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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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36796864 No.36796864 [Reply] [Original]

is it for the generals? is it for the 2hu? or is it just to complain about how /jp/ hasn't been good since 2010.

>> No.36796873

it's comfy

>> No.36796886

2hu, I never really cared about the generals.
I think I cant mention all of them and I have been here since 2018 aprx.
Also what >>36796873 said, its comfy to spend nights here with my anikis.

>> No.36796914

Flanfly and nothing else, otherwise I'd just get sad thinking about /jp/ over a decade ago

>> No.36797134

It's one of the last places on 4chan that I feel like aren't completely overrun with malignant newfags who hate me.
With that said, I've been thinking about dipping soon. It's been getting a lot worse.

>> No.36797618

for my beloved 2hus. and also just to kill time and distract myself

>> No.36797637

2hu and to complain

>> No.36797854

rhythm games, djt

>> No.36798194

2hu, and to complain a bit, but not too much. It relaxes me. Imageboards have been my only means to socialise and I can sometimes feel the perspective of people take a toll on my personality for the worse, but with jp, its at most a little mind numbing, but mostly just brings comfort & peace, despite recent events that have been argued to death

>> No.36798259

some generals and to post in good touhou threads when they show up, i like deeper discussion
though these same generals could and are on different sites, so at least in that regard if i left it wouldn't be different, but most of the bigger touhou communities became smaller and hidden away i.e discord groups and this is probably the last place i can post freely about it

>> No.36799074

Elona and Touhou. Granted you can discuss 2hu on boards other than /jp/, but I believe this place has one of the highest concentrations of anons who genuinely enjoy the series once you get past the fapbait threads that is.
>I've been thinking about dipping soon
You'll be back eventually.

>> No.36799343

I feel at home here and I really look to playing something touhou with my family again.
On /jp/ there are actually good threads. You just have to look for them. Especially since it feels like the hype over youtube whores died, the board became slightly slower.

>> No.36801254

I like it here, haven't been on for too long (since 2015, on and off) so i don't really care if it was better before

>> No.36801324

DJT, Elona and Aya threads
This is also the only board on this website that hasn't been turned into a contrarian circlejerk. /vrpg/ was fine too until they banned Reanposting

>> No.36801580

The TV general, that's about it. It's pretty shit and mostly filled with retards watching translated dramas, but there's the odd variety fan. The rest of the board seems pretty terrible at this point, tired 2hu spam as a last front against mobage/vtuber zombies and endless dogshit generals for trash.

It's hard to really notice slow degradation until you turn around one day and remember what you've lost. For me it was some ghost thread a few years back about how our benevolent dictator resembles a feline, and I laughed so hard I cried at the inventive posting styles that have been lost to banwaves and apathy and can now only survive at the fringes of imageboard society. I remembered how /jp/ used to feel, when every thread was like going to Yoshinoya and nobody took things seriously.

>> No.36801644
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I come here in hopes of finding a denpa thread. That's about the only thing that's worth a damn on /jp/ now.

I know many people like to blame the generals for the downfall of /jp/, but I don't think there is anything wrong with the general thread format in itself. They become problematic when there are too many of them, are about topics that are strongly disliked by the board/site residents, and are allowed to form communities independently from the rest of the board.

>> No.36801729

Touhou, oldfag, community, my lack of any real social life whatsoever.
I used to main /b/ but that place is just a spam board now.

>> No.36803124

You're just like me! You probably don't feel good everyday.

>> No.36803345
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I'm pretty much just here for the denpa threads too. There are some occasional threads which are interesting as well, but I still find this place decently enjoyable. At least its not /v/.

>> No.36803489

Hell, this seems like the only board where the posters aren’t constantly hostile.

>> No.36804118

the only board with a semblance of sentient conversation about higurashi.
/a/ has always been a dogshit spergbox full of hostile glowniggers.

>> No.36804209

we don't use that word here

>> No.36804280

I like /jp/. It's pretty relaxed and you can enjoy what you want without people being upset that you like something. It also has a high concentration of things I enjoy.

>> No.36804531

i cant into 2hu, but i continue to come for trains and the vain hope of a school uniform thread that hasnt been deleted.

>> No.36804640

Most slower boards are not that hostile at all, at least in the sense of people being intentionally grating or trolling to get easy (You)s. Also, other imageboards exist.
In my experience though a lot of anons will take a fuckton of vitriol over having to wait hours/days for a reply. Which isn't "dead," it's active but slow. Split that hair goddamnit.

Also while it's softened a bit, self-proclaimed /jp/ oldfags can be some of the most pedantic assholes on the site as a defense mechanism to changing popularity, tastes, and media styles that fall under otaku culture. Since new fads displace stuff oldfags still enjoy and speed up the thread archival process.
And it's not so much being assholes itself which is annoying, but doing shit like just going into a thread to tell someone to get out. Report and ignore if you think it's actually off-topic ffs.

>> No.36804754

>self-proclaimed /jp/ oldfags can be some of the most pedantic assholes on the site as a defense mechanism to changing popularity, tastes, and media styles that fall under otaku culture
If it's about 2D it is, if it's about 3D it ain't. Simple as.

has never solved any problem on this site and created many more.

>> No.36804870

>Also while it's softened a bit, self-proclaimed /jp/ oldfags can be some of the most pedantic assholes on the site as a defense mechanism to changing popularity, tastes, and media styles that fall under otaku culture.
It has been said time and time again that if the posters like something, they'll post about it. Importing people who haven't used the site a day in their life and dumping random shit nobody wants here is not "changing tastes" in any way, shape or form. The people you want to claim post for their own gain are no different from the people who dump random shit here because they believe it's vaguely related despite everyone telling them to fuck off. Oppressing the native posters to defend new shit that nobody wants or cares about is not "changing tastes" or anything to do with popularity and ignoring the criticism is nothing short of neglect.

>Since new fads displace stuff oldfags still enjoy and speed up the thread archival process.
>And it's not so much being assholes itself which is annoying, but doing shit like just going into a thread to tell someone to get out. Report and ignore if you think it's actually off-topic ffs.
That is a foolish notion that solves NOTHING at all.

>> No.36805018

>Report and ignore
report to whom? the mods?
don't make me laugh.

>> No.36805254

>That is a foolish notion that solves NOTHING at all.
Depends on what you're reporting. If it's got fuck all to do with Japan or Japanese media, reporting solves it pretty much all of the time because whoever is the chucklefuck making the call isn't considering if it falls under "otaku culture."

The core problem really is that "otaku culture" is a bad catch-all for a board, since it both potentially includes groups that don't gel with one another. 2D purists and idolfags, which are clearly defined in the rules as being topical, are the most concrete example (though of course there are people who like both, they just have nothing to say). And that's ignoring that people who use the same threads and have similar interests have different ideas of what is implicitly otaku culture.

While I would say nothing outright solves this issue, the one thing I've found that ameliorates it is either using different spaces that pander to what you want to discuss, or spin your own if nothing gives you satisfaction and you think others feel the same. I do the former, and while every place has caveats, they also have different pros. If /jp/ really did suck for me as much as people profess, I'd move on. It doesn't hold control over me. It's just one board for that just happens to be on the fastest anonymous imageboard, and it will dissappear eventually and force a move without my consent regardless, so I see no reason to keep all my eggs in one basket.
And while I doubt it will happen, making boards for aspects of /jp/ that oldfags like should be enjoyed by at least a few them that aren't hung up on a certain place being a certain way over discussion.

What I know does solve nothing is going into a thread and telling someone to gb2 X or expel niwaka. It undoubtedly feels good to the poster, but anons have thick enough skin to carry on regardless, even if they're from X, and probably would be more discouraged from getting one less reply.

>> No.36805918
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Force of habit. I hide basically all the threads, including the generals pertaining to my interests. I don't even bother complaining much any more.

>> No.36807861

2hu + it's comfy

>> No.36817392

to complain and lament how the glory days will never come back

>> No.36818706

I'm just here for the generals. Idk how you can keep shitposting about touhou for 10 years.

>> No.36820306

The rest of 4chan has changed. Full of the same people the site was created to escape from. They strongly dislike me and talk about strange things that only invite despair.
I'm admittedly only half into Touhou. I hop into character discussion threads, but I don't play the games often at all. Besides that, most of my time goes to /ona/, Denpa threads, NEET threads, and whatever nice one-off someone thinks up.
I hope this place can remain a comfortable home for me for a bit longer before it is overrun like my previous ones. Even now, I have to use more filters than I'd like.

>> No.36820339

I can't relax outside of an anonymous community and of the anonymous communities out there I share the most interests with /jp/ and hate it the least.

>> No.36820346

>It has been said time and time again that if the posters like something, they'll post about it. Importing people who haven't used the site a day in their life and dumping random shit nobody wants here is not "changing tastes" in any way, shape or form.
If nobody wants it here, then nobody will post in the thread, and it will simply die, as threads for literally hundreds of possible niche interests would if you tried to make them. You're not attacking things that "nobody" is interested in, you're attacking things that people you don't like are interested in.

>> No.36820408

monster girl thread

>> No.36829764

Sexy girls

>> No.36830649

>If nobody wants it here, then nobody will post in the thread, and it will simply die, as threads for literally hundreds of possible niche interests would if you tried to make them. You're not attacking things that "nobody" is interested in, you're attacking things that people you don't like are interested in.
It's not about my interest. You saw it first hand since December that despite the fact that nobody wanted the tubertrash here, nothing happened despite despite numerous reports and debate. It's not about "my" specific interest when the vast majority of native users don't want something here. Importing more crossboarders than there are in the entire board population of /jp/ and refusing to remove them to leave is not "what everyone wants" when I.
If a bunch of faggots from /co/ made a thread and kept it bumped, it would hit bump limit. Not because /jp/ posters want it, but rather because a bunch of fucking /co/tards wanted it there.
You can ramble on and on about how you vainly believe that it is the interest of one person all you want. That won't change the fact that you INTENTIONALLY ignore what everyone says and choosing what you want to give attention to.

>> No.36831215

>You saw it first hand since December that despite the fact that nobody wanted the tubertrash here.
By definition, the number of people who want vtubers here is not "nobody." You can pretend that no native poster likes vtubers but that's just the true Scotsman fallacy copied 1-for-1 into an argument that people pretend actually makes sense.

Go track down some actual oldfags. By and large they think your anti-vtuber crusade is retarded. But don't let that stop you from claiming you speak for everybody.

>> No.36831390

<span class="sjis">
┳┻|_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
┻┳|・ω・) < Psst. Not all imageboards are dead or shitposty hellholes. Some even have good mods. . .
┳┻|⊂ノ   \_____________________________________

>> No.36831651

>You can pretend that no native poster likes vtubers but that's just the true Scotsman fallacy copied 1-for-1 into an argument that people pretend actually makes sense.
You can call it that but it doesn't change the fact that just about nobody cared about that shit and wanted it gone.
It's a glaring issue gone intentionally ignored. Instead of getting rid of them, the blame was put on others. You can call it a fallacy all you want over a general overlap. There are people on this board that like anime and the like. Yet /a/ exists. There is a board for anime.

>> No.36832894

>You can call it that but it doesn't change the fact that just about nobody cared.
If nobody cared then the threads would simply die with nobody posting in them, which is what happens to topics that nobody cares about. What you meant to say is "only people I don't like care."

>It's a glaring issue gone intentionally ignored.
It's intentionally ignored because the mods are older fags than you, know plenty of /jp/sies who are older fags than you, and know that the people who cry the most loudly /jp/'s metathreads are morons who pretend to be representative of the board but are not (as it has been since 2008).

>> No.36833137
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>If nobody cared then the threads would simply die with nobody posting in them, which is what happens to topics that nobody cares about. What you meant to say is "only people I don't like care."
I already made that point clear to you, and I'll say it again. Nobody gave a shit until the situation got out of hand.

>It's intentionally ignored because the mods are older fags than you, know plenty of /jp/sies who are older fags than you, and know that the people who cry the most loudly /jp/'s metathreads are morons who pretend to be representative of the board but are not (as it has been since 2008).
Not inherently true. You don't need to be a day one-fag to see that this board has been managed horribly throughout it's lifetime. The only constant is the amount of bullshit being spewn to justify the mismanagement while dubbing anyone going against it as shitposters and morons when a horrible decision is made that negatively impacts the board.
Your narrative is "one person" when it isn't. You create issues and blame others for it.

>> No.36834019

>I already made that point clear to you, and I'll say it again. Nobody gave a shit until the situation got out of hand.
And I've already made the point clear to you that "nobody cares" is some sort of retarded mantra you chant to yourself to somehow delude yourself into thinking that the problem isn't the exact fucking opposite of what you claim it is, which is ~too many people caring~ about something you don't like.

>Not inherently true. You don't need to be a day one-fag to see that this board has been managed horribly throughout it's lifetime.
The moderation of this board has ranged from mediocre to shit over the years, and yet still infinitely better than the kind of retard who moans and bitches in metathreads about how janny is keeping them down.

>Your narrative is "one person" when it isn't.
Of course it's not one person. It's always a whole bunch of retards, whether the self-important IRC cabal of the early years or the clown car of retards whining about NSJ during shitposter summer. What hasn't changed is they're delusional self-important retards who claim to speak for everyone in the board.

>> No.36834229

>And I've already made the point clear to you that "nobody cares" is some sort of retarded mantra you chant to yourself to somehow delude yourself into thinking that the problem isn't the exact fucking opposite of what you claim it is, which is ~too many people caring~ about something you don't like.
You call it delusion when everyone including yourself saw the response to such trash being allowed here. Passing it off as the interests of one person is ingenuous. It's that attitude that enables crossboard shit to thrive now when for the longest time it wouldn't fly for a moment years ago.

>Of course it's not one person.
Then don't say it is whenever there's a thread of 30+ posters telling someone to fuck off.
>It's always a whole bunch of retards, whether the self-important IRC cabal of the early years or the clown car of retards whining about NSJ during shitposter summer. What hasn't changed is they're delusional self-important retards who claim to speak for everyone in the board.
You have eyes. If you read what was being said, you'd know that it isn't something you pull out of your ass. There are shitposters, but that doesn't mean you can just lump anyone who speaks out with them when the point is legitimate.

>> No.36834660

>You call it delusion when everyone including yourself saw the response to such trash being allowed here. Passing it off as the interests of one person is ingenuous.
>Then don't say it is whenever there's a thread of 30+ posters telling someone to fuck off.
Nobody ever said it's one person, shit-for-brains, so you can drop the strawman now. There's a lot of difference between one person and literally everyone in /jp/. It's called "some people."

>There are shitposters, but that doesn't mean you can just lump anyone who speaks out with them when the point is legitimate.
Not everybody who complains about anything is a shitposter, but anybody who claims to speak for the entirety of /jp/ (or real /jp/sies, or oldfags, or native posters, or whatever unique status category you've decided separates yourself from everybody who disagrees with you) is a retarded shitposter 100% of the time.

>> No.36835850

>Go track down some actual oldfags.
i know a bunch and most of them hate vtubers. also not sure why you are pointing out his fallacy, and then using the same fallacy as if it is an argument when you say it

>> No.36835891

rhythm games

both /v/ and /vg/ were too fast for it that’s why it ended up here

>> No.36838915
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vtubers were here for years and people really only got a bug up their ass about it once it got popular
in general, a lot of /jp/ anymore is pretending you're gatekeeping someplace anybody wants to be while slipping further and further into irrelevance and stagnation
once upon a time people on this board took pride in their output of original content and creativity. now those people are all gone and what's left is a bunch of angry retards who think that if they say "crossboarder" enough it makes them an oldfag
the term didn't exist until /jp/ was a few years old and early replies are laughing at the concept. it's abhorrent to the idea of actual old 4chan. we'd all come here from /b/ to /a/ to this place
the best thing the creation of /vt/ did was take all that creativity away from where this board's mods could mismanage it. this board has been brain drained into a glorified booru dump bot. there's plenty of /jp/ exile imageboards that get 3 posts a week if that's all you want

>> No.36842463

>i know a bunch and most of them hate vtubers. also not sure why you are pointing out his fallacy, and then using the same fallacy as if it is an argument when you say it
Most of the dumb old faggots I see online these days who used to be on some IRC or another ten years ago either follow some vtubers or simply don't care either way. Kinomod is fine with vtubers and he invented the Touhou hijack fifteen years ago, making him one of the oldest faggots around. Sure, maybe you can't take my word for it, but counting named persons at least theoretically possible, unlike counting anons.

The chance of actually convincing anyone on staff with an argument that all the "native /jp/sies" hate vtubers and it's all dumb newfag non-/jp/ staff who simply don't understand the board is pretty much zero. Meido's identity has leaked like five times over the years and every single time it was someone who had been posting since 2010 at the latest (who get called newfags for not being split posters). They don't give even a little bit of a shit what people who call them newfags think. Maybe THIS time around the janitor is some dumb johnny-come-lately holofag from 2019 who might be bullied into thinking they don't know how /jp/ works but I doubt it.

>> No.36843031

Do you get fucked by your anikis?

>> No.36843874

Denpafags moved to shitcord unfortunately

>> No.36843939

I just come for the Elona general. I barely know anything about 2hu so I don't care about that

>> No.36845299

I'm waiting for the day we get to play GTA again.

>> No.36845328

tewi thread

>> No.36849572

It's pretty much the only place on the internet i know of that still holds a bit of respect to true otaku culture and is for the most part populated by people who actually enjoy the hobby.
Even /a/ is essentially /v/ these days, you can't discuss a thing without someone popping in just to troll. Nobody on the internet enjoys things anymore.
That being said, fuck vtuberfags. They're plenty aware that there's a containment board explicitly for them, yet they still choose to act like /jp/ is their exclusive twitch chat and just spam nonsense ad nauseam to piss people off. I don't care if its otaku culture or not, they're simply as obnoxious.

>> No.36849682

Well you're in luck friend

>> No.36850090

jav and coom threads.

>> No.36851226

>trolls ruin everything ;-;
>anyway /vt/ is a containment board
What is it about 4chan specifically that makes people become absolute hypocritically despotic chimps the second something they dislike has the fucking gall to exist? Literally just don't look, or filter it if you're so sensitive. More shit gets knocked off the catalogue by "Youmuu eating a burger" image dump threads than by /hlg/ making a new thread when they get archived. It's a non-issue.

>> No.36852186

It is an issue, retard.
I don't give a shit about your boob streamers or what's happening in your shitty threads. The fact is, you're specifically going out of your way to spread your bullshit outside of your containment board for attention.
If the vtumor threads were actually half decent i wouldn't mind them, but for fucks sake, you're all actual fucking chimpanzees. There's no discussions in your threads, there's over 3 generals for one topic, and every post is incoherent meaningless nonsense, written only out of instinct rather than any form of thought.
The dumb flying flan threads have more going for them. Vtumor threads are the epitome of low quality shitposting in the most obnoxious way possible, all for attention.

>> No.36852329

Don't even like vtubers but its incredibly funny to complain about that given the content of most 2hu threads.

>> No.36852462
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/jp/ has always been the touhou containment board, jannies are still banning threads on /a/ and apparently /v/

>> No.36852601

flan fly is sacred

>> No.36853205
File: 434 KB, 1007x838, two chen moe jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about how /jp/ hasn't been good since 2010.
there are alternatives

>> No.36853533

Vtubers were here, for years, before /vt/ existed. It's not being "spread" here, and there's no rule saying it can't be here. Remaking a thread when it hits 1500 posts and auto archives isn't killing any threads. Filter it and stop treating what is allowed to be discussed here as an extension of your ego. You're pathetic.

>> No.36853587

I only come here for the 2hu threads. I really love Touhou.

>> No.36853606


>> No.36853932

Pretty much.

>> No.36854808

I don't think that posting a site that is completely overrun with 3DPD will make the people who are complaining about idolniggers and holobronies want to move.

>> No.36855464

There's no reason for vtuber shit to be posted here if there's a board specifically for it. Try posting an onahole thread in the automobile board and watch it get wiped. The mods just don't give a shit about /jp/
>there's no rule saying it can't be here.
Off-topic posting is a global rule. Stay in your containment board, twitch zoomer

>> No.36856119

remaking a thread is a problem when theres often 3+ made at the same time, which bumps off the slower threads. a lot of good shit ends up getting knocked off and all that remains is imagedumps from both sides.

>> No.36856266 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 828x807, 1614380295130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to look for other jaded late 20s weebs to join my server of jaded late 20s weebs https://discord.gg/3CKxUXtk

>> No.36856537

>If the vtumor threads were actually half decent i
name a half-decent thread on /jp/

>> No.36856735

any chan needs a community first right? so, you can move there, build a community, rules, MODS and so on; there is always a "beginning" somewhere, if you prefer "do nothing and wait" than don't complain

>> No.36857057

How are virtual YouTubers off of the topic "niche Japanese interests"?
Does the existence of /vn/ on /vg/ make visual novels against the rules here?
You're just being a pathetic ego-tripping sperg.

>> No.36857478

I'd like go give you the benefit of doubt that you're just being disingenuous and pretending to be retarded, but I really doubt you'll drop the act.
Whatever, I'll just keep reporting those threads whenever I feel like it.
I'd advise other anons here to do that too, maybe the new jannies will try to actually do something for a short while

>> No.36857641

There's nothing disingenuous about asking you why you're clinging to a misconception about the rules that has been consistently enforced with bans for just dropping into a thread to go "hur dur >>>/vt/" for going on nine fucking months. If I thought you were pretending to be retarded I'd say it was remarkable dedication.

>> No.36857675

>I'd advise other anons here to do that too, maybe the new jannies will try to actually do something for a short while
name a single time in all 13 years of /jp/'s long and retarded history that people have successfully bullied janny into doing anything other than trying to crack down on them twice as hard

>> No.36858090

I still think /jp/ is pretty fun. Though I've come to accept that it's impossible for me to understand how to discuss im@s on 4chan. In vg threads they usually just discuss game mechanics and news. In /a/ and /mu/ any attempt to discuss im@s just goes horribly wrong. In /c/ the thread is mostly for posting pictures, not really for discussion about characters and the subculture in general. And here there's general but aimed at seiyuu, and then threads dedicated to various characters which lie in the sweet spot between pictures and discussion but that single character focus makes them limited in a way (I like lots of idols) and I'm frankly afraid of creating a thread of my favourite girl(s) only to see it immediately fade into obscurity…

>> No.36858184

/jp/ has much less absolute garbage and shitflinging than the rest of the boards on this site, but at the same time there's nothing of value left here either. Every thread is just a mix of imagedumps, light roleplay, and just reposting the memes judged to be "acceptable." Outside of meta threads it's hard to find a post where someone even bothers typing more than one sentence.

>> No.36859150

There was a long period of time where I was pretty unhappy that I really didn't like 90% of the posts on the boards I visited. At some point, I started to just really appreciate the 10% I did enjoy. I genuinely really enjoy /jp/, I can usually find a decent thread to post in, and if I make a thread about something I like, a few people reply to it. It's nice.

>> No.36859170

ORIGINALfag here.
vtubers are retarded and stand for everything wrong with the current generation.
Your turn, bitch nigger

>> No.36859233

a retro thread. 404ed.
tea thread. got bumped off the board in less than a day.
an invitation to share OC, couldn't keep up with the 17 generals.

>> No.36859332

i like OC threads

>> No.36859790

that sounds fucking horrible and describing yourself as jaded is a huge red flag and so is your generic /a/ reaction image. also all discord servers are cliques, you're basically inviting people to watch you and your friends talk while you ignore everyone else

>> No.36859987

why are you replying to a deleted post

>> No.36860006

because it wasn't deleted when I replied

>> No.36860094

Same here. Way better than /ic/ and it motivates me to continue drawing even if it pains me sometimes.

>> No.36860169

/ic/ is just people competing for clout and will put you down so you think you're shit and won't bother, so theres less competition
/jp/ oc threads were really fun, people gave actual criticism, hell there were fucking albums, games, and like one or two light novel (chapters).
though i think some of the usual gamedevs went onto posting on the gamedev threads on /vg/ instead
the last few longer oc threads (from like last year or last last year) devolved into some people from doujinstyle discord lashing out in threads though i think

>> No.36860227
File: 281 KB, 384x384, 1633304877140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

07th and type moon stuff, I don't know anything about 2hu funny enough

>> No.36860256

>devolved into some people from doujinstyle discord lashing out in threads
Fucking doujinstyle of all places? What even caused it in the first place?

>> No.36860324
File: 1.13 MB, 159x166, 1549317244441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be feasible to move the threads to a different, slower imageboard?

Probably not...

>> No.36860328

some fella drawing yuuka and lashing out, i barely even remember but i do know the person linked their twitter and they were in that server and kept spazzing in the vent channels, easy to put two and two together
(inb4 gay discord user, for a while they shut down their main site and you could only download via the discord chat)

>> No.36861103

A lot of posts mentioning the OC threads but when was the last one even? Feels like it's been close to a year since the last time I saw one.

>> No.36864502

Why don't we all move over to 5ch

>> No.36876295
File: 127 KB, 600x600, 1564824277213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird to think GTA is one of the last projects that's still around here, Shanghai dev and and the Warband guy haven't made any posts in a long time. There was also that dat:// thing from a few years ago that seemed like a cool concept but I don't think it ever went anywhere.

>> No.36876990

I've been here for the 2hu before (like 10 years ago), now I've returned for the TukiRe

>> No.36877166

>Warband guy(s)
Moved to a Steam Group or Discord or something, a crucial guy who was working on it disappeared without a trace stalling the project last I heard.

>Shanghai dev
Don't know if it was him but there was a post about it not to long ago. Still in development for post game content, but not much has change.

>> No.36877358

This is my first time ever visiting JP. Not sure why I came...out of boredom I guess. I usually stick to /fa/ or /trv/ or maybe /out/ even sometimes. Judging by what OP said though, this board seems like most other boards.

Just briefly scrolled through the catalog and found this. Hello everyone, I was expecting a bunch of expats here I guess but it seems to mostly be just anime

>> No.36877398

I like visual novels, and besides a bit of retarded EOP(more like ESL) shitposting, this is the best place I can find for that.

>> No.36880268

How is /out/ in 2021?
Still faggots raging about path markers and druggies shitting up the shrooms thread?

>> No.36880332

At least use a proper alternative you wannabe /jp/sie

>> No.36880351

>vtubers were here for years and people really only got a bug up their ass about it once it got popular

>> No.36880563

No really, it wasn't a big deal. Vtubing is just part of otaku culture, and even overlaps with Touhou frequently. There's that Holo that did a doujin album with Iosys, the other Holo on the panel for the Touhou vote the other day, etc. Nobody freaked the fuck out about it and started pretending it didn't deserve to be here until board traffic went up.

>> No.36880599

I remember those threads, doesn't even seem like that long ago, time flies. I love the GTA server I always look forward to it.

I'm originally a /k/ommando but I also browse /a/ for its waifu/christmas/valentine's threads and generals for certain shows I'm watching like lately higurashi and muv luv alternative. On some occasions I lurk /g/.

/jp/ is hands down my favorite board, they're more friendly but at the same time expect you to assimilate into board culture and have zero tolerance for frog/wojak cancer that plagues 90% of 4chan.

>> No.36880988

To be fair dat:/// and Beaker Browser is some new and not popular tech, so it's not surprise it fell off. He should have picked a more well know and used protocol like i2p if he wanted to share files, since you can torrent over it unlike TOR.
Honestly I don't even mind Vtubing as an otaku hobby, I just wish they didn't post in such a botlike manner at a rapid speed. It reminds me of the nobody threads on /x/. The earlier discussions were at least somewhat slower paced.

>> No.36881039

>I just wish they didn't post in such a botlike manner at a rapid speed.
I wonder why they don't just use IRC or Discord instead. Instant messaging platforms are obviously more suited for that kind of rapid posting.
