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3674669 No.3674669 [Reply] [Original]


>YU-NO review
>Score: 10/10

>> No.3674678


More like 0/10 amirite?

>> No.3674675

>Per the official project selection rules, this ranking of 10/10 does in fact mean I *might* translate YU-NO regardless of the next poll result, however there is a possibility that Phar will commit to translating the game himself in which I case I would not be needed. Until that question is resolved I am no more than the backup translator.

>> No.3674683

Either way, Yu-No's project isn't going to just die and be a forgotten project. It doesn't really matter who does it. Though Phar would probably do a better job.

>> No.3674694

Phar translates at a decent speed, from the Symphonic Rain project

># 26 September 2009: Translation finished
># 5 August 2009: Torta and Al Fine routes translation finished (90.0% of full text translated)
># 7 May 2009: Falsita route translation finished (60.1% of full text translated)
># 22 March 2009: Lise route translation finished (42.6% of full text translated)

>> No.3674702

Watch him give Muv Luv Alternative a 10/10 as well, and decide to translate the top 2 games on EroGameScape.

>> No.3674712

That game's from 1996. Seriously, what the fuck. The art is complete shit. Why would anyone be interested in something like this?

>> No.3674716

>Per the official project selection rules, this ranking of 10/10 does in fact mean I *might* translate YU-NO regardless of the next poll result

So if Phar doesn't do it, all this polling is possibly worthless.

>> No.3674719

As long as the story is really good, I don't really mind.

>> No.3674721

> That game's from 1996. Seriously, what the fuck. The art is complete shit. Why would anyone be interested in something like this?

Probably because it is fucking awesome.

>> No.3674722

lol worst devs ever

>> No.3674724
File: 123 KB, 646x452, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is fucking great for its time, and the game has A LOT of CGs.

>> No.3674725



I can't seem to navigate my through the site. Would someone mind posting a direct link to their VN rating list?

>> No.3674726

That's Ixrec's troll rating, right?

>> No.3674731

Usually I would laugh at you and tell you to figure it out yourself, but EGS is fucking impossible to navigate, stupid Nips.


>> No.3674734

>for its time
And that's exactly my problem.
If I wanted story I'd read a book.

>> No.3674739


Thank you kind anon.

>> No.3674742

If you just want porn, why do you even need translations?

>> No.3674740
File: 60 KB, 646x452, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem considering the art is still great compared to most of the shits that is made nowadays.

>> No.3674750
File: 94 KB, 646x452, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3674756

Quick question, does the SS version have ero scenes?

>> No.3674757

The art is fine, but that's not why the game is so awesome at all.
No, currently even if Phar doesn't want to do it, we'd still like to see the poll game winner to be translated first.
18+ only list:
The list with the 18- releases too:

>> No.3674759

>the art is still great compared to most of the shits that is made nowadays.
Haha, oh wow. Well, can't argue about taste.

>> No.3674768

...and this. It saddens me that some artists in 2009 can not beat art from 13 years ago.

>> No.3674769

No it doesn't.
But only the windows version is translated which already has a more or less bug-free voicepatch in alphastate currently. Not yet release-ready though.

>> No.3674776

The saturn version does have ero scenes, but they are censored, still there though.

>> No.3674781

I don't care about porn. I just don't want shitty 80s art.

>> No.3674788

If you don't want story, and you don't want porn, what do you want?

>> No.3674795

YU-NO is old shit, if I wanted a good old school eroge I would play Kakyuusei.

>> No.3674794

If he wants good art, he should go to an art gallery. LOLZ.

>> No.3674800

Something cute and funny. For example, the game yandere are going to translate looks nice.

>> No.3674872

>Don't like the art because it's old
>If I wanted story I'd read a book.

Get out, staff of No Name Losers.

>> No.3674881

>Won't translate it because it's popular

You forgot one.

>> No.3674885

Wow, that's actually really great sprite work.

>> No.3674907

Only an idiot would take points from the NNL's test to determine if something is good.

>> No.3674934

[LOOK][THINK][THINK][SAY] Shitty game is shitty with even shittier gameplay mechanics [ACTION]

>> No.3674941

>To review the game in one sentence: YU-NO does for plot what Cross Channel did for character.

But half the characters in Cross Channel were shit.

>> No.3674957

This system is only used in the prologue and epilogue.

>> No.3674972
File: 39 KB, 640x480, I'm a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by half, you mean 1.

>> No.3674973 [DELETED] 

I always wonder what games do people that hate Cross Channel like?
Care to englighten me?

>> No.3674978 [DELETED] 

I wasn't saying I hate Cross Channel, I loved it mainly because of the main character and a couple of the other characters, but I also disliked much of the cast.

>> No.3674986


I wasn't saying I hate Cross Channel, I loved it mainly because of the main character and a couple of the other characters, but I also disliked much of the cast.

>> No.3674983

I always wonder what games do people that hate Cross Channel like?
Care to enlighten me?

>> No.3674996

Feeling the same as >>3674986

I loved Cross Channel, but >>3674941 isn't what I needed to convince me that YU-NO is a masterpiece.

>> No.3675009

Liking the characters or not isn't the question you know.
Taste vary, etc..., but CC did do a really good job in the characterization department, nobody can deny that.
You don't have to like them, but you can't deny they were well done.

>> No.3675049

Nah, we still had a lame slut.

>> No.3675056

>>3675009 but CC did do a really good job in the characterization department, nobody can deny that.

I can.

Now go on and argue with me. I just stated my opinion and I'll be leaving.

>> No.3675061

I'm trying to like Cross Channel, but the way it's written is kinda... I don't know how to describe how the narration/main character's dialouge is. I think it gets a little too blahblah at some points too, like I want them to move on with the scene already.

I think that's why I've stopped playing it for a while. But I might get back to it, I do like some of the characters, it is a little funny at times, and I want to know what the hell is going on with the world.

>> No.3675065

>disliked much of the cast.
I believe it was done on purpose.
Probably 90% of people that play CC will dislike mimi sempai and touko.

>> No.3675075

But I loved Touko.

Still hated Mimimi.

>> No.3675084

You know, Cross Channel is 18+.

>> No.3675097


I like Mimi... Then again, I'm still only at the beginning of the game, and glasses girls are my weakness.

>> No.3675109

Meganekko are shit.

You are shit.

>> No.3675114

I agree. The writing is extremely drawn out at the worst times. It's also very bland. While the plot intrigued me in the later stages, the characters and writing did not.

>> No.3675116

Get out before you get spoiled. Story loses its charm once you are spoiled. I have to say that if you didn't get hooked by week3 the game probably isn't for you.

I am getting out myself, time to finish sunflower girls.

>> No.3675122

Kenichi is actually Houzuki's long lost son.

>> No.3675124

> Something cute and funny

Sounds like you take it in the butt.

>> No.3675128

Welcome to /jp/.
