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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 9 KB, 323x236, sketchstage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3662645 No.3662645 [Reply] [Original]


It's that time again guys! Random Japanese artist on stickcam lets all watch and enjoy! Also enjoy the voice.

>> No.3662675

No thanks, I just got done watching some Japanese master draw remilia and flandre's vaginas for about 9 hours straight.
And he still never posted it to pixiv.

>> No.3662685

I'm still waiting for the drooling Byakuren getting raped doujin I watched being drawn.

>> No.3662686
File: 13 KB, 324x233, sketchstage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's taking some form now can you guess what it is?

>> No.3662691

inb4 faggots run in there shouting memes and making it obvious they're from 4chan.

>> No.3662707


Well as long as that doesn't happen it's all good. He's also using the SWR art for reference material.

>> No.3662726

I see like 20 stickam posts a day on pixiv, why are you moving them to 4chan?

>> No.3662734

I've been wondering, what kind of software do they use to stream drawings anyway?

>> No.3662735


No real reason man. It's just a random person.

>> No.3662746

Same programs anyone use to stream their desktop bro.

>> No.3662758

dat voice

>> No.3662770

Someone ask him to sort out his connection. His voice keeps cutting out.

>> No.3662803

You can watch the same thing in /jp/ Paintchat (currently overrun by Hispanics). Without the voice. And without the drawing.

>> No.3662814

But it lacks this guy's voice

>> No.3662826

Every time I watch some artist's stickam it ends up being someone singing along to IOSYS or COOL&CREATE or something and nothing ever gets drawn in the 2 or 3 minutes before I turn it off.

>> No.3662845

Well I don't know what's happening now, mabye a tea break? Either way he's gone pretty far from nothing to what he has now.

>> No.3662934

I wish I had a sex voice like him.

>> No.3663062

who the fuck entered as hakujin?

>> No.3663103

Is he eating or something?

>> No.3663104

Looks like he has given the game away.

>> No.3663138

drawfag here.

Interesting Link OP!

what is he using? Vector trace and pen-tool?

this is a fucking horribe workload to do all those outlines. seriously... this guy has patience.

I would just zoom out and draw freehand, and then erase all shoddy parts.

meh. He's a fucking pro, it seems.

>> No.3663143


>> No.3663176

What kind of work do you do?

>> No.3663212

dunno what you mean, but I'm just your ordinary uni student who draws moe-shit with guns in his free time...

but this stream is a pretty good source of superior lernings for me.

...on a second note, I doubt that the program he's using is Photoshooop at all... He's so fricking fast with the vectoring... Must be some superior weaboo program.

what do you guys think?

>> No.3663223

The last time I watched a japanese guy draw... he turned on that gay man wrestling troll video...

>> No.3663234

I'm not watching the video right now (i'm >>3662675 )
but I would guess and probably be right that he's using PaintToolSAI (or just SAI if you prefer)

Very good for weeaboo drawans, most of the drawfags I know use it. I use it as well, but as a lazy, inexperienced artist I still produce only shit (master's tools in the hands of an amateur, etc)

>> No.3663237

Most drawfags don't use photoshop to actually draw in at all - except after finishing to touch things up a bit in the values department and such. You sure don't sound like a drawfag at all based on your amazing lack of knowledge in the area ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3663239

I think he uses SAI.

>> No.3663246

Photoshop can be good for colouring.

For lines, though, not so good.

>> No.3663250
File: 460 KB, 1000x1200, 2308725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ should form a drawfag community on IRC or something like that.

Oh wait, we already have like six, and nobody communicates or even draws anything

>> No.3663258

Ahh thanks!!

I assumed that he was using that weaboo Manga Studio 4 or some shit like that.

But this program sounds pretty good. especially with those predefined vectoring-brushes, who are looking just like a real weaboo-pens and seems to be quite easy to use...

Fuck photoshop.

downloadan nao.

>> No.3663261


Yeah because you're all a bunch of overly self conscious queers who can't say what's on your mind even over the internet. As a result, awkward silence, nothing gets done.


>> No.3663267
File: 338 KB, 1000x1250, 5088409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3663276

sounds exactly like the /prog/ irc too ;_;

>> No.3663278

Well, to be fair some very talented and dedicated artists have passed through /jp/ from time to time and still produce, but on the whole, yes, everybody is too self-conscious of their admittedly usually shitty art to post, and not motivated enough to keep drawing to get any better.

>> No.3663281

>Oh wait, we already have like six [drawfag communities]
Seriously? I've heard of irc.rizon.net #jpdrawan before, but don't know any others.

Of course, I was too lazy/reluctant to visit since I don't feel comfortable hanging out on IRC with /jp/ folks.

>> No.3663287



I'm just being behind the times, it seems... I'm getting old.

And a second question. Some said that SAI is used to draw only outlines, but can the layers be converted to PS for coloring?

I've got some problems with it in Mango Studio it seems. I hope that this would be different here...

>> No.3663295
File: 22 KB, 433x450, 1256432461302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses manga studio

>> No.3663303

You can save files in .psd format in SAI Paint.

>> No.3663304

There's really nothing wrong with SAI for coloring, in fact it's brush tools are fairly robust.

Photoshop is generally used for touching up, but can also be used for all the coloring if you prefer.

SAI can save in .psd, .sai, .jpg etc, so you can save your outlines.

Even if you couldnt, multiply layer etc

>> No.3663305

oh... shiii

was that a bad move?

please spare me ;_;

>> No.3663312

I am not a /jp/ regular so forgive me I usually just use /a/ but I started drawing in middleschool and as I got more into anime manga and related culture I realized very quickly that the art style for the Americans who try to make money off anime with the shitty "how to draw manga" books never have a authentic feel. I always wanted to emulate the feel you get from real anime or manga but I could never do it. any tips or suggestions?

>> No.3663313

Don't make posts like this. Have more faith in your Anonymity, Anonymous.

>> No.3663317

think weaboo. be weaboo...

no srsly. i dunno lol.

>> No.3663320

Copy from manga, develop your own style. Don't bother with "how to draw manga" books in the first place.

>> No.3663322

from what I could tell the Japanese artist are much more relaxed about what they draw where Americans try to shove the anime stye down your throat and make it painfully obvious it is not really anime.

>> No.3663323

1. Download fucktons of drawings you like from Danbooru and Pixiv
2. Find yourself a drawing community that doesn't consist of yaoi fangirls and faggots
3. Draw, draw constantly, I cannot stress this enough, if you're not drawing, you're probably not improving much
5. This is a cardinal rule: Don't publish your work to the internet in any form until you are at least bearably decent

>> No.3663349

this is going to sound pathetic but like many anime fans I had a weeaboo period in early highschool where I dreamed of moving to japan to be a mangakka and all the retarded bullshit. I drew every day and then I met a girl who was always on hard drugs (she is known on /b/ as acid-chan) and bragged about sex parties and never practiced but could outdraw me and I was shattered.

I allways wanted to get back into it but I really do not know how. I spend so much time watching anime I do not know when I could draw even though I am jobless and not looking.

>> No.3663364

One problem with drawing any style nowadays is that - especially online - if you ask for critique you usually get bullshit rather than honesty.

Go to DA, find a horrible piece of shit kawaii yaoi drawing, and read the comments. 'I LOVE IT' 'WOW THIS IS AMAZING' 'XDDD UR SO GUD @ DRAWIN BEB LOV U' 'kawaiiiiiiii ^^' 'wow it luks lyke a eral mangaka drew this! o:'


It's hard finding people who will be actually helpful, which means its easy to stagnate in shittiness. If you hear a bunch of good things about a horrible drawing you did, you'll think it's good.

Also, draw a lot.

>> No.3663391

I completely understand. whenever I make grammatical errors in Japanese nobody ever corrects me even when I ask them to. I just assume it is part of the culture. the most they do is tell me to drop the keigo.

>> No.3663407

On the other hand, if you come to a place like /jp/, even if your picture isn't perfect (or even very good) but it has merit, you'll still get "shit, terrible" "kill yourself" etc

To be fair, /jp/ isn't "for" drawings, but we still had them and accepted them as "/jp/-related" in the beginning due mostly to the Touhou fanbase, and to a lesser extend Type-Moon

>> No.3663415

There's also the middleground between huge fags and huge trolls. The people who aren't retarded but still won't give an honest critique or opinion - these are usually people you know in one way or another who don't want you thinking bad of them if they say anything negative.

>> No.3663420

Or just don't want to hurt your feelings. Which to be honest, it reasonable. Someone going over your drawing and shooting out lists of criticisms can sting. It's necessary for improvement though.

>> No.3663422


DA is not a place for art critiques. It's merely a social network for people who (think they) make art. Just thought of getting this out of the way.

>> No.3663428

It's just an example, bro.

>> No.3663430

/jp/ is strange and maybe it was just the time I was on but sometimes they can be like a group of kids who have pride in something they are not good at but they will defend eachother to the death to make them feel good.

there was a moonspeak thread and I used the word shinjin and I was getting flamed for making up a word that you can find in any Japanese dictionary. its ridiculous.

>> No.3663498
File: 40 KB, 374x606, saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For one, I think that looking for critique early on will have terrible consequences. Either people will be too honest and crush their spirits or too supportive and create a bad habit of not wanting to hear anything bad about them.

The first criticism these people need to heed is their own. As in being comfortable with their goals and progress. That said, I believe it's actually a good thing to join an art-dedicated community, even an awful one like DA. Drawing gets boring after a while if you only do it for yourself.

>> No.3663509

If you're agreeing me why did you start it out like you disagreed. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3663541


You said that the problem is people not being honest with their advices and praising every shit.

>> No.3663554

Yeah, and that post didn't say otherwise - just to not look for critique at all to begin with until you're comfortable with yourself in that aspect. Which I agree with and never said otherwise ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3663558

Also, my main point overall wasn't only that it'll have negative consequences in the way of making you stagnate on drawing shitty stuff - but that you NEED critique and comments from others thats serious and honest in order to improve, and the fact that that is hard to find nowadays no matter how skilled you are, is a huge problem.

>> No.3663574

its the reason i left deviant art, all they do is praise with baseless words, sure they meant no harm, but its pretty empty short praises.

>> No.3663591

this is a drawfag thread but I am not seeing any art

>> No.3663595

You have to get lucky and find the people that will be straight forward with you about it. Waifu sometimes goes through and looks at random images (newest uploads and such and/or stuff she searches for obviously) and gives serious thought out long critiques for stuff. And I've seen others do the same.

Usually the person she's critiquing replies with a typical response of 'u dont no anything u suk at drawing'. But yeah, at leas she puts in the effort - even if it isn't appreciated.

So it's not completely impossible...just pretty unlikely.

>> No.3663596
File: 10 KB, 249x316, 1159428646877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a criticism of DeviantArt that doesn't involve the reflex words "weeaboo" "faggot" or "Gaiafag"

>> No.3663641

Deviantart scares the shit out of me.


>> No.3663645


It's easy to see why they say that. Most people tend to dismiss criticism when they see the person doing the critique is not really above them.

>> No.3663669
File: 347 KB, 1333x1000, iURTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite a drawfag drawfag here.

I'd say I'm at a natural advantage here since a family member is an artist. Since I see his work all the time, I tend to critique my own fairly harshly, and rightly so. The only problem is that I tend to get discouraged just as any of my drawings come into form as they're all pretty much crap (better than the average person can do, mind you, but still crap compared to anything of real value).

Although, I don't practice nearly as much as I should. Most of my spare time is taken with anime, manga, games, and the sort.

Anyways, thread has inspired me to continue on my current drawing project.

>> No.3663685


Oh, by the way, Illustrator vs. PainToolSAI. Which is better?

>> No.3663698

Oh you. No trolling my waifu allowed, seeing as she's pretty damn skilled of an artist.

>> No.3663705

>>5. This is a cardinal rule: Don't publish your work to the internet in any form until you are at least bearably decent

Here's a problem: how are you suppose to get critiques if you're not showing your work til what you think is "decent". Critiques are a fundamental part of developing improving your art skill.

>> No.3663706

Whichever you prefer or is better for the particular job you are doing

Discussion over.

>> No.3663712


my account, havent touched it since '06. i still practice, but not as intensive as before. I seems to always detest seeing my old works, alot of wrong things you see afterwards.

cuz theres alot of things i can do better now than these.

>> No.3663714


Not really.

>better for the particular job

When is one better than the other?

>> No.3663720

Illustrator: vector
SAI: raster

>> No.3663723


Illustrator is a vector-based graphic designer tool unfit for mimicking the freedom of a real artboard. Not saying it's impossible to make art that looks hand-made on it, it'll just take longer to finish.

>> No.3663730

I disagree, when it comes to animu style you can mostly teach yourself via
1. Sources online like posemaniac, just looking up things like "anatomy" or "
2. Practicing, a great deal of the drawing simply amounts to being able to control your hand and "get the line on paper where it is in your head" instead of just feathering in lines until one of them is "sort of where you want it" something I'm not past, but it's important
3. Studying drawings you like on pixiv/danbooru
4. Watching stickam artists draw, etc

Once you're past the "originul chrcter do not steel" stage, you'll probably need criticism, and this is probably also where your ability to self teach will hit the point of diminishing returns.

>> No.3663732

Sup Lim, why aren't you playing SWR2 anymore?

>> No.3663739

Also, don't make the stupid mistake of thinking "Im just drawing anime shit so I don't need to know how to draw real humans". Basic anatomy is important regardless, even if what you're drawing looks nothing like a real person.

>> No.3663741


>"originul chrcter do not steel"

Where does this expression come from again? Deviantart?

>> No.3663745


demon's soul, tekken 6, and uncharted 2 killed all the spare time i got.

>> No.3663750


I believe it hails from a bad Inuyasha ripoff I first saw on /v/.

>> No.3663756


Alright, much thanks for the input.

>> No.3663765

>"originul chrcter do not steel"
Cool story time: one time I was in Paintchat and there were several children in there. One of them started drawing (a piss-poor looking) Marth. Feeling bored, I started doodling Marth as well, in which case the person suddenly became upset and demanded to know who was copying her. I then wrote, "Original character do not steal, amirite?" and the person flew into a rage, clearing the canvas and going bonkers in the chatbox.

"Original character do not steal", serious business.

>> No.3663788


/ic/ would like to have a word with you. Also, if you want to go into any style, it is important to learn the basics first. I would suggest "The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" as a starter before you go in any deeper.

>> No.3663796


Ah. Still fairly recent, then. Haven't been in any art community since back when all wannabe animu artists hung on Elfwood.
Elfwood. Ten years ago already? How the hell did I get this old all of a sudden?

>> No.3663837

I remember Elfwood. Oh god.

>> No.3663872


So not only you're replying with the same attitude you're supposed to be bashing, you're doing for someone else's sake.

>> No.3663880

Same here. I used to browse there back when it was around 60 galleries. Quit after it went over 100 though, way too much stuff to follow.

>> No.3664068
File: 126 KB, 545x749, Alice-Mari-Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad about being the only one whoring out, but we should have a drawfag thread anyway.

Here's some non animu Touhou.

>> No.3664083


Looks like an illustration from a children's novel. Very nice.

By the way, you wouldn't happen to be a newspaper draft artist or something along those lines?

>> No.3664085
File: 152 KB, 1027x1318, herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little late for a drawfag thread when this one has gone this far.

Ah, might as well.

>> No.3664089

Acceptably cute. I'll allow it.

>> No.3664102


Nope, why?

>> No.3664106

Eh, I guess I could try. This thread didn't start out as a /jp/ drawthread though.

>non animu Touhou.
Oh, I am tempted to do this, but I don't think people would appreciate it.

>> No.3664116

legs need to be a little longer.

>> No.3664120

Do it anyway.

>> No.3664126


Just curious. Seen lots of article illustrators work in similar styles.
It's common in Swedish local papers to have the editorial illustrated. Don't know how common it is abroad.

>> No.3664128
File: 117 KB, 1486x2073, aadfh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I got that same response from someone else, so it must be true, but I dont know they already look pretty long to me.
is my brain full of fuck?

>> No.3664133

A good measurement for the perfect leg-lenght are 2 two heads per section; two above the knee and two below.

of course this measurement changes when perspective comes into play like in the picture. Then, it's a question of the feeling.

>> No.3664140


If you're really curious, I'm an architect. Though you can't really tell from the skewed perspective in the chair and Marisa's hat.

>> No.3664167



Say, you wouldn't happen to have designed any spacecraft?

>> No.3664187

and to add, also a good way to identify mistakes is to flip the picture horizontally (if a CG) of just hold it before a lamp and look through it from the back.

you can see lots of mistakes you wont normally be able to see.

>> No.3664197 [DELETED] 

in addition, the length of the legs, can be decided by the overall age of the picture, the pic seems to aim a teen build than a child, therefore needing longer is a must.

>> No.3664204
File: 59 KB, 500x382, cartoon obama no survivors.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3664209


Isn't that Suwako? I think the length is fine, the position of the left leg is a little off, though.

>> No.3664218

Wouldn't that be more in the realms of aerospace engineer?

>> No.3664224


It was such a weird question, I don't really know how to respond. Is he asking if I ever doodled spacecraft or seriously designed one?

>> No.3664230


Not quite. We got those too, but in Sweden local editorials tend to be about how to explain to your children they aren't ready for a dog, dealing with handymen who insist installing your floor heating on Christmas Eve, or interpreting a poorly translated Chinese manual for garden lightning.

>> No.3664232

Man, that is really cute. I hope you do the same for other touhous.

>> No.3664249

Oh. I wouldn't know, I've never actually read anything in a newspaper other than comics thanks to the Internet.

>> No.3664256


Seriously doodled.

In game design myself, working on ship designs for a possible project in the Spring, but it's going slowly. Got college experience with mechanical design, but it isn't helping.
Heard Nihei Tsutomu was originally an engineer before turning to art. Was wondering if you had opinion on methods that could be carried over.

>> No.3664262


*Architect, not engineer.

>> No.3664283
File: 178 KB, 451x727, 007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, this is what came out the last time I tried my hand at mechanical design (YEAH YEAH ORIGINAL CHARACTER ETC). It's not really my alley, I suck at it.

So yeah, no real advice to give, unless you have some pictures for me to see.

>> No.3664285

Go lurk in conceptart.org and make a thread about it.

>> No.3664297

Nothing wrong with オリジナル characters

>> No.3664311
File: 210 KB, 600x600, 1257297293912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blam makes sense now

>> No.3664326
File: 2 KB, 74x126, 1256358877853s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have the full version of this from the previous drawfag thread?

>> No.3664341
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, chimp business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do it anyway.
Well, thanks for giving me an excuse. I might try to draw more seriously later.

>> No.3664353

Haha what. Do more of this sort of thing please.

>> No.3664357

gensokyou of the apes

>> No.3664365
File: 105 KB, 432x742, 1256358877853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3664390


Busy sorting sketches for scanning, so nothing yet. Guess it was a weird question, but not familiar with the terms. Thanks anyway.

That's a pretty nice and clean design you got there, though. Maybe not combat worthy as a whole, but the mechanical parts are nicer than you give yourself credit for.
Is the arm cannon intended to be an accessory or an implant?

>> No.3664438

Reminds me of Amelia Bedelia for some odd reason.

>> No.3664457
File: 78 KB, 408x470, 008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just created that on a whim without giving it too much thought. A friend asked me if I could draw mechanical designs and I replied I could try.

I made another drawing without the mechanical appendages. Yes, I was actually thinking of Nurse-kun and his daughter when I did this.

>> No.3664513


And a successful attempt it was.
Sure, the cannon would need to be anchored to a full body frame to be raised and fired, and there's the issue of bare skin on the battlefield - but that's nitpicking, really. The mechanical parts that are in place look great.
I'd love to see it if you ever draw a complete suit with the same design.

>> No.3664593
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, Perfect Gibbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Original Content/Apes

>> No.3664605

Apes should not be capable of timestop

>> No.3664605,1 [INTERNAL] 

Original content/drawfag guidance.

>> No.3665909


>> No.3666317

>5. This is a cardinal rule: Don't publish your work to the internet in any form until you are at least bearably decent

Tsurezuregusa Section 150.
It is generally said, that he who would learn some special accomplishment should not be seen indiscreetly in public while still imperfect; for, if he remain in private until well versed in his art, and then come forth, he will make a greater impression. But he who adopts this plan will never really master a single accomplishment at all.
He who mixes with the experts while he is himself still stiff and imperfect, and is not ashamed when others laugh and mock at him, will enjoy overcoming such discouragement; and, though he have not the natural talent for it, he will not lag far behind the others. If he spend years at it not without care, he will at last attain a higher level of efficiency than the expert who grows careless, and his success will be great. He will gain public recognition and a peerless reputation. Yet, though he is now the cleverest in the whole world, he was at the beginning considered incompetent, and great was his dishonour.
So, then, the man who learns his trade honestly and pays strict attention to it, if he be not dissolute, will become the teacher of all others and greater even than the professors themselves. This is true for all kinds of accomplishments.

>> No.3666368

Primates already have a verbal language to communicate amongst themselves (it's mostly "Oh fuck I just saw a jaguar, run" or "Oh fuck I just saw a snake, run" ), Iggy and Pet Shop had Stands of their own. I don't see how an ape couldn't pull off the World.

>> No.3666403

Australopithecines did not have the mental capacity for language.
