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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 384x288, niggerballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3672454 No.3672454 [Reply] [Original]

what do the japs think about the Simpsons go to Japan episode?

>> No.3672459

In before mr.sparkle

>> No.3672462

I dunno. Is it up on nicovideo? That'd be a quick way to find out.

>> No.3672467

I don't think the Nips paint like that.

>> No.3672466

The Japanese love American anime. So they liked it.

Thread over. Glad I could help; enjoy your journey back to /a/ and/or /v/!

>> No.3672472

in prison?

>> No.3672475

don't worry the baka gaijins will return to the other boards so you can continue to rule supreme here

>> No.3672477
File: 207 KB, 755x789, 6518310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually kind of cool. Good work reverse-weeaboo.

>> No.3672478

I hate the Simpsons. One of the most boring cartoons ever. South Park is much better.

>> No.3672480

Long live ZUN!bar etc.

>> No.3672489
File: 94 KB, 1000x749, 1268272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also good.

I certainly enjoyed this 3 minutes of looking at Simpsons fanart, thanks OP.

>> No.3672502

What season you talking about?

>> No.3672509

If you would have said King of the Hill your trolling would have been more believable. 3/10

>> No.3673115


>> No.3673130

I don't know, I watched like 10 random episodes, but didn't like any of them.

Every South Park episode, on the other hand, has something interesting in it.

Sorry for having different tastes from yours. And I never watched King of the Hill.

>> No.3673131

I can't believe they stuck us at Taxachusetts!

>> No.3673153

A friend told me that the way they're drawn makes her stomach queasy

>> No.3673174

South Park really didn't hit its stride until five or six years into its run.

>> No.3673207

I love how none of these shows (Family Guy,Simpsons,South Park etc etc) can't think of anything original so they rag on whatever is popular and when they do make something original its not that funny.

>> No.3673248
File: 340 KB, 1000x800, 3435276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kid. im a computer

>> No.3673378


>> No.3673380



>> No.3673383


>I've never heard of social commentary

>> No.3673397
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, 1240639253849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt flcl prody south park in one ep?

>> No.3674879

You guys need to see the King of the Hill Japan episode

>> No.3674899

and vice versa.

>> No.3674901

Yep. It was that dude with the huge seaweed eyebrows getting a haircut.

>> No.3674980


>> No.3675031


I dont think you remember the first seasons of simpsons where actual plot and comedy was involved.

>> No.3675033

This just isn't right.

>> No.3675040

the part where Homer body slams the emperor was a bit iffy

>> No.3675044
File: 49 KB, 624x468, 1238829415740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese Marge

>> No.3675063

Homer's voice is rather fitting.

>> No.3675074


Homer, Moe, and Bart have pretty fitting voices.

>> No.3675076

what's up with the tags?

>> No.3675092

>Why, it's that delightful TV leprechaun! I'm going to get your lucky charms!

Looks like the japs fucking love it.

>> No.3675101

What's funny about South Park?
It's just about stupid kids spouting stupid badwords. OH GOD THEY KILLED KENNY, SATAN HAS SEX WITH SADDAM.
Early Simpsons had many good-written episodes, but nowadays it degenerated to "random social criticism with political joke" and is not so funny anymore.

>> No.3675111

South Park stopped focusing on shock stuff many years ago. Although now it's most foxused on social commentary, which you seem to dislike

>> No.3675106

>Japanese Bumblebee Man

I love it.

>> No.3675115

Not who you're replying to but...
I remember those old episodes, they actually made me laugh.
Actually, they still do, but they don't show them often.
Now that I think about it, have they even shown anything from the first few season in recent years?
I haven't seen anything of before the sideshow bob robbery and framing or krusty.
It's like those episodes just fell off the face of the earth.

>> No.3675148

South Park is great for playing with tabus. But they could stop this fucking jew spouting, makes everybody critizising zionism or the state of Israel look like a fucking nuttcase.

>> No.3675187

They don't. This episode is not shown in Japan.

>> No.3675208
File: 22 KB, 400x533, SW-Darth-Vader-Hot-Air-Balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt Stone is Jewish. He can do what he likes.

>> No.3675213

WTF why does Marge have a moeblob voice?

>> No.3675220

Its hard to tell if apu has a stereotypical accent when he's speaking japanese

>> No.3675228

I've never had this problem, because I don't try to argue about Israel with people that don't provoke me.

>> No.3675242

The Simpsons seasons have made somewhat of an arc in quality. Bad > Good > Bad.

South Park has made a more linear idea in quality bad > good > better > ???.

My opinion is right, everyone else's is null and void.

>> No.3675252


What the fuck timeline are you spanning this across? Most of the memorable Simpsons shit came from the early to mid 90s.

>> No.3675259


>> No.3675260

>makes everybody critizising zionism or the state of Israel look like a fucking nuttcase.
That's the point. Kinda like Mel Brooks with Hitler.
