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3677025 No.3677025 [Reply] [Original]

Some old fuck just shot a girl. Extremely well, too. Is this going to be a game (visual novel) about cruelty and violence? Because if so, I don't really want to play(read) it...

>> No.3677029

Anyway, just read it.
There is much more to it than cruelty.

>> No.3677040

Hint : people dying in VNs instantly make it real deal and popular because faggot tears.

>> No.3677056
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Were you referring to this person when you people were claiming that protagonist is awesome?

>> No.3677067

Only played the first chapter and it was mostly random school talkan, filled with lots of goofy dialoges (humour lost in translation) and some generic slice-of-lifan. Some subtle foreshadowing could be leading to some more real deal matters, at least that's what I hope for because the few funny lines cannot make up for the overall blant impression of the first chapter.

>> No.3677087
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btw will the tsundere become more interesting? Initially I wanted to go for her but my first impression was pretty much negative because of constant bitching and sulking without any of the good treats of a tsundere.

>> No.3677102

Are there any functioning torrents? Hongfire is failing me for once, only torrent I found had nothing but leechers trapped forever at 99.2%

>> No.3677120

Wow, fabulous.
Does he get a route?

>> No.3677127

I downloaded it from here: http://vnddl.webs.com/list.txt

It's only two files and megaupload has a pretty decent download speed, something like 600KBps.

>> No.3677138

Oh hi new bookmark. Excellent, thanks.

>> No.3677152

Oh please... parental obligation? What kind of sick mind would come up with this bullshit? What kind of mother would give her daughter orders that could have her killed?

>> No.3677171


Incoming Rosa

>> No.3677340

Anyone get this to work in Vista? Applocale is not enough to get it to work. It seems to install fine, but gives me weird garbage errors when I try to run it.

>> No.3677365

It's working 64-bit 7. Of course it would be working in vista. Are you running the game with applocale? Just installing is not enough. Also there are no weird European letters with umlauts or whatever in Japanese character set; If you installed the game to path with these letters in it, game won't run properly.

>> No.3677383
File: 10 KB, 454x193, sharinerror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Installed with Applocale; running it with applocale gives me this error message, which I can't read.

I got it off a torrent, if that's relevant. Trying the version from vnddls.web as soon as it downloads, to see if that changes anything.

>> No.3677422

Game is already running. ctrl+shift+escape, Processes tab, find shar[yi]n.exe, kill process, start the game. Or restart windows.

>> No.3677437

Whoops, should've checked for that. Thanks, helpful anon! Working now.

>> No.3677455 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 820x662, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to be any less subtle?!

>> No.3677457
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Is it possible to be any less subtle?!

>> No.3677471

Why do none of you people use VMware or some equivalent?

>> No.3677476

Why should we? I have virtualbox installed with Windows XP, but I don't use it unless I really have to.Just clicking on game icon is way more convenient than starting vm and running game from there.

>> No.3677481

Why are you so hungry for massive black cocks?

>> No.3677652 [SPOILER] 
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It does appear REAL DEAL enough for me.

>> No.3677786
File: 106 KB, 802x600, sharin5454545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what sunflower devs did there.

>> No.3677840

There's alot more psychological cruelty than killing people in the later parts of the game; even if you enjoy your pure love Clannad-esque VNs you should still give it a chance though, it's really good in my opinion.

>> No.3677912
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main character is awesome

>> No.3677917

Mana is awesome

>> No.3678040

What good is there about sharin no kuni? I'm not trying to say the game is bad, but I don't really see any good points. I finished chapter one, and with such unrealistic premise it's hard to take anything seriously one hand, and the game doesn't look like comedy on the other hand... what exactly about it can be enjoyable?

>> No.3678046
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>> No.3678051


Maybe you should try going farther than chapter 1.

>> No.3678061

>>and with such unrealistic premise it's hard to take anything seriously one hand
Is this the first time you read a fiction?

>> No.3678075

>and with such unrealistic premise it's hard to take anything seriously


>> No.3678342

Just for fucking sake's, but there are quite some typos present in the patches. hurr just as bad translation asmangagaemers and Lord Censorship's durr

>> No.3678348

>Initially I wanted to go for her
Sharin's routes do not work that way.

>> No.3678353

Just completed Chapter 2.

[ ] continue
[ ] take a break for some Disney

>> No.3678373
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Even the character endings are REAL DEAL.

>> No.3678382

Not the matter.

>> No.3678562

No. I've read 1984 not so long ago. It was intriguing from beginning till the very end. It's a well written fiction. Unlike Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.3678662

Ah, I remember this game... But of course I do. It left so much psychological trauma that whenever I play a VN now, it doesn't matter how carefree and soothing the story is, I'd always get this feeling that something very very bad is coming just around the corner.

As an ex-victim, I'd like to just give a warning: this game is extremely dark, and this is coming from an avid guro fan.... I'd go as far as to say only a bona fide masochist would enjoy the whole of it. It was a captivating game, but not in the good sense. I had to finish it, to chase the flimsy hope that there might be salvation in the end.

Now if some of you are still not persuaded, perhaps already been hooked in by the earlier chapters, then my only suggestion is to not read any reviews. That's all. Prepare some hot cocoa and enjoy the numerous touching moments that it does provide. Let's hope you'll find it more palatable than I did.

>> No.3678675
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>> No.3678676

When I see threads like this one, my only thought is that the current /jp/ isn't the same /jp/ I browsed a few months ago at all. It's like everyone left me. Fuck you, guys.

>> No.3678687

Yeah, good bye and good riddance.

>> No.3678716

Is this VN any good? I tried reading Cross Channel today but the dialogue is such a chore and the story doesn't make any sense really.

>> No.3678718

No, it's shit, don't read it, just read Fate/Stay Night again.

>> No.3678720
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>> No.3678721

But Fate/Stay Night has too much cooking and action focus.

>> No.3678736

It's silly but not on Cross Channel's level. Sharin no Kuni is just unrealistic while Cross Channel was just some lonely NEET's delusion. It makes sense if you consider premise to be true.

>> No.3678752

Sharin has a lot of cooking and action, too.

>> No.3678770

ITT: People enjoy a good VN while faggots with bad taste try to ruin it for everyone but get ignored.

Also, Kenichi is one of the best protagonists ever.

>> No.3678786

Unrealistic is a word with no meaning for a fiction.
The setting of Sharin no Kuni is well developed and explored, that's all that matter.
Now stop trying to force your shit opinion on everyone, it's aggravating.

>> No.3678825

>The setting of Sharin no Kuni is well developed and explored
>well developed and explored
I'm probably right if I say that you never took a course about sociology or administration, right?

>> No.3678948

Because the stuff they teach you in those courses in this world has anything to do with the way it would work in a fictional world right.

>> No.3678953


>> No.3678982

Actually I did.
Anyways, we are talking about litterature there.
Once again, unrealistic doesn't mean shit from a litterature view point, basically the setting of Sharin no Kuni isn't really realistic because something like this probably wouldn't happen with current human behavior, this is your point and this is probably true.

But it does make sense in the context of the novel in a way that make things plausible, simply because the setting is well explored and developed in the source material, for a novel this is all that matter.

For an extreme example Gurren Lagann sure as hell isn't realistic, but thing actually make sense in the universe it is in simply because the authors created something like the spiral power that allowed all the crazy shits that were happening to be plausible.

My advice is for you to stop trying to bring the knowledge you gained these sociology and admistration courses and to take some Litterature class to understand something as simple as this.

>> No.3678992

GL is a bad example since 'excuse to do anything you want, except when we impose random limitations for plot's sake' does not work well, and it is not expanded well nor consistent.
But yeah, with 'current human behavior, mindset etc', fiction becomes awfully limited.

>> No.3678994

>well developed and explored
I don't think you understand what those words mean. Am I correct in thinking you haven't taken any classes on literature?

Although suspension of disbelief is such a basic human skill that you can't really teach it.

>> No.3678997

Yeah that's why it's an extreme example, I thought only something like this could get through him.

>> No.3679002

Read more than the first chapter before judging whether the setting was well explored or not.

>> No.3679030

I have to recognize that I've never liked literature class and I can't see how well developed and explored Sharin's world is, can you illustrate it so I can understand? Not trolling.

>> No.3679038

Forgot to mention that I didn't watch Gurren Lagann.

>> No.3679053 [DELETED] 

ITT - faggots whith knownledge but without wisdom.

>> No.3679058

ITT - faggots with knownledge but without wisdom.

>> No.3679097

> something like this probably wouldn't happen with current human behavior

So, you admit that Sharin no Kuni has no relation to real people whatsoever? Show me some critically acclaimed novel that has no real people in it, and I'll admit I lost. You may make up some scientific advance in fiction, but you can't change people. The very purpose of writing a novel is telling a story about people, real people from our world. Were you even listening in your liTTerature class?

>> No.3679099

Gee, thanks for telling us anon.
This thread is now resolved, all thanks to your heavenly guidance.

>> No.3679107

ITT we compare porn games to literature.

>> No.3679123

Nothing to do with "normal peole" or not.
Curren human behavior meaning that the moral, value, mindset that we human were shaped by during the thousand of years society has existed.

Of course the world of Sharin no Kuni was created based on a complete different history, therefore the humans there possess a completely different set of values.

The people in Sharin do are "normal" because they react normally to the standard stimuli, meaning that they are scared when something scary happen, they are happy when something happy happen, etc...; if that's your point.

>> No.3679143

Or laws that are based on having mothers issue orders that might have their daughters killed. Yeah.

>> No.3679147

Which never actually happens in the game, but ok

>> No.3679148

There is too much text in it. It's not a porn game. 3DCG is a porn game, Maid in Heaven SuperS is a porn game, this one is not. If we admit that it's not a literature, then it's worth nothing.

>> No.3679151

Read Touka chapter before talking, faggot.

>> No.3679187

I am not talking about what's happening in game, I'm talking about laws of this fictional country. Either the laws are written by a complete idiot and don't work at all, which makes me pretty reluctant to read stories about this broken society, or laws work, and people in this novel are completely different form people I know, and then I don't really want to read about them at all.

>> No.3679212

Laws and rulesets are so fucking diverse throughtout the world and history, the ones here do not really require such tremendous suspension of disbelief to the point 'there is no way something human could think like that'.
You have very narrow horizons.

>> No.3679216

Already beat the game, faggot

>> No.3679218

How do you "beat" a visual novel, especially a linear visual novel?

>> No.3679221

A juridical system entirely based on rehabilitation rather than detention.
It's actually not a bad idea.
And why would you think they don't work?
Of course there's some case where innocent people are judged but it's just like our system.

For the parent-child law, of course it was completely unjust in Touka's case, but parent-children relationships can be completely fucked up and this law could work for a lot of other families

>> No.3679225

Yes, sometimes the plot it's retarded but it must be like that to let the story flow and I don't regret reading it.
However, calling it a good piece of fiction is overstretching it.

>> No.3679246

beating or clearing a game means you got to the end, idiot.

>> No.3679265

Sure, yeah, some idiot might have come up with these laws. But that doesn't mean he should write a novel about them. You can't just take your fantasies and put them on paper.

If a kid has parental obligation badge attached to him, only a mother that wishes him death would issue an order to him. The whole story is based about government assuming mothers are wishing their kids death. This is stupid. This is not worthy writing about.

>> No.3679270
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>> No.3679277

>If a kid has parental obligation badge attached to him, only a mother that wishes him death would issue an order to him. The whole story is based about government assuming mothers are wishing their kids death. This is stupid. This is not worthy writing about.

Did you actually play the game to learn how the obligation got started and the details behind it? I mean, wtf. Besides, the whole point of the chapter was that this particular obligation was an anachronism within society.

>> No.3679295

...Why shouldn't he?

>> No.3679296

Your view on things is far too narrow and biased.
You really don't know how fucked up the relationship between a parent and a child can be.

Anyways this law was probably created to deal with problem children, but don't forget that the whole juridical system of Sharin is based on rehabilitation.
It's not about the mother wishing for her child death, it's about the mother wishing for the child to become better by giving him that obligation.
And if the rehabilitation doesn't work, the child is no better than trash.
That's the whole point of the system of that universe and that's something the people in that world grew up with, it may not seem moral for you but this is normal for them.

>> No.3679297
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>You can't just take your fantasies and put them on paper.
Is that so?

>> No.3679304

Why is Touka so moe?
Her voice is so cute too.

>> No.3679307

...Did you even read Chapter 3?

>> No.3679315

Just wait until you see loli-Touka.

>> No.3679325

Because deep down, you know you love sluts.

>> No.3679331

Okay, you can't take your fantasies and put them on paper and have the result be any good.

>> No.3679355

> And if the rehabilitation doesn't work, the child is no better than trash.
Are you sure I am the one who is narrow minded?

And in the first place, if relationship between children and parents are fucked up, do you really believe that you can fix it by saying "Do as she says or we'll kill you"?

And blocking access to opposite gender just because a person is fooling around? Stealing hours from person's life because he doesn't like to work? Just what kind of nazi society is it?

>> No.3679362

Of course you can, if you can write well.
Structuralism, my friend.

>> No.3679364

No, I only read chapter one and a little of chapter two.

>> No.3679371

Who said that this is a GOOD way to live, administer justice, treat criminals etc? It's just the way things ended up working there.
You act as if everything should go by current democracy and rules of society.

>> No.3679387

The idea itself is perfect, just as like the idea of a socialist/communist utopia.

But how do you achieve it? Put a thousand criminals under the mercy of one trained and certified man and hope that he will rehabilitate them? How can he properly guide the "lost soul" back to the proper way if he doesn't spend time with them? And the capital punishment is a joke, you can't keep an eye over the inmate all the time and you're the only one who can have any kind of contact with them.

>> No.3679393

I'm only talking about how people view things in that world, not my own opinion.
For the world of Sharin, this is normal, that's all.

From a moral viewpoint of course I find this horrible.
But when you read a fiction, you have to see things from a larger scope, this is the same that when you meet someone coming from a different country with a completely different culture.

The fact that you can't do that prove that you are far too narrow minded.
TLDR get off your high horse and stop taking things so personally, you'll probably enjoy everything better this way.

>> No.3679397

>Just what kind of nazi society is it?

It's a story about an anti-utopia. THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT

>> No.3679413

You know what's the problem? To have a country like this, with people getting terrorized by their government, you have control every part of their life, or they'll go berserk on you. They can't have fun, they can't have love; they must live as slaves and only think of work. This is clearly not happening in Sharin no Kuni -- kids are having fun in school, 16 year old girls are buying and selling stocks. They are leading a free life. So in some parts this world is a free society and in some other parts it's a socialist nightmare. This is a terrible inconsistency that can not be forgiven.

>> No.3679421

>in some parts this world is a free society and in some other parts it's a socialist nightmare
Sounds just like real life!

>> No.3679426

They put limitations on very specific things, they do not forbid them from LIFE itself. The goal is rehabilitation, after all/
Many places have a ridiculous limitation they enforce under the excuse of safety, punishment or whatever. This being taken to the extreme should not be that hard to grasp.

>> No.3679440

>>So in some parts this world is a free society and in some other parts it's a socialist nightmare
Plenty of countries in the world are like this actually.

>> No.3679444

That's what I say about my country.

>> No.3679475

You prohibit people from fooling around and claim that you do not not "forbid them from LIFE itself"? If not wanting to work is a crime then people are not entitled to life.

That's not what I mean. You people are taking my words out of context.

>> No.3679490

No, we do not.
You take things out of context from Sharin and we respond appropriately.
Seriously, you have neither a good grasp of the world around you, nor of the mechanics that allow a fictional world to function.
You must have been a real killjoy whenever 'What If' popped around in conversation.

>> No.3679493

Just give it up anon. You're wasting your time, go play some Shuffle! and enjoy the rest of the day.

>> No.3679506

Yeah, and you must be Hitler.
Fuck this conversation.
I am correct, and this game is dumb.
Don't have a nice day.

>> No.3679516

As soon as the obligation badges showed up, I got Scarlet Letter vibes.
Natsumi = Hester Prynne?

>> No.3679527

Christ, what sense is there wondering if fictional world is realistic in real world terms? Do you think about how magic shouldn't exist when you read LoTR, how London underground really is just London underground when you read Neverwhere, or how timeloops aren't real when you read Cross Channel or whatever else?

It is fiction. It tells fictional story, don't think too much into the setting,

>> No.3679528

'Mature conversations for mature people like myself.'

>> No.3679544

You were first to do the ad hominem dance with your "no you; you must be a killjoy".

>> No.3679550

Except that was not my only point.
You exhibit a failure in realizing this is fiction and that the details you argue about are not senseless.
You being a retard is just my personal comment, your arguments are bad regardless.

>> No.3679593

Yes it was your only point. I couldn't reach you, you couldn't reach me, and then you got tired of it and made a post containing only text about me.

My point is that setting contradicts itself. That everyday life pictured in game is not an everyday life of nazi society the laws are trying to enforce. There is nothing to take out context when people are punished for fooling around.

>> No.3679740

>That everyday life pictured in game is not an everyday life of nazi society the laws are trying to enforce

Baseless statement.

>> No.3679825

The whole rehabilation thing in Syarin is nothing else than an extreme euphemism. It's nothing else then forcing any citizen to not only accept but embrace the realitiy dictated by the regime in power. Just like in 1984 at the end of the novel if you now what I mean.

>> No.3679893 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.CBDDtalk.com ( replace CBDD w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3679933

Oh come on, there's a guy openly stating that revolutionary is his role model.

>> No.3680023

And? Do you find a contradiction with the fact that people both complacent with the situation and upset at the regime are both present? Because let me tell you, there isn't one.

>> No.3680025
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... In non-taking-a-game-seriously news, Natsumi's voice acting is incredible. I have never loved that "archetype" (whichever archetype that is. I can't really explain it better than "Socially retarded girl"), more than I do with her. Every time she speaks, I must let her finish. Every time I hear her voice I actually think I may die from HNNNNNGH. Kudos to the voice actor.

In other news: Sachi's voice still hasn't grown on me. It doesn't seem like it really suits her. Maybe if her hair was really short or something though.

>> No.3680034

I disagree. I thought Sachi was just fine (well, her breasts could have been smaller) but I rarely let any of the VAs finish. I read too fast, I guess; unless a girl's voice is pure sex (not present in Sharin) I usually just turn the voices off, because they're annoyingly slow and annoying when they get cut off on the other hand.

>> No.3680048
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>They can't have fun, they can't have love; they must live as slaves and only think of work. This is clearly not happening in Sharin no Kuni -- kids are having fun in school, 16 year old girls are buying and selling stocks.
>Haven't read chapter 5

>> No.3680089

>implying Ririko's voice is not pure sex
Now, about your father's penis...

>> No.3680120

Ririko's VA is amazing, one of my favorite eroge VA.
Her last role as Hikaru in Muramasa was amazing too.

>> No.3680153

Remind me. This was not completely translated yet, just some chapters?

>> No.3680173

People can adapt to the worst shit pretty quickly actually.
That's how young people can have fun in a country like this, this is how people can still fall in love with each other in situation like this.
Don't make light of humans, we've gone through dark ages filled with wars, rapes and lots of gruesome shit that make the world of Sharin no Kuni seems like an utopia and lots of people still managed to live well, fall in love and even have fun during these time.

>> No.3680179

That was months ago. It's completely translated now.

>> No.3680355

I just finished chapter one, and I can't figure out how my choices are going to affect the other chapters.

For example, will I get a bad end for Sachi's chapter if I didn't pick the Sachi choices in chapter one?

Will the other chapters even change based on earlier choices?

>> No.3680359

Choices don't affect much at all, considering it's linear.

There are bad ends for each heroine chapter, though.

>> No.3680379
File: 101 KB, 801x601, justtryandunseeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ruined all of Natsumi's scenes for me.

>> No.3680409

You'll know when you're locking into a route when you make a choice and it prompts back again asking you if you're sure.

>> No.3680411


>> No.3680456

This reminds me of a guy that I saw the other day with hairs growing out of his mole that were at least a foot long.

>> No.3680486


That wasn't a mole, that was his head.
