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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 350x350, reimusmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36809100 No.36809100 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck

>> No.36809902

she's. fucking. in.

>> No.36810264
File: 148 KB, 500x500, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36811136
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>> No.36813108 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 1099x1127, RDT_20211003_162216646360835431812615_edit_340886318314651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real.

>> No.36813161
File: 79 KB, 353x470, 1597519253104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /v/ you dunderhead.

>> No.36813438


>> No.36813550


>> No.36813560

holy shit bros i can't believe reimu touhou is getting in smash

>> No.36815258

Why did she do it?

>> No.36815380

Go back to /v/eddit

>> No.36815575

who was in the wrong here

>> No.36815887

<span class="sjis">
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 (__)_) ━━┻        ゙⌒`゙"''~-、,,     ,,彡⌒''~''"人 ヽノ >>36815575 >>36815258 >>36813560 >>36813438 >>36811136
                            "⌒''~"      し(__)</span>

>> No.36815910
File: 244 KB, 652x669, 1530662061599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not happening

>> No.36817165

I would actually crap my pants if this happened.

>> No.36819281

Take a picture and then show it all to us.

>> No.36820766

I'm thinking Reimu's in, bros.

>> No.36820779

Touhou is Otaku culture you knuckleheads

>> No.36821025

I think Sakurai would go for a character nobody knew they wanted in order to prevent a lot of salt.

>> No.36821365

Wouldn't that just cause more salt?

>> No.36821979
File: 11 KB, 248x280, 1599631797415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash Bros is not.

>> No.36822134


>> No.36824012

mario took her coins LOL (mario collects coins in his games)

>> No.36824335

holy fucking KINO

>> No.36824467 [SPOILER] 
File: 864 KB, 1000x1272, mima_comes_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if...

>> No.36825221

You will never be japanese

>> No.36825514

I mean't it like a character that would fit really well into the game so they can't really complain about goku, geno, waluigi or whatever not being in. Basically very safe.

>> No.36825579

Having some main-line Touhou games on the Switch would be nice.

>> No.36826300 [SPOILER] 
File: 460 KB, 1102x2067, 0187400215674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The REAL "safe" choice

>> No.36826496


>> No.36826582

Post themes that would be in

>> No.36827399

I honestly wouldn't fucking be surprised anymore at this point.

>> No.36827750

how does youmu even manage to be popular?

>> No.36832399

She doesn't
It's all rigged.

>> No.36834175

By bringing voters back from the dead (allegedly)

>> No.36839976

Rest easy; The nightmare is over, and we'll never have to worry about this again.

>> No.36840050

Don't you mean we won't have to worry about this for 5-10 more years?

>> No.36840075

Sakurai said the next smash game if it ever came out would be in 2028. And honestly, what the fuck can they even do after this but a solid reboot? This was Reimu's only chance and she thankfully avoided it thanks to her hitbox.

Besides I'll hopefully be dead long before 2028.

>> No.36840508

time to take it easy again

>> No.36840509

We're finally fucking free.

>> No.36840549

for 7 years to make the most of it

>> No.36840615

Why is Reimu getting into Smash a bad thing?

>> No.36840637

Touhou should not be pushed to the mainstream of western audiences anymore than it already has. You've seen what has happened with momiji, fumos, and those would merely be peanuts to what smash would do.

>> No.36840677

A reboot does seem possible but who knows what Nintendo will choose to do.
However I hope that you have a long life ahead of you anon.
Fringe otaku interests should not be in the spotlight, lest what little we have be destroyed even further.

>> No.36840881

Not to mention smash geeks are dogshit.

>> No.36840920
File: 276 KB, 696x391, eye_of_sauron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming from someone who was still pulling for raymoo in Smash anyway despite my better judgement:

You. Do. Not. Want. Westerners. In. Your. Hobby.

Yes, it would have been amazing seeing Reimu do battle in Smash against all your other favorite characters and getting those awesome remixes and getting a Hakurei Shrine stage and you would have loved it for about a week.

Then /jp/ becomes completely unusable, as /v/edditors completely swarm it. There are suddenly millions of YouTube video essays to the effect of “How Do I Become A Touhou Fan?” Every fucking big streamer starts talking about (and not playing) Touhou. “Touhou” trends on EN Twitter daily as leading Trans Voices™ in the industry demand that ZUN accomodate his Western Community™. Your boorus disappear beneath a flood of Hazbin Hotel-esque fanart featuring Trans WoC Touhou reimaginings. You desperatley run to your favorite 2hu boards and forums, only to find that they’re unusable, filled with youngsters who have hopped on them after seeing a plug from their favorite TikTok influencers.

Then come the articles. At first, they’re just stupid. Shit like Touhou needing an easy mode to accomodate modern players. Appeals for ZUN to accomodate wider audiences in theming. Demands for an auto-play mode so people can experience the music. Demands for more black characters will probably pop up. And then you’ll notice some more concerted attacks in the articles against the game itself. Touhou covertly glorifies Shinto, and these subtexts need to be removed to accomodate Korean fans who want to follow the new Touhou Webtoon. The women in Touhou aren’t appropriately empowered or representational. The gameplay and story are too confusing. Touhou, these articles say, is a good IDEA, but the GAMES themselves, eh, they’re kinda icky. They should be done away with.

Despondent, you get mad. You defend the games online. And that’s when the real flood begins. Touhou fans are elitist pricks, the articles crow. They’re hostile to new community members; they’re sexist, they’re unwilling to help new members, they spam “EASY MODO”, they’re symptomatic of a toxic “git gud” mentality that the West has finally done away with. There’s a big thinkpiece in the Washington Post by Fuk Yu-Min, an eminent Korean Studies professor, who isolates a troubling link between the game’s perverse glorification of Shinto and the entitled bigoted strains of Japanese otaku culture that the West had grappled with during GamerGate. A Moment™ is declared. 2022 is the year Japan’s otaku industry faces its Great Reckoning. ZUN probably retires at this point, claiming the stress has gotten to him. If he doesn’t leave gracefully, he is eventually implicated in the Great Reckoning and we’re forced to “reappraise” his works. He then leaves in disgrace.

You try to vent on your old 2hu board; you’re banned because your comment violates the sites new Equity and Inclusivity policy. You go to your room, find an old fumo, and bawl your eyes out into it.

Coming from someone who really wanted Reimu in because I think she deeply deserves it, you should be very happy these events will not come to pass. Because:


>> No.36840953

Just look at what happens with fumos

Also pretty sure Nintendo knows about Super Marisa Land but can't do anything about it so they're still mad

>> No.36840981

>Then /jp/ becomes completely unusable
/jp/ has been completely unusable for the better part of this entire year.

>> No.36841008
File: 59 KB, 503x640, 2388643-senranksv_package_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lest what little we have be destroyed even further
I know time travel doesn’t exist because I remember, on a beautiful summer day in Japan back around 2014 or so, I walked out of a convenience store filled with R18 magazines and new Dragon Quest ads, walked past a Sofmap filled with ads for lewd PS4 games, saw a billboard advertising some new boob jiggle game from Koei Tecmo, started heading to the arcade while thinking about fanservice games on the WiiU, and grumbled to myself about otaku having it hard because PSVita releases had slowed. And I know time travel doesn’t exist because a future me did not suddenly materialize and backhand younger me hard across the face.

>> No.36841024

You think it’s bad now. You dodged a planet-sized bullet.

>> No.36841067

time travel is intertwined with multiverse theory.

>> No.36841079

You think this is unusable? This is downright paradise compared to elsewhere.

>> No.36841125

I'd like to imagine that some form of moderation would take place to prevent the worst, but that's probably just a fantasy of sorts.
It's tolerable now, or maybe I've adjusted. The beginning of the year was truly awful.

>> No.36841176

>I'd like to imagine that some form of moderation would take place to prevent the worst
We thought this in the Linux community, long ago. Before the dark times. Hell, we thought it in the Sony fanclub back in 2016.

>> No.36841189

What happened with the Linux community?

>> No.36841220

I'm assuming he refers to Richard Stallman and /g/ having to come together with a letter against extremely stupid people.

>> No.36841258

Code of Conduct was implemented back around 2015 or so that essentially subordinated everyone on the project to Microsoft’s HR department. It was put in place by two absolute sociopaths named “Coraline Ada” (not real name, obviously) and Sage Sharp. Both of these people work, unsurprisingly, for Microsoft HR. Linus had resisted for a while, but his daughter was recruited by her feminist studies prof in college and basically blackmailed him. Anyway.

Within a day of this code going into effect, the guy who had foiled 3 NSA backdoors was fired, as were multiple independent members of the security team. The purges continued of anyone who had problems with IBM providing an increasing share of Linux funding. Stallman was purged (partially successfully) in 2018 and Torvalds himself was placed on temporary leave from Linux until he could “learn to behave himself and use business appropriate language” on the LKML.

It happened fast and it happened hard.

>> No.36841349

Well that sounds horrid, but it also sounds like something that was done for profit and weakening the Linux community. I can't imagine such an insidious plot against the Touhou community, just the general morality and outrage plots.

>> No.36841411

>I can't imagine such an insidious plot against the Touhou community
We thought the same thing when PlayStation moved to California. Surely they wouldn’t enact a massive crusade of censorship of their parent company’s country’s artwork! Sony wouldn’t let them! That would be insane! Right?

>> No.36841453

Even if they don't, Shanghai.EXE and it's numerous C&D's guarantees if Nintendo even considered Touhou, Capcom would bust in the door and say no or they'd walk.

Mega Man & Street Fighter (and maybe Monster Hunter some day) are more of a pull than Touhou ever would be.

>> No.36841488

Please don't let any of this happen guys, PLEASE!

>> No.36841489

so Hong meiling?

>> No.36841517

based digits

>> No.36841836

Lmao saved

>> No.36841906

Was that when vtubers don't have to be confined to 2 threads? Yeah that was horrible

>> No.36841975

2huchuds... we lost...

>> No.36842003

That and mods deleting posts and banning anyone but virtual shitters. Just a peek behind the curtains and you could clearly see the bias towards those streaming cancer.

>> No.36842107

Yeah. I remember seeing 40+ threads for them up at one point.
Lots of slower threads just couldn't survive anymore. Even now it takes threads less than 24 hours to archive.

>> No.36842265

There was literally one or two guys making those threads from /qa/. He wanted to troll, and test the mods and they did literally nothing until he posted screencaps on there despite the painfully obvious spam.

>> No.36842284


>> No.36842296

Yeah no, don't believe this bullshit.

>> No.36842334

she always has been.

>> No.36842397 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 545x574, SMASH = SOYA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more trannys

>> No.36842497 [DELETED] 
File: 367 KB, 1449x1610, 1616374837245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a shower smelly boy

>> No.36842674

Why is this thread still up

>> No.36842708
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, FA8OvTuXIAQEUzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is a slow board, you can't expect the thread to disappear immediately

>> No.36842720

you should expect off-topic /v/eddit threads to be deleted in a timely fashion.

>> No.36842744

it isn't 2010 anymore

>> No.36842746
File: 190 KB, 540x438, meido long sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't expect much from /jp/ mods

>> No.36842781

>one or two guys from /qa/
there was /qa/ guy, but also a discord full of em spamming (probably from /qa/ too)
welcome to 4channel, where there is no moot to tell the mods to fucking do their job

>> No.36843441

>Shanghai.EXE and it's numerous C&D's guarantees if Nintendo even considered Touhou, Capcom would bust in the door and say no or they'd walk
Didn't they only C&D because that game used actual shit from the Battle Network games, I mean there's lots of other MM Touhou clones
Also why would they care

>> No.36843923

The first time yes. After that they went berserk and C&D'd it like another three times even after those assets were removed. It clearly pissed someone in Capcom's legal team off.

>> No.36844070

Have you been in a coma for the past 5 years? Mods don't do shit these days, ever since Hiro's been in charge.

>> No.36844328
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x768, Touhou party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won
>We won
We won

We won lads, cope tranny, your shit and your art will never be relevant in the touhou community, NOW GTFO

>> No.36844411

transphobia, homophobia and islamophobia have no place in the touhou community chud

>> No.36845764

Get out of JP
Who are you quoting?

>> No.36847632


>> No.36848420

the one with child porn


>> No.36848497

ask smt fans about what happened when joker got into smash

>> No.36848517

>Who are you quoting?
I think he's quoting himself

>> No.36848527

It isn't. If anyone tells you it would be they're literally just retards who are extremely unaware of how sad the current state of Touhou fandom is, and genuinely think that somehow something which has been awful since 2004 can get worse

>> No.36848532

>You. Do. Not. Want. Westerners. In. Your. Hobby.
Well, idiot, there are westerners in this hobby

>> No.36848568
File: 432 KB, 1440x2228, SouthSudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36848606

i dont think hes taking into consideration the western audience, or at least (us)

>> No.36848627

We all have different opinions and that's okay. That's what makes us unique. We should celebrate our differences.

>> No.36848639

He is. Seriously, I fucking hate all these doom/gloom posters. Go and look outside of 4chan. Seriously, go ahead and look--what do you want?

Trans representation talked of in Touhou?
Making characters different races?
Saying characters are gay?
Talking about representation in various ways?
Saying that ZUN said x y or z about progressive whatever the fuck, when he hasn't and they can't quote it?
Touhou featured for Pride Month?
Idiots getting canon completely wrong?
Idiots saying they won't ever play the games?
Idiots saying the fanworks are the only thing Touhou is good for?

You'd best start believing in Hell, because not only are we in it, but we've been in it for years. Many, many years and people have just spoken about the "Smash Boogeyman" when Smash is extremely reverent to any IPs it adopts, and gives them respect and urges people to actually check out the original thing. Know what doesn't? Memories of Phantasm. Touhou Lost Word. Fumos.

Fuck all of you ignoramuses

>> No.36848703
File: 1023 KB, 2048x1448, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the hatred consume you.

>> No.36848716

>who are extremely unaware of how sad the current state of Touhou fandom is, and genuinely think that somehow something which has been awful since 2004 can get worse
It being bad now doesn't mean throw oil on the fire to make it worse. And it can always get worse, what are you talking about?

>> No.36848719
File: 285 KB, 1117x1331, 1620408012825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know when Chimata came out, hundreds--maybe thousands claimed she was gay representation because Rainbows, despite the relevance of rainbows to myth and markets. Even here, people are like "lol CEO of gay"

This is where we are.

>> No.36848735

I'm talking about you not knowing what you're talking about.

In the first place the fact that you haven't noticed the shit stains despite them being more than plentiful--these people are IN, making game jams and essays and they've BEEN doing so and WE contributed with ideas like "everyone is gay in Gensokyo"--should indicate to you that no matter how bad it gets, you're never even going to notice.

>> No.36848757

What a fucking dumb argument that's just flat out untrue. People here have bitched all the time about the dumb pride game jams, I don't get why you're pretending no one has noticed them.

>> No.36848819

I know a few people have fussed now and then, but in that case why exactly do you think a game where Touhou would be properly represented without any politics that it doesn't associate with would lead to a BAD result?

You're saying that the state we are already in, where people lie about the product and eat that shit up, which is being accelerated with BS like Lost Word, would be BETTER than the state where an incredibly popular game cuts through all the nonsense and gives you an honest take on the property? Listen to yourself

>> No.36848859
File: 2.05 MB, 2048x1536, 1622252751788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know when Chimata came out, hundreds--maybe thousands of japanese claimed she was gaming representation because Rainbows, despite the relevance of rainbows to myth and markets. Even here, people are like "lol gaming CEO"

This is where we are.

>> No.36848879

Nue's comment is comedy gold.

>> No.36848893

and by the way I know the counterargument is usually "more people = more bad" but the truth is that Touhou has been getting more popular with more access to actual canon via official translations, better translations, and a lot more digital releases and frankly, the state now, disregarding the faggots who take everything in it the wrong way, is FAR better than it used to be. A lot of cancer's died out both East and West and there are more people willing to go to bat for the core franchise. Anything that gives the series an honest take is a win for Touhou, and always has been (hence, Lost Word and Fumos have been quite the loss)

Why even lie when the pic I posted was from a Japanese person complaining about westerners

>> No.36848911

The whims of other fans has little effect on the degree to which I enjoy a thing.

>> No.36848917

Pretty much the way to be, especially with something like Touhou which has nonsense like Cookie derived from it, god that's its own awful can of worms--and it's from Japan

>> No.36848961

Based /pol/tard

>> No.36849083

WTF are you on about? The people who want to push their agenda don't care about facts or reality. They care about clout and attention. Smash is more attention. Shitting on/subverting/commandeering popular things is clout. Any "proper representation" is irrelevant.

>> No.36849201
File: 633 KB, 2400x1080, 6e756b668b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not irrelevant, you don't know how these people argue. It's never JUST their word, its twisting things and interpreting things how they wish. It's one thing to just SAY "Marisa is gay and Alice and Patchouli are gay for her", it's another to have some "proof"--even if this image is literally not canon, you can bet someone will mention how ZUN approved this, neglecting that ZUN approves of nearly all fanworks in existence. The more data that exists to the contrary, the less they have to stand on and the less they boast. Evidence of this? Again: raw reality. While there are people who insist on this or that to the death, at this point enough canon or canon-adherent stuff has come out that they can't really argue anything anymore--at least not well. The lies and wants become exposed. What good is THAT? The good is there will be less of these people. Most people see logic. When you tell them that Reimu, Marisa, and Kosuzu are all explicitly interested in straight romance, when you remind them that Toyohime and Yorihime are married, when you mention how Junko and Suwako have fucked men, they can't actually argue against it and instead usually fall back to ridiculous arguments. And, looking ridiculous is good, because then there are less shitty fans in the fanbase altogether, and your experience will be better.

If you just let it go unabated and think that "anything that represents the franchise well won't help" well fuck you doomposter, it's been helping for decades. When you have a better overall impression of Touhou, you get better people into Touhou, and you get better fanworks. There's a reason "Team 9" hasn't existed since... what? 2011? I don't know

>> No.36855779

well idiot i'm a westener

>> No.36855902

Of course he is you dumbass. He obviously wants as much people to get into touhou as possible because he wants his franchise to be successful. Do you really think he gives a fuck if you're mad about annoying faggots getting into your hobby?

>> No.36856244

prove it

>> No.36856331
File: 169 KB, 800x750, B0674886-1E04-4DE4-BD63-858B211072B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, your conflating ignorant fans and culture warriors. Ignorant fans can, in theory, be educated. Culture warriors cannot.
Second, and I’m being dead serious here, you need to let go of the need for everyone to view Touhou exactly the same as you. It’s not healthy in general, and it’s especially stupid with Touhou. This is a series where one of the main themes is the subjective nature of it’s reality and how people perceive reality in general. There are consistent facts in Touhou, but there are also inconsistencies and retcons. Touhou works a lot better, and is a lot more fun, if take it easy with black Tewi, rather than sperging about canon all the time.

>> No.36856344

Your=you’re goddamn it

>> No.36856602

No way. Everyone here is a thirdie.

>> No.36857787

>Yes, it would have been amazing seeing Reimu do battle in Smash
>You. Do. Not. Want. Westerners. In. Your. Hobby.

What is, Faustian bargain, for 1000 alex.

>> No.36859241
File: 1.22 MB, 640x488, 1633239728509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Touhou is a progressive series, ZUN is a leftist, Aya is regularly painted as bad because she's a reactionary, and that Miko is trans.
If you didn't already know this, you just weren't paying attention. Or, alternatively, you just want to deny it because otherwise your head would cave in from the massive contradiction of enjoying a progressive, leftist series and being a reactionary.

>> No.36859384

stupid crossie

>> No.36859454

>Aya is regularly painted as bad because she's a reactionary,
Aya is ZUN's wife

>> No.36859478

Ya i was going to say.

>> No.36859492

This post is also a big jumble of political word salad.

>> No.36859569

it's a shitpost but this is literally the opinion of touhou on every other site but here.
unsure how it even festered to that point in the first place, i guess having a series with well written women just attract these kind of people? but it's seriously bizarre.

>> No.36859777

This but unironically.

>> No.36859862

Western fans
yes, that includes myself and I'm happy with the sacrifice

>> No.36859876

Ya i don't get why sjws/far radical left flock to it, perhaps because it has occultism, and some progressive themes. Even the shit post only mentioned a few elements, i don't get how people flip the entirety of the series to "leftism", in a series generally open to interpretation.

>> No.36860221

My current working theory is that Touhou attracts autistic people (no one I think disagrees with this). A lot of autistic people end up getting sucked into the transgender stuff since it's designed to pull in the mentally vulnerable, and that itself promotes far leftism stuff. Since they never left touhou, and they believe all fiction is political, they establish that everything in Touhou exists to validate those beliefs.

Some skip the transgender stuff but that pipeline I feel covers it fairly well.

>> No.36860313

From what I've seen it's mostly just people taking the "all media is political" thing too literal and less of trannies on the net, just because a fictional character or world within a series has their own politics/views that only make sense in that universe doesn't mean the creator agrees or supports them in real life. you can write anything. It doesn't mean shit irl.
Only one time that's happened it was just about disabled people (iirc ZUN talked about disabled people being mistreated either in an interview or an omake) and even then ZUN didn't want to seem pushy.
People also make up weird headcanons and treat it as canon but thats less of a Touhou fanbase issue and more of english speaking fanbase in general because you see it happen with other series.

>> No.36860431

>inconsistencies and retcons
No there aren't.

Even the pic you posted notes no "inconsistencies", it's multiple facets of one character, and it ignores that she acts similarly to one "version" or another regardless of series/game. There are no retcons, this is a meme purported by people who haven't read/played everything, but do think they can parrot this frequent lie. Go ahead and mention an actual retcon.

>> No.36860435

>black Tewi
I see your a moron

>> No.36860439

And, so are I

>> No.36860456

the vengeful spirit in satorimanga does not work with the properties of vengeful spirits stated in sopm

>> No.36860465

the only retcons i can think of are alice, yuuka, and makai, but zun never brings up the way they used to be, he just ignores it and leaves it vague, so yeah...
the books surprisingly enough are shown to not be reliable sources, akyuu and the others views are all biased so what you may read is not how it really works (way off topic but this is some big brained method to avoid inconsistent writing kek). also consider the fact satoris manga hasnt even concluded the arc yet, so it may not even be a vengeful spirit in the first placr

>> No.36860467

Capable of doing spiritual damage to youkai, and thus a serious threat.

What's different?

>> No.36860478

>the only retcons i can think of are alice, yuuka, and makai, but zun never brings up the way they used to be, he just ignores it and leaves it vague, so yeah...
Pc98 was rather wiped from canon, and ZUN's got several times on record of him requesting fans to ignore it and consider windows a blank slate

>> No.36860510

i should have added that it barely counts as a retcon, i'm not disagreeing or anything like that

>> No.36860525

akyuu's writing may be unreliable but byakuren/kanako/marisa were discussing vengeful spirits so unless all three of them are wrong I don't think that applies here
it was said that a youkai possessed by a vengeful spirit would be "killed" and the result is an entirely different youkai, much more than spirit draining

you're right though, no confirmation that this "vengeful spirit" is what it appears to be

>> No.36860549

>People also make up weird headcanons and treat it as canon but thats less of a Touhou fanbase issue and more of english speaking fanbase in general because

Ya this is the core of radicle leftist's thinking/morality, they make a lest common denominator, more degenerate head cannon/world view(let's ship everyone in gensokeyo), and when people disagree they turn into monsters, trying to impose a their world view, because they think they are being oppressed, by people with a moral hierarchy.

>> No.36860577

Have you considered ditching the persecution complex for even one minute or is that impossible for you

>> No.36860633

It's sad because shipping and the like shouldn't be considered politics, but the current state of most fandoms nowadays (like I said, not just Touhou) basically turned into that. Honestly you could write an entirely different thread elsewhere or even a fucking paper on the evolution of fandoms and how they went from dorks to political movements of all kinds of flavors, shits insane.

>> No.36860663

But Mima's coming back soon

>> No.36860690

Shipping has been part of Touhou's community since day one and are mostly just jokes. Sounds like you're the one "imposing" your worldview.

>> No.36860711

That anon's obviously not talking about shipping in general, but people who treat their ships are canon, and people who disagree with them as immoral. Back in my day, shippers were seen as weirdos, and if you said "I don't like touhou shipping" you'd be cheered for it. Now a huge chunk of the community earnestly believes if you say that you're probably homophobic.

>> No.36860712

I can't wait :)

>> No.36860731

>but people who treat their ships are canon, and people who disagree with them as immoral
Both sound retarded.

>> No.36862892
File: 443 KB, 621x1480, black_tewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look it up

>> No.36864843

It's basically some horse shit people bring up to excuse fanon bs

>> No.36864949

ignoring all the crossie shit in this, aya's been portrayed as good in her lotus eaters appearances, exposing reimu's religious fraud and keeping geidontei from being shut down

>> No.36867070

The real seduction of an image like that, is getting people to think they can have any metaphysical view they want, and not have to deal with any negative outcomes. But its ok because in gensokeyo.

>> No.36870306

"cope tranny based based" posts are really allowed on /jp/ now

>> No.36870366

this is /v/ though

>> No.36870511

The issue is not how much I like something, it's how much I'm able to talk about something. It's already hard enough to talk about Touhou as things have become after so long, pulling the entire Smash fanbase into the series at this point would be nothing short of catastrophic.
In any case I'm glad to be free of any /v/ shitposter who wants Reimu in just to see that happen, at least for the rest of this decade.

>> No.36870547

It never stops amusing me how butthurt some people get whenever it gets posted. Thank you black Tewi, you're still the best after all this time.

>> No.36871176

Thread griping aside where the hell is this from exactly

>> No.36871206

My guess is, and I'm thinking total legalities, is they C&Ded and it was a total strike. So even if the game was back without the assets it was still a big no no for Capcom.

>> No.36871271

>There's a reason "Team 9" hasn't existed since... what? 2011? I don't know
Nah that group is still around. It being snuck into things like Three Fairies via the background just exaserbated it.

Weird pick though, because honestly of all Touhou trends that's probably the least dumb, just a bunch of low level bosses hanging with each other occasionally with a character who canonically doesn't even have a name.

>> No.36871520

it's kinda hot tho.

>> No.36872979

You realize the problem with it is that whoever wrote it was basically saying "Well fuck ZUN basically, you can just ignore whatever you want, go ahead and think of everything as canon and have no respect for original"

ZUN is cool with you doing whatever but one of his first requests is "clearly indicate that it's a fanwork". Basically, it's just disrespectful faggotry made by someone with an inflated ego and posted by people who are worse

>> No.36873003

/jp/'s thoughts on this westerner?


>> No.36873009

>Weird pick though

Never hangs out with anyone.
Never hangs out with anyone
Doesn't really exist.
Only started even associating with other fairies years' into Windows canon.

It's basically a dumb thing on the level of sin sacks, Shiki Eiki being grumpy, Marisa being a harem protagonist, name it. "Surface level read that people assume makes sense without actually bothering to think about anything". I mean in the first place, fairies and youkai outright never mix--fairies are piss afraid of youkai.

>> No.36873019

And even the source comic states it's a fanwork/derivative so what you're saying falls apart

Also said comic at the end even encouraged readers to play the games

>> No.36873042

It doesn't really fall apart, why say that nonsense at all? You realize there are words for this: "contradiction", "hypocrisy", etc.
If you really think that you should treat the canon as canon plain and simple, say that and be done with it, why inflate your own ego and the egos of others? It's faggot shit. What is even the argument?
"ZUN's canon is canon, respect that"
"but also every canon is canon, respect me and ignore ZUN and think whatever you want"

Not friends with them, hangs out with Kyouko.

>> No.36873043

Again compared to what you are lumping it with it's still not all that bad. Least it hasnt been as annoying as say, Cirno is a moron.

>> No.36873063

>Least it hasnt been as annoying as say, Cirno is a moron.
Are *you* trying to be a moron? Cirno IS a moron. All fairies are morons.

It's "that bad" because it's reductive. If you take a unique setting and characters with weird quirks and reduce them to "the norm that you'd see in any franchise", it's fuckin' lame. Mystia is way more interesting as a bit of a jerk who runs a food stand and also plays in a band. Wriggle is way more interesting as a bugs' rights activist, Rumia is way more interesting as a straightforward monster who doesn't seem to really grasp or care about the world around her, and Cirno is Cirno.

>> No.36873154

>the enemy is deploying rice

>> No.36873255

The entire point is the fact that the official works are so vague about details that you can fill in everything however you want and assume it's canon in some alternate universe, because that's exactly how and why the Touhou doujin community became so big in first place. Thinking there's a true 2hu canon that only you understand as you get mad at anyone who doesn't adhere to it puts you way below even tertiaries, getting even madded when this is pointed out to you puts you below quaternaries. Shut the fuck up, lurk the fuck more and take the fuck easy.

>> No.36873312

She looks too smug. Needs a massa to buckess break her.

>> No.36874562

Oh cool, the "obviously hasn't read anything or played the games" argument

There's certainly things up in the air. Mostly, there aren't too many. ZUN is actually almost absurdly detailed on quite a few things. People like you can't be any more obvious with how little they know but how proud they try to be

>> No.36874585

By the way I never claimed my interpretation this or my interpretation that, you fucking moron. I mentioned canon because there's canon. There's a lot of canon, maybe you should check it out rather than being obnoxiously ignorant. Nothing I've mentioned here has been my interpretation

>> No.36874627

he's either baiting or so retarded there's no point in replying to him, just ignore it

>> No.36877533

Of course, the infallible reply to use when you know you have no way to reply back because you know you're completely fucking wrong. "He's just baiting, ignore him".
Let me just quote >>36870547 for truth once again and leave this garbage thread that attracted this kind of autist somehow.

>> No.36881015

"i didnt win the arguement so i'll also ignore you and affirm myself as being the correct and rightful winner in this debate"
Motherfucker if you're going to argue on the internet at least acknowledge what the other person just said. You're bickering about some shit nobody else brought up but you.
