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3678439 No.3678439 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about spider girls? Would you make one feel loved?

>> No.3678443

I'm down.

>> No.3678442

Noir was okay. But only because she was a tsundere little stalker. Pretty gross otherwise.

>> No.3678444

No. They scare the shit out of me.

>> No.3678446

I'm thinking about playing Atlach=Nacha soon. At least far enough with ATLAS that I can maybe know whether to vote for it in Ixrec's poll.

>> No.3678452
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i don't want to be eaten and i'm too scared of spider, a yuki-onna is fine

>> No.3678465

Would she eat me after I impregnate her?

>> No.3678467
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>> No.3678486
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Spiny orbweavers are the best, though I'm more of a tick person.

>> No.3678494
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You are the spider-girl in that one though.
Now you've got me listening to http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm63193 again.

>> No.3678506
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Only if it's Yamame-chan.

>> No.3678511

The idea of her webbing me up so I can't move then pleasuring herself with me makes me pretty hard.

>> No.3678512
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>> No.3678514


This... This sounds fucking awesome. I just hope it's not another porn-no plot game.

>> No.3678527

Spoilers: A spider girl would web you up not in order to copulate with you but in order to paralyse you, liquefy your organs and feed off of you. If you're lucky, other spider girls would simply rip chunks of flesh from you while keeping you alive for as long as possible.

>> No.3678524

Actually spider mating is more about cumming on your hand and fisting her. There a certain species where male spiders don't even have the courtesy to find the genital opening and just pierce their partners' carapace to insert their semen into their ovaries directly. Their pedipalps are modified, so they act as syringes to archieve that feat.

>> No.3678531

>porn-no plot game.
but those are the best games.

>> No.3678532

I love that 45minute long of a whole bunch of remixes/arranges of it going on.

I still like K.kuroya's piano arrange though. 18 minutes of pure audio sex.

>> No.3678533

Well, I'll be doing my best to make her feel loved from her POV then. I figure that's good enough for the thread.

>> No.3678549
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I remember quite enjoying the story, played it ages ago though. The protagonist is quite interesting, she's a youkai so she does quite some evil fucking shit at times but she can be quite sympathetic as well. A lot of what I enjoyed was the relationship and interaction between her and the main heroine. I didn't play all the routes though, there's a lot of stuff and story for the other characters I probably missed. I should play it again.

>> No.3678577

This really sounds nice. Well, I guess it will never have it's translation, though... Too bad.

>> No.3678648

I would be her willing slave.

>> No.3678654

Noir would be alright, but I wouldn't cut her "extra" legs of.

Why didn't Rance just tie them up?

>> No.3678690


Uh, what? I don't remember Rance mutilating her either before, during, or after raping her.

>> No.3678719
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Goddammit, Rance ;_;

>> No.3678753

Oh fuck, you're right. I guess I didn't really look at the CG that much.

At least they grew back or something, though, cause she has them again later. Still that had to hurt. ;-;

>> No.3678762
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Tell me you don't want to hug her.

I dare you.

>> No.3678775

I did the first 60 times this was posted.

>> No.3678802
File: 50 KB, 461x465, pelican spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does /jp/ feel about spider girls? Would you make one feel loved?

Depends on the spider, actually. Here's an initial assessment.

Tarantulas: While producing webbing from hands is a nifty trick and no doubt useful in bed, she probably has a massive forest of setae as pubic hair, and I'm not putting my dick in that.
Trapdoors: You don't exactly make those feel loved, one moment you're walking along minding your own business, the next it's surprise rape.
Orbweavers: Fuck yeah, this is the spider equilavent of childhood friend route. Tender loving all the way.
Crab spiders: Those apparently prefer shota, so she may not like me. However if I get to be the little boy, all the better.
Pelican spiders/Portia jumping spiders/Pirate spiders: Those are into other spiders. See crab spiders, except replace little boy with little spider girl. I simply cannot fathom how a pelican spider girl would look like, though. Pictured is a pelican spider.
Funnel webs: Heavens no.
Wolf spiders: Probably tsundere, on top and aggressive during sex. Sure, I'll take it. However, Kauai cave wolf spider is blind and lives inside sheltered areas (caves), so if you want an exotic, shy waifu that one may be good.
Net-casting spiders:

>The spider family Deinopidae consists of stick-like elongate spiders that build unusual webs that they suspend between the front legs. When prey approaches, the spider will stretch the net to two or three times its relaxed size and propel itself onto the prey, entangling it in the web.

Fuck yes I want a tall girl to ram me with sticky web and have her way with me.
Communal spiders: A thousandsome is fine too. You'd have dozens of fairy-sized spidergirls crawling on you at once. Horrible or awesome? Your call.
Jumping spiders: Why would I refuse something that is so cute even in 3D?
Ant mimics: Probably into cosplay. Fine too.

>> No.3678824
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>> No.3678832
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Or Japanese?

>> No.3678878

>if you're lucky, rip chunks from you, keep you alive
That doesn't sound very lucky.

>> No.3678893

this is how I feel about spiderwoman http://tinyurl.com/yl8ma9d

>> No.3678902

I fucking hate spiders.

>> No.3678925
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This is my ideal spider waifu.

>> No.3678932
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>> No.3678977

I'm pretty sure she wasn't mutilated, as I went over the scene and there was no mention of that occurring. My guess is that the CG artist simply did away with the legs for a clearer view, lest her delicious body be blocked by them.

>> No.3678988

Still better than what wasps do. You see, there is this wasp, Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga, that finds the spider Plesiometa argyra, paralyzes it and lays its eggs within the spider. A lot of wasps do that (and not only to spiders), but this one's a bit different. Unlike the barely-alive food containers victims of other wasps become, this one regains its mobility and goes on to its normal life... Or so it thinks. After two weeks without any change, the growing larvae somehow (the mechanism isn't understood so far, the wasp was described in 2000) force the spider to build a different web, suited not to catch prey, but to protect the pupating wasps from rain. The mind-controlled spider meekly complies, where the larvae thank it by promptly killing the spider, pupating in their safe haven and emerging as adult wasps.

There's another wasp that makes caterpillars protect the pupae that crawled from its own body. The caterpillar spins silk over the pupae and acts as decoy food to any predators. A few wasp larvae remain behind in the caterpillar's body and do not pupate, probably to control the poor grub. And then there's lancet fluke which does something similar to ants.

I'd prefer predation than parasitic mind control.

>> No.3678998

I can't stand spiders, but spider girls are love.

>> No.3679008

I really don't get this monsters fetish.
I hope it will be over soon and we would get back to loli.

>> No.3679013

It pretty clearly shows blood.

>> No.3679019

It's been here since before /jp/ was created. You're going to be waiting a long time.

>> No.3679032

Isn't spider hemolymph pale blue/near colorless instead of pearly white?

>> No.3679254
File: 115 KB, 900x600, monstergirl_ant-arachne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.3679348

Hey, that's really cool. There are many spider (and non-spider) ant mimics that utilize nests. The spiders even raise their front two legs and move them around like antennae, so they look like they have six legs.

Though my favorite ant nest inhabitant is that one caterpillar that secretes a sweet ooze (like the aphids ants look after. ) The ants like that ooze so much that they allow the caterpillar to eat their larvae to get some of it (Ants, like everything else in nature, are horrible monsters. There are several species where the queens drink the blood of their own larvae. )

Maybe it'd translate to some sort of insect monstergirl that has vaginal secretions so sweet that the ants share the men they collected with her and lap up the dripping fluids.

>> No.3679356

You take that back. Monster fetish is awesome.

>> No.3679404


Like real spiders, presumably she regains limbs when she moults.
Which would mean around the endgame time, there's an empty Noir skin lying around somewhere.
I see potential here.

>> No.3679437

I'm not well-versed on spider moulting, but generally speaking, adult arthropods lose their ability to regenerate lost limbs. Depends on her age and how being a demon affects things, I guess.

>> No.3679457

See >>3678977

>> No.3679724
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Found it. Large blue butterfly, if anyone cares.

There are also others like Maculinea alcon, who mimic the pheromones and sounds of ant larvae, causing the ants to carry the caterpillar down to their nests without any tithe of sweet honeydew. The caterpillar then feasts on eggs and larvae as usual. Note that this feast is a large one - a few of those grubs can easily ruin the nest. However, there's a wasp, Ichneumon eumerus, that can hear the grub's noises and infiltrates the ant nest after it - this is usually suicide, but the wasp has its pheromone too, and this one makes the ants attack each other. In the ensuing confusion, the smug wasp waltzes in and lays its eggs on our unsuspecting caterpillar.

>> No.3680522


Hoping someone else has neat spider-girl stuff.
