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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 168 KB, 800x600, 1233299846054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3671912 No.3671912 [Reply] [Original]

Confession, I just got done jamming my middle finger up my ass while masturbating to shota/trap porn. Am I gay, yet?

>> No.3671914

not quite yet.

>> No.3671917

Not until you try an actual penis. Feels good man.

>> No.3671918 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 584x439, dent3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I just got done jamming my middle finger up my ass while masturbating to shota/trap porn

>> No.3671919

i'm fingering myself right now.
don't consider yourself gay until you begin to lust about sucking cocks or being to crossdress like i have.

small steps anon, take it easy.

>> No.3671921

The only way you will be gay is if you go hit up the gay bar looking for the nearest man who will fuck you three ways to sunday.
Step 2:
Get laid three ways to sunday.

Congratulations, you are now hard gay.

I have a maid dress if you want it.

>> No.3671923

Wrong again

Cross dressing does not make you gay.

>> No.3671925

where do you live? i want to dress up

>> No.3671928

Japan now, Ohio in due course.

>> No.3671940
File: 199 KB, 1280x960, 233299846054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get hard from this picture, you're gay

>> No.3671941

Wait, are you offering to give someone a free maid outfit? I live in Tokyo, fyi.

>> No.3671944

Op here, how similar is the anus to the female vagina? If the vagina is anything like the anus, then I just leveled up my sex skills. Also, I would recommend some Anons to give it a try (assuming you already haven't). It teaches you a lot about what motions feel good and which motions feel bad.

>> No.3671946

sexy motherboard!

>> No.3671949

windows 7!!


>> No.3671955

Where did you guys get your maid dresses? I've been thinking of buying one, but I'm not sure if they're sold anywhere not online... Should I look into fetish shops or something?

>> No.3671956
File: 160 KB, 1280x960, hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have like... 3 maid dresses (Well technically 2 I consider the blue and white apron one to be Alice in wonderland)


>> No.3671958

Crossdressing male!?


>> No.3671960

more images found here

>> No.3671963


Welcome to new cosplay I guess.

You can get a plenthora of maid dress types Anywhere from french maid (Ick) to victorian era maid (Yum....) to modern maid (ARIBBA EL MARIACHI MOI CON DIOS JOSE!!!)
All depending on where you look.

cosmates.jp has decent quality a little pricey but you are paying for what you get in the best kind of way.

>> No.3671970


The parcels they ship in are pretty sturdy too, and the service is quite fast.

>> No.3671971
File: 176 KB, 960x1280, DSC00793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fooling around with the motherboard that day it's usually inside the antistatic bag it's resting on.

Eyedrops don't come in such large bottles, it's just a water spray.

windows 7 box is just a lol factor hence it's purple

I'm amazed people actually save my pictures...

>> No.3671974

they don't ship to my country ... fuuuccckkk oh well...

>> No.3671975

Thank you!

>> No.3671977 [DELETED] 

pls stop spamming ur shitty board on www.LOLMUDKEPStalk.com ( replace LOLMUDKEPS w/ anon ) were tirred fo ure constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbos

>> No.3671978

its you?
whats with that death post?
you packed up the uniform too?

>> No.3671983


Well, you can barely see that it's a he, with only the arms revealing.

>> No.3671987

don't mind the random crap I type up.
yeah I usually pack the clothes up after I wash them to keep them clean until the next time I take them out. I only have 2 sets of clothes though. I'm scheduled to break out my maid clothes again soon now that the weather's cooling off

>> No.3671991

thats you? so cute!

>> No.3671993

I felt like adding my personal commentary.
Also, Shuffle! while a generic VN is one of my favorites because I absolutely adore YURIA.

Her voice sings to me~

I just got windows 7 last night and I still cannot decide if I like it or not.

But then... I have 3 different computers. All of them running different OS' and all dedicated to data collection and Following NASA....

I'd share pics but I cannot find the memory card for my crappy camera right now...

When you have 12,000 worth of electronic equipment shoved into a 12X13 room you will know what I mean (Add to that a couple hundred bucks worth of Books and clothes ((Put away mind you)) )

>> No.3671994

alright, so its all cool.

on another note, i bought some killer tights the other day. i need some short pleated skirts to play with them.

you purchased most of your stuff from a .tw auction site yeah? i guess my option is cosmates for school/maid stuff.

>> No.3671997

Only 2 sets, that must get quite dull eventually, maybe you should invest in another outfit or two.

>> No.3671998

Whatever came from NASA bombing the moon?

>> No.3671999

you must be new here, that fag has been posting pictures since April

>> No.3672003

they hit nothing

>> No.3672005

Oh hoho, no.

>> No.3672006

I will.. when I get cash. cash is hard to come by when you're a hikki.

>> No.3672008

Ah, fair enough. My parents throw money at me to cover up their disinterest in my life as a whole, so I don't really hit that barrier. Nice clothes are awfully expensive, though.

>> No.3672009

That's impressive. I mean, the moon's a pretty big target, you'd have to try pretty hard to miss.

>> No.3672011

they missed the moon? typical.

>> No.3672017

so they failed to get any results from lcross?

>> No.3672019

knowing the Americans they just hit a friendly nation with it.

>> No.3672020

Looks shopped.

>> No.3672024

I can assure you nothing's been altered besides a resize.

>> No.3672025
File: 2.97 MB, 4000x3000, SAM_0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2,000 ppm water to regolith
Enough for harvest and processing.

Also found memory card. Incoming pics

>> No.3672030
File: 1.17 MB, 4000x3000, DSC00492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bro I got an AAO too...

but what's with the horses?

>> No.3672036

Nice curtains.

Also, is that book called "God Created the Integers"?

>> No.3672040

king of camera shake
do you have enough shake?

dude it's like as blury as fuck and it's 12megapixels too

>> No.3672042
File: 2.84 MB, 4000x3000, SAM_0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niece drew that for me.
Can you believe how good she is? She just turned 10 years old in July.
I can't believe how good she is at drawing.
Attempt 2 at a decent pix...

Also, AAO?

>> No.3672043

Acer Aspire One

>> No.3672045

Is that a bra?

>> No.3672047

you might want to close that msn messenger

I can almost make out your email

>> No.3672048

I'm an idiot. I figured out after I pushed "submit" that you meant acer aspire one
Herp and derp.
Yeah it is. Good book (Except its more of a compilation of all math...evar)
Sorry. I can't control it. my meds occasionally make me jittery

>> No.3672049

does it look like a bra?

>> No.3672053

It's a cute bra thats for certain.

>> No.3672054

OP, answer yourself this, do you still like females?
If yes, you're not gay.
Not that it matters anyway, if you get hard to something, you should fap to it, no point in thinking any further than that.

>> No.3672055

liking females only makes you Bi

>> No.3672059

I want to blindfold, gag and handcuff you to a broken lamp post in a dark corner of a park, I'll lift up your skirt and fuck you in the ass while peeping toms watch from afar. When they come closer I'll suddently lift up your skirt and cum deep inside your ass, I'll then leave you there for other's enjoyment till the sun rises.

>> No.3672063

When is this trap going to give us some more erotic pictures?

>> No.3672066

Yup, but not gay.

>> No.3672070

erotic? how erotic? you might want to ask Rin-kun or Danbo for erotic ones. Chisame is just a tease.

>> No.3672074

Fingering your ass is awesome. Try it if you haven't before, dear reader.

>> No.3672076

This thread reminds me of this thread:


>> No.3672078

Now, some time ago, I used to be a sideshow host at a Circus, I played the role for eating broken glass. So we di about two shows a week, now that's a lot of broken glass, and it's all collected right in the line of my anus... my *ass* is like one damn cheese grater!

>> No.3672079
File: 40 KB, 640x480, PICT0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the sick fucks start talking dirty to us traps....

How cute!

>> No.3672080

Also, I blacked out part of my face for identity reasons.

Also, I have a jewnose.

>> No.3672083

I'm pretty sure someone would be able to recognise you if they ever see you in real life

>> No.3672085

I look at that thumbnail and all I see is Burt Reynolds

>> No.3672088

Luckily those who know would recognize this as a picture I took on halloween and put up as a satire for camwhores in costumes anyways.

Thank god I thought ahead like that.

>> No.3672090

I honestly cant tell which part of that picture is a trap

>> No.3672092

What do you mean?

>> No.3672094

duce bigalow european gigolo?

>> No.3672096

yeah a quote from TJ hicks

>> No.3672097

I mean your comment said
>>us traps

I can't tell that's supposed to be a trap

>> No.3672102

Shall I take that as a complement then?

>> No.3672103

take it however you will it's not meant as anything you should care about.


>> No.3672104

Can I take it in the ass then? Hang on I'll bend over.

>> No.3672105

Panties please.

>> No.3672109

lol No.
Where'd op go?
Stop trying to be me. =D

Very well

Also, I really SHOULDN'T Be laughing. but there are crippled kids bowling on NHK right now.

And it's funny cause they are japanese.

(Going straight to hell....)

>> No.3672115

we're all going stright to hell anyway, so carry on.

>> No.3672119

you're going to furryhell

>> No.3672121
File: 26 KB, 357x575, dowantlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



-impersonates the happy window licker kid before shuddering in shame-

smoke time...

Pic completly unrelated but If I were to look like an animu chick See pic.

>> No.3672126

I've masturbated to shota/trap porn, but I don't really consider myself gay because I can't get off unless they sort of look like women.

>> No.3672137
File: 173 KB, 354x500, 1239765977168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't we all wish to be the little girl now?

>> No.3672147

I dress as a trap but the moment I see a trap it's an instant boner killer

>> No.3672182

Do you guys wax or use an epilator for your legs?

I tried an epilator for a bit but my god the pain.
I even started to bleed. If I could get over the pain I probably would be wearing thigh highs + panty hoses right now. I remember some trap thread a few months back and some had an ice epilator but I can't find one that ships to Canada. Kinda sucks.

>> No.3672187

That was me... Philips Satinelle ice premium

you can always just run icecubes over your legs to numb the pain

>> No.3672192

the first time bleeds a bit, pain gets less as time goes on. remember you epilate from the bottom upwards. opposite of the way the hair grows. and you're not supposed to epilate hair that's over 1 cm... trim it down first

>> No.3672193

I'm 3 hours past my 'American' bedtime, saving trap photos.

Thanks /jp/.

>> No.3672194

wax is even more painful and you'll still bleed if you already do. It's just faster (although also messier)

If you can't man up to do the hair pulling, then just stay content as yourself.

>> No.3672195

there hasn't been much trap pictures in this thread...

>> No.3672199

I've never tried wax, seems expensive in the long run. Well for those who are scared of pain there's always the good ole cream and shave

>> No.3672202

>the first time bleeds a bit, pain gets less as time goes on

I...it's okay if it's you anonymous

>> No.3672203

>>3672025 here,
I confess I just shave every 2-3 days.
unfortunately I have to shave more often on my face and chest...=/
Also, sorry it took so long to get back. I busted out my telescope to check out the moon.
You can kind of see traces of the cloud put up by the LCROSS impact.

Oh god my fingers were cold. I can feel them all tingly and kind of hot feeling.

Better right now at 50 degrees than it was on Tues when it was in the 30s and snowing.

>> No.3672207
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 38913B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you wearing girl undies as well?

Why didn't you show it to us?

>> No.3672220

It is, but I like to wax once every few months and do small scale with epilator in between.
The good thing is I have very little facial hair to remove and that seems to always stay painful.

>> No.3672225

A real woman (>>3671971
and myself (>>3672025) never show off the goods to strangers.

>> No.3672226

Chisame's just a tease, ask Rin-kun or danbo for panties

>> No.3672233

I wished someone would have told me that (once they reach the magical age of 20) males have to shave almost twice per day just to keep their beard trimmed.

Finally being able to grow a full beard sucks.

>> No.3672236


>> No.3672240

Try lasers when you can afford it.

I know I will be doing laser hair removal soon enough.

>> No.3672244

I'm 21 and I can't grow anything other than a scraggly neckbeard despite not shaving for months. Is this normal?

I can count the number of times I've shaved on one hand

>> No.3672251

>never show off the goods to strangers.
What do we have to pay or something? How can you say that to your /jp/ brethren, I thought our connection was thicker than blood. You're the type of person that would design a visual novel without /h/ scenes. Aren't you?

>> No.3672254


Count yourself lucky

>> No.3672258

What's your race? If you're white then, something's wrong with your genes.

>> No.3672267 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 583x1000, 6910083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3672269

Quite normal, I know people in their twenties that can't grow anything at all.
I'm exactly the opposite, though, I started growing facial hair when I was 13, and could grow a full beard when I was 17.
These days I have to shave at least twice a day, if I want to keep my face smooth.

>> No.3672271

M-More like... I would only show it to my true love

I-Is that you A-Anonymous?

>> No.3672276

It's only gay if the balls are touching (your own balls touching each other don't count I think).

Which means you have to have intercourse with another male... and that is pretty gay.

>> No.3672289

Same. I'm just going to get laser hair removal. Fuck my facial hair.

>> No.3672293

Yeah, me too, whenever I get enough cash.

>> No.3672296

I've been saving up for a few months now. Going to see if I can get the last bit of cash from my family for my birthday, go for it, and start on hormones.

>> No.3672301

Have you seen a therapist? You can get those prescribed and covered by medical insurance as "Anti-Depressents" if you do.

>> No.3672312

I've been seeing one for a while.
Only reason I haven't started is for want of laser hair removal for my face before I start.

>> No.3672326

I understand.
I do not think I could do the full hormone therapy myself.

I want to have children...

>> No.3672356

Why. Children suck. Adopt if you want one so badly.

>> No.3672374

It's the concept... Having a child you made... something that came from you. A portion of who you are immortalized and passed on to the next generation...

A child who is the cumulation of everything good about you and every hope dream and wish you could ever hope to impart to the future....

now if I could get srs and have it so that I could reproduce via ovary implant I would do so in a new york minute.

But until that day, I will only do anything like that after at least having a kid of my own...

>> No.3672391

That's nice and all, but providing a home to a child in need and raising it is another way of making a mark on the world.

besides, are you really so arrogant that you think YOUR genes are worth passing on? Please.

>> No.3672410
File: 21 KB, 310x233, le75d5b42-m0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am so arrogant as to say my Genes are worth passing on.

I do descend from a proud german family afterall.

And as for providing a house to shelter said child, consider this:
If I can afford 17 grand in computer and radio euipment, does it not stand to reason I can afford a house?
Case in point:
My house back in the states bought by me, with my own money, no financial assistance.
Year Built: 1900
3 bedrooms
1 bath(s)
9 total rooms
Approximately 1750 sq. ft.
Two story
Fireplace 1
1 car garage
Approximate lot is 41X165

I am a Telecomm specialist.
What have you got to your name?

>> No.3672417

What prompted you to post this?

>> No.3672423

You are still worthless human scum, and your genes are shit.

>> No.3672428

Because I am arrogant.

I am also proud of my achievements.

Someone once told me :"Modesty is nice and all but sometimes It is better to gloat and remind yourself no matter how bad things are you know you have this and that to your name and this and that which define who you are as a person. It is worse to forget that, than to be depressed by how things are going for you."

>> No.3672432

In your eyes perhaps.
I admit I am inconsequential in this greater world.
Yet I still have dreams and can think of no greater thing in this world than to dream big and reach for something tangible.

Beats giving up and being bitter as you apparently have and are.

>> No.3672440
File: 186 KB, 1280x960, DSC06482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now now... no need to be emotional, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts.

>> No.3672443

No, I mean that your economic achievements aren't relevant to whether your genes are worth passing on at all.

>> No.3672448

You are a piece of shit if you have to keep reminding yourself about your "achievements."
This made me giggle.

>> No.3672491

Ah I see. In regards to whether or not my genes are worth passing on, I believe that the two are interconnected in that economic achievements reflect ones ability to use the intellect they were born and developed over time to achieve their dreams.
As to whether or not my genes are worth passing on, this goes back to the old fashioned concept of keeping the family line alive. I was taught and shown that we descended from a great family. It is our responsibility to keep this alive and in memory.

At the same time, it is our duty to bear the burden of the Nazi regime which, sadly, our family was involved in. It is the entire reason why I am an American today instead of a german.

So, my Genes are important to me and I believe that is truly what matters.

Beats being a stupid redneck with the concept of just banging out any woman who comes along for the mindless joy of enjoying sex.

As you can likely tell by now (And sometimes I just need to vent a little) I do value family, and if all the former were rendered useless, I would still hold onto the notion of not doing what I want simply for the sake of my family. So that I might not be disowned by close minded parents whose sole reason of not say voting for Obama simply for being black. They are my source of (Some) wisdom in the world and an inspiration of how to live (In moral regards of what we are as a people and how to treat others.)

Perhaps I'm just selfless enough to give up on what I truly want...


Anyways, if my parents died in an accident and I did end up having a kid (And an understanding wife if nothing else) then Yes, in a New York minute I would get S.R.S.

>> No.3672517

Eh, it's your choice, etc.

But I think you're placing too much value on blood ties. There's no reason you can't continue your family name with an adopted child, for example.

Maybe I've just been watching too much animu with the "blood doesn't make a family" theme.

>> No.3672533

Hard saying one way or the other. To me it isn't the family name though. It is the blood that matters to me.

I place significance on blood ties because I do love my family. Even though I have two nieces, I still would want my own child.

If I could be impregnated...then there is nothing that would stop me.

By the way, that is the true determining factor (From what I understand) of how your brain works. If you can see yourself as a woman with a man and not have a problem with it, then at the same time be able to see yourself as a man with a woman and not have a problem with it, then you have a more female mind (Or something.)

I'm not a psychologist though (Thank god cause I am a head case...) so I could be wrong.

But. I guess to each his own.

To tokyo-fag:

How long would it take to get to Hachinohe? or vice versa by train?

>> No.3672711

3 hours and 15000 yen. Yikes.

>> No.3672719

I'd only make the trip on a 4 day weekend then.
That'll likely be around thanksgiving.
Hope they have english terminals.

>> No.3672728

A trip to deliver a maid outfit, I assume?

>> No.3672738

/jp/ - Pseudo-Eugenics

>> No.3673697

You guys take life too seriously.
