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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 214 KB, 1024x768, voiced_by_sugiyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36535635 No.36535635 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>36473793

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.36535790


Wow, this is pretty good. Thanks, scaji.

>> No.36536144
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x1200, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.36536326

I wish I could be cool like Kurou and have a cute book loli.

>> No.36536503
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nero > book loli

>> No.36536778

Nah Nero was annoying as hell. That was the worst part of Al's route. I was glad when she fucked off.

>> No.36536796

What the fuck are you on about? Nero didn't fuck off, she just reincarnated.

>> No.36536812

I was talking about that chapter where she bothers Al and Kurou for a while before leaving at the end.

>> No.36538343

how much lovecraft is in demonbane anyway, will I get fun little references every hour or is it just OC characters having the name of lovecraft entities because xd

>> No.36538392

Direct references and plot from a few lovecraft stories.

>> No.36538600

Mostly the last one but with a few references here and there. It never rises beyond "heh that's neat I guess".

>> No.36538676
File: 609 KB, 600x828, 57a82bf4a1444ec0c283fe27794bd906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Necronomicon looks like THAT?

>> No.36538743 [SPOILER] 
File: 680 KB, 552x770, 機神咆吼デモンベイン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Necronomicon looks like THAT

>> No.36538840

> It never rises beyond "heh that's neat I guess"
It definitely rises beyond that. An entire chapter based on Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Dunwich Horror is extremely important to the main plot of the game.

>> No.36538845

if you mean some offhand references sure.

>> No.36539526
File: 2.09 MB, 1440x809, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Kirika's route from Kami-sama no You na, didn't expect this to turn into a black mirror episode halfway through, shit was pretty intense.
Is there a recommended route order if I plan on doing all routes? Is it correct to assume that I should first do the "main" heroine (i.e. Rana) and then the "side" heroine (Sophia) routes for minimal spoilers?

>> No.36540157

Based on what I have seen the heroines routes have some unexpected contents compared to the more "down to earth" common route. I would say leave Tsukuyomi last because her route has the bigger risks and rewards (as expected of the titular heroine). For the sisters, do Rana first and Sophia later.

>> No.36540434

I saw someone mentioning a game in a past thread where you have to turn your hikki imouto into a slutty gyaru, anyone remember which one it is?

>> No.36540504

Is Kurogane any good?

>> No.36540523
File: 103 KB, 936x602, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I suppose at least it's made clear when a route is locked........

>> No.36540607

Imagine sharing your imouto to public use. You people have weird taste.

>> No.36540653

is she a vtuber

>> No.36540734
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, capture_001_13092021_003420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is pretty funny so far, but where the heck is my promised pubic hair toggle? I can't find in anywhere.

>> No.36540793
File: 907 KB, 794x658, lost coc game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for クトゥルフをあそぶこえ -
It was uploaded on this thread (>>17063189) several years ago, the link is down and it's now abandonware.

>> No.36540905

You know what's the fucking worst? Tomefure 2 not having a download edition from the getgo. I'm on a 2 week nofap in preparation for the game. I was willing to buy it to read it as soon as possible, but that's not happening with physical only.
I'm gonna go insane if it will take 3+ days for an upload.

>> No.36540925


>> No.36540935

Anon, you're the fucking best!!!!

>> No.36541206

if you like chuuni

>> No.36542578

What's a good recentish mystery VN? Last one I really enjoyed was butterfly seeker and it's been a few years

>> No.36542645


>> No.36542876

>vtubers in 2008
Thankfully no. She's a robot.

>> No.36542903


>> No.36542922

The MC disappointed me by turning into a pussy later on. He should have either just fucked off for good and said "enjoy your slut life" or taken part in the degeneracy himself. Oh well at least it was hot.

There's an ending where you don't share her which is kind of happy I guess?

>> No.36542964

Should I play Butterfly Seeker?

>> No.36543139


VR moege remakes are the future

>> No.36543239

*teleports behind you*

>> No.36543293

You know, I agree.

>> No.36543316
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20210913162735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'll go that way then.

Also doing Airi's route right after Kirika, and having Kaito get NTRed away right in front of her really stings.

>> No.36543649

It's a cool concept, but it would be jarring in VR when the characters don't move around or change poses.

>> No.36544178
File: 48 KB, 256x369, 18057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have Animamundi? There is only English version on your usual trackers, so would be grateful if someone shared Japanese one

>> No.36544356

Isn’t this otome game shit? Ask in blog

>> No.36544530

From what I know it's some epic comedy with top tier seiyuus like midorikawa
What blog do you mean?

>> No.36544739
File: 102 KB, 482x544, flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flowchart to easily see your choice's influence
>can't go to one scene from another with it, must reload a save to access new scene
What did Nasu mean by this?

>> No.36544824

Nah, fuck books.

>> No.36544929
File: 601 KB, 850x1046, sample_f50b794332373e01a670b9267fecf5b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck books

>> No.36545076

>can't go to one scene from another with it
But you can?

>> No.36545094

You can go backwards but not forwards. Kind of stupid.

>> No.36546576

He said good lmao

>> No.36547693

I liked the sakutoki trial

>> No.36547870

Yeah, it was great, makes me really excited for the full game. Whenever they talked about art in Sakura no Uta, it never actually felt like they were talking about art, but rather some mystic religious tool that would allow them to come to terms with their own existence. The Toki trial felt like it focused much more on the process of creating art, so I hope the full game continues to take that approach.

>> No.36548776

>some mystic religious tool that would allow them to come to terms with their own existence
That's exactly what I like about sakuuta, but if sakutoki focus a bit more on the process of creating art I wouldn't complain.

>> No.36549211


It is kamige?

>> No.36549347
File: 25 KB, 256x182, 44949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the Tsui no Sora remake have a different story than Subahibi or is it just a rehash with Ayana replaced by Sachikong? If so I might as well drop it for a year or two before I get too invested since I just beat subahibi like two months ago.

>> No.36549603

The major plot beats (two people commit suicide, school starts going crazy over what they believe to be the coming apocalypse, cultists kill themselves at the end) are the same across TnS, TnSRemake, and Subahibi, but there are some major differences that make TnSRemake at least a somewhat interesting read even if you've gone over the major plot beats multiple time, in particular, an entirely new route that's about 5 hours long, a Mamiya route with a pretty fresh but not very substantial latter third, and revamped endings from the original TnS. If all you've played is Subahibi, then this is going to be a very fresh experience regardless of the fact that you more or less know how the story ends, particularly because Tsui no Sora is pretty different from Subahibi in terms of style and atmosphere. The endings, in particular, are rather chilling after "lol live happily" in Subahibi.

>> No.36549607

He also said he really enjoyed butterfly seeker lmao

>> No.36549648

endings were actually about exactly the same as original ones just with some addition of Spinoza instead of Niche, but the main point still didn't change

>> No.36549676

You're completely right, "revamped" was not the correct word in this case. There is a small bit of rewriting, though, like the weird shit about memory at the start of Numinose II.

>> No.36549814

i think that also was influenced by Spinoza's idea that memories is just the mind's ability to generate ideas according to the order of images, and that memorizing is just a connection between ideas and thus not actually a conscious process (or something like this)

>> No.36549974
File: 1.90 MB, 1388x1041, 1628016929904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to disagree, especially if you consider, y'know, this.

>> No.36551591

I still felt like the writing style was pretty plain and dull but at least it didn't have all that unnecessary bullshit of sakuuta. Sca-ji made a right decision to do it away with usual bishoujo game conventions.

>> No.36551622

>the writing style was pretty plain and dull
He was never known for "how" he's writing rather than "what" he's writing. He's pretty meh if you just evaluate his pure writing skills.

>> No.36551833
File: 109 KB, 963x740, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to run this game and tried japanese locale but i get this pop up that asks me to install stuff that is obvious japanese DRM.
What do i do?
I even tried opening the PC環境情報の取得v file but a cmd opens up for a split second and nothing else.

>> No.36551845

why is this image half transparent? What are you using to screenshot this?

>> No.36551935
File: 479 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot_20210908224657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the camera option in the VN.

>> No.36551959

This thread has talked about that drm and the three line python script to evade it so many times. If you can read Japanese, you can read the name of the DRM from that screenshot and search the archive for a crack.

>> No.36552016
File: 1.44 MB, 850x1139, kantoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why is kantoku's art in vns not that great compared to his actual art?
Is he rushed for time?
I don't understand why this is always the case, his art is great, i even bought his hentai ouji art book but his vn art just isn't that well made

>> No.36552197

Kamikimi was just a bad one, some kinda ugly designs and lazy art, but his previous VNs look pretty good.
There's also the coloring, all Cuffs brands seen to go for a similar style there and it looks different from his other work.

>> No.36552203

What is this post supposed to imply?
I can't take her seriously lol

>> No.36552268
File: 676 KB, 1800x1796, EUFbse9VAAIXhSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think his art in Kamikimi is his best visual novel work so far. Not on the same level as standalone illustrations though.

Nothing, just a showcase of the screenshot option. You can even turn off the watermarks, nice isn't it?

>> No.36552288

I mean why the girl is standing like that. What is she trying to accomplish lol

>> No.36552303

That's the 頑張るぞい pose, you've never seen it before? It's just a dumb girl getting pumped up.

>> No.36552311

She's about to fuck someone up with a left hook.

>> No.36552345

Girls aren't calculating creatures in VN. She's not trying to accomplish anything.

What are VN with realistic female?

>> No.36552398
File: 44 KB, 1277x742, taninbou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to play Taninbou but this error pops up after replacing the exe with the crack.
Any fix? Reinstalled twice and restarted.
Got the game/crack from sukebei

>> No.36552441

I'm pretty sure that error means you replaced the wrong .exe in the wrong folder.

>> No.36552524

Thats odd. There is another taninbou.exe file a folder up but if I replace that one I get an emotedriver.dll not found error.

>> No.36552527

That error means, like it says, that you don't have the listed file. So try downloading another copy, or a couple others, and see if the crack works with any of them.

>> No.36552556

Thank you

>> No.36552568

Are you guys into lolis now or do you still think lolige can't have good stories because kids aren't mature and don't offer much?

>> No.36552650
File: 202 KB, 342x391, amaenbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think people play lolige for the story.

>> No.36552822

No, but you need to read it because Chronobelt is.

>> No.36552843 [DELETED] 

Learn Japanese, stop being a newfag and learn how to deal with that DRM.

Hope you're properly white, all that might be impossible for you otherwise.

>> No.36552848

I think kids offer much by not being mature, in fact.

>> No.36552852

>What are VN with realistic female?
Koinaku, White Album 2, Tenshi no Inai 12-gatsu.

>> No.36552899


>> No.36552906
File: 100 KB, 592x103, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36552945

This really should've been a Favorite title instead. The novel in its entirety is half-baked as it is, probably because of a severe lack of funds or something.

>> No.36552998

what vn has the sexiest children?

>> No.36553003

Gonna go with Monobeno or Tsuushinbo.

>> No.36553040

What VNs have best production values?

>> No.36553045

Probably persona, biman or the rance series for ero vns

>> No.36553047

Gonna go with Tsukihime.

>> No.36553062

Is Chronobelt better than Ayakashibito?

>> No.36553074

Yes, Ayakashibito is a good game, mind you, but Chronobelt is a wild ride from start to finish without padding or too much SoL, while Ayakashibito has some problems with it.

>> No.36553236

Girl said this. Does this mean someone will ask me out or someone will ask you out? DeepL says it's (you) but the dramatic music makes it sound like she's talking about herself.

>> No.36553246

Learn Japanese, you subhuman fuck.

>> No.36553268

>production values
A voiceless game series willl never have "best" production value, even the other aspects are average at best with no standouts. Dohna Dohna has better production value than any rance game.

>> No.36553276

im working on it bro hold your horses

>> No.36553293 [DELETED] 

Seems hopeless, seeing the spic / SEA monkey vibe you give off.

I'll give you a hint though - your question is pointless as is.

>> No.36553295

deepl (any MTL, really) gets the pronouns wrong more often than not, context is your friend

>> No.36553392

Same seething tranny lol

>> No.36553459

Imagine relying on MTL to learn a language. Bet you got comfortable thinking you understood 80-90%, but in reality the context is fucked and you invented the whole parody of what you read. Remember this fucktard? https://vndb.org/t13579

Grow some balls and use a dictionary.

>> No.36553465

Jesus, that's the nigger behind the blog site where he churns reviews for everything. And all worthless cause he uses MTL.

Must have burned him that people didn't appreciate his shit.

>> No.36553495

>>You've been using the word "insult"
>I explained it several time times on other occasions. The use of this word is deliberate not to trigger unnecessary R18 attention

Before I knew he's using MTL, I posted a comment on his site about this too - his obviously wrong translation of 陵辱 (I thought he's simply choosing the wrong word when looking in a dictionary) and he replied with the same weirdo reasoning. Makes me think he has paranoia or something.

And overall he seems similar to that Patreon scammer who used MTL to translate PC98 games. Probably thinks himself a savior of long lost eroge or something - "someone has to do it, even if the result is shit".

Even worse are people who support this kind of stuff though. He's a shitter, they're shit-eaters.

>> No.36553584

>reddit spacing

>> No.36553601

>he's replying to himself again

>> No.36553624

Too obvious samefagging, kiva. Thanks for all the game uploads though.

>> No.36553812

Oretuba has the most realistic characters you can find in medium

>> No.36553839

Don't think there is a vn that could beat Tokyo Necro level of production
There is also that Marco to Ginga that has about 1k different cg in 6h long game

>> No.36553895


>> No.36553947

Only some side characters
Main girls outside of maybe asuka were your usual moe girls BUT with quirky speech patterns. Pretty garbage tier romantic development between them and MC too.

>> No.36554222

>1k different cg in 6h long game

>> No.36554248

>There is also that Marco to Ginga that has about 1k different cg in 6h long game

It also has those animated segments. I don't know how that company could pull that off, but I hope it was succesful because it was pretty neat.

>> No.36554296

It barely uses sprites, kind of annoying really, feels like some weird slideshow anime.
Though I only tried a bit of the beginning, maybe it gets more bearable later.

>> No.36554324

Any VNs with over the top fights similar to TTGL or Demonbane?

>> No.36554364

Dies Irae

>> No.36554390

tsukihime remake ciel true

>> No.36554536

That actually sounds cool, I've always wondered why people don't make "interactive manga" style VNs. If the average mangaka can dish out a 18 pages chapter every week I'm sure they could make something hundred pages long in a year or so, and the added voice acting and music would be great.

Too bad this one has
>Female Protagonist
>No Sexual Content

>> No.36554622
File: 463 KB, 1280x720, ev_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Monkeys will be that?

>> No.36554649

Doubt, noraneko was trash, monkeys from same writer so kirihana talent is gonna be wasted probably

>> No.36554690

It's also the same staff as Marco to Ginga...
I'm just talking about how they might use the CGs maybe it'll be a "non-standard" number like Marco too, but as manga panels this time.

>> No.36554707

>It's also the same staff as Marco to Ginga...
True, but marco is pretty short and not attempting to be moegay.

>> No.36554869

Girl meets Girl is at it's best if it's not a degenerate yurifest. The story has some problems but overall it's just a really charming game that finishes before it's novelty wears off. For me it was the best release of last year.

The CG's aren't even the best part. It also has some animated sequences that have a really fun art style, great voice acting and a massive soundtrack including numerous insert songs.

>> No.36554985

it's basically a Disney-like anime for kids in the form of a vn
it pretty good for what it is, but it depends on whether you like that kind of genre
for me it was kinda way to unserious and messed up but I can see why people would love it

>> No.36554994

It's pretty good, but game doesn't take itself serious and neither should reader do. I was honestly amazed going into noratoto after marco and expecting it to be funny, but dropped after one route because whole thing was too fucking dumb and jokes were unfunny.
Personally i want more vns like marco desu.

>> No.36555044

Just play more chuunige bro. That's where the good stuff is at.

>> No.36555303

What are some good not well known chuuni vns?

>> No.36555505

you could try out Tokyo Necro, it has full 3d aminated fights with full chuuni set like cool weapon names, thinking about every your move and all this kind of stuff
fights here are actually extremely tense and you never know what to expect, especially since depending on your choices protagonists can actually die

>> No.36555842

Thoughts on Fortissimo?

>> No.36556878

>some weird slideshow anime
Like School Days?

>> No.36557280
File: 252 KB, 1400x1080, 144362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any VNs about sigma males on the grind?

>> No.36557513

Alicematic, 9, Vermilion, Chronobelt, Draculius, Amatsukaze, Ayakashi, Zero Infinity.

>> No.36557717

Which Utawarerumono is better original or remake?

>> No.36557740

Remake. H scenes in og are too short and not worth it. They left all build-up in remake, leading to H, so it's easy enough to tell who fucked who and when. Art is actually expanded and not just cropped from 4:3 to 16:9.

>> No.36557783

so the Prelude to the Fallen one that came out this year is the best right?
do you know where to get it though? there is only English version on nyaa and nothing on as

>> No.36558009

which game is this?

>> No.36558041

Nigga, read the reply chain

>> No.36558049

found it

>> No.36558264
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as I was getting fed up with the island's shenanigans the MC says this

>> No.36558515

man I've gotten banned like three times for posting a screenshot of nukitashi and forgetting about a naked person in the background because I don't even notice it anymore

>> No.36559065

I've played so many nukiges it seems, after I tried it, I'm able to write half-decent Japanese smut now.
It came so naturally to me holy shit.

>> No.36559202

Hot. Time to become a writer.

>> No.36559239
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, Ryujinx_1.0.7017_-_月姫_-A_piece_of_blue_glass_moon-Ryujinx (173).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that in an all-ages game Nasu actually kept like 80% of the arc rape scene.

>> No.36559265

I wish the CG was a little naughtier but yeah Shiki still gets a nice feel of them titties and all that.

>> No.36559289

Is denpa a dead genre? Seems like there’s been no releases since the early 2010s.

>> No.36559949

no one ever buys this shit outside of 1% fucked up oldfarts, there is no real reason to release it in this age outside of maybe some doujin companies

>> No.36559981

Why don't young kids want to read fucked up stories where everyone loses their mind? It sounds like fun.

>> No.36560096

in the age of coomers and zoomers kids can't comprehend anything that isn't moeshit

>> No.36560543

I always thought this was a joke until I visited the more active/popular VN internet hubs. Since eng Muramasa release the amount of people who can’t read or follow plot and themes has exceeded my expectations.

>> No.36560595

How does a person get into reading VNs and not understand the basics of a story? Moege isn't complicated or anything they usually have some basic bitch character drama/conflict and the like.

>> No.36560698

You answered your own question. Moege don’t have complicated stories and they’re usually trope heavy. If you give someone with poor reading comprehension a story with tropes they’re not familiar with then it becomes harder for them to follow.

>> No.36560712

I wanna add it’s not like they don’t understand the basics of a story, more like they get confused by too many unfamiliar elements or plot points because their reading comprehension is low, either due to them being ESL or they’re native and a dumbass.

>> No.36560768
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x721, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guildmaster looks so hot, I wish I could actually play it without it crashing...

>> No.36560811

also most of them simply don't care about stuff like plot and themes
what they care about is memes from reddit, cooming into tiddies and laughing their ass from jokes about penises

>> No.36561044

Fucking newfag.


Use any properly set-up Steam emu as a crack. (Probably hopeless for you.)

>> No.36561094

Never find stuff for people if it's available on public trackers/sites. Give them a hint (the site name) and let them figure it out themselves. I found the entire JP Uta trilogy on Steam by working backwards from Fitgirl. If they can't do that then they shouldn't play the games for free. You're only lowering the barrier of entry and effort.

>> No.36561114

I hope you enjoyed my uploads on Rin. I took them from here originally, so it's full circle.

And this time I didn't link a Steam emu, so the guy has to do something himself.

>> No.36561153

so where do you guys actually got it?
like I checked all the public trackers like nyaa/as/rutracker/ect and didn't find it anywhere, and since I don't have stuff like AB that was finish line for me
do you mind to share some less known sources for newfags?

>> No.36561175

Thanks for those uploads.

>I found the entire JP Uta trilogy on Steam by working backwards from Fitgirl

>> No.36561189

They were originally posted here. I think the original poster took them from AB, yeah. But I'm not sure.

I put them up on Rin, since some (at least seemingly) Japanese people posted there about wanting them and to make a more lasting upload.

>> No.36561304

what is Rin?

>> No.36561403

I believe the entire conversation is about not spoonfeeding.

>> No.36561587

ok then after searching up rin on reddit i was able to found this cs.rin.ru (though in the utamemo post there is no download link for the remake one so I would still question you where do you find it here) but thanks for the source anyway
Any other less-known sources over there?

>> No.36561610
File: 18 KB, 1124x233, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get better at clicking.

>> No.36561694

I see, I was searching in the steam sharing content section but it was in the main forum one

>> No.36563840
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, eops_on_suicide_watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love moege.

>> No.36565140

>they usually have some basic bitch character drama/conflict
That doesn't matter in a moege. You seem like a retard who applies same fucking reddit framework to all genres.

>> No.36565149

It's not interesting after you read more than 2 of them. I'd rather read non denpa fucked up stories. Denpa is just a convenient way to make characters do insane shit because they're not human anymore.

>> No.36565251

>he's salty that /vn/ criticizes muramasa instead of just praising it like every other JOP

>> No.36565875

This entire game was just a massive dissapointment. Shitty gameplay, dull main story without any of the heroines since everyone was optional, character events being finished before even getting halfway into the game, not a single trio scene and on top of that it was a buggy mess. Hopefully their upcoming fantasy game will be better since fantasy is my favourite setting for Astronauts games.

>> No.36565900

Is it https://vndb.org/v17835 any good?

>> No.36565954

I can't believe it's still alive.

>> No.36565981

huh, 11eyes was actually a pretty decent game. Glad to see it's still around in some form.

>> No.36566021

Should I play 11eyes? I remember they talked about the effects in the Sorceress Alive livestream.

>> No.36566033

If you like something like Shana or Index.

>> No.36566036

It's not an incredible game, but it's solid. If you want a pretty good chuunige that executes the fairly standard formula reasonably well, go for it.

>> No.36566078

I wanted to read it at some point but got turned off because did some research and found out there are no routes, only different endings/epilogue. Kinda wasted potential in a game with many interesting-looking characters.

>> No.36566088

According to vndb some Chinese fans ported the 360 version of 11eyes to pc. Has anyone played the console version?

>> No.36566093

>I wanted to read it at some point but got turned off because did some research and found out there are no routes, only different endings/epilogue.
That's misleading. There's 'routes', but they just change certain scenes depending on which girls you pick, whereas the overall plot of the game stays the same.

>> No.36566117

>There's 'routes', but they just change certain scenes depending on which girls you pick, whereas the overall plot of the game stays the same.
Oh, so it's a "Hello, World" all over again.

>> No.36566403

Haven't played that one since I usually stick with the games from their Sirius brand. If the gameplay is anything like the Astronauts Sirius card game( https://vndb.org/v16925)), then you can expect a flawed card game where most of the gameplay is wasted on fighting mobs that pose zero challenge but take ages to beat, and card building that isn't worth to get into because switching decks requires so much grinding that you are better of using the same basic deck the entire game until postgame rolls around and you get locked because of the difficulty spike. I have no idea if the game you posted is designed in another way so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.36566462
File: 1.62 MB, 1103x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just read one route and call it a day then?
Don't get why you guys are so obsessed with reading every single line, when it brings you only pain.

Sounds like game is only good with CE, kinda sad desu, art looks p good.

Maybe you're looking at wrong place, vng seems to be filled with braindead moebuta, most of them didn't even read game and just likes to spew bullshit.
But if you look at jast discord, for example, people mostly tends to like muramasa and mostly asks about some really vague plot points.
Score on vndb doing well, slightly dropped from 8.90 to 8.80 right after en release, but stabilized around 8.83 right now.
Plenty of good scores, few meme reviews from hipsters. Unlike musicus score, that one crashed like w10 after another broken update.

>> No.36566480

>Why not just read one route and call it a day then?
Not him, but routes like that are what the skip function is for. Games that don't have that and previous read text marking are a pain though.

>> No.36566492

>Not him, but routes like that are what the skip function is for
True, i guess.

>> No.36566519

Do you know how translation impacted score for Dies Irae?

>> No.36566558
File: 390 KB, 1920x981, 1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.36566588

Score dropped >>36566558, yes.
But at least i see legit complains i can relate to.
While i can't do the same with braindead moebuta vng takes on muramasa.
It's really obvious when most of complaining retards never actually read vn itself.
It's almost word-by-word same with vndb thread(s) and mostly about beginning/one route at best, never about later parts of muramasa.

>> No.36567184

Because you don't care about writing quality

>> No.36567312

What is writing quality?
A lot of people parroting phrase "writing quality" while not understanding meaning themselves just for the sake of pretentiousness.
Hope you aren't one of them, anon.

>> No.36567356

>But at least i see legit complains i can relate to.
Complaints that you share with them

>While i can't do the same with braindead moebuta vng takes on muramasa.
Moebutas won't even touch muramasa. You're just trying to conveniently label anyone you disagree with as moebuta.
>about beginning/one route at best, never about later parts of muramasa.
Why would anyone who didn't like the first 15-25 hours of it even attempt to complete it? Think nigga
All you're doing is just whining about how some people don't have same taste as you. Just focus on yourself.

>> No.36567389

>muh moebuta muh moebuta
So you're that troll who has been terrorizing /vn/ ever since muramasa came out

>> No.36567397

Expect EOP invasion.
Someone posted about what's happening here on vng

>> No.36567448


>> No.36567465

God all you guys do here is seethe at us

>> No.36567482

Day 4 of nofap, waiting for kamige Tomefure S. It's hard, in many ways.

>> No.36567483

JOP foster their entire identity around hating us lol
They basically only learned Japanese just to show off to EOPs
Their fragile egos crumble without us

>> No.36567797

What's up with boomer eroge having heroines just die? Did people back then really like it?

>> No.36567811

>muh ratings
>muh reviews
>muh hateful comments
>muh moebuta (!?)
Why do you even care what other people say about your precious teenage cringefest?

>> No.36567842

B-But I need external validation that my taste in porn games is the best

>> No.36568029

>reddit framework
What does that even mean?

>> No.36568042

>Moebutas won't even touch muramasa.
Won't stop them from shitting on muramasa
> Complaints that you share with them
Complaints i understand != complaints i personally have
> All you're doing is just whining about how some people don't have same taste as you. Just focus on yourself.


>> No.36568063

Personally i think we should post spoilers everywhere when next kamige tl is announced. Eops are cringy filthy creatures, eops deserves no kamige. Only filth.

>> No.36568088
File: 77 KB, 640x480, capture_001_14092021_113206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other games where the female MC gets turned into a guy or gets a dick? I feel this setting is criminally unexplored.

>> No.36568316

I’m not talking about liking Muramasa. I don’t care if people like or don’t like it. I’m talking about ability to correctly follow what’s going on in the plot and themes. Seen way too many people utterly confused about how Muramasa handles moral relativism vs moral absolutism that I’m beginning to wonder if most people who post about VN publicly are under 18.

>> No.36568395

Sounds pretentious, bro.

>> No.36568437

Nah, you just take shitposters seriously and don't read posts that are longer than a line.
You also agree with muramasa's philosophy and you think everyone who doesn't just doesn't understand it.

>> No.36568449

>you think everyone who doesn't just doesn't understand it.

>> No.36568487

Stop tooting your own horn and shut the fuck up already
No one fucking cares
You probably took 300 hours to read muramasa with your shitty reading skills thereby misunderstanding stuff

>> No.36568543

Fuck of eoptard, i read as slow as i want to. You fuck off to read your shitty moogy fanfiction.

>> No.36568608

This is the most active I’ve seen this general in a while. Smells like falseflagging and samefagging to me. Peace bros.

>> No.36568634

Stop talking about old shit and look at upcoming releases instead
Hanazawa Sakura is dying and got replaced but Akino Hana, I think they got an upgrade, too bad it's just a side girl.

>> No.36568647

Let's go back to the discussion about how fucking good is sakutoki trial

>> No.36568665

Why read a trial when there is no release date for full game?

>> No.36568675

Is doukyuusei 2 original worth playing if I don't have old CRT monitor?
I played doukyuusei remake and I can't wait for doukyuusei 2 remake. I heard that pc98 era games look like shit in modern oled monitors.

>> No.36568694

It was decent. He just repeated same story beats that were repeated in sakuuta itself in the same fucking way. But I guess it feels polished this time and I appreciate the research he put into it.

>> No.36568699

>modern oled monitors
You have an oled monitor?

>> No.36568706

why not? you can reread the trial part after release and be able to get more details you missed from the first read

>> No.36568734

Sakuuta without talks about onani pantsu and penises it kamige

>> No.36568796

>I heard that pc98 era games look like shit in modern oled monitors.
The colors/shading look pretty crisp and gaudy in modern screens when that's not how they were supposed to look

>> No.36568953

I don't read trials

>> No.36569052
File: 709 KB, 1920x1080, 鬼哭街(8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this scene was cool as fuck

>> No.36569273

stop giving them(if there really is more than one person pulling this shit and simply not replying to himself, which I really doubt given the posting style) attention and get on with discussion ffs
guy just seems to be really butthurt about being called an EOP or whatever for years and this seems to have broken him or whatever; would've been dealt with if competent moderation existed but alas
anyway, what do we think about HateAo? why is Asuna best girl? and are all the pseudo NTR scenes really necessary?

>> No.36569326

literally everyone already moved on from this theme and now you bring it back...

>> No.36569439

Dude, this shit started because of a butthurt JOP seething at muh moebuta EOPs for no reason. I know facts don't matter to your feelings but still.

>> No.36569550

Ok moebuta.

>> No.36569693

i meant it in a general sense, since it keeps happening
you're kind of right, I guess

>> No.36569873

You derailed the general again because you needed to soapbox. Nice work.

>> No.36569904

Fumino is best girl, and you know it.

>> No.36570031

So is there any way already to read Tsukihime on pc with emulators or shit like that?

>> No.36570096

Confirmed to work pretty much flawlessly with Yuzu or Ryujinx as long as your pc isn't a shitbox.

>> No.36570231

Check /tmg/, they have a setup guide for it.

>> No.36570238

Yes. The typemoon general has everything you need to get started.

>> No.36570293

/ourguy/ kastel is shaping up to be the main authority on PC98, you should send him a DM and ask him what he thinks. https://twitter.com/highimpactsex

>> No.36570312

Trannies will never be authority on anything.

>> No.36570335

thanks, another question - is it worth to read it now (since it's only half of the game) or better to wait for 2nd part reselase?

>> No.36570389

Wait for 2nd part.

>> No.36570402

We don’t know when the 2nd part will be released but at the same time you might lose out on some impact by reading them disjointedly if you have really bad memory. There is no right answer. Consider the pros and cons of each and come to your own conclusion.

>> No.36570404

Assuming you are actually interested in Tsukihime, I don't know why you'd wait because it's a pretty long game as is with plenty to talk about.

>> No.36570662
File: 3.52 MB, 1280x2880, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this is so wholesome.

>> No.36571218

Moe is cringe cancer

>> No.36571245

>high school girl
>but infantilized as fuck and talks like a toddler because... muh cute
I'm fed up with this shit

>> No.36571967

Hello. I heard Muramasa got translated.
Is this the designated JOP thread? Moshi Moshi? Are oldsie JOPs still alive? In any case
Have a good day.

>> No.36572051

>Denpa is just a convenient way to make characters do insane shit because they're not human anymore
I like denpa specifically for that possession element. In moderation I don’t get tired of that kind of story because there’s smth inherently appealing to me about a regular setting breaking down into madness.
The appeal is different from more realistic stories about fucked up shit (which usually veers more into mystery/crime stuff than the supernatural) but I like that too. Erewhon and Yume Miru Kusuri are kind of like that but they sometimes dip into supernatural-lite territory. The upcoming Clockup title Ori looks like it could be more in line with what you’re saying though.

>> No.36573435

I finished rewatching the sopranos and it dawned on me there's not really any good mafia themed VNs. There was Gekkou no Carnevale but it literally would put me to sleep. It's not just mafia themed, I don't recall any good yakuza themed vns either, outside of the "heroine is from a yakuza family but that's hardly ever relevant" trope. Anyone got any recommendations?

>> No.36573656

muramasa is not that good, definitely an overrated title.

>> No.36573714

Yourou by clockup has a yakuza setting but it’s a chuunige and by clockup if that’s not your thing. It’s not Sopranos tier but the yakuza and organized crime elements are definitely relevant to the story.

>> No.36573716

of course now when it got even more popular the contrarian EOPs will come in to call it """overrated""" just to differ from the masses, how unexpected

>> No.36573729

The trial is kind of like a short story in itself so it doesn't really feel like a trial. Worth checking out, in my opinion.
The slower these threads are, the higher quality the posts.

>> No.36573779

Thanks anon, I'll give it a go.
>It’s not Sopranos tier
nothing is, only mob fiction i liked more was the godfather

>> No.36573813

>There was Gekkou no Carnevale but it literally would put me to sleep
don't fucking remind me dude
i remember when i first discovered it i was genuinely excited to read it
>oh shit werewolf mafia vn set in an alternate italy with automata? there's no way the vn can be bad with such a great premise
maybe one day i'll go back to it to finish it off but man

>> No.36573859

well what you expected from shimokura, not to mention it's his first work...
he barely even got any better after all these years, Tokyo Necro was the best he can possibly do I guess

>> No.36573878

What’s so bad about gekkou no carnevale? I’ve been meaning to read it since it looks pretty cool.

>> No.36573931

Read it and find out for yourself if you're so inclined. It's got a great soundtrack, really good productions and has an amazing atmosphere. However, the writing held back the game so hard it wasn't even funny. With a few exceptions, the characters weren't charming and the antagonists were very weak.
You're best off forming your own opinion though

>> No.36574292
File: 244 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?NUKITASHI (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukitashi does something pretty incredible where it has 4 heroines (9 in the sequel) and all of them are fantastic.

>> No.36574536

used goods
insert meme arrows

>> No.36574551
File: 328 KB, 1600x900, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute girls mate.

>> No.36574589

is nukitashi really as hard as people say in terms of understanding all the jokes and references of it's just schizos who search hidden meanings in everything?

>> No.36574618
File: 409 KB, 778x521, 抜きゲーみたいな島に住んでる貧乳はどうすりゃいいですか?2NUKITASHI2 (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the references are just basic pop culture, some are a bit more obscure, and a few are pretty obscure. I've definitely seen a few people try to say that some lines are ludicrously obscure and complicated references via a ridiculous train of logic when they probably weren't though.

>> No.36575399

Read it, it is better than Muramasa. Main character is actually compelling despite his looks unlike murdergaki.

>> No.36576011
File: 192 KB, 1024x768, master_baiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet I'm at least 10x.

>> No.36576023

Rose Guns Days is pretty alright

>> No.36576754

>The trial is kind of like a short story in itself so it doesn't really feel like a trial. Worth checking out, in my opinion.
Fair, but i still want to know release date for the full game first desu.

>> No.36576898
File: 148 KB, 298x610, no student routes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading the Sakura no Toki fanbook and it looks like scaji's plan was to give the release date when they put out the trial and updated the site but I guess they got delayed again lel. On the other hand though it may be coming out sooner than we think.

He said this though which is pretty based. The end of VI made it seem like the game was going to have a billion routes, but if we're only going to be banging the MILFs then I'm down with it.

>> No.36576924


>> No.36576926

Dude, it's just dumb kanji pun fueled sex jokes 90% of the time.

>> No.36576931

>it looks like scaji's plan was to give the release date when they put out the trial and updated the site but I guess they got delayed again lel.

>> No.36576940

Actually, I just realized the fanbook came out in 2019. Nevermind then, game might not come out soon at all.

>> No.36576958

It's not going to happen this year
Even the trail wasn't supposed to come out this year but sca-ji was motivated by that vtuber to just put out something to calm down his fanbase
He is still writing this shit

>> No.36577690

So Naoya is a complete cuck in contrast to her dad. Got it.
That said I wouldn't mind a Kana route. She's the only one that deserves it.

>> No.36577717

There are no heroine routes.

>> No.36577787

Source? That image just says he won't see students or members of the club as romantic interests.
Kana was neither. I doubt the age and lack of pussy turned Naoya gay or something.

>> No.36577807

Wouldn't Naoya's dad be a cuck then since he married used goods? Where does the line get drawn for you people?

>> No.36577936

Finishing up Misaki's route now. It was kino. Who should I read next, Wata-chan-senpai or Nanase?

>> No.36577990

You should've done Nanase -> Hinami -> Misaki. Starting with Misaki is bizarre.
Anyway it makes more sense to do Nanase before Hinami.

>> No.36578019

I just chose what my dick wanted, I guess. I guess I could have asked.

>> No.36578338

Naoya not fucking Kana and Ai was the biggest offender in sakuuta.
His chemistry with Kana was amazing.

>> No.36578524

Isn’t that the same interview where clearly states that sakutoki won't have your usual bishoujo game structure. The sex scene won't be in the context of a heroine route.

>> No.36579282
File: 640 KB, 1280x720, Ryujinx_1.0.7017_-_月姫_-A_piece_of_blue_glass_moon-Ryujinx (180).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me I actually teared up when they started playing the song

>> No.36579335

>won't have your usual bishoujo game structure
This is vague as fuck and doesn't disprove
>sex scene in the context of a heroine route.

>> No.36579416
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>> No.36579420


>> No.36579430


>> No.36579449

What's your argument for playing Nanase's route first?

Personally I'd go Hinami ( most different from Common, so it serves as a good break ) -> Nanase (similar to common, main """"twist"""" has more weight to it if you play a route in between since otherwise there isn't enough time between the foreshadowing of common vs the reveal in her route) -> Misaki (Craziest route, other routes don't live up to it)

>> No.36579462
File: 409 KB, 334x776, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your argument for playing Nanase's route first?
Because the game itself labels the routes with the recommended reading order, and the routes are clearly meant to be read in the order the game recommends?

>> No.36579465

I played Hinami first and regretted it, Nanase is obviously meant to go first (the order listed in the game goes that way).
The main reason is that Hinami's route alludes to the incident in Nanase's route. But it sums up the incident very casually in one line, despite the plot placing a lot of importance on it.

>> No.36579596

Nothing vague as fuck. It just won't have that structure where routes diverge based on the girl MC chooses from his harem.

>> No.36579929

Did you also follow the Nukitashi 2 route order?

Hinami's route also casually reveals that shishou is a villian , which affects Misaki's route a lot, but i don't see anyone recommending to play Misaki before Hinami. The route order shown in game is completely arbitrary aside from ending on Fumino, which is enforced by the game itself.

I played Nanase first and the "twist" felt underwhelming because there isn't a lot of time between the explanation of Jun's past in Common, and the first flashback sequence in Nanase's route which spells out the entire twist . Playing a route inbetween would, at least for me, increase the impact of the reveal and improve the route .

>> No.36579948

>It just won't have that structure where routes diverge based on the girl MC chooses from his harem.
And you know that doesn't deny that it still might have heroines and h-scenes. If that is only criteria then Musicus also doesn't have typical bishoujoge structure, lol

>> No.36579951 [SPOILER] 
File: 553 KB, 1920x1080, this chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There it is

>> No.36579953

>Hinami's route also casually reveals that shishou is a villian
Are you joking? That's not a reveal at all, it's obvious as hell.
I definitely think Hinami goes better after Nanase, which feels like more of an introductory route. Not just for the one reason I specified above, that one just stuck out.
For example, in the Nanase route they focus more on the gadget development, which is just used without explanation in the Hinami route.
The devs' order is correct.

>> No.36580090

anyone happen to have hatsuru koto naki mirai yori torrent?

>> No.36580283

I want to play this but I still confused on how to approach this game.
Should I expect nukige, bakage, charage, or what?
Please give me enlightenment, anon

>> No.36580293


>> No.36580384



>> No.36580932

Just go with an open mind, not everything has to fit in a label.

>> No.36581193

It's a charage with a lot of sex jokes

>> No.36581442

It's beautiful.

>> No.36582684

Is there are any specific route order for Gore Screaming Show?

>> No.36582904

>hair down Reika
Holy fucking SEISO

>> No.36582921

Whoops meant Touka

>> No.36582965

What are most atmospheric VNs?

>> No.36583139

Gore Screaming Show

>> No.36583194
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, this goddamn voice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.36583206

In musicus routes revolve around heroines.

>> No.36583363


>> No.36583371

>And you know that doesn't deny that it still might have heroines and h-scenes
What I'm denying is there won't be any kana route like they are rin, makoto, shizuku routes in sakuuta. It will be more like the second half of sakuuta after shizuku route.

>> No.36584668

Yako's and Sumi's don't and
>routes diverge based on the girl MC chooses from his harem.
this doesn't happen

>> No.36584704

What will come out first? Sakutoki or Far Side?

>> No.36584726

Surely Sakutoki. Elden Ring will delay far side by at least 1 extra year just because Nasu will be too busy playing it.

>> No.36585341

Far Side will not be out next year for sure.

>> No.36585348

Yako and sumi are at the center of their routes. They are just your usual heroine routes.

>> No.36585384

when did mahoyo 2 release? oh wait

>> No.36585410

They never even officially announced it, no?

>> No.36585435

As I've said everytime someone brings this up, the far side has a pseudo-trailer and an actual title. That's far more than hypothetical Mahoyo sequels.

>> No.36585460

I really hope he will work on Mahoyo part 2-3 after he is done with Far Side, but FGO makes me worried.

>> No.36585559
File: 27 KB, 924x421, zypressen3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think that this line from Zypressen was problematic? If lesbianism is a form of self-projection doesn't that imply it's a bit narcissistic?

>> No.36585830

Ask twitter.

>> No.36586480

You will never be a woman or white or normal in any way.

>> No.36586560

Can someone give a guide on how can I find vn on Baidu if it's not anywhere else? Spent several hours on googling but nothing worked

>> No.36586603

I feel like one must become an expert in Chink ways to use this.

>> No.36590243

I thought she was attracted to females that she wanted to be like

>> No.36591306

>Did you also follow the Nukitashi 2 route order?

>> No.36591372
File: 33 KB, 1166x405, 822ukqW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the scripter of Mahoyo on his blog at release day of the game or some shit
People think he actually left the company at some point because Tsukihime took so long to come out and he was never intended to be on that team, so he just left because he had absolutely nothing to do. Things supporting this is that he has 0 staff credits after mahoyo and he was also missing from stuff like the F/SN anniversary website where all the TM devs post random messages. He also deleted his website.

>> No.36591632

Speaking of Gore Screaming Show, I have wondered if Black Cyc games are worth playing for the story even if I have no interest in the sexual content. I have always heard great things about Extravaganza in particular, but the sample CGs are not my thing at all, and EGS has it listed as a nukige, so I never tried it out.

>> No.36591657

Extravaganza is really good. It's nukige but with good plot

>> No.36591730
File: 43 KB, 640x480, capture_001_17092021_103925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey, why not throw in some drama, psychological trauma and backstory rape into this genderbent comedy? I'm sure that's exactly what the reader wants!

>> No.36592169

wow that sounds great, what VN?

>> No.36592319

You may get a kick out of it, but it's the absolute worst implementation of background drama I've ever seen as it adds absolute nothing to the story or characters, and is basically ignored right after it's brought up. Well, the whole novel turns to shit at this point, anyway.

>> No.36592343

Looking good but I hope this 9 imouto appearances to choose from doesn't mean it has few CGs with tons of variations.

>> No.36592364

what's a good chuunige to read in jap? I already read fureraba in full jap. How good/easy is steins;gate?

>> No.36592422

Man I really don't understand Harukaze's humor, is it bad or am I just not Japanese enough? What does the 瓶 punchline mean?

>> No.36592515

One you actually want to read

>> No.36592546

Mindead blood is a fun game porn aside too.

>> No.36592562


>> No.36595009

So is gore screaming show some kind of meme or actually good.

>> No.36595092

The writing isn’t infallible but it’s ranges from “interesting” to solid. I would go in with low expectations. Gore Screaming Show is nice if you like horror movies especially western ones because there are a decent amount of throwbacks to them. It also has the least amount of porn among their games.
Mindead Blood is fun but there’s a lot of porn. Their other games like Extravaganza, Sadistic Blood and Yami no Koe are heavy on the porn but the execution is slightly different from other nukige and there is “a bit” of plot. It is definitely not the focus however.
If you like darker and sometimes campy themes and are fine with a lot of sexual content then I would recommend them.

>> No.36595154

No clue but I fucking love Denkare (band that did the opening) so it's been on my backlog for ages.

>> No.36595220

I really like Black Cyc games because the amount of eroge that actually utilize their h-scenes to fuel the plot is surprisingly low. Dead End Aegis was great too.

>> No.36595300

It's a good read and it's actually less edgy than the name suggests.

>> No.36595481

What VNs have the best prose outside of the usual contenders (Romeo, Mareni, Jackson, etc.)?

>> No.36595611 [SPOILER] 

Urobuchi is great.

>> No.36595652

When I think of Gore Screaming Show I mostly remember Kiika's bad ending where the protagonist is forced to watch her get tortured and killed which breaks him and then he spends his life hunting Yuka
That's pretty great as a horror scene and I normally don't like depressing stories. The rest of the game is still pretty good but this ending really sticks out for me.

>> No.36595711

