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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 284 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 213b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3663087 No.3663087 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3663095


>> No.3663094

sup hole

>> No.3663096

What a slut.

>> No.3663111

That poor girl. If only daddy loved her, she wouldn't have ended up that way.

>> No.3664124

Hmm... I smell blood in this thread... is that time again?...

>> No.3664127

No. Go away.

>> No.3664136
File: 279 KB, 800x600, 1195895446640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, fine... but let me post maybe one or two for today...

>> No.3664139
File: 87 KB, 400x300, 1199789184903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3664146

I always wonded why we got this CG but didn't get one for Rins head getting punched right off

I would have enjoyed seeing her smug, bitchy face get smashed

>> No.3664147



You done now you bastard!?

>> No.3664154

Because bad ends do not have CGs.

Hur dur.

>> No.3664162 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 324x517, 桜特殊01c_g(遠).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she has other family members who love her.

>> No.3664165

Shame really, just shows a lack of effort in general

We could have been treated to some first-rate gore but nooooooo, that would leave less time for CG dragons

>> No.3664169

What's wrong with you? Rin not submissive enough you dirty little disney pedophile?

>> No.3664170

Well... I could draw some if you want...

>> No.3664174

>CG dragons
Sure is Realta Nua in here.

>> No.3664186

So you enjoy being whipped by a unlikeable bitch?

You pathetic excuse for a man, grow a backbone then come back here

>> No.3664191

Do it, your art is a true inspiration to all of /jp/

>> No.3664193


>> No.3664196
File: 13 KB, 116x120, 1219891376051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That never happened.

>> No.3664202

Spineless worms

>> No.3664206


>> No.3664210

I like Rin and all, but she shouldn't have survived this.

>> No.3664215

Sure man.

>> No.3664216

Would Shirou bury her in the backyard or something?

>> No.3664219

It's blood splatter on wall, does not mean she lost 10 liters.
Plus, crests help a lot on keeping the body alive (insta mana healing).

>> No.3664223

After he jackhammered the body, sure.

Would probably be better than her actual h-scene, too. Wouldn't even be forced to pull out.

>> No.3664229

Plus the pool of blood underneath her

A blow like that would probably cause the body to go into shock

>> No.3664231

WTF are you talking about?
You have to spill it on her body.

>> No.3664233

I mean story-wise, she shouldn't have survived. It would have made a much bigger impact if she died.

>> No.3664238

...It was already near the ending, no much further motivation or drama.
The importanbt factor is she cannot come chip in.

>> No.3664246

I really wish Rin didn't feel the need to explain EVERYTHING, especially when Kotomine does it better and in half the time

>> No.3664243

The main heroine of the route dies already. There's only so much angst you can fit into one ending.

>> No.3664244

There's probably a picture on pixiv somewhere of this.

Delicious headless Rin.

>> No.3664253

That's just an extra mess. No need for it when you can do it inside without any risks.

>> No.3664260

She wouldn't explain things if Shirou didn't need them explained to him.

>> No.3664265

Except Kotomine Bullshits you and they cover different things most of the time.
And if she didn't, someone else would have to.
You do not escape necessary exposition.

>> No.3664279

She explains things in the prologue before Shirou is even introduced. Her mouth just does not stop.

>> No.3664284


But she has a sexy voice so I don't complain.

>> No.3664289

That from her fucking viewpoint, what do you expect?
And judging from the people who STILL get too many shit wrong about F/SN, she apparently needs to talk even more.

>> No.3664292

Makes me all the sadder that the sex scenes aren't voiced.

>> No.3664294

>implying Kotomine's voice is not sexier

>> No.3664295

Nasuverse powerlevel lessons from Tohsaka Rin-sensei.

It could work.

>> No.3664301


I said sexy, not sexiest.

>> No.3664305

...Nobody implied that.
Powerlevel debates over grounds not covered is the least of the basic shit people confuse.

>> No.3664310

More like Teach me ORT-Sensei

>> No.3664316
File: 93 KB, 800x600, 64b3072935b9a0c0d977da1f75ab7075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Kana Ueda.

>> No.3664321


Magic Crest keeps her from dying.

>> No.3664332

Yap yap yap, shut yer trap

'Magic Crest' this and 'Magic crest' that

Next you'll be saying she can FLY with her 'magic crest'

That'll be the day

>> No.3664336 [SPOILER] 
File: 193 KB, 459x413, 1257118361205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, actually...

>> No.3664342




>> No.3664349

She's Nrvnqsr's crow?!

Rin just gained several awesome-points.

>> No.3664356
File: 24 KB, 338x536, 1229216544695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is same Sakurafag in this thread.

>> No.3664360

/jp/ Entrance Exam

Fill in the blanks
1.Kouma = _______ = Aoko > 5th Rider > _____

2. __________ is the culprit.

3. The black _____ of ill omen

4. Get out, _______

Why is _____ so shitty?

a) Shuffle
b) /jp/
d) all of the above

>> No.3664363

But that also means she has a large number of beasts in her at all times

Not that I expected much different from Rin

>> No.3664368

Now figure out who Kaleido Ruby really is.

>> No.3664369

Kohaku, right? I think it's Kohaku.

>> No.3664371
File: 218 KB, 496x590, キャスターローブ無し01c怒り(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caster goes in all fields

>> No.3664375

/jp/ Entrance Exam

Fill in the blanks
1. ORT>*

2. Jessica is the culprit.

3. The black cat of ill omen

4. Get out, KS DEVS

Why is _____ so shitty?
d) all of the above

Too easy. Make it harder please.

>> No.3664377
File: 107 KB, 961x255, dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Dad > Kouma = Rance = Aoko > 5th Rider > Kotomine

2. You is the culprit.

3. The black cat of ill omen

4. Get out, mom

Why is dawson.jpg so shitty?

e) shuffle sucks

>> No.3664385

No dude, its totally Luvia

>> No.3664388
File: 36 KB, 466x300, zerochibi_c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Kouma = Caster = Aoko > 5th Rider > Caster
2. Caster is the culprit.
3. The black Caster of ill omen
4. Get out, Caster
Why is Caster so shitty?

>> No.3664389

That doesn't make sense at all. Especially because Kaleido Ruby is a virgin.

>> No.3664392

But Luvia is Mr Chin.

>> No.3664393

Now you're just making things up.

>> No.3664922

This would make a good wallpaper.

>> No.3664935

darn, i was hoping this would be a Camlann thread.
