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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 640x480, hatsukoitrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3680963 No.3680963 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to translate the visual novel Hatsukoi, one of the highest rated according to the Japanese.

Are you in need of translators?

Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start translating with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

Are you in need of editors?

Definitely. You don't even need to know Japanese to help improve the English text, so your participation is encouraged.

What is the length/progress/ETA?

The total length of the content is approximately 32k lines. We are slightly over 16% as of this post. At our current rate of ~100 lines a day, we'll finish sometime in April of 2010. But the more translators we have, the faster everyone can enjoy the results! If we get to 1500 lines a day, we'll finish before the end of the year.

Translator interface

Old threads
(Just follow the linked list from there, I'm not going to put the whole thread history here.)

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

>> No.3681193 [DELETED] 


>> No.3681216 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit? Even if you don't finish there are plenty of other VNs constantly being translated.

>> No.3681362

This is the first project that is exclusively run by /jp/.

>> No.3681390


I care, and I'm not even interested in this game. I think it's awesome that worthless /jp/ members are actually doing something together.

>> No.3682836 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3683847

status update coming soon...

>> No.3683863

I just don't support it because from all I've heard, it's a game about lolis. Not intorostod.

>> No.3683879

you really sounds like a faggot there, broski.

>> No.3684695
File: 45 KB, 228x236, 1256733379974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not one for reaction images but I think this deserves it.

>> No.3684735

I feel bad for forgetting to bump the last thread assisting it's death. Sorry Hatsukoi Devs.

>> No.3684753 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.ECEBtalk.com ( replace ECEB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3684767 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.ADDCtalk.com ( replace ADDC w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3686072


>> No.3686627

then wtf are you doing in /jp/?

>> No.3687847

Didn't even come close to keeping my promise this week playing Shuffle! Essence+

I have two more routes to complete there, the new ones Daisy and the class president. Once those are finished I'll get back to translating but Shuffle! takes precedence over Hatsukoi

>> No.3687890


You need to underestimate more.

>> No.3687930
File: 77 KB, 800x600, tsubomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatsukoi will still be here in a week but Shuffle! Essence+ only comes out once.

>> No.3688650 [DELETED] 


>> No.3688669
File: 161 KB, 817x483, shuffle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Shuffle! Essence+ with Improved Randomizing Functionality

>> No.3688672

>uncensored electronics

>> No.3688718

How are the new routes? Specially Kareha and Tsubomi's. Worth playing?

>> No.3688757

ANZU 310/5616
B 76/76
C 0/127
COCO 14/4937
COMMON 4605/6754
D 187/187
E 1/12
KARIN 23/4486
KOMOMO 250/7127
M 15/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 24/4435
TOTALS 5533/34459 16.057%

Less than 100 lines a week? I'm wondering whether to keep this project active or decomission it.

>> No.3688773

According to the anons I've discussed with, yes.
Also, Mayumi.

>> No.3688781


Just because it's been slow for a few weeks shouldn't even make you consider that. Just wait for the holidays to begin and it'll pick up.

>> No.3688785


Shuffle is never worth playing.

>> No.3688841

I'll have to convince Cudder to keep the site up...

>> No.3688863


This "Cudder" sounds like a weak-willed Frenchman. All projects have inevitable delays and slowdowns, if he can't stomach it then he has no business being in the translation... business.

>> No.3689392 [DELETED] 


>> No.3689435

i am merely a lurker. but i will aid you in this.

>> No.3689510

i'm having so much fun doing this. this is way better than my japanese hw

>> No.3689568

another translator joined us? awesome.

>> No.3689576


... that sounds really good for the project. The fact that anyone is working on it at all should be enough to keep the site up. Just because some translators have had things pop up shouldn't mean you just give up all hope. And if it comes down to it then just throw whatever is translated onto TLWiki or something and let people just continue with it. It may be slow but it'll be done eventually, with or without a faggot host.

>> No.3689775 [DELETED] 


>> No.3690392

How to help translations? If someone points me in the right direction I will contribute, if you troll me I won't.

>> No.3690429


The OP post contains all the information you need to start translating.

>> No.3690432


When the kids start to wake up and see this they'll troll you. Just ignore it until someone from the actual project sees this post.

>> No.3690437

To be fair, he's asking to be trolled.

It's fucking in OP's post. All the information AND links.

>> No.3690718

Well, excuse me for not being a fag and understanding everything right away, but I only see long lists with loose kanji when I click on the first link in the OP(translators interface).. So was wondering how to use it so that you see actually sentences. Never participated in these things before so..

>> No.3690724

Lol yeah I figured it out, I suck >_>

>> No.3690781

Agreed.. Liking this much better.

>> No.3691694

You're really making us consider writing a user's manual now...

>> No.3691720

A user manual for completely retarded faggots that cannot read or have no common sense at all?

Do you really want people like that?

>> No.3691799

As long as they can translate, we don't care.

>> No.3692031

hey, i'll be working karin's route exclusively so any new translators can work on other routes.

i'll try to get my 150+ lines in for today and tomorrow done right now.

>> No.3692048

Sorry for being a retard, but it really isn't that logical if you're new. Niw, having a good time translating so far. Good useful thing to do when procrastinating..

>> No.3693086


>> No.3693285

Or they can start from the other end of the script and work backwards, or start halfway through. Limiting to one translator per script is a little inefficient.

>> No.3693749 [DELETED] 


>> No.3694076


Fuck yeah.

>> No.3694679

I like what I'm seeing so far. As long as things are getting done I'm not too concerned.

>> No.3694696


>> No.3694948 [DELETED] 


>> No.3695725

This could probably do with an age.

>> No.3696476

So we have... 4-5 translators now?

>> No.3696907


Who've actually put in a decent amount of work and post in these threads, yes. I'm sure there's a few people who've translated a few lines or whatever and just kept lurking instead of posting here.

>> No.3698138 [DELETED] 

bumping this

>> No.3699101

One of the things about this project being anonymous is that we have no way of knowing for sure.

>> No.3700181 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3700210


I'm sure the webadmin could tell but it's not like it really matters. If they wish to remain Anonymous and/or just lurk then that's their decision.

>> No.3700432

From what we can see, over 20 anons have contributed to the project (with the bulk of them having done so within the last 3 days).

>> No.3700531 [DELETED] 

one more nightly bump from me

>> No.3700687

So /jp/ is finally able to do something other than sage a thread they're participating in?


>> No.3700751

Let me ask something. My knowledge of japanese is low. Can I go and translate only the things I know like (good morning, it was fun, I love you, etc), or it would be best to let someone who knows the context to translate better?

>> No.3700786

there. If you can read kanas, you're now as good as 3/4ths of /jp/

>> No.3700812

It sounds like you'd just be doing the simple lines that don't take more than a couple seconds anyway. I'm not part of the project, but I'd probably double check the lines anyway if I was a translator going through a part that had some of the individual lines already translated, so you probably wouldn't be saving anyone any time.
You'd be more useful to /jp/'s translation effort by studying and helping out later or on a different project.

>> No.3701258


Honestly you're better off not bothering. You could always just edit instead if you wanted to help out.

>> No.3701299


You only need to know English to do most of the editing.

>> No.3701731

i was wondering is there any spots where i can leave translator notes? cause sometimes there's idioms and shit that i have a hard time explaining.

>> No.3701802

TL note: I was too lazy to translate this properly, so I decided to give you a long and boring explanation about how great I am

>> No.3701803


ID: CXbvcQDc is me, i'm just at the mac lab at school working on stuff.

>> No.3701806

plz stop spammen ur shitty boarded on www HGJBUWIKtalk com ( repalace "HGJBUWIK" w/ "anon" ) where tired of ur'e constnt fucken spam n ddos attack's also stop lyen about at plox now gtfo tard's

>> No.3702823

Inline in the text right now would be fine.

When we get to the real editing and finalization, we can extract them and make a separate document with all of them to accompany the release.

>> No.3703907

Bump before bed.

>> No.3704773

Looks like KARIN is getting some action... and a few lines have been added to the others too.

>> No.3704806

I consider myself a fairly good writer of the English language. I could work as an editor if it would be so desired.

>> No.3705333

Of course! What are you waiting for? Join in!

>> No.3705736 [DELETED] 


>> No.3706587


>> No.3707996

Good morning bump.

>> No.3709418

page nine age

>> No.3709423

Nice save, anon.

>> No.3709437

lolwut eroges its just random 2d pics and a voice playing in the background

>> No.3709462

But enough talk, have at you!

>> No.3709569 [DELETED] 

back to /v/, please.

>> No.3709582 [DELETED] 

pls stop spamming ure crappy board at www DYSAEDQJtalk com ( replace "DYSAEDQJ" w/ "anon" ) were tir'd of ur's fucken spam n ddos attack's ,also stpo lying abot us plox now gtfo tard's

>> No.3709583

You should post this on /a/.

>> No.3709826

Do you even think /a/ regulars would know enough Japanese?

>> No.3710637

They probably know as much as your average /jp/ regular.

>> No.3711184

my internet's dead so i can only translate at school or at my relative's house.

so don't expect much from me till friday or sat.

>> No.3711253

Its all good. Some work is better than no work. We here at Hatsukoi Thread Bumpers appreciate any donations of time and effort translators can spare.

>> No.3711608

How ironic that me and another RI anon were talking about an offline translator interface fairly recently. Something that wouldn't require an internet connection, except for periodic syncs. Anyone want to write an iPhone app for this?

>> No.3711734
File: 62 KB, 640x480, anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Shuffle! Essence+ out of the way (and god did I love that game) I'm back to translating Anzu's route.

Question on this line

This is Anzu on their first 'date' together having cake. Anzu ordered coffee knowing she hates coffee in order to give it to her brother but sips some first before handing it over. He says she didn't need to drink first when she says, it was only one sip then gives him some cake to try. He says it's embarrassing but she says that above line, it's translated as 'it's ok, you've already mouth shared' in other words sort of an indirect kiss because she drank from the coffee cup before handing it over (what a sly girl).

Mouth sharing isn't a term we use here in the west while indirect kissing is too strong for what she's trying to say.


>> No.3711797

一口 is used there as a single unit of food. She's sharing a bite of her cake with him, it's not used like a indirect kiss or anything.

>> No.3711818

Yeah, like "here, I'll share a bite with you".

>> No.3711885

Ahh, gotcha

>> No.3711906

Let me guess, you're not an Asian.

>> No.3711944

good night bump.

japanese test tomorrow.

gonna sit down at my desk for 20 minutes while the other kids take the whole hour and 15 minutes to finish the damn thing. i swear it's not that hard.

>> No.3712426


They at least allow you to leave when you're finished, right? Nothing annoyed me more when I was in school than finishing a 2 1/2 hour exam in an hour or so then proceed to just sit there twiddling my thumbs for the rest because they wouldn't let you leave..

>> No.3712554

It's not hard to you because you're already well-immersed in Japanese from doing things beyond the course.

>> No.3712618

I wasn't interested till I saw you message. Now I know it's about lolis.

>> No.3713862

Activity on this project seems to have increased recently... good to see.

>> No.3715716 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3716222

just woke up bump

>> No.3717202


>> No.3717510

Noone's translating COMMON now?

>> No.3718048

If you dont mind my asking, whats so special about this particular eroge? Why was THIS one chosen? And why the hell does it have so many lines?

I'm curious about this REchan tool, is this something a /jp/ user made for this project?

>> No.3718056

Incest, because incest, because Rune.

No idea about the tool, though.

>> No.3718216

That would be my fault. I have reviewed about a dozen or more incest eroge over the last year/year and a half on /jp/ under the silly name of incest guy. I came across Hatsukoi a few months ago after repeated requests by other anons who have played it saying it's one of the best incest eroge of all time. They were right and I offered to translate it if someone hacked the game to do so. I have only translated 380 lines of Anzu's route (the incest route). Primarily due to too many cooks in the pot during the first few weeks so I became involved in playing other games like Flyable Heart and Dungeons and Dragons Online becoming free which pretty much killed anything else I did for 2 months.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I decided to start translating again because 1. there are no translators anymore, the first week or so when 20 people started translating together making the project nearly impossible faded away to 0 and 2. I'm getting bored of DDO.

I have promised 50 lines a day other than Tuesday and Thursday when I have classes and other than Shuffle Essence+ which took priority (Shuffle! is my favorite VN) I intend to keep it up until the end.

Basically Hatsukoi has the best incest route in any VN I've ever seen and some have really taken up the torch to see it through especially !w4lolitaKs

>> No.3718299
File: 11 KB, 512x96, retrans-logo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm curious about this REchan tool, is this something a /jp/ user made for this project?

>> No.3718906 [DELETED] 

bumping this

>> No.3720028

have another bump

>> No.3720673


>> No.3721095


>> No.3721472

Do you like Hatsukoi?

>> No.3722339


>> No.3723055


Of course I do.

>> No.3723174


>> No.3723583

Looks like someone decided to jump in and translate a bunch more lines from COMMON... it'll finally show up as some activity on this week's report. Also, ANZU is coming along nicely.

>> No.3724029 [DELETED] 


>> No.3725128 [DELETED] 

keep the thread alive, at least for a week...

>> No.3725518


Perhaps the Anonymous who was translating it finally had some time spare.

>> No.3725569

Different guy.

>> No.3725579


Fair enough, nice to see others are contributing.

>> No.3725823

Update coming soon. I'm expecting some progress, Anon.

>> No.3726717


>> No.3726732

Im looking foward to seeing the progress report!

>> No.3726740 [DELETED] 

From what I here the chinks have a huge selection of translated VNs compared to the peanuts that we get. Is this true?

And apparently anime and manga are also translated faster?

>> No.3726798

i got my internet back. FUCK YEAH.

>> No.3726804


Good to hear.

>> No.3727220

Great news.

>> No.3728383 [DELETED] 

awesome, this thread lasted a week.

>> No.3729005

Bump before I go to bed.

>> No.3729784

ANZU 400/5616
B 76/76
C 0/127
COCO 36/4937
COMMON 4647/6754
D 187/187
E 1/12
KARIN 75/4486
KOMOMO 250/7127
M 15/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 24/4435
TOTALS 5739/34459 16.655%

206 lines this week. Still not pre-October rates but going up.

>> No.3729793

>At our current rate of ~100 lines a day, we'll finish sometime in April of 2010
>206 lines this week


>> No.3729815

At that rate, ETA becomes Q1 2013.

>> No.3729877

It's still Saturday here in utah dangit, I'll be translating before going to bed ... oh well.

>> No.3729901

That will show up in next week's progress report.

>> No.3730486

We expect more activity closer to the end of the year as people take holiday vacations and have more time to work on this project.

>> No.3730875 [DELETED] 


>> No.3731369


>> No.3732055 [DELETED] 


>> No.3732301

Morning bump.

>> No.3732506

I'll do this when I have time. Bookmarked.

>> No.3733393

To the top!

>> No.3733509


Much appreciated, Anonymous.

>> No.3734308

bumping from page 6.

>> No.3734602
File: 13 KB, 268x50, yhbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I tried to download...

>> No.3735378


>> No.3735516

It's been 2 months and we've only got a little more than 16% done?

>> No.3735520

And it's getting slower.

>> No.3735524

That is about average regarding translation speeds.

>> No.3735527

Dont be so negative, my fair anons. Lets be thankful for their hard work. They are giving it their all!

>> No.3735535

Go back to whatever hellhole you crawled out from.

>> No.3735540


No it isn't. It came to a near stop last week with less than 100 lines being done but it's up to 206 lines this week and it should increase even more since that Anonymous has his internet connection and other people are actually contributing now too.

>> No.3735541


>> No.3735902

When this started it was getting close to 1k lines a week.

>> No.3735979


People weren't at school/university then and there's only so much free time you can devote to a project like this when you're expected to hand in assignments. Just wait for the Christmas break, it'll shoot back up again.

>> No.3736004

Having just corrected a bunch of spelling errors recently, I think we need more editors. I don't even know Japanese beyond the basic phrases known to everyone who watches anime.

>> No.3736315

Truthfully I'm not giving it my all, I'm pretty lazy about it, but I am contributing and that's a good thing.

>> No.3736718


>> No.3737003

holy shit

this is still going

i guess /jp/ really likes translation projects

>> No.3737145

Did you know an anagram of Hatsukoi is Iota Husk?

Also, bump.

>> No.3738217


>> No.3738841

This thread can stay alive for at least another week if we bump sparingly.

>> No.3739317


It's not like it matters since a new one can just be made at any time.

>> No.3740951

It makes it easier for everyone if we don't have to switch threads often.

>> No.3740957

*grabs sage script*

>> No.3741000


Not like it's hard to open the archive and search for Hatsukoi.

>> No.3741024 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming anonRalk dot com except with a `t` instead of `R` thanx

>> No.3741131

The Archive is not 4chan. It is not under 4chans control. There is no real assurance that it will be there 15 min from now. If this doesn't interest you let it be.

>> No.3741158

*grabs Anzu's pantsu*

>> No.3741665


And what's to stop some faggots from DDoSing the site or spamming the board with a bot? The archive is reliable enough for me.

>> No.3741782

The other thing you assume is that everyone knows about the Archive that could or would be involved in this project.

Why do you have such a hard on against these threads? What about the total shit threads that don't even belong on /jp// that dominate the board first? I am pretty sure this belongs here.

>> No.3742167

HAHAHaruhi, stop taunting this project and get back to working on your promised revival of Anonix.

>> No.3742598
File: 45 KB, 228x236, 1256733379974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all this project is powered by /jp/ Anon's so the chance of them not knowing what the archive is is pretty slim.

Secondly I mentioned the archive simply because it's the fastest way to find the current thread that is alive. Type in Hatsukoi, click Original and there you go. Simple and easy. So even if the thread dies out within a few hours/days, which has happened many times before, you can still keep up to date with the latest thread.

>Why do you have such a hard on against these threads? What about the total shit threads that don't even belong on /jp// that dominate the board first? I am pretty sure this belongs here.

...What the fuck are you on about? Hard on against these threads? I was the bumpfag that kept these threads alive for as long as they do. So let me get this straight.. telling others to search the archive to find the latest up to date thread is somehow saying that stuff like this needs to get off /jp/ and that I promote shit posts like Bawson and such?

>> No.3742626

in a word Yes.

>> No.3742633

You've been trolled. Either way please get back to work, various translators. With any luck, if you break your back it'll be done by next year, and I will be one of the first to download and pirate it while posting about it on my anime blog.

>> No.3742668
File: 5 KB, 237x265, fascinating2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting about it on my anime blog

>> No.3742705

Alright you guys, stop it. This is your manager speaking.

>> No.3742756

Why cant anon just get along, manager-sama?

>> No.3743115

Anarchy never worked.

>> No.3743966

If there was a way to get paid for this somehow, I'd be willing to do 100+ lines a day.

>> No.3744233


I was just using that guy as a reason to bump this anyway.

>> No.3744523

I don't think that's going to happen. Beyond the questionable legality of doing that, how are you supposed to remain Anonymous?

>> No.3744525

Unlike real life, people can't be held accountable here.

>> No.3744984

Who does this translate to?

>> No.3745050

加藤美木 - Katou Miki
鎌田直矢 - Kamata Naoya
西村陽子 - Nishimura Youko
初島杏 - Hatsushima Anzu
二木竜也 - Futaki Tatsuya
桜井小桃 - Sakurai Komomo
高鷺花梨 - Takasagi Karin
椎名柚純 - Shiina Yusumi
ココ・夏野・パルフェ - Coco Natsuno Parfait
聖桜館 - Seioukan (the school name)

>> No.3745061

Oh, and for reference all the lead girls names can be found here:

Also the first 20 or so lines spells out all the lead male names and the school name.

>> No.3745873


Well, it's a commission, so someone behind the scene pays someone to translate some amount of lines for some price, and all anyone else sees is a new contributor. Nothing else changes, the translations are still free and available to everyone.

>> No.3746343

If anyone is really itching to ditch some cash for some translator to do some lines in a dash, we don't care. Just keep any talk of that out of the project.

>> No.3746760

bump, looks like KOMOMO could use some translators

>> No.3747216

If we want to even out the line count, then YUSUMI and COCO would be a better choice to work on for now.

>> No.3747313

Can't wait, thanks bros.

>> No.3747898 [DELETED] 

pantsuing thread

>> No.3748775 [DELETED] 

one more for today

>> No.3749119


>> No.3749406

out of interest, is there a CG pack for this floating around?

>> No.3749414

I'm not sure why you'd want it. Hatsukoi isn't noted for its CG art or ero.

>> No.3749496

Download and extract the CG yourself.

>> No.3750675


>> No.3750952


looks like word has spread about this.

>> No.3752363


>> No.3752484

maybe it hasn't spread enough, since we don't have that many translators

>> No.3752633

They're talking about keeping secrets or not then suddenly

What the hell does eating dried plums have to do with anything? I can only think it's an idiom and I do terribly with those.

>> No.3752699

When the u - it is, about [umeboshi] it becomes so in proton, it takes apart, whether the chiya u

>> No.3752757

Ha ha ha ...

For reference they're wondering if they should bring up their troubles with Nishimura Youko and if you say sure Anzu says it's not good to keep secrets and not say anything to Youko to which you agree and Anzu says that line.

>> No.3752787

You know, I think I'm just going to leave it as 'Yeah, Youko-chan will look like she were eating dried plums". Thinking about it perhaps they're meaning she'll just be sour about it. Probably good enough and I think it conveys the meaning. I'll go away now

>> No.3753095

Howcome you can only do ~100 lines a day, when Ixrec can do 390 lines a day, while being the only translator on the project?

>> No.3753502

That's because Ixrec is actually 5 people, the names of which start with I, X, R, E, and C.

>> No.3753552

I could do 600 a day, that doesn't mean I want to. I enjoy online video games and VNs, just got done with Sakura's route in Da Capo, still have Miharu, Mako, and Moe's to do (though I'm considering skipping Mako). After that My Girlfriend is the President, Flyable Heart (which I started but never finished), Brass Restoration, Clear, Primary Magical Trouble Scramble, Otoboku, and Symphonic Rain are still on my computer and a few others are on DVDs. 50-100 lines a day is enough to keep the project going while still doing all the other shit I want to do.

>> No.3753613

The umeboshi thing seems to be some kind of action with the nickname umeboshi, not the actual food.

Later on they have an exchange where Anzu says something that pisses Youko off and this happens


I don't know what it is but it's clearly alluding to some sort of action that seems to be unpleasant. Might even be something the game itself made up, I dunno.

>> No.3753641

Go 600/day for like 10 days, then spend another 10 days doing other stuff. These sprints will really get interest in the project, and you'll not have to do any translation and have time for your other stuff for those 10 other days.

>> No.3753656


>> No.3753814
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Anzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, got up to line 575, it's not reaching my target for this week but I've go 2 massive projects due Tuesday and if I don't work on them both the whole weekend I can't get them done. See you thanksgiving break Hatsukoi Translation Project.

>> No.3753829

I love Anzu.

>> No.3753838

She's alright.

>> No.3753854

Good enough. Some other anons who have time will do their part too, you're not the only one.

>> No.3753868 [DELETED] 

hey please stop spamming ur shitty board on Onontalk dot com except with "a" insted of "O" thanks in advanenc

>> No.3753904


>> No.3753955

Kinda hard to volunteer that much time and have nothing in return.

>> No.3754033

you get praise from the other anons. also the feeling of accomplishing something.

>> No.3754056

So, in other words, you're lazy as shit?

>> No.3754799


Praise is worthless to me, and I don't feel any sense of accomplishment. What else ya got?

>> No.3754891

And why not?
See >>3753955

>> No.3755083

He's not the only translator. The guy who did 1000 lines of COMMON per week when the project first started will be back next month. I also expect more activity from the others due to holiday breaks.

>> No.3755949

Bump since Mr. Pantsu seems to be slacking.

>> No.3756726

wow, almost 2 weeks and this is still here.

>> No.3757608

Glancing over the logs, everything looks like it's coming along at a good pace, but KOMOMO could really use some work.

>> No.3758865

Bumping before bed. It would seem Mr. Pantsu is unavailable today.

>> No.3758905

Sorry, I keep putting that off since I don't really like that part, but I'll try to work on it a bit this weekend.

>> No.3758939 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3759177 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3759187

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3759708

keep up the good work anons

>> No.3759725
File: 12 KB, 320x240, math_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, your terrible math has always bothered me.

If there are 32,000 lines, and you do 100 a day, it'll take you 320 days. If you're 16% done, aw hell, let's round it to 20%, and you keep to 100 lines per day, that's 256 days, which would be 8 months from now. How the hell do you get April from that?

>> No.3761002

This takes into account the expected increase in speed in December. I could be pessimistic and say it will be done sometime in 2015, but that wouldn't generate much interest

>> No.3761700

keeping this alive for 2 weeks

>> No.3761718

Even with current slow figures, that's a year.
Don't go overly pessimistic.

>> No.3762762


I've gotten used to his pessimism.

>> No.3763782

it's a her

>> No.3763977 [DELETED] 

That explains a lot.

>> No.3764192


Oh ho? That's interesting to find a girl leading a translation project for a loli incest game.

>> No.3765710

Bump before bed.

>> No.3765776

The content is of no significance. REtrans is just a localization technology solutions provider.

Also, weekly status update coming soon.

>> No.3765787

>localization technology solutions provider.
Well, gee, doesn't that make it sound all special?

I hate businesses.

>> No.3765801

Wait what? The software is a girl?

>> No.3765936

read again

>> No.3766426 [DELETED] 

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3767492


I wish it was, Anonymous. I wish it was. ;_;

>> No.3767669


>> No.3768100

bumping again

>> No.3768738


>> No.3769591

Yes. Although the longest a Hatsukoi thread has lasted is around 2.5 weeks.

>> No.3769731
File: 9 KB, 511x494, enterprisequality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3769755


This one is about to reach its bump limit too. I could go back and delete quite a few bump posts but I can't really be bothered, I'll just let !w4lolitaKs make a new thread with this weeks update.

>> No.3770212

Update in a few hours. This thread should still be around at that time.

>> No.3771554

ANZU 590/5616
B 76/76
C 0/127
COCO 27/4937
COMMON 4642/6754
D 187/187
E 3/12
KARIN 52/4486
KOMOMO 317/7127
M 21/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 37/4435
TOTALS 5980/34459 17.354%

241 lines this week. Still needs to go up, but at least we're accelerating.

>> No.3771747

At that rate we'll finish around 2013.

>> No.3771758


But Sarah Palin will outlaw loli when she's elected in 2012. We're screwed.

>> No.3771766

>241 lines this week

Just triple that, and you'll be finished in a year!

>> No.3771778

I might learn Japanese and translate the rest personally if that happened and killed the project.

>> No.3771821

It has occurred to me that we'd need to get to 1000 lines a day if we want to finish before the end of the year.

>> No.3771848

28479 lines, 40 days = ~712 lines/day.

Good luck with that.

>> No.3773017

For the first few weeks, we were getting around 700 lines/week.

>> No.3773023 [DELETED] 

yeah im lonely too i submitted an add on http://www.iwantapal.com/ tho maybe itll work out for me

>> No.3773037

That was what, four months ago?

>> No.3773424

Is this still alive?

>> No.3774649

Can bump?

>> No.3774745

it's always alive.

>> No.3775386

A little less than 3. Project started around the beginning of Sept.

>> No.3776974

I'm doing science and I'm

still alive?

>> No.3777292 [DELETED] 


>> No.3778612

Is there a list of the kanji and names somewhere? Would make it for new guys like me easier.

>> No.3778716

and for the list of kanji, consult your favorite dictionary.

>> No.3778888

Ah yea, i just wanted a name list with the respective kanji like that.

>> No.3779918


>> No.3780217

it won't last much longer anyway... new thread time soon,

>> No.3780917

it's still got some life left...

>> No.3781900


>> No.3783238

Did a few lines, but it's painful jumping in without context. And I don't really want to play the game, since I only enjoy dark/mystery/guro VNs, not that I have the time anyways.

>> No.3783395

Some lines don't really need context. You don't have to go in sequence.

Also, this is still here?

>> No.3785386

time for new thread yet?

>> No.3785500

New thread up yet?

>> No.3785507

If you keep posting you're going to kill this thread before the next one can be made.

Not that I'm helping matters.

>> No.3785847

The new thread is here

let this one slowly die now.
