 7!

>> No.36863882

discount ran

>> No.36864309

ran's just a computer

>> No.36864356

humans are just discount calculators

>> No.36864459
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no, humans are free books

>> No.36865117

Ran only follows Yukari's orders and doesn't actually have a will of her own. Meanwhile, the pipe fox does, so she's clearly superior.

>> No.36865306

why wouldn't you follow yukari's orders?

>> No.36865626

It's not really a matter of following her orders, more like a matter of having a choice of weather or not I'd want to follow her orders, which ran does not have.

>> No.36869441

Offer her the guest room for the night and a dry bathrobe so her soaking clothes can dry out by the fire, obviously

>> No.36872140


>> No.36878423

Tsukasa draining you of both your money and semen!

>> No.36885732


>> No.36888366
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(137 aka lower than the nameless background mob characters that appear in one panel of one of the mangas)

Yorihimebros..... I don't feel so good *vanishes*

>> No.36890056

You're not working hard for her.

>> No.36897634

Stage mid-boss Tsukasa and EX mid-boss Tsukasa are like dusk and dawn.

>> No.36898746
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>> No.36898918
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Why are Tsukasa threads so pleasant and Ran threads so shitty?

>> No.36898938
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she's gathered a lot more baggage over the years.

>> No.36899216

How would Ran and Tsukasa feel about each other?

>> No.36899334

Tsukasa would put up a nice front and a shit-eating grin while coming up with scenarios in how to lead Ran to ruin her life on the inside. Ran would know exactly what Tsukasa is planning because she has several centuries more of people skill practice and can read Tsukasa like a book. Since Ran is actually clever while Tsukasa is just good at finding people's weaknesses, Ran would easily win the fox-off.

>> No.36899443

because some subhumans have taken it upon themselves to project their perversions upon innocent Ran
is the pedophilic MMD nigger finally gone, at least?

>> No.36902376
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This, basically

>> No.36909269
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Fox hag is scared.

>> No.36909344
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>> No.36910287
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>> No.36911029

Why does Megumu tolerate this?

>> No.36911048

if you think that's bad you should see what the centipede does to her

>> No.36911101


>> No.36911103

When you're a great tengu, trifling matters like these don't matter to you.

>> No.36911233

She enjoys it.

>> No.36911493

i understand you're not familiar with us but you've wildly missed the mark. please lurk further if you hope to annoy

>> No.36914047

Fucking the fox

>> No.36918790

That sounds like a bad idea in the long run.

>> No.36926384
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>> No.36926554

good idea*

>> No.36936054

best idea*

>> No.36936148

Misleading thumbnail. I feel cheated.

>> No.36940702

I haven't seen a Ran thread in a while. Explain?

>> No.36942249

He just means all the "ungh mommy!" fags

>> No.36946123

If its merely just those now, then Ran threads have substantially improved from what it used to be

>> No.36947546

I don't really follow them but the pro/anti chanta shitposting probably stopped and that ran MMD guy, who I am pretty sure is also the Yuuka as a waifu shitposter/self-inset artist/autist probably stopped posting finally. I don't know what other bullshit went on in them because all the initialism turns me off the threads. I don't understand why /jp/ and otaku in general seem to be all about this infantalism/femdom bull nowadays. Breastfeeding handjob is probably in the top 10 dumbest fetishes I know of.

>> No.36952255

miniature looks naked

>> No.36952719


>> No.36958212
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>> No.36958864


>> No.36959721

What? She's not Senko-chan...

>> No.36961158

Senko is not for perversion
she is for loving marriage and family making

>> No.36961653

and this is not /a/

>> No.36964598

foxy lady

>> No.36970395

Tsukasa is already extremely powerful with just 1 tail, if she had 9 like Ran she'd easily be able to defeat her.

>> No.36976206

Tsukasa would probably be horrified and disgusted at Ran(fox) letting herself be brainwashed by Ran(shikigami). Ran would tell Tsukasa it actually feels really good to be possessed by a shikigami and that she should join her.

>> No.36976235

oh no, they chopped off her left leg!

>> No.36976419

I bet her vagina is soft, fluffy and incredibly tight!

>> No.36976492

I bet she has a puffy vulva!

>> No.36983525
File: 242 KB, 849x1200, this is tsukasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Tsukasa!

>> No.36983543

What happened to your chest, Tsukasa-chan? It's all swollen and gross. I think you should see Eirin.

>> No.36984542

count the tails

>> No.36985518

read the filename

>> No.36985527

yes, tsukasa is in the back having a giggle at Ran's discomfort in the costume swap

>> No.36986879

Do you think Ran feels uneasy whenever the horny young pipefox is near the villagers?

No one pays as much attention to the older kitsune anymore

>> No.36988337

Ran only feels what Yukari programs her to feel

>> No.36989174

I know it's Ran, I was just trying to insult her abnormally large chest.

>> No.36992665

imagine the lewds

>> No.36992669

Valley girl and a prude together

>> No.37001114

Someone really needs to stop the Hakurei brute...

>> No.37001533

Me too.

>> No.37001965

Which one is the valley girl?

>> No.37002982

